I Try To Conquer The Mental Side Of Golf

  • last year
Frankie Borrelli | Fixing Frankie
00:00 Okay, I'm back in the chair.
00:02 We're here for Fixing Frankie.
00:04 I'm back with Dr. Brett McCabe.
00:06 It's the mental side of golf.
00:07 - Yep.
00:08 - You are the goat at it is what we'll call you.
00:10 I think, I mean, to me, you're the greatest of all time
00:12 when it comes to sports psychology.
00:14 - I don't know, there've been a lot
00:15 of really great people that have come before me.
00:16 - Well, you're my favorite.
00:17 - Well, I appreciate that.
00:18 - All right, so we're gonna go out
00:19 and play on the back nine here.
00:20 Let's see what you can do, Jeff.
00:22 I'm almost like, I almost wanna prove to you
00:27 how much better I'm playing.
00:28 - Okay, let me ask you this.
00:29 Let's have an open dialogue.
00:31 What are the thoughts that are going
00:32 through your head right now about your level of play?
00:34 - I'm in a state of wanting to prove
00:39 that my game has gotten better
00:40 since the first time people have saw me on this.
00:42 So I feel a bit of pressure of being like,
00:44 all right, today's gotta be a good day,
00:47 even though we just talked about around the fire
00:49 how you can not have a good day every single day.
00:52 It's almost impossible.
00:53 - Consistency.
00:54 - Yeah.
00:55 - Oh, the worst word.
00:56 - Oh no.
00:57 - Okay, 'cause, so I watched you, right?
00:59 I've watched you in all the videos
01:00 and breaking 90 in the scrambles.
01:03 And we're watching Trent try to break 90
01:05 and here you are just hitting these little nippers
01:07 right up next to the hole.
01:08 - That's amazing.
01:09 - Yeah, it's crazy, right?
01:09 And now you're like, I wanna do that every day.
01:11 - Yes.
01:12 - The worst thing golfers try to do
01:13 is be consistent in the game of golf.
01:15 One day is not gonna prove or disprove that, is it?
01:18 - No.
01:18 - Okay, so instead of when the mind goes there,
01:21 this is what I want people to understand.
01:23 When the mind goes to a negative thought,
01:25 don't fight it, just go, that's silly.
01:27 Or it's almost like if Trent was in your ear
01:31 talking shit about you, you would laugh.
01:33 - Right.
01:34 - Okay, the game has a lot of uncertainty to it.
01:36 That's what makes golf so great and so hard
01:39 is that you're playing a game
01:40 that you can't control the results.
01:42 You do everything right and get totally screwed.
01:44 Totally screwed.
01:45 How good can we get in our process
01:47 and watch that five go to a 4.8,
01:49 not a five to go to a three?
01:50 Because I don't want a player to measure
01:52 their best day as their standard day.
01:54 Like, ah, I shot 75, that's what I should do every day.
01:57 You're gonna get kicked in the nuts
01:58 over and over and over again if you do that.
01:59 See negative thoughts the same way.
02:01 And every golfer has negative thoughts and fears.
02:04 So when you have those negative thoughts pop in,
02:05 don't go like, god damn, why is it happening now?
02:08 It's happening now because this is uncertain.
02:11 Instead go, okay, I hear it, now what?
02:13 That's the awareness, right?
02:15 That's the first step, aware.
02:17 Be aware of what you're feeling.
02:18 - And I'm now finding myself in a position
02:20 where I feel like I'm not,
02:22 I'm back to that position where I feel like I have more.
02:25 You've unlocked a part of my brain
02:27 that says I can even be better now.
02:29 Like, I'm not content with just being a five.
02:31 - The one trick I want you to do
02:32 is when you get out of the cart, see this right here.
02:35 We're gonna use this little trick for your process.
02:38 You're gonna keep that thing unhooked.
02:39 And this is an old trick you've seen a lot of players,
02:41 even Tiger, do stuff like this.
02:42 When you lock it in, now we're locked into process.
02:45 At any point it stops, you unhook it.
02:47 - Hell yeah.
02:48 - That's a simple reminder.
02:49 If you could boil down consistency of success
02:52 in everything you do,
02:53 let's have a clear awareness of what's going on.
02:56 Okay, what's up?
02:57 Where am I at?
02:58 What am I feeling?
02:59 Hey, I don't feel good with my swing today.
03:01 It happens, right?
03:02 You've had those days.
03:03 Let's have a clear intention of every shot I wanna hit.
03:05 Let's be clear.
03:06 And then let's make the most aggressive action at it we can.
03:09 Let's take the aim approach.
03:12 Awareness, intention, and make consistent action.
03:15 - Well, here's the thing now
03:16 that I was trying to explain to you.
03:18 I have a little bit of doubt on the tee box
03:20 'cause I don't know if my ball's gonna fade
03:22 or if it's gonna be a draw right now off the tee.
03:25 Irons, wedges, putting, I'm a little bit more confident.
03:27 Off the tee, I wanna say that I wanna hit this thing
03:31 with a little bit of a draw
03:32 just off the left of that bunker
03:34 and we're just gonna find that middle part of the fairway.
03:36 - So let's go back to our Scott Fawcett episode.
03:38 Do we wanna take on that bunker and hope it draws?
03:41 - No.
03:42 - Okay, so we're more apt to go more towards the center.
03:43 So we're gonna go over that left white tee marker.
03:46 - I see it, yeah.
03:47 - Okay, now if it draws a little bit,
03:49 you're not gonna reach that bunker.
03:50 - Okay. - Okay?
03:51 - Right, 'cause I'm eliminating problems on the left.
03:54 Draw right at the highest tree.
03:56 Nice, compact, smooth swing.
03:59 (ball smacks)
04:03 Oh, it faded.
04:05 I don't think it's gonna be, is it dead right there?
04:07 - It's probably gonna be on the tree line.
04:09 - Oh, what a kick!
04:10 - And it kicked out, see?
04:12 God, it's good to be Frankie Baroli.
04:13 - Come on, we're in a good spot!
04:15 - Let's go.
04:16 - Let's get out there and hit that one on the green.
04:17 - Yeah, we're gonna compete.
04:18 - When I set up to a tee box
04:19 where I know I have room right and left
04:21 and the wind's the way I want it,
04:22 I'm telling Brennan, I'm like,
04:23 wait until you see this absolute moonshot I'm gonna hit.
04:25 - When we practiced last night, though,
04:27 I mean, you did the same thing there, you get caught up.
04:29 What happens is the noise of everything we're doing,
04:31 everything we're doing, just crushes us.
04:34 And what it does is it chokes us down
04:36 and it makes us forget the things we need to do.
04:38 - Right.
04:38 - Hey, Frankie, what are we doing?
04:41 We're in the middle of a golf course
04:42 in the middle of the night.
04:43 - Yep. - What are we doing?
04:44 - We are trying to get more swings in before tomorrow
04:48 because we've got the biggest round of my life.
04:50 I've told everybody on YouTube
04:52 that I'm getting so much better with Dr. Brett McCabe
04:54 and tomorrow's the day I prove it.
04:55 I need to get more swings in.
04:56 We're not prepared.
04:57 I'm telling you right now, we're not prepared.
04:59 - You've gotta calm down.
05:01 You gotta calm down.
05:01 A plan always leads to a great outcome,
05:04 but I don't understand what this plan's all about.
05:06 - The plan is we're gonna get more swings in.
05:08 - In the middle of the night.
05:09 - Yeah, I've got a Chevrolet Silverado EV
05:12 and I've got a plan.
05:14 I don't care what time it is,
05:15 wait until you see this plan.
05:16 - You better prove me something right here
05:17 because I'm not real sure. - I'm gonna prove you.
05:19 - I'm gonna prove you right, wait until you see this, buddy.
05:21 (upbeat music)
05:24 - What?
05:25 - What in the hell are we doing?
05:42 - This is freaky.
05:43 - Told you I had a plan.
05:44 - I'm a little concerned now.
05:47 - Wow, look at this, it's happening.
05:49 What'd I tell you, Brett?
05:50 - This is incredible.
05:51 - What did I tell you?
05:52 I said we're golfing at night
05:54 and thanks to the Silverado EV, we're making it happen.
05:57 - But let's practice, but let's do it right.
05:58 - Let's do the process, let's go.
06:00 Huge round tomorrow.
06:02 I'm really, really, really just trying
06:05 to dial things in here, so let's just do this thing.
06:08 I'm gonna kind of bring it in closer and I got a spot.
06:11 I did notice that I waggled really, really quickly.
06:13 That's one thing that I love that you taught me
06:15 was a slower waggle.
06:16 - Yeah, so let's start again
06:17 'cause you're just working yourself.
06:18 - I'm talking now.
06:19 - Again, this is what we talked about in Alabama.
06:21 Okay, pick your target back here,
06:23 see what you wanna do, step into it, and it'll flow.
06:26 How great is this?
06:36 Okay, so what's happening?
06:36 - Let me tell you something,
06:37 the depth perception at night stinks.
06:39 - It stinks, but see, here's the thing.
06:41 When you're trying to cram at night,
06:42 you're not trusting yourself.
06:44 We gotta get back to work.
06:45 Okay, slow back down.
06:46 I'm gonna walk over here with you.
06:47 Where do we wanna go?
06:48 - Highest point of the tree.
06:49 - All right, can you see the shot you wanna hit?
06:51 Don't be in a hurry to mess up.
06:53 We're gonna step in slowly, we're gonna get set up,
06:55 and you're gonna see the ball go the way you want to.
06:57 If we're gonna practice,
06:58 we're gonna practice the right way.
06:59 - Beautiful.
07:03 - Woo-hoo, there it is.
07:05 Finally, you are starting to listen to me
07:07 about the process.
07:08 - Oh my God, I thought for a second
07:09 I forgot to play golf.
07:10 - Okay, so remember, when I'm talking to my tour players,
07:12 and you heard me talking to a player today,
07:14 people get so worked up about a competition,
07:16 and they forget the little things that build success.
07:18 Too many of us are rushing ahead.
07:20 It's about the little pieces that build greatness.
07:22 It's not a dream, it's a process and a plan.
07:25 When we go out and play golf,
07:26 everybody has taught in my field how to get calm.
07:29 Bullshit.
07:31 There ain't no calm out there.
07:33 It's chaos.
07:34 What is calm is our process.
07:36 But what we do in golf is our mind clouds.
07:39 So what happens is we go practice,
07:41 we go hit balls, calm.
07:43 I'm in control of every ball I wanna hit.
07:44 There's no consequences.
07:46 Then I go to the golf course,
07:47 it's all consequences, no calm.
07:49 And what happens is the mind starts grabbing
07:51 onto the wrong things.
07:53 Negative thoughts, fears, doubts, stress, distractions
07:56 will always, always take control of the mind.
08:00 What's not different is your initial trigger,
08:02 your initial start.
08:04 We can do that regardless of where we are in life.
08:07 - Mound to pin is where my aiming is.
08:10 'Cause especially this ball is a little below my feet.
08:13 Haven't hit an iron yet, obviously.
08:16 I see it.
08:17 You don't want me saying that, you know?
08:18 I'm just talking now.
08:19 - I want you to be like,
08:20 "I'm gonna fucking rip this thing."
08:21 - I am, I am.
08:22 - And hit this target.
08:23 - All right.
08:24 That's what I'm gonna do.
08:26 - Beauty.
08:31 - Look at this thing come back to the pin here, Brett.
08:33 Look at this fucking thing.
08:35 Did that go long?
08:36 - You air mailed the green.
08:37 - Holy shit, that was launched.
08:40 - Okay.
08:40 - Like make a full swing.
08:42 Go for it.
08:43 What's the worst that's gonna happen?
08:44 Like when I watched you chip,
08:45 you were all about not blading it.
08:48 And I quickly switched you into,
08:49 let's watch you hit some good chips.
08:51 Now when I watch these videos,
08:53 you're kind of showing off.
08:54 - Yeah.
08:55 - Right?
08:56 That's what I want you to do.
08:56 - I'm gonna flop this thing right here.
08:58 Jesus.
08:59 No problem.
09:00 - Oh, Jesus.
09:01 - No problem.
09:02 - No problem?
09:03 - All right.
09:03 I really don't have another option.
09:05 - Yeah, you do.
09:05 - Like what?
09:06 If I chip it, it's gonna run out to the--
09:07 - Come up here.
09:08 Come up here.
09:09 Okay.
09:10 We're coming out of the gate, first hole,
09:12 and we're gonna go with a high risk,
09:14 all or nothing shot.
09:16 - Well, here's my thought process,
09:17 is that if I flop shot this ball,
09:20 and I succeed,
09:22 my landing area's right here,
09:23 it's gonna be perfect.
09:24 And if I hit it a little too far,
09:26 it's gonna roll out to where like an actual,
09:28 regular chip would roll out.
09:29 - Okay, so let's assume this is a regular round of golf.
09:32 You just said, "I wanna play my best.
09:34 "I wanna do this."
09:34 You're gonna absolutely dump all your opportunities
09:38 right here.
09:38 - Okay.
09:39 - What does a bogey do to you around right now?
09:42 - Nothing.
09:43 - Not at all.
09:44 What does a double or a triple do?
09:45 - Yeah, it starts us off--
09:46 - Kicks you in the nuts.
09:46 - Yeah.
09:47 - So I'm not saying you don't do that.
09:49 Like if you're like, "Man, I'm really good at this,
09:51 "and if I flop it and it ends up down there, I'm okay."
09:54 But I hate to bring up what you can't do.
09:57 We can't leave this short.
09:58 - Right.
09:59 I don't love that it's way above my feet.
10:00 It'd make a flop really hard.
10:02 But boy, do I wanna try.
10:04 - I know.
10:05 (flip)
10:09 (laughing)
10:10 - Or you can hit it to forefeet.
10:11 (laughing)
10:13 That's pretty good right there.
10:13 - Brett!
10:15 - Was that a flop?
10:16 - No.
10:17 - No?
10:18 - No.
10:18 - How good was that?
10:19 - Why would I even think it flopped?
10:20 - How good was that?
10:21 - Who's even thinking flop?
10:22 Holy shit, that was good.
10:24 That was crazy.
10:25 That's eye-opening.
10:25 - Yes.
10:26 - Well, seeing the result is eye-opening.
10:28 - Well, now you gotta make the putt.
10:29 - No, I know.
10:30 - Okay.
10:34 - It's a four.
10:35 - Million out of a million on that up and down.
10:37 - Come on.
10:37 - How good was that?
10:39 - You didn't even have to be a fucking rock star.
10:41 - Come on, Brett.
10:42 - Too many people make the,
10:43 try to do too much with what they have.
10:45 - What was I doing with that flop?
10:46 - Like, let's simplify this game.
10:48 Okay, let me ask you a question.
10:49 When you make a pizza,
10:51 what's the best pizza in the world?
10:52 Just pepperoni and cheese, right?
10:53 - Yeah, I mean, if you ask Dave Portnoy,
10:55 the gold medal slice is just cheese.
10:57 - Okay, you put pineapple on your pizza?
10:59 - No, sir.
11:00 - No way.
11:00 Why take something so great and make it--
11:02 - Great point.
11:03 - Okay, why do we do that in golf?
11:05 We make it as hard and complicated
11:07 because when our mind gets under competition,
11:09 we think we have to be special.
11:11 We don't have to be special.
11:12 - Really, really wanted to flop that thing.
11:14 - I know you did.
11:15 You had no chance to pull it off.
11:16 - No.
11:17 - We have forgotten that golf is a competition.
11:20 We try to look at it as a validation.
11:22 It's a mirror that tells me how good I am
11:24 and how much work I've done.
11:25 That is garbage.
11:27 So it's the amount of noise in your head increases.
11:30 What we want to do is instead of fight it,
11:31 we want to find tunnel vision on what's important.
11:34 That's the funnel of focus.
11:35 Like, what is given to me?
11:37 I can accept people driving by, talking, things going on,
11:40 and I can still hit a great shot.
11:42 But when I'm trying to ignore all those things,
11:44 that's when I get in trouble.
11:45 - So everything on this fairway is gonna protect me, right?
11:49 I'm trying to hit a draw right at that person
11:51 that's walking on that cart path.
11:53 - Yep.
11:54 - Just straight away, if it falls a little bit left
11:55 and it's not what I want,
11:56 it's still gonna come down to the right
11:58 and we have room to draw it in.
12:00 - Love it.
12:01 - I'm just playing a nice high, the highest tree up there,
12:04 a nice high draw.
12:06 I've got my little Scott Fawcett thing up there.
12:08 You see that, Alex?
12:10 You see that little, that leaf?
12:13 - Yep, watch the ball just in your eye,
12:14 just watch it fly right over that.
12:16 Good waggle, slow waggle.
12:18 Slow, there you go.
12:19 There it is.
12:25 - Money! - Come on!
12:26 See, that's exactly what you said.
12:27 - So let me guess, your driver has gone to shit
12:30 in the way you've been playing
12:31 because you've forgotten not how to swing a golf club,
12:34 but how to do the small things
12:35 that actually help you be successful.
12:36 - I'm just so fast.
12:38 I feel like in my last rounds, you're slowing me down.
12:40 - You are slowing, you're really fast.
12:41 Your mind's always fast.
12:42 You've lost intermediate spots, you've lost targeting.
12:44 - That was huge for this one.
12:45 - Yes, okay, we gotta slow back down.
12:48 Don't be in a hurry to fuck up, please.
12:50 - That's just a lot for me to handle
12:51 'cause we already did this months ago, a year ago,
12:55 and I know it's like, it evades your brain sometimes.
13:00 I'm thinking back to some of my big rounds that I've played,
13:02 big matches against friends,
13:04 big videos that we do on Foreplay,
13:05 and that process just slips out.
13:08 If you could just keep the damn process,
13:10 you're a way better golfer.
13:11 - All right, let's play this hole backwards.
13:13 If you could drop your ball for your third shot
13:16 at a perfect yardage into a par five,
13:19 let's start laying out some yardages.
13:20 - I like 130.
13:22 - Okay, 130, so--
13:23 - Nice pitching wedge.
13:24 - Yeah, so 130, 280, uh-oh, what do we have to hit now?
13:28 - 150.
13:29 - Oh, it's a lot easier, isn't it?
13:31 - I know.
13:31 - Than trying to nut up on a hybrid
13:32 when you're not hitting it super great.
13:34 - Yeah, I'm gonna go get a 7-iron.
13:35 - Yeah, it's a long walk back for a guy who's hot.
13:37 See, the problem is we set ourselves up
13:39 to undoable processes.
13:41 We try to measure ourselves
13:43 against these perfect, outstanding days.
13:45 Yes, there are days that he can hit that hybrid and rip it,
13:47 but what is he gonna have?
13:48 He's gonna have a 55-yard, out of the rough,
13:51 out of a bunker shot that he can't hit.
13:53 I'd rather put my money on him
13:55 hitting it from 130 yards with a wedge,
13:57 so hitting 150 now and 130.
13:59 Now, don't fuck up your process here.
14:00 - Nope.
14:01 - Because this is the other place
14:02 where players make a mistake,
14:03 is they get into a layup and they drop their process,
14:06 then they hit a bad shot.
14:08 Beauty.
14:11 See, my two-er players,
14:12 I'd love for them to hit a three-wood here
14:14 because they have the world's best short game.
14:16 You don't do this all the time.
14:18 - You know how many times I've hit a good drive
14:19 on a par-five, I've been 280 out,
14:21 and I rip a hybrid knowing I can't get on.
14:23 - Correct.
14:24 - And I put it into the trees or I flail it out left,
14:26 and I'm like, "Why the fuck didn't I just hit
14:27 "a 7-iron 175 and have 110 in?"
14:30 - If people would play holes backwards,
14:32 they'd realize, 'cause if you ever stood up on a green
14:34 and looked backwards and said,
14:35 "Goddamn it, it's not that hard."
14:36 - God.
14:37 - That's what you have to do here.
14:38 - We're gonna be under par today
14:39 with the way we're playing.
14:40 - Oh, God.
14:41 - Look at this.
14:42 - Oh, Lord.
14:43 (laughing)
14:44 - So here's something that I've definitely changed
14:46 in my game since the last time I saw you,
14:47 is 100 yards out, pins right in the middle,
14:50 I probably would've taken a full 60 degree
14:53 and tried to hit it.
14:54 - Tried to nut it.
14:55 - Yeah, or just taking a full swing with a wedge,
14:58 and I was finding myself flailing them out left,
15:00 not really hitting them where I wanted to,
15:02 like location-wise.
15:04 So now I take a 54 degree and kind of,
15:06 and more compact, and just like come through the ball,
15:09 and it's a lower ball flight,
15:10 and I've been loving the way they come into the green.
15:13 - Beauty.
15:15 - Look at that, it's right on the sand.
15:16 - Beauty.
15:17 Okay, now we have a birdie putt.
15:19 - Yep.
15:21 All right, uphill.
15:22 - You wanna clean that ball,
15:23 or you just gonna putt dirty balls again?
15:24 - Nope.
15:25 Really, like you're saying, from this distance,
15:29 if we can get those tap-in pars.
15:31 - It's a stress-free par,
15:32 I know you want a birdie on a par five.
15:33 - Yeah.
15:34 - Reality is, it's playing long today.
15:36 - Right.
15:37 I like that speed.
15:43 - Yeah, it's good speed.
15:44 - All right, Brett.
15:45 - There you go.
15:46 - Let's walk away with two pars to start this thing,
15:48 you know?
15:49 Just really, really good golf.
15:51 I mean, we're making it look easy right now.
15:55 - It is easy, why make it hard?
15:57 - You've stopped me from making two dumb decisions,
15:59 and we're even through two.
16:00 - That's right.
16:01 That's what I'm amazed at,
16:01 two dumb decisions through two holes.
16:03 - Yeah, I know.
16:04 (laughing)
16:05 - There was a moment when you did the scramble
16:07 with Billy Horschel.
16:08 - Yeah.
16:08 - And I always give Billy a hard time about it,
16:10 'cause I always try to get him to verbalize shots,
16:12 and he'll get mad at me and he won't do it.
16:14 Sorry, Billy, love you.
16:15 Y'all are in the bunker, and he goes,
16:16 "Oh, Brett loves that."
16:18 Call in the shot.
16:19 - What's the yardage here, dude?
16:20 - I mean.
16:21 - What are we doing here?
16:22 - We got issues, gang.
16:23 Nah, dude, I'll pipe this thing.
16:25 - I think we got this.
16:26 - Six iron.
16:27 - Yeah.
16:28 - Soft draw, powering, might even be a seven iron.
16:30 - I love you calling the shot.
16:31 Brett would love that right now.
16:32 He loves that shit.
16:33 - Does he?
16:34 - Yes.
16:35 I don't do that enough.
16:36 - Nobody does.
16:37 - Yeah.
16:38 - Okay, and the mental game.
16:39 - Gosh, I don't do that enough.
16:40 Brendan behind the camera says,
16:41 "When I call out my shot, I hit it."
16:43 - Dead center is where I'm aiming.
16:45 Highest part of the mountain right there behind it.
16:47 Nice and slow, compact, swing within yourself.
16:51 You're not trying to impress anyone out here.
16:54 Slow down the waggle.
16:55 - Beauty.
17:00 - Oh my God.
17:00 - Beauty!
17:01 - What are we even doing out here?
17:02 - Beauty!
17:03 - Brett, why are we even out here?
17:04 - I'm fine.
17:05 Well, we're out here because you will fuck up if I leave.
17:07 - You fixed my ass, dude.
17:08 - You will guarantee you will screw it up.
17:10 - Come on, baby.
17:11 - Fixed my ass.
17:12 - But, see, it's simple.
17:13 Don't make it hard.
17:14 - God, if I could have you in my cart every single day,
17:16 I'd be the happiest person on the planet.
17:18 - You could do this, though.
17:19 - I know.
17:20 - You could have me in your cart.
17:21 - We're teaching everyone that's watching
17:23 that you can just do this stuff.
17:24 And it does make a difference.
17:25 I'm literally playing this round of golf
17:29 perfectly for my game right now.
17:30 - We want to make the middle game this sexy,
17:32 this really cool, shiny thing like golf swings, right?
17:35 It's the small, basic, mundane stuff that we ignore.
17:39 Excellence is built on the small processes,
17:41 not the big, shiny shit.
17:43 - Golf is way more fun
17:45 when you're actually doing the damn thing.
17:47 - And the problem is the big, shiny shit
17:48 grabs our attention.
17:49 We want to go buy a new driver.
17:50 We want to go do a new thing.
17:52 We want to hit this crazy shot.
17:53 And it's like, wait a minute,
17:54 I haven't done the two or three things that are critical.
17:56 We're gonna make this call.
17:57 - I'm looking at that dip in that bunker in the back.
18:00 If I fade it a little bit,
18:02 it could tell up into the wind, it's right next to the hole.
18:04 If I pure it right through everything,
18:05 it's in the bunker and it's fine.
18:07 It's a nice, smooth swing.
18:09 I have a seven.
18:11 Playing at 175.
18:12 - Beauty.
18:17 - I kind of pulled it, but.
18:17 - But that's okay.
18:18 - That part of the green, it's all right.
18:20 Yeah, perfect distance.
18:22 I aimed at that back bunker.
18:24 I pulled it a little bit.
18:25 It's maybe 10 yards right of that location
18:30 because I pulled it a little bit.
18:30 But because I aimed there,
18:32 we're still on the green with a putt.
18:33 - Correct.
18:34 - So yeah, I mean, we're just thinking through things
18:37 way more than I usually do.
18:38 - You're more strategic.
18:40 - We did that episode, that first episode with you,
18:42 and obviously I took that with me.
18:43 That's how I got so much better.
18:44 But it's been, I haven't been committing
18:46 to doing it every shot.
18:48 One of the things that Trevor taught me
18:50 that I really enjoyed was
18:52 where does the ball have to cross over to go in?
18:55 - Yep.
18:56 - And then let's just make a straight putt
18:58 to get it to cross over that spot.
19:00 - Bingo.
19:00 - So like here, it's a huge,
19:02 it's pushing my ball right to left
19:04 pretty significantly right here.
19:05 But like you said, it kind of flattens out.
19:07 So if I'm visualizing a ball coming out,
19:10 I'm thinking it's gotta like roll over here
19:12 and start to slide back.
19:13 - You're exactly right.
19:14 - So I just make a straight putt to there
19:15 and hope that my speed is right.
19:17 (upbeat music)
19:20 No, that's gotta go.
19:25 Gotta go, it's just speed related.
19:27 Now, what I want you to do is when you step into this putt,
19:29 'cause if you said earlier
19:30 that these are giving you a little bit of anxiety,
19:33 when you come back in,
19:34 after you take your price swing,
19:35 you chart, you see it, okay?
19:37 Come back, kind of track it back down
19:39 and then grab a dimple with your eyes
19:42 and just look at the dimple and just be like, make it.
19:45 - I like that a lot.
19:47 God, I want this to go in so bad.
19:49 Never looked at a dimple when I putt.
19:51 So I'm not looking at the club face hitting the ball.
19:54 - No, why would you?
19:55 - Right.
19:56 - I like looking at the dimple.
19:57 Does it matter which one?
19:58 - No, just pick one and go.
19:59 - Dang.
20:00 - Okay, look at it,
20:01 see it go into where you want it on that clock face.
20:03 Come back, grab the dimple and then go.
20:05 (heart beating)
20:07 Beauty.
20:10 - I like the dimple a lot.
20:13 - Now what that does is that brings your focus in
20:15 because think about what's happening.
20:16 And when you said, should I look at the club face
20:19 hit the ball?
20:20 - I like the dimple a lot.
20:21 - Okay, touch your nose.
20:22 Did you have to think about how to do it?
20:23 - No, shut up.
20:24 - Okay.
20:25 So, you know, you come back,
20:27 you find the dimple and then you go.
20:29 - I'm actually coming through the ball.
20:32 - Yeah, because if you're having to,
20:34 think about your brain is going so fast
20:35 to try to see the follow through.
20:37 You work on that in training.
20:39 Competition is you execute.
20:40 How good is that?
20:43 You don't have to think about how to do it.
20:45 - That may have changed something there.
20:47 That may have changed something there.
20:48 - I have a dear friend of mine who's a Navy SEAL.
20:50 And we were talking about mental toughness one day
20:52 and he said, the beauty of being a Navy SEAL
20:54 is that when you go into chaos,
20:57 you learn what you're experiencing
20:59 so that you can get better at it next time.
21:01 What do we do as golfers?
21:02 I can't believe that happened.
21:04 Why did I screw up?
21:05 You don't learn.
21:06 Pressure, stress, risk, uncertainty
21:10 increases arousal in the body.
21:11 And it impacts every one of us in four areas.
21:14 Physically, how we move, the way we think.
21:16 We get more fearful,
21:17 we get more negative consequence focused.
21:19 We get more risk, what we, look at the water more, right?
21:22 It impacts our decisions and our processes.
21:25 We break down our process.
21:27 You watch it on tour.
21:28 Guys break down their process under pressure.
21:30 And then the last part is it impacts our grittiness.
21:33 How we stay in the fight and keep working.
21:35 Okay, unlock it.
21:36 We're not ready.
21:37 How many people are gonna be walking
21:40 on the golf courses now, Alex?
21:42 Like this.
21:43 You're gonna see so many amateur golfers
21:44 being like, "I'm so sick."
21:46 You see that shadow right there off the trees?
21:48 I'm like going right in the middle of it.
21:49 If I hit it too straight to the left,
21:52 it's gonna be in that bunker.
21:52 But honestly, like if that's the most left damage
21:55 that we have, I'm fine with that.
21:57 If I draw it the way I should, and then I want to,
21:59 it's gonna be perfectly in the middle of the fairway.
22:01 Well hit.
22:07 It didn't come around, right?
22:08 Yeah.
22:09 But that's still fine.
22:10 I think you're gonna be a little short of that bunker.
22:12 May have gone right in it, but that's fine.
22:14 Yeah, I mean, like I said,
22:15 I didn't turn it over the way I wanted to,
22:18 and it was like in my worst spot.
22:20 Well, this is gonna be a good thing to study here.
22:23 With what I try and do.
22:25 Yeah, I'm probably gonna try and hit a perfect,
22:26 like eight iron around the trees out of a bunker.
22:29 I can get a pitching wedge out of this thing.
22:33 Is that the distance, 150 yards?
22:34 You think like 135, 140 is good?
22:36 Yeah.
22:37 When we're in a fairway bunker,
22:38 sometimes this stuff right here kind of takes over our mind,
22:41 and then all of a sudden this becomes the objective.
22:43 You have a club naturally that will exit with no problem.
22:46 Correct.
22:46 I'm trying to hit this thing
22:48 in between the bunker and the pin.
22:49 Really that whole front of the green is where I'm seeing it.
22:53 Okay, so let's change the terminology.
22:55 We don't try, we do.
22:57 I'm gonna hit the front of this green
22:59 right in front of that pin.
23:00 I want a nice uphill putt for birdie.
23:03 Oh, you didn't do that.
23:09 Yeah.
23:10 I did not do that.
23:11 Now, why did we make that mistake?
23:12 I probably tried to swing out of my shoes.
23:15 You did, and you were faster.
23:16 Yeah, I was really fast.
23:17 Gosh, I felt good over that too,
23:19 'cause I'm actually confident out of these things.
23:21 I tried to really get everything.
23:22 You know what it was?
23:23 We had conversations about the nine and the pitching wedge,
23:25 and I kind of doubted myself over the ball.
23:26 You weren't set on that.
23:28 Damn, I actually really, really, really, really.
23:30 All right, so here's the deal.
23:32 Here's the deal.
23:33 I don't want one bad outcome to roll to the next one.
23:37 Okay?
23:38 We have a goal here.
23:39 It's not to stuff it to a foot.
23:40 It's to hit the best shot we can from 100 yards.
23:44 Think about your emotions of missing that shot.
23:46 There's a little bit of embarrassment.
23:47 There's frustration.
23:48 Arousal level's increasing.
23:49 Slow it back down right now.
23:51 I want to hit a great shot.
23:52 I want to land it, I would say, just left of the pin.
23:55 Beauty.
23:59 Be the right distance.
24:02 Go in.
24:03 Oh my God.
24:04 All right, so we're going to have about eight feet for par.
24:06 That's all we could ask for right now, isn't it?
24:08 - I'm fine with, we have a good look at par here.
24:10 I hit a lip in a bunker.
24:11 It's like we've eliminated the disaster.
24:13 - High execution.
24:15 That was a check mark, wasn't it?
24:16 That was good.
24:17 Walk it off.
24:18 Don't be in a hurry to fuck it up.
24:19 - Oh, I know.
24:20 I mean, pretty significant right to left.
24:22 - See it go in now.
24:23 Come on, you can make this putt.
24:25 - Babied it.
24:34 - Babied it.
24:34 - So scared.
24:36 - Let's take our time here.
24:37 - So scared.
24:39 - Did you have a dimple?
24:40 - I didn't.
24:41 - Process?
24:42 - Well, I was a little nervous
24:42 about like downhill touch you on with the dimple.
24:44 - All right, but think about it.
24:45 Nervous changes your process.
24:47 - It did, see, I just admitted it.
24:48 - Okay, well, that's what we want to study.
24:50 So downhill, that's when you got to get more in the process.
24:53 - All right, let's clean this up.
24:56 So I mean, listen.
25:00 - Where was the mistake on this hole?
25:01 Was it the putt?
25:02 - No, it was the pitching wedge out of the fairway bunker.
25:04 Lifted my head.
25:06 - Well, you just got a little too excited.
25:08 - Did you drip water on your head?
25:10 - No.
25:11 - You didn't dump a bottle of water on your head?
25:13 - When you're my size, you have a lot.
25:15 I mean, you like that?
25:15 - Yeah, I mean, it is what it is.
25:16 - So when I play golf, I bring a couple hats
25:18 and I'm constantly, wow, look at that.
25:21 You'd think I'd be skinny, but living here.
25:22 - Process is sometimes exhausting to think about.
25:26 - It's hard.
25:27 - To like remember to do.
25:28 - Okay, let me ask you a question.
25:30 How long has your family had your restaurant?
25:32 - Since 1955.
25:33 - What do they do every morning when they get there?
25:35 - They open it up, they prep.
25:36 - Is this the same process?
25:38 - Yeah.
25:38 - They don't ever take a shortcut?
25:39 - No, you can't.
25:40 - Why not?
25:41 Why can't you?
25:42 - Because that's just how it operates, right?
25:43 You need, you gotta go get your ingredients.
25:44 You gotta turn on the lights.
25:45 You gotta set all the tables.
25:47 You gotta take the chairs down, clean the floors,
25:49 do the whole thing.
25:50 If you don't do that, you can't open it.
25:51 - You gotta do the ugly stuff, right?
25:51 Nobody likes to do that.
25:52 - God damn it, Brett.
25:53 - I know, let's go.
25:54 - This is all about finishing strong now.
25:55 We're on the 18th hole.
25:57 I'm really, really liking what I'm seeing.
25:59 - So we're gonna aim, right?
26:00 Awareness of where we are, intention of what we wanna do,
26:03 and we're gonna make a great swing at this.
26:05 Now, perfect.
26:06 We're gonna commit to it and let's see it and go.
26:09 - That wind is kicking.
26:10 - Yeah, it is, but it's okay.
26:11 It's not gonna affect you.
26:13 And if it gusts on you, back off.
26:16 - It just did, look at this.
26:17 - Yeah, perfect.
26:18 - Look at my shirt.
26:19 - Yeah.
26:20 - What happened here?
26:21 - Okay, once again, process where we got, like--
26:24 - Highest tree, nice draw.
26:27 - Just get your shot, driving range shot.
26:29 (gentle music)
26:32 - Beauty.
26:35 - There you go, look at the pose.
26:36 (laughing)
26:37 There we go.
26:38 - That felt good.
26:40 Feels good, feels real good.
26:42 - It's just a really tough pin over water, into the wind.
26:47 - So let's play it smart.
26:48 - Let's play it smart.
26:49 - We've been doing that all day.
26:49 - Yep.
26:50 - Why change now?
26:51 I said I wanted to finish strong,
26:52 that's what we're gonna do.
26:53 Yeah, I'm just going over this, like, little hump.
26:58 - Beauty.
26:59 So easy.
27:01 - An easy game.
27:02 - Golf's a game.
27:04 - You're making golf so boring.
27:06 - Well, 115, 120 yard shot,
27:10 just left of the pin would be great.
27:11 - Okay, I have a 120 club.
27:13 - Perfect.
27:14 - Be perfect.
27:20 - Go.
27:22 - Oh my God.
27:22 - Oh, it's long.
27:23 - Tell me that bounce over the green.
27:24 - It did bounce, you had a little fin though, didn't you?
27:25 - I did.
27:27 - So let's go get it up and down.
27:29 I like the execution, just a little thin.
27:30 - I know.
27:32 - But I'd rather a little thin than a little heavy there.
27:35 - Oh, this isn't bad.
27:37 - No.
27:38 - Almost broke my ankle, you saw that?
27:41 My foot was dangling out.
27:42 - Yeah, don't let your foot dangle out of a golf cart.
27:45 Now walk all the way up here, come on.
27:46 Let's get a full view of this booger.
27:48 - Actually pretty flat right here.
27:51 - It is.
27:51 And if you landed it.
27:52 - Right here.
27:53 - Right there, it's completely fine.
27:55 - I'm not gonna flop this thing,
27:56 we've already learned our lesson.
27:57 - You don't need to, nope.
27:58 - Little blind chip shot.
28:00 - See it in your eye.
28:01 Beauty.
28:05 - Sit, sit, sit.
28:06 - Okay.
28:07 - Sit.
28:08 - It skipped on you when it hit right here.
28:09 But you know what?
28:10 - That's okay.
28:12 - I know.
28:13 - My worst nightmare there was hitting here,
28:14 it popping up and just stopping.
28:16 - I totally agree with that.
28:17 - I wanted to get it up.
28:18 - So what was the mistake shot was the approach.
28:21 - Yeah, I hit thin, flew the green.
28:23 - Yep, so now we're gonna make this putt though.
28:25 - All right.
28:26 - Get the dimple.
28:27 Great speed.
28:31 Come on, do it.
28:32 - Go in.
28:33 - Do it.
28:33 (cheering)
28:36 - How good was that?
28:38 - Finish.
28:39 - God, that's good.
28:40 - What a putt.
28:41 - Process.
28:43 - The dimple.
28:43 - The dimple.
28:44 - When you said look at the dimple,
28:45 you did that like basically as I was approaching the ball.
28:47 - 'Cause I knew you weren't gonna do it.
28:48 - And I just found one.
28:48 - 'Cause I knew you weren't gonna do it.
28:50 - That's how we finish.
28:51 What a par.
28:52 Bunch of pars.
28:53 - Bunch of pars.
28:54 - Couple birdies. - No birdies.
28:55 - Couple birdies.
28:56 - Tough golf course though.
28:57 - Listen, I'm not, I would love to become a birdie guy,
29:00 obviously, but they're not gonna come that often.
29:03 - We played the toughest nine at a tough, tough golf course
29:07 on a very wet day.
29:08 So it was extending you out a little bit,
29:10 but your process got better
29:12 and we're waiting for the birdies to happen.
29:14 Don't change.
29:16 Let's run it to the end and evaluate afterwards.
29:19 - Yeah, I'm ecstatic with the way that we played today.
29:22 Honestly, like there's a lot of pressure
29:24 with having to perform in this specific video with you here.
29:27 We flew all the way down to Alabama.
29:29 You have to hit good shots or else it's a waste of a video.
29:31 You can't do a, here's how you get better at golf video.
29:34 And then I shanked the ball all over the place.
29:35 I've been feeling a lot of pressure on every single shot
29:40 being like, come on, let's play good golf today.
29:42 And we kind of persevered.
29:44 Like I think that we hit really, really good shots.
29:47 We buzzed around this place.
29:48 We made a bunch of putts.
29:49 We made a bunch of good drives.
29:50 I really didn't hit a bad drive all day.
29:53 I'm hitting good shots.
29:54 Yeah, I had a couple of misses
29:55 and we made both up and downs on the two misses that I had.
29:58 - And which is over the green, which last year, no chance.
30:01 - Dr. Brett McCabe.
30:02 - Thank you, man.
30:03 - I love it.
30:04 We'll see him on his Instagram.
30:05 Follow him on Instagram.
30:06 I'm going to be going on his, what do we call it?
30:08 - Mental Game Live.
30:08 - Mental Game Live.
30:10 We'll be on there.
30:11 - You're going to be on the same places
30:11 like Michael Phelps has been.
30:12 - Come on.
30:13 - Navy SEALs and all that.
30:14 And we're going to have Frankie.
30:15 - It's a great Instagram store.
30:16 It's a great Instagram live.
30:17 You really learn a lot about all the mental side
30:20 of not just golf, but all different types of sports in life.
30:22 So we'll see you on Instagram.
30:24 We'll see you on YouTube.
30:25 And you got a new book coming out.
30:26 - That's right.
30:27 It's called Kick Anxiety's Ass.
30:28 - This guy's out of control.
30:29 The fact that we get him on the golf course like this
30:30 is insane.
30:31 That's Fixing Frankie.
30:32 I think I'm fixed.
30:33 Well, we'll keep going, but I think I'm fixed.
30:35 (whooshing)
30:38 (whooshing)
30:40 (whooshing)
30:42 (whooshing)
30:45 (whooshing)
30:47 (whooshing)
30:49 (whooshing)
