Emmerdale 30th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:29 Here we are, one slice of toast and one orange juice.
00:32 Thanks.
00:33 You not hungry?
00:35 No.
00:36 Or thirsty?
00:37 Er, no, I had a brew before I came out.
00:39 Main thing is you're taking up a seat of paying customer, my boy.
00:42 Alright, I'll er, I think I'd have that one, or that one.
00:45 Oh, that one there.
00:47 Hey, erm, what do you know about Jay?
00:49 Quite a bit, probably.
00:51 About this whole thing with Rishi, I mean, you're not being his dad.
00:54 Laurel's not saying a word.
00:55 Ain't she? Well, I don't know this for sure, but, er, I'll tell you what I think.
01:00 I think they think it's none of your business.
01:03 Enjoy your free sit.
01:05 So where you off?
01:08 College.
01:10 What, after yesterday?
01:11 He's gone.
01:12 Well, he went, but we don't know when he's coming back or where.
01:15 Look, I think even he'd know not to hang around a college, don't you?
01:18 Not exactly known for the judgement, are they, weirdos?
01:21 Look, he can't stop me from living my life.
01:23 Right. Well, at least let me give you a lift.
01:26 Yeah, I'll be fine, Dad. Honest.
01:28 I'll take her round to Noah's, then.
01:30 Can I trust you, today?
01:31 Course you can, she's my granddaughter.
01:33 To not call the police, I mean.
01:35 We should do.
01:37 That's not what I asked.
01:38 You can trust me.
01:50 Ooh, can you go and get some dragon fruit for the barbecue, please?
01:54 Dragon fruit? Is that the same as jackfruit?
01:56 No, Bob, the clue is in the different name.
01:58 What does it look like, then?
01:59 It looks like dragon fruit.
02:00 Bernice, I wouldn't know a dragon fruit if it stopped me in the street
02:03 and it was wearing a T-shirt saying, "I'm a dragon fruit."
02:06 Well, I probably would, wouldn't I? It'd be obvious, then.
02:08 Another job for me.
02:10 Well, whatever we serve up,
02:11 it'd have to be something to beat that meal I had last night.
02:14 Pfft. I ended up having a sea bass.
02:16 If fish had hands, I'd have shaken it by it.
02:19 Right, do you even know what a sea bass looks like?
02:21 Had a T-shirt on.
02:23 Ah, I forgot this.
02:27 And, um, there's a bit of lunch in the fridge for you.
02:30 I made it this morning.
02:31 Oh, thanks, love.
02:33 Where would I be without you, eh? Lost. I'd be absolutely lost.
02:36 It's just a bit of lunch.
02:37 It's just an example of what a wonderful woman you are.
02:40 Thank you.
02:42 Well, I was just telling Bernice about that meal we had last night.
02:45 Sea bass comes highly recommended, I hear.
02:47 The second most delicious thing in the place.
02:50 Oh. Um, I should...
02:52 Healing the world?
02:54 Hardly.
02:55 Just rockin' mine, then.
02:57 Only me!
03:03 Oh, hiya. You forgotten something?
03:05 No.
03:07 I found these at the hide.
03:09 Wedding magazines?
03:10 Yep.
03:11 You know, I think they must be from when Gabby and Nicky were still on.
03:14 I was judging by the way they were crammed in the corner, like someone had...
03:18 Hey, have a look at this, though.
03:20 Oh, that's a nice cake.
03:22 900 quid?!
03:23 You'd never forget it, though, would you?
03:25 I don't know.
03:27 Thought you might go and see your dad.
03:29 I don't know where he lives.
03:31 Oh.
03:33 Archie seemed all right this morning after I had a bit of a chat.
03:36 Yeah. He would be.
03:38 You know, life isn't about easy answers, and kids deal with things.
03:41 Listen, I was going to speak to everyone from yesterday and tell them to keep shtum,
03:44 you know, in case I spoke to Nikhil or Priya.
03:47 Thanks.
03:48 And I was thinking that maybe we should do this wedding soon.
03:52 As in, very soon.
03:53 I mean, it's a bit weird going on honeymoon first, isn't it?
03:55 Well, let's just call it a holiday, then.
03:57 Are you getting cold feet?
03:59 No!
04:00 No, of course I'm not.
04:02 It's not the only big thing that's going on in your life at the moment.
04:06 It's the only one that matters.
04:08 Even if I believed that, I would still say to you, "Slow down."
04:12 But I don't believe it, OK? And I'm worried about you.
04:15 Listen, people, even men sometimes, can deal with more than one thing at once.
04:20 Mm. And are you?
04:23 I will.
04:25 Because you need me to.
04:27 And I need you.
04:31 Remote control, maybe?
04:44 Yeah.
04:46 You press it, pictures happen. It's very popular in the sun.
04:49 Come on, what's up?
04:52 Creepy McPervison's been in touch.
04:55 Yeah.
04:56 How's Amelia?
04:57 Fine. She's going off to college like everything else is.
05:01 Right, well, that's probably for the best, then.
05:03 I'll tell you what's for the best.
05:05 Him at the bottom of the sea would be a start.
05:07 Agreed. But...
05:09 But what?
05:10 Dan, do you need any more hassle in your life?
05:13 Does Amelia...?
05:14 We didn't need any of this to begin with.
05:16 Well, then, hopefully he's had a rude awakening,
05:18 and that's gonna be the end of it.
05:20 I hope you're right.
05:21 I normally am.
05:23 Look, whatever these type of men are,
05:26 I think he is a coward.
05:28 I think you can move on.
05:30 Don't leave me alone.
05:33 - Lloyd! - He keeps messaging, messaging and messaging.
05:36 - I thought you shut your page down. - I did!
05:39 - I think he's got my number. - How?
05:41 I don't know. I mean, how does any stalker?
05:43 I got off the bus at college and I've just come back,
05:45 - and this won't stop pinging. - Freak.
05:47 Right, we're calling the police this time, Amelia,
05:49 whether you like it or not.
05:52 Liam.
05:54 Oh, I don't feel right.
05:58 Oh, really?
06:00 Yes, you do seem rather hot and bothered, Sister Mildred.
06:03 Perhaps you should disrobe.
06:05 Liam!
06:07 - Sorry, I thought we were... - No, we're not.
06:09 No, no.
06:10 What could have made me feel worse if he'd tried this morning?
06:13 - What? He knows? - No.
06:15 He was lovely, but I feel utterly dreadful because of...
06:19 Yeah, yeah, of course.
06:21 Have you seen Victoria today?
06:23 I don't think I'd recognise her if I did.
06:25 My eyes are swimming, I've hardly slept a wink.
06:28 Yeah, I had a similar night.
06:30 He's going to find out, isn't he?
06:33 - I don't know, but... - What?
06:35 Well, I can't help thinking, you know, if he has to,
06:38 then it's better coming from us than Victoria.
06:40 You want to march round there and tell him that we've been carrying on?
06:44 I absolutely, unequivocally, very much do not.
06:47 I just think it might be... kind of.
06:50 Or it might be like rubbing salt in the wound.
06:54 - We... we're doing it? - No.
07:01 I'm going to deal with this myself.
07:04 - Oh, Uri. - Olivia.
07:12 What's your excuse?
07:14 I think someone wants to say hello to the animals.
07:18 She keeps on banging on about them since you mentioned it yesterday.
07:21 - Let her take her out. - No, you will not. I will.
07:24 Come on. Will we go and say hello to the little lambs?
07:27 There's one called Hamish that's left in the field.
07:29 Come on, then.
07:31 - What? - Nothing.
07:39 - Coffee? - No, you're all right. I should probably...
07:41 - When are you taking her back to Tracy? - Tonight.
07:44 Right.
07:47 - All right, do you want us to go? - No, not at all.
07:50 - Look, I am a good dad, you know. - I know you are. I'm the best.
07:56 Yeah, right.
07:58 - Come in. - Yeah, I'll be right out.
08:01 Oh!
08:03 Phone.
08:10 Yeah, sorry about that. I went alone.
08:13 That's sorted, is it?
08:15 Frankie, yeah, I've pretty much got all of it.
08:19 No, no-one knows a thing.
08:21 Looks like we're good to go.
08:23 OK, there are two things you can do as I see it.
08:33 You can block him, or, and if you do this, maybe give your phone to your dad.
08:37 You can wait and see if he sends anything else.
08:40 - If he does, contact us straight away. - That's what we've done.
08:43 The messages are perfectly innocent on the face of it.
08:45 "Have a great day. Enjoy college."
08:47 He came round to see her, put a letter through the door, got hold of her number somehow.
08:51 Which is worrying, I completely get that, but not against the law.
08:54 He's a fully grown man.
08:56 I'd feel like you feel, believe me.
08:58 Make sure you contact us if he contacts you again.
09:01 So that's it, is it?
09:03 What, are you going to take a sack over her head in some chloroform?
09:06 - We will speak to him at some point. - Yeah.
09:08 I might speak to him at some point and I'll...
09:10 I'd urge you not to do anything silly.
09:12 Yeah, I've done that already. Calling you.
09:15 - I talked to Liam earlier. - So that's what you're calling it now?
09:24 He was after coming clean, me and him together.
09:27 - Only because I know. - Yes.
09:29 But I told him no and I said I'd deal with it, so here I am.
09:32 Wendy, it's not me you need to apologise to.
09:35 Well, that's handy because I've no intention of doing.
09:39 Look, I feel guilty, I do.
09:42 But I shouldn't be sorry for finding something that makes me feel this good.
09:46 Well, the thing is, you could apply that to anything, couldn't you?
09:49 Yeah, I know I threw those puppies in a lake, but it made me feel good, so...
09:53 I haven't done that, though, have I?
09:55 - No-one's even got hurt. - Yet.
09:58 Tch.
10:00 Fuck.
10:23 (SIGHS)
10:25 - Are you Lloyd? - Yeah.
10:37 - Do you know who I am? - No.
10:39 Amelia's dad.
10:41 Amelia who?
10:43 The girl you've been stalking and harassing.
10:46 I think you must have the wrong address. I've never done that to anyone.
10:49 I've got the address that you gave her.
10:51 What do you expect us to do, just pop round and see you?
10:53 Yeah, or call. I gave her my number as well.
10:57 Oh, well, you'd have me sick.
11:00 - I was trying to help. She seemed troubled. - Troubled?
11:03 The only thing she's been troubled by is you, you pervert,
11:05 messaging and texting her and calling round.
11:08 She's a 16-year-old girl you've been terrorising her.
11:10 - Can you keep your voice down? - All right, what?
11:12 People round here don't know about you, do they?
11:14 Not made it to the register yet. Maybe we can do something about that.
11:18 Look...
11:20 I know this seems like an affair to you.
11:23 - Well, what would you call it? - I don't know.
11:26 I can't put a name to it. I've never experienced anything like it before.
11:30 But me and Liam, it...
11:32 It's not just about... bed.
11:35 Well, please don't tell me where else you do it.
11:38 Bob...
11:44 He is... He's such a wonderful man.
11:47 He is, and being with him, it's like...
11:51 I don't know, it's like being in this safe, secure box
11:55 where everything... well, most things are perfectly lovely.
11:59 But with Liam, it's like the lid of the box is off
12:02 and everything outside is lovely as well.
12:05 And there's so much more of him. Does that make sense?
12:09 If I say yes, it doesn't mean that I approve.
12:13 You know, being married to Russ, I was like a shadow of who I should have been.
12:18 And I've got some me back since I've known Bob,
12:21 and I'm so grateful to him for that, but...
12:24 With Liam, it's like I'm entirely who I wish I was all of the time.
12:29 But that's because you're not with him very much.
12:32 So you don't have to deal with normality. You're describing a textbook affair.
12:36 Well, then, I'm doing it wrong,
12:41 and I know I'm being completely selfish,
12:44 but it's making me feel things that I have never felt before.
12:48 And I'm not ready for it to stop.
12:51 Well, then, it feels like you and Bob need to.
12:54 Need to what?
12:58 Stop.
12:59 I can't form a relationship with an adult, so you start bothering little children.
13:04 Shut up! How low are you prepared to go?
13:06 Hey, 16 low enough, or would you go lower?
13:08 I'd try and help anyone who I thought needed it. That's just what I'm like.
13:11 You live around here, do you? Got kids? I'd consider moving if you do.
13:15 Hey, what would I find in your ladding's cave, eh?
13:18 Pictures, videos, lists of little girls.
13:20 I've got nothing like that, because I'm not like that.
13:23 I've got a girl home in Bix who says that you are.
13:26 - What have you got to hide? - Nothing. It's my business.
13:29 - Well, do you want me in yours? - I wouldn't want you anywhere near me.
13:33 - Didn't stop you, did it? - I followed your daughter online.
13:36 - That's it? - No, it isn't.
13:38 - Cos you passed yourself off as her mum. - I didn't!
13:40 You did! And then you came round to see her.
13:42 I was worried. She's single set. She made a video saying she was.
13:45 Yeah? Cos of freaks like you?
13:47 I was worried. I thought she might do something drastic.
13:49 You worried your perfect material was running out.
13:51 - I wasn't! - You were!
13:53 What, like there's not a thousand little tarts out there like her?
13:56 We've called the police, just so you know.
13:59 Oh, have you?
14:03 And yet you're standing there and not them.
14:06 That tells me what they told you.
14:08 There's nothing they can do because I've not done anything actually illegal.
14:11 Yeah, I don't need me cleaning stuff, thank you.
14:13 Gonna need you to step back now, please.
14:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm not interested in what you're selling and your trespassing.
14:18 Thank you, goodbye.
14:20 - Don't get the charcoal too hot. - I'm not sure I'm in control of that.
14:27 Try to be pleased, Bob. People have expectations.
14:31 Charcoal temperature?
14:33 Hey.
14:38 You have to tell Bob.
14:41 Why? Are you gonna do it for me if I don't?
14:43 It's not my place.
14:45 I'd hate to see you break his heart, though.
14:47 But most of all, Wendy, I'd hate to see you break your own.
14:50 Woo!
14:54 Oh, sorry for that.
14:59 Oh, he's like a puppy.
15:01 Well, you know what they say, a dog's for life.
15:03 But what do I know?
15:05 You know enough.
15:07 What does that mean?
15:09 A dog is for life, even a deaf one.
15:12 Thank you.
15:14 Feeling your face?
15:18 Yeah.
15:19 How are you?
15:22 Good.
15:23 And you?
15:25 Me? Yeah, good.
15:27 Just normal for me.
15:29 Well, I won't ask more.
15:33 Glad to hear it.
15:35 Another ice lolly? How many's that? 25?
15:43 Yeah, roughly. Gonna need to take a payday loan.
15:45 I'm sure it's gonna be bankrupt as well. Spoiling a while, you canny.
15:48 I'm gonna spoil you every day from now on.
15:51 Oh, you do? You having fun?
15:53 Here we are.
15:55 You're gonna miss this little lady when she goes back to Tracey's, aren't you?
15:58 Yeah.
15:59 Well, try and sound sure.
16:01 Yeah, of course I am.
16:03 Anyway, we've got to go on. See you later.
16:05 Bye.
16:06 Got full custody of Frankie now, have they?
16:10 Me? Oh, no, no, she goes back to Tracey's tonight.
16:13 Oh.
16:14 Why'd you ask?
16:15 Well, he just said something that made it sound like she's here for good.
16:23 I can't believe you're thinking about those bags again.
16:25 He still thinks she's here to stay.
16:27 He was on the phone to someone this morning.
16:30 Starting to think that either of them are.
16:33 I meant not to send to replace the other side of Horton.
16:36 Should've seen her face, looking all the lights and stuff.
16:39 Am I stealing your bad books?
16:42 No.
16:43 Do you want me to...?
16:45 It's just an appointment for Esther.
16:51 What are you hoping for? Amelia?
16:53 Erm...
16:59 A follower came round.
17:03 Someone came to your house today?
17:06 No, to the salon yesterday.
17:08 Male or female?
17:09 Male.
17:11 A man.
17:13 What did he do?
17:15 Just talked.
17:16 Say him what?
17:17 Stuff that'd sound normal if I were to tell you now.
17:20 I came back and he darted sharpish.
17:22 But what? He said he'd phone or something?
17:26 He's texting me today.
17:28 What does it say?
17:29 I'm not jealous, I just...
17:32 I can't.
17:34 I know.
17:36 It's like he thinks he's your mate or something.
17:47 How old is he?
17:49 What, about my age?
17:51 Oh my God.
17:53 We need to show the police this.
17:55 I already have.
17:56 So they're getting him?
17:58 Why the hell not?
18:00 Cos the stuff that he's done, Noah, it's not illegal.
18:03 He's an old fogey.
18:05 So what now?
18:07 Live my life as a nervous wreck, I suppose.
18:10 I suppose.
18:11 Hey, am I chopstern, Bob?
18:22 As cheeky as ever.
18:24 What just happened?
18:26 I'm not entirely sure.
18:28 Please don't tell Cain.
18:30 Oh, have we still got all this fruit?
18:34 Well, no one's asked for any.
18:36 The burgers, though, the burgers are going down great.
18:38 But they were for the children.
18:39 Well, turns out there's a lot of big kids here.
18:41 Thank you.
18:44 So why exactly didn't you say a bit frankier?
18:47 Hi.
18:49 Hi, man, please.
18:50 I spoke to your father.
18:55 You sure you're allowed to tell me that?
18:57 You're obviously referring to the rather big news you've received.
19:01 I didn't receive it.
19:02 I discovered it.
19:03 And yes, I am.
19:04 But more specifically, about the fact that you knew about it and didn't tell me.
19:08 Your father has told me everything that he's told you.
19:10 I don't know what more there is to say.
19:12 Father, you know, that's the second time you've said that.
19:15 It's hard to stop lying once you've started, isn't it?
19:17 Rishi is your father, in every respect except one.
19:20 The one that counts.
19:21 Well, if you really believe that,
19:22 then you never deserve to call him father in the first place.
19:24 I love the way this has turned into you having a go at me.
19:27 I may not agree with how Rishi has handled this,
19:30 but he's dealt with it like he does every issue in your life, Jay,
19:34 with your best interests at heart.
19:36 I think that's worth acknowledging.
19:38 I had a long conversation with someone today.
19:46 Not Bob, don't worry.
19:48 It was with Wendy, about your affair.
19:51 I see.
19:53 Stay away from Wendy.
19:55 I've just been round to yours for you.
20:02 I'm not there.
20:04 How long you been here?
20:05 I've not timed it.
20:07 I mean, how many of them have you had?
20:09 No, it's me first, but I don't intend on it being me last.
20:12 Dan, Emilia's upset again.
20:14 I know.
20:16 Has he been texting?
20:18 No, not since...
20:19 Where is she?
20:21 She's in the salon with our Noah.
20:22 You know, he's a good lad when he remembers to be.
20:26 Yeah, I know.
20:28 I've been to see him.
20:30 What, this Lloyd bloke?
20:32 I don't know if I want to know what happened.
20:34 I didn't touch him.
20:35 Well, he's probably for the best, you know.
20:37 Did you put the fear of God up him?
20:39 No.
20:40 So why did you go?
20:41 To put the fear of God up him?
20:43 Oh, he's in a hard phase. Get Mandy.
20:46 He was talking to me like it was me bothering him.
20:48 What did he say?
20:49 I'll tell you what he said.
20:50 After he stopped pretending and he slept up,
20:52 he said there was plenty of little tarts out there on the internet you could choose from.
20:55 I'm surprised you didn't deck him.
20:57 I'm sorry, I fume in that I didn't.
20:59 I told you this morning, you don't need any more stress in your life,
21:03 but you've got to make sure that he stays away from Amelia, though.
21:05 Yeah, don't do it.
21:06 How do you know that?
21:07 Well, shall I come with you?
21:08 If it needs sorting, I'll sort it myself, yeah?
21:10 Please record your message after the tone.
21:24 Hey.
21:26 If I need to pay you a visit again,
21:28 I'm coming into your place next time.
21:30 And the only way you'll be leaving there is in a body bag, all right?
21:33 Here tomorrow afternoon on ITV1,
21:46 England's Lionesses face Portugal
21:49 as we bring you all the international football action live from 2.30.
21:54 And we've Coronation Street on the way next.
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