My Korean Jagiya: Full Episode 37 (with English subs)

  • last year
My Korean Jagiya tells the story of Gia (Heart Evangelista), a quirky, bubbly, hopelessly romantic and ultimate K-drama fangirl, armed with a determination to meet her long-time crush, Korean superstar Kim Jun Ho (Alexander Lee).


00:00 [music]
00:11 We know that you and Ryan are back together!
00:13 We're not back together!
00:15 We had dinner because Junho invited Ryan.
00:19 And because of that, Junho got jealous.
00:21 [cheering]
00:23 Let's fix that!
00:24 Go ahead, go to the pool and play!
00:26 This is just basketball!
00:28 Really?
00:30 Just get him a Chinese garter and a hula hoop.
00:33 How? I invited your mother to come here.
00:36 She just wants to visit you and spend more time with you.
00:39 I promise, just a visit.
00:41 Of course!
00:43 Can he join me in swimming?
00:45 Sure, why not?
00:47 Do you remember my heart-shaped ball?
00:49 The one that Junho gave me?
00:51 That ball will remind Junho how much he truly loves me.
00:56 Look at what I achieved!
00:59 It's beautiful!
01:01 It's a peekaboo!
01:02 It's a peekaboo! It's a bit small but it's still a peekaboo.
01:04 It's perfect for me!
01:06 If I'm still ashamed to swim, I'll tell Junho, "Junho, do you want to swim with us?"
01:10 What's the big deal?
01:12 Tell him the truth.
01:14 Ryan doesn't have feelings for you.
01:16 You know, those guys, when they're tired and jealous, they just give up.
01:21 I'm sorry I never had the chance to tell you this, but...
01:24 I should be the one to say I'm sorry.
01:26 Do we still have a chance to have a good relationship?
01:31 You, me, and Pao.
01:33 Hi, Ghea!
01:34 You seem so surprised that I'm here.
01:36 Cindy has the right to see Pao, so allow her to visit.
01:40 Are you Team Ghea or Team Cindy?
01:42 There, the chicken is about to be trampled!
01:45 Go, Ma'am Ghea.
01:46 Sir, I'm concerned.
01:48 Your saliva is coming out of your mouth and also in your ears.
01:52 [music]
02:01 You're just going to stay there?
02:03 This is so sad, this scene of stealing.
02:06 Can't we share a moment?
02:08 This is it.
02:09 Fight, girls.
02:10 Ouch!
02:11 Are you alright?
02:12 Ouch!
02:13 Oh, it hurts.
02:15 Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting.
02:18 I won.
02:20 Ma'am Ghea, one point.
02:23 Miss Cindy, bokya.
02:26 If that woman thinks she won,
02:32 well, that's where she's wrong.
02:34 She's very, very wrong.
02:37 Not this time.
02:41 [knocking]
02:44 Cindy, can I come in?
02:48 Kars, go get your favorite drink.
02:52 We are going to celebrate later.
02:54 Bye.
02:55 Cindy?
02:57 Yes, you can come in.
02:58 I guess I have to go now.
03:11 Are you alright?
03:13 It doesn't matter.
03:17 Wait, Cindy.
03:18 You dropped something.
03:20 [music]
03:33 I can't believe you kept this all these years.
03:41 That's the only thing I have that reminded me of your promise.
03:46 [music]
03:55 [cheering]
04:01 Oh my God!
04:03 Did I just dream this?
04:08 Go, go!
04:09 [cheering]
04:16 [cheering]
04:21 I love you!
04:23 I love you!
04:24 Oh my God, I can't believe it.
04:29 I love you!
04:31 [cheering]
04:36 I love you!
04:37 [cheering]
04:40 [cheering]
04:52 Cheers!
04:53 [cheering]
05:00 [cheering]
05:08 [music]
05:25 [cheering]
05:27 Come on!
05:28 You won!
05:30 I'll give you my prize, my heart.
05:34 Cheers!
05:35 [cheering]
05:40 You don't have to be jealous.
05:42 You don't have to be jealous.
05:44 You don't have to be jealous because my heart is all yours.
05:48 It's for you, right?
05:50 Right?
05:51 [laughs]
05:52 [sniffing]
05:55 There, I got it.
05:57 This is it.
05:59 I'm in love with you.
06:02 I'll admit it.
06:03 I'll admit it.
06:05 Now?
06:07 I'll admit it now?
06:10 Now?
06:11 Now?
06:13 Now?
06:15 Now?
06:18 Now?
06:19 [music]
06:24 I'm so ugly.
06:25 Yes!
06:26 Juno, how can you forget your promise?
06:30 You told me that whatever happened,
06:33 nothing's going to change your love for me.
06:36 You married my brother,
06:38 and that changed everything.
06:40 No!
06:41 That's where you're wrong.
06:43 What about when you pushed me away,
06:45 and you chose your career over me?
06:47 That's where everything went wrong.
06:50 I can't believe you were the one that broke your promise.
06:54 [cheering]
07:02 You have a lot of opponents, but let's just relax.
07:04 Stick to the play, okay?
07:06 You can do it!
07:07 Toto, it's better if you shower first.
07:11 You're so stupid!
07:12 You're so stupid!
07:13 You're so stupid!
07:14 Sorry.
07:15 Sorry.
07:16 Shower.
07:17 I'll do it later.
07:18 I'll shower later.
07:19 You're so sweaty.
07:21 You're so sweaty.
07:23 Thank you, sir.
07:25 [cheering]
07:28 Push!
07:29 Push!
07:30 [cheering]
07:32 I'm not pushing you.
07:33 [cheering]
07:34 I'm not pushing you.
07:35 I'm not pushing you.
07:36 Stay focused.
07:37 Go, Toto!
07:38 Let's go, Toto!
07:40 [cheering]
07:44 [cheering]
07:47 [cheering]
07:53 [cheering]
08:13 [cheering]
08:16 [cheering]
08:28 [cheering]
08:37 [cheering]
08:40 [cheering]
08:53 Nice shot, brother!
08:56 [cheering]
08:59 [cheering]
09:03 [cheering]
09:06 Is Judo here?
09:08 Oh?
09:10 Oh my gosh.
09:11 I need to pray for strength in my heart.
09:13 Lady of Loreto, light the way.
09:16 Saint Cecil, you're the one who's taking care of my voice, not my tears.
09:21 If anything happens to us,
09:23 Saint Margaret, you're the one who's taking care of the things I'm carrying.
09:26 Char, thank you so much. Amen.
09:28 [chuckles]
09:32 [chuckles]
09:33 [singing]
09:40 Cindy won the ramp, right?
09:43 Yes.
09:44 But she won the heart.
09:46 Look at you already.
09:50 Where's my sister?
09:53 I don't know.
09:54 Wow, he's so annoying.
09:56 Ma'am,
09:58 he's in the guest room.
10:00 And he's alone.
10:02 So,
10:03 you should take this opportunity to take advantage of me.
10:08 Really?
10:09 Oh,
10:14 that's it.
10:15 Cindy,
10:21 it was never my intention to push you away.
10:26 But whatever happened in the past,
10:29 cannot be undone.
10:31 We just have to move on with our lives.
10:35 Then do me a favor.
10:47 Throw it away.
10:50 If it doesn't mean anything to you anymore,
10:54 throw it away.
10:56 I know that it's not that easy to throw away our good memories together.
11:06 That was one of the happiest days of my life.
11:22 You can still choose to be happy
11:25 with me.
11:28 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:32 Did you see that?
11:40 She's going to kiss him!
11:42 She's going to kiss him!
11:43 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:45 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:48 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:50 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:52 [I'm sorry, I love you]
11:54 She's going to kiss him!
12:15 [I'm sorry, I love you]
12:17 Yes!
12:25 I won!
12:26 That's so unfair!
12:41 I even got to use the muse today!
12:44 Even if they shoot the ball and they steal it,
12:47 they'll still tie!
12:50 [I'm sorry, I love you]
12:52 She's going to kiss him!
13:00 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:02 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:04 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:07 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:09 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:12 [I'm sorry, I love you]
13:15 [Screaming]
13:17 This is it.
13:43 Cindy's gone, Ryan's gone,
13:46 nothing can bother us anymore.
13:49 This is the moment!
13:52 Juno, I can still remember every special moment we shared together.
14:01 Every time we touched.
14:07 Every moment we kissed.
14:09 Juno?
14:21 [Music]
14:26 Juno?
14:28 [Music]
14:31 [Music]
14:58 Chia, I can explain.
15:01 No need to explain.
15:03 Everything is clear to me now.
15:06 I'm sorry for bothering you.
15:09 Wait, Chia!
15:11 Go, follow her. Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
15:17 Thank you for understanding.
15:22 Like I said, I'm different now.
15:27 I'm just the new Cindy.
15:29 Now go, don't waste your time. Go, go, go.
15:32 [Music]
15:55 Momchi, the best actress trophy suits you better.
15:59 You knocked down Otigoy and Attyvie.
16:03 You're kidding.
16:05 You were so hardcore earlier. You're the winner.
16:08 Thank you, Beshike.
16:12 Even if I don't join the Bucon,
16:20 I'm still the one holding the crown.
16:25 "Pak, pak, pak," said the crown.
16:27 "From heaven, I will descend to earth."
16:30 Whatever they do, Dodong is still mine, my love.
16:34 Thank you.
16:36 Momchi, you're now close with Papa D.
16:42 You should invite him to your birthday party.
16:45 Of course, golf course.
16:48 He's my special guest.
16:52 True, Momchi.
16:54 But if Papa D. is there,
16:57 will you invite him all throughout?
16:59 Do you want that?
17:01 You can't even move normally in your own party?
17:05 That's my problem.
17:12 It's hard to choose.
17:16 Oh, my.
17:20 If I confess,
17:23 if I tell the truth,
17:26 my love life might be ruined.
17:28 So I don't know
17:30 what to choose,
17:32 if I confess or confess.
17:34 Momchi, let's be serious.
17:39 Spook nothing and nothing but the truth.
17:43 So we can know if Papa D. has a future for you.
17:47 Instead of hoping for the best and ending up like this.
17:51 True.
17:54 You're right.
17:56 Why did you hit me?
18:03 If you see your boss,
18:05 tell him I'm gone.
18:07 Tell him I'm leaving.
18:08 Tell him I'm leaving.
18:09 I'm going to Busan.
18:10 You're having an LQ again?
18:14 Tell him I'm leaving.
18:17 If I see him,
18:19 I'll chop him up and make him a pork chop.
18:22 Tell him I'm here.
18:25 Have you seen Jia?
18:30 Where did she go?
18:31 Sir, because...
18:33 This is so hard.
18:36 Where is she?
18:39 I just woke up.
18:43 I just woke up.
18:44 I woke up like this.
18:46 I did not see Ma'am Jia, promise.
18:48 If you don't tell me where she is,
18:49 I'll knock you out.
18:51 Don't be like that, sir.
18:52 My wife will kill me.
18:54 Where is she?
18:57 Miss Jia is...
18:59 You know what?
19:01 I cannot talk right now.
19:03 Don't me.
19:04 My headache is hurt.
19:06 Sir.
19:08 Ruin!
19:10 Get up, wake up.
19:12 Help me find her, come on.
19:13 Get up, come on.
19:14 Let me know where she is.
19:15 Help me find her.
19:17 Ruin!
19:21 Get up.
19:24 Get up.
19:26 Are you looking for Jia?
19:28 I just saw her leave the house.
19:39 Hana, I need mouth to mouth precipitation.
19:43 Hana, Hana.
19:44 Don't play with me.
19:55 You know, Kar, I told you.
19:58 Quintas is so effective.
20:01 Because the moment Junho saw it,
20:03 it's like there's a playback romantic movie in his mind.
20:06 Then he remembered his favorite leading lady.
20:10 And that's me.
20:12 So?
20:13 How's your drama with Junho?
20:15 You mean Cindy, the repentant ex-lover.
20:19 You know, Kar, I feel like Junho is about to fall in my hands again.
20:24 Jia, I'm so sorry for you.
20:28 But you know, what Cindy wants, Cindy always gets.
20:33 Now, you're in first base with Junho.
20:36 You should back off.
20:37 Don't let that Jia get a chance to score.
20:40 You know, the more entries, the more chances of winning.
20:45 So, just give up.
20:46 I know and that's exactly what I intend to do.
20:50 Good girl.
20:51 Bye.
20:53 Bye.
20:54 What's this, girl?
21:07 You already ate all my food and my TV and my sofa.
21:11 You even ate my bed.
21:12 Maybe you still have something else you want, madam?
21:15 Ah!
21:16 Oh, wait.
21:18 Hey, I was just joking.
21:21 You're so sensitive.
21:23 Hey, Jia.
21:25 I'm not crying because of what you said.
21:28 I'm crying because I saw Junho and Cindy getting married.
21:36 I know.
21:37 Sir.
21:56 Sir.
22:02 Sir.
22:03 Sir.
22:07 I've been getting confused with what you're doing.
22:11 What's the problem?
22:12 What's the problem? Tell me.
22:13 I will help you.
22:15 I feel guilty.
22:24 Jia saw Cindy and I kissing.
22:27 She must be very upset.
22:31 I'm worried about her.
22:32 That's why you're not a gay.
22:36 Sir, that is a terrible problem.
22:41 You see, Madam Jia is a hope while you're a hope.
22:50 That's why her heart is broken.
22:55 What hope, hope, broken?
22:59 I don't understand these things.
23:01 Sir, it's very simple.
23:03 You have to decide.
23:06 Choose.
23:08 You can't have two women.
23:12 Which one only?
23:15 Madam Cindy, a sexy tiger that eats humans.
23:23 Miss Jia, sweet angel fallen from the sky, heavens above.
23:30 Wait, I have a question.
23:39 Did you see Junho kissing Cindy?
23:42 What kind of question is that?
23:45 I just got there and observed.
23:49 That's why I'm asking.
23:51 Maybe Cindy is the one doing the moves.
23:54 Maybe your boyfriend is seducing that naked girl.
23:59 Even if Cindy is seducing her, she gave it to me.
24:03 Didn't she think of me?
24:05 Didn't she think of my feelings?
24:06 Didn't she think that I will be jealous?
24:08 Are you amnesiac, girl?
24:12 You're crazy.
24:14 Maybe you forgot that you're asking Junho to go out with you.
24:18 You fell in love with Ryan again.
24:20 Maybe he's the one.
24:22 He thought he doesn't have any hope for you anymore,
24:24 that's why he's looking for someone else.
24:25 How can I fix this?
24:28 How can I fix this situation?
24:30 I can't lose Junho.
24:32 It's so easy.
24:33 Stop waiting and feeling.
24:36 Tell Junho your true feelings.
24:39 Before Junho gets possessed by that demon.
24:44 I care a lot for Jia.
24:46 But I think I already screwed my chance for her during our vacation.
24:52 And now, it's obvious that she wants to get back with Ryan.
24:58 Sir, in the Republic of the Philippines,
25:03 we have a saying,
25:05 "Maraming namamatay sa maling akala."
25:10 In English, many die from false alarm.
25:15 You guys, sir, you're not even in love yet,
25:18 and you're already busting your own.
25:21 You tell Mangia that you like her.
25:26 You never know.
25:28 Thank you, Corwin.
25:36 I'm really lucky to have somebody who can count on to listen to me and give me advice.
25:40 So,
25:42 what are friends are to?
25:46 So,
25:48 Pao Tang?
25:50 Why are you touching me?
25:53 Hiram.
25:59 Hiram.
26:01 Hiram.
26:02 [♪♪♪]
26:15 [♪♪♪]
26:24 Jia?
26:42 Where have you been all night?
26:44 You're too much!
26:47 You're so annoying! I have heart attack there!
26:50 I was about to call Dita Josie and Dita Ida already.
26:56 I was very worried about you.
26:59 You were worried about me?
27:04 I had a lot of time to think, you know, when you were away.
27:11 And there is something I want to tell you, Jia.
27:14 Actually, there's something very important that I need to tell you too.
27:22 Jia?
27:27 Junho?
27:40 It's okay.
27:41 It's okay.
27:42 You can say it first.
27:45 No, it's okay. You go first.
27:48 You know, I...
27:52 What are you waiting for?
28:04 Answer it.
28:06 I won't mind.
28:09 I mean, you know, you can do whatever that makes you happy.
28:13 You're not the prisoner in this house.
28:16 It's okay.
28:18 You're just being annoying.
28:20 It's okay.
28:21 What were you saying?
28:22 You don't have to make excuses, Jia.
28:26 It's fine with me.
28:28 I really understand.
28:29 I'm not the only one who deserves to be happy in this house.
28:36 Oh, you're happy.
28:39 That's why Cindy is your PDA, right?
28:42 You know, if you were thinking that I left because I saw you and Cindy kiss?
28:49 No, right?
28:51 I can't, no.
28:52 I left because I was going to meet up with somebody.
28:56 Do you mean Ryan?
28:58 Well, you won't get mad if you're not mad, yes?
29:06 You know, our relationship is fake.
29:10 I really don't mind if you, you know, I don't care if you go out with Ryan.
29:15 Because, you know, as long as you keep it discreet, it's fine.
29:20 Discreet like you and Cindy.
29:24 But don't worry.
29:26 Even if our marriage is fake, I will not kiss in the house with my husband.
29:33 I'm sorry, Jia.
29:35 Next time, Cindy and I will be more careful.
29:44 Next time, Cindy and I will be more careful.
29:49 Next time, Cindy and I will be more careful.
29:50 [Music]
29:54 [Music]
29:58 [Music]
30:01 [Music]
30:05 [Music]
30:09 [Music]
30:13 [Music]
30:17 [Music]
30:21 [Music]
30:26 [Music]
30:29 We will go to the park later.
30:31 Not in the afternoon.
30:32 I have an important walk.
30:35 So, I might not be able to accompany you.
30:37 I can go with Michelle.
30:40 I mean, if it's okay with Junho.
30:43 I love the girl.
30:45 So, what's the problem?
30:48 Did you forget?
30:50 Dudong is invited to the party.
30:53 [Music]
30:56 Excuse me, Madam.
30:57 Dudong.
30:59 Do you know me?
31:01 [Music]
31:04 If things work out well, we don't have to push through the adoption process.
31:08 And yeah, I can end the marriage with Jia.
31:11 They are happy.
31:13 They are like a family.
31:15 I'm sorry if I ruined your time.
31:18 But I want to be alone first.
31:21 K-N-B-P-I.
31:23 Kapisana ng babae.
31:25 Pinasat iniwa.
31:27 Wow, you have a lot of BPIs.
31:30 You know, even if you hurt me, I still like you.
31:35 Really, Jia?
31:37 You are the one I love.
31:40 Junho.
31:42 [Music]
31:50 Ready.
31:51 Five, four, three, two, and.
31:53 Why?
31:56 I got tickled. I don't know why.
31:58 And five, four, three, two, and.
32:01 Action.
32:03 What?
32:06 I don't know. I don't know how to spell. Okay, game.
32:09 Five, four, three, two, and.
32:11 Action.
32:15 What?
32:18 [Music]
32:22 [Music]
