EastEnders 5th September 2023-N

  • last year


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - All I want is the chance to explain.
00:29 - You've got a key.
00:30 Is that how you got in earlier?
00:31 - Oh.
00:32 - No, no, no, you need to get out.
00:35 My mum is in there now.
00:35 My daughter is giving birth.
00:37 - Well, let me help her.
00:38 Please.
00:39 - There is no way you are going near my daughter ever again.
00:43 - Yeah, but us later women are made of very strong stuff.
00:45 I mean, her mother gave birth at the school nativity,
00:47 but she is only 13 years old.
00:50 Hello?
00:51 Hello?
00:52 Are you still there?
00:53 Oh, yeah, she's very young.
00:54 So we really need you to hurry this ambulance along, please.
00:57 - Nan, she feels like she's gonna come out.
00:58 - Right, I'm putting you on speakerphone
00:59 'cause it's all happening.
01:01 (Nan crying)
01:01 Right.
01:02 It's okay, do you feel you need to push?
01:04 - I don't know.
01:05 How am I supposed to know, Nan?
01:06 I'm so scared.
01:07 - Oh, it's okay.
01:09 It's okay.
01:09 Your mum will be here any minute
01:10 and you're doing really well.
01:13 Now, if you feel a contraction
01:15 and you feel like you want to push,
01:18 you grow like the tiger mother you are
01:20 and you push.
01:22 (Nan grunting)
01:24 Is that it?
01:25 Do you feel it?
01:26 (Nan grunting)
01:28 Right, push!
01:29 Push!
01:31 (Nan grunting)
01:33 There is nothing you can say that makes any of this okay.
01:36 You've harassed me with a ton of messages.
01:38 You've broken into my house, ripped up my clothes.
01:41 I've been looking over my shoulder for weeks.
01:43 - I was upset, okay?
01:46 We had something really special.
01:48 - No, we didn't!
01:49 - All I've done is fall in love with you.
01:51 - Are you for real?
01:52 You are a freak.
01:53 You are a freak!
01:55 - When you think you're normal, do you?
01:56 - Keep your voice down.
01:58 How many kids?
01:59 How many dads?
02:00 And what about your exes, eh?
02:02 Were they normal?
02:03 Max Branning, the man you had an affair with
02:06 while you were married to his son.
02:07 Dean Wicks, the rapist.
02:09 Keira Pannisar, the murderer.
02:11 - Who have you been talking to?
02:13 - Anyone and everyone.
02:14 You put up with them.
02:15 But I'm the one you've got a problem with?
02:17 No, no, no, I'm not having it.
02:18 I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you.
02:21 (Nan screaming)
02:24 - That was good!
02:27 - Mum, it was so good!
02:28 I need my mum!
02:29 - She's just getting the towels.
02:32 - Where is she?
02:32 I need her.
02:33 I can't do it without my mum.
02:34 I need her now.
02:35 - Well, the only little girl needs you now.
02:36 And I know it's scary, but you are the mum right now.
02:39 Okay?
02:40 Do you hear me?
02:41 You can do this.
02:42 Now.
02:42 (Nan screaming)
02:44 That's it, push!
02:45 (Nan screaming)
02:48 - I'm not the bad guy here.
02:50 I'm not.
02:51 I got angry, right?
02:52 Fine, yeah, I'll admit that.
02:53 But who doesn't lose their temper from time to time?
02:56 And you're the one who cut me off.
02:58 You're the one who slammed the door in my face
02:59 and locked it like I'm some sort of danger to you.
03:02 But if you just listen to me from the start,
03:05 if you just let me actually explain.
03:07 - Just go.
03:08 - But it's always on your terms, isn't it?
03:10 You, you let me on.
03:12 You took my money because you're a dirty slapper
03:15 who doesn't know how lucky she is.
03:16 - Get out!
03:17 Get out!
03:19 Get out of my house!
03:21 Get out!
03:22 It's him!
03:23 It's him, he is my stalker!
03:24 - We know, and he's done it before.
03:25 And he's going down for it.
03:26 - Get off me!
03:27 - Listen, we've talked to Gemma.
03:28 We know all about your ex-girlfriend.
03:30 - You drove that poor woman to suicide!
03:32 - That's simply not true!
03:33 - Just let him go.
03:35 - What?
03:36 - Just get him out of my house!
03:38 Get him out!
03:39 Get him out!
03:40 - Why was the front door locked?
03:46 - Stace, what is going on?
03:47 - Lily is in labour.
03:49 She's in there, she's in the front room.
03:51 (Lily crying)
03:52 - That's it, that's it, that's it!
03:55 - Oh my God, that was good!
03:57 - Oh!
03:58 - What is going on?
03:59 - Shouldn't she be in hospital?
04:01 - Oh, what a good idea, Martin.
04:02 Why didn't we think of that?
04:03 - Not him, not him, not now, guys.
04:05 - It's just a dream, darling.
04:06 - No, no, I'm good in the hallway.
04:08 - I take it someone has called an ambulance.
04:10 - Oh, I gave up on her.
04:11 I couldn't concentrate with her witching in my ear.
04:13 - Hello?
04:14 - That's it.
04:15 - Okay, yeah, the ambulance is 10 minutes away.
04:18 - Oh, that's ages!
04:19 (Lily gasping)
04:20 - I don't think we've got that long.
04:23 - That's good, that's good.
04:24 - I'm telling you, you've got to cut the tension in here
04:27 with a knife, and then Gina stands up
04:29 and sends her packing.
04:31 - It was just a few crosswords.
04:32 It was all very civil.
04:33 - Doesn't sound very civil.
04:35 - You're right.
04:35 - They nearly kicked Kathy out of her own home.
04:38 - Yes, I've got them living with me,
04:39 parrot and all, and Rocky sings in the shower.
04:42 - I've got it very tunefully on my head.
04:43 - Listen, darlings, I don't want to hear
04:45 another word about her.
04:45 We are here to cheer up Gina and Anna,
04:48 and that woman will not get us down.
04:50 - No!
04:51 - Well, it sounds good to us, Elaine,
04:53 'cause we're here celebrating our Janice birthday.
04:55 (all cheering)
04:58 - 17 today, can you believe that?
05:01 - Jane's been calling.
05:03 Do you reckon, Alfie, do you think it's time
05:04 for one last Marlborough peacock?
05:06 - Let's have it!
05:07 - Let's do it!
05:08 (all shouting)
05:11 - Sounds like an eventful evening.
05:13 - Talk of the town.
05:15 - Except my idiot brother.
05:17 - Brother?
05:17 I can't see resemblance.
05:20 - Thanks.
05:20 (Lily chuckles)
05:22 - Excuse me.
05:23 (phone ringing)
05:25 Cal?
05:26 Hang on, slow down a minute.
05:31 Lexi?
05:32 Oh, where's Jay?
05:35 Has he not come back yet?
05:37 Yes, I'm coming, all right, I'll be there.
05:40 (knocking)
05:42 - We always knew it was gonna be tough to win the round,
05:45 but I will do whatever I can to help.
05:48 - That stupid Elaine.
05:50 She's only been in their lives a year.
05:52 - You're their real mum, okay?
05:55 That's a bond that just can't be broken.
05:59 You brought Gina and Anna up for years.
06:01 You nurtured them, you loved them.
06:04 - I kissed their heads every night before they went to sleep.
06:07 - And that has got to count for something.
06:09 - Yeah, of course it does.
06:11 That's why I'm still here, Mum.
06:13 - I know, thank you.
06:15 But what about my other little girl?
06:19 Cindy Junior?
06:20 - I just didn't want her to have to deal with this.
06:23 And she's living this life in Germany with Liam Butcher,
06:26 and I'm just gonna ruin it all.
06:28 It's not fair on her, she doesn't even know who I am.
06:30 - She's just broken up with Liam.
06:32 She won't hear anything from him.
06:34 Mum, she's gone away travelling.
06:36 Yeah, I was worried too.
06:38 I checked.
06:39 Apparently it was a messy breakup.
06:41 She's cut all ties.
06:42 Mum, she's gone away to find herself.
06:45 - Cindy, you've got time to work out what to do.
06:49 - I need to show Gina and Anna I can be trusted.
06:53 - And you'll prove that, you will.
06:54 - Staying here, building a life, laying down roots.
06:59 George and Elaine have the Vic.
07:01 We need to offer them something better, something new.
07:04 Something that says we're here for good.
07:05 A restaurant, a pub.
07:07 - Well, I'm there, I'm with you.
07:11 I'll make it happen.
07:13 - You promise, Ian?
07:16 - Yes.
07:16 - Okay.
07:25 All right, thank you.
07:27 You all right?
07:31 - She's just a baby.
07:33 I've been a baby.
07:34 - I know, I know.
07:35 - That's it, that's it!
07:40 Oh, darling, your head's out!
07:42 So it's just the shoulders now
07:43 and then the rest will just flop out.
07:44 - Shoulders, shoulders.
07:46 - Oh, not baby shoulders.
07:48 Baby shoulders are soft and squidgy and punchy
07:50 and your punchy little girl is almost here.
07:52 - Maggie, stop!
07:53 Oh my God, we're at mummy's.
07:55 - No, Maggie, we will stop.
07:56 When the baby comes, you can do it.
07:58 All right, you can do it.
07:59 Just breathe, breathe.
08:01 You're doing such a lovely job, Neil.
08:03 - The ambulance is nearly here.
08:04 - That's it!
08:05 - Come on, one last push, I promise.
08:07 - Yes, go on, now!
08:09 (screaming)
08:12 - Oh, no!
08:13 - Oh my God!
08:14 - That's it!
08:15 - Oh my God!
08:16 (baby crying)
08:19 - Oh, what's the best thing?
08:22 - Oh, Lily!
08:23 - Where is she?
08:24 Lily, Lily, she left your leg out.
08:26 - Steady, steady.
08:27 Steady.
08:28 - There you go.
08:30 Oh, Lily, Lily.
08:31 Oh, oh, oh, Lily.
08:33 Yeah, oh, Lily.
08:37 - Oh my God, she's here.
08:41 - Can we come in?
08:43 - Can I come in?
08:44 - Yeah, you can come in.
08:46 - Oh, she's here.
08:50 She's here.
08:51 She's here.
08:52 She's here.
08:54 Oh my God, she's here.
08:58 She's here.
08:59 - She's beautiful.
09:01 So beautiful.
09:02 - Oh, Lily, I can't believe you made a baby.
09:08 You've got it the right time.
09:09 - I know, I know.
09:10 (laughing)
09:12 - Ambulance out there.
09:21 They were moaning through the walls all night,
09:23 so I'm guessing Lily's had a baby.
09:26 Legs?
09:27 There's an ambulance outside, come and see it.
09:31 - I knew I shouldn't have showed her that video.
09:33 - No, Ben, look, you had to.
09:34 Of course you did.
09:36 You just need to talk to her.
09:38 (knocking)
09:40 - Lex's dad.
09:55 Look, I know you're scared and you're worried,
10:00 but sitting in there, bottling it all up,
10:02 it's no good for anyone.
10:07 So here's what's gonna happen.
10:09 I know for a fact that there is a tub
10:10 of your favorite ice cream sitting in the freezer.
10:13 Now, I could finish that in one go.
10:16 Or, I could grab two spoons, sit down together,
10:20 talk this out properly.
10:24 It's the choc chip one, you know,
10:29 with the cookie piece, isn't it?
10:31 Lex, I could demolish it, okay,
10:35 and I'm going to if you don't come out of that door
10:37 in three seconds.
10:39 One.
10:42 - Two.
10:46 - How is she?
11:05 - She looks like the whole world's against her.
11:07 - Still, means a lot that us both,
11:09 that you stayed with us.
11:11 - I don't want anyone to think I'm picking the sides, Dad.
11:14 We've got to look to the future now,
11:15 and that's what she's doing.
11:16 - Oh, good.
11:17 - 'Cause I've just paid to have all that stuff
11:20 shipped over here so I could do without
11:22 a change in her mind.
11:24 It cost me a small fortune.
11:25 - Yeah, and you need every penny you can get.
11:28 You just promised her a new family business.
11:31 How are you gonna pull that off?
11:34 - I'm working on it, all right.
11:36 Well, I've had a look at some places up for sale,
11:38 but a prime for redevelopment.
11:41 You've got the Argy Bargy, the Pawn Brokers.
11:43 I mean, I could easily turn that into a restaurant.
11:45 Wouldn't be in this mess if your gran hadn't sold the restaurant.
11:49 - You've done a good job of healing the rifts
11:51 in Mum's family, but don't you think
11:55 you should be doing the same for your own?
11:58 - Why have people been mean to me?
12:04 'Cause I don't have a mum.
12:06 - You do have a mum.
12:10 A mum in heaven.
12:11 The thing about bullies, Lex, is they are pathetic.
12:18 They're idiots.
12:19 You need to stand up to 'em.
12:22 - Can I swear at 'em?
12:23 - No.
12:24 - Why not?
12:26 It's secondary school.
12:27 - No, Carol's right, absolutely no swearing.
12:30 - Then what do I say?
12:33 - You know what, darling?
12:35 I don't think you should be worrying about bullies
12:37 or anything like that.
12:38 'Cause tomorrow is gonna be a great day.
12:43 You'll make loads of new friends, loads of new teachers.
12:45 You're gonna learn a load of really cool stuff at school.
12:50 And always remember, just like your mum said,
12:55 be kind.
12:55 Do your best.
13:01 (crickets chirping)
13:04 - I miss her so much.
13:07 - I know, darling.
13:11 We all do.
13:12 It's okay to feel sad, you know?
13:17 'Cause that sadness,
13:19 it only comes from loving someone so much.
13:23 And that love keeps you strong.
13:26 You feel strong?
13:31 Go and get in bed then.
13:32 I'll come and tuck you in.
13:34 - Love you.
13:38 - I love you.
13:40 Love you.
13:59 - Did you see anything?
14:01 - No, Enver's just gone, but it was definitely number 31.
14:04 - No, it's the baby, innit?
14:05 It's gotta be the baby.
14:06 - You could just go and ask if everything's all right.
14:08 - Slate was up, but it's easy to be a grisly murder.
14:11 But on the bright side, if they did pop their cloaks,
14:13 we'd probably get first dibs on the house.
14:15 - Will you stop it?
14:17 - Well, we can't live with Sonny forever.
14:18 Every time I sing in the shower,
14:20 I've got Rhys harmonizing in the other room.
14:22 - It is weird how he does that.
14:23 - Yeah, I know.
14:25 (door closes)
14:28 - Oh, what do you want?
14:30 - Black coffee, please.
14:34 (soft music)
14:37 - You understand what's gonna happen now, don't you?
14:47 They're gonna check you over,
14:48 and they're gonna check her over.
14:51 - What, do you need to take her?
14:52 - No, no, no, they'll do it here.
14:55 - Lovely, isn't it, to have a bit of privacy?
14:58 It's 'cause you're young, they won't look after you.
15:02 - Does Ricky know yet?
15:04 - Oh, they're all out there making calls,
15:06 telling the world.
15:08 I'm sure he'll be here when he gets here.
15:12 You all right?
15:17 - I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her now.
15:21 - Oh, darling, it's all right.
15:22 In this moment, all you've gotta do is just hold her.
15:27 - Who do you think you are, eh?
15:32 Coming around here, waving a white flag,
15:34 acting like you haven't just kicked
15:35 your own mother out of her house.
15:37 - Where's my house?
15:37 - That.
15:38 How do you have a sensible conversation with this man?
15:41 - I'm just stating the facts.
15:42 I own the house.
15:43 - No, no.
15:44 You abandoned it all,
15:45 and you left her to pick up the pieces,
15:46 and you haven't behaved any better either.
15:48 - I'm trying to sort this out.
15:49 - Good, well, then give her her house back.
15:53 The door is open.
15:54 I mean it, it is.
15:57 Look, just move back in whenever you want.
16:02 You're my mum.
16:07 I love you.
16:09 - Really?
16:11 You got a funny way of shouting.
16:12 - Oh, leave it, Rocky.
16:13 - Are you really getting sucked in by all this?
16:16 - I think we should just hear each other out, Rocky.
16:19 Please?
16:19 (people chattering)
16:22 - I love you.
16:25 All of you.
16:29 - But Cindy is your priority.
16:33 - Yes.
16:38 I mean, whatever you think of her,
16:39 she's been through hell,
16:41 and I'm gonna do whatever it takes
16:42 to help her rebuild her life,
16:45 to reconnect with her family.
16:49 I'm gonna try and give her the stability that she needs,
16:53 and the future she deserves.
16:56 Is that so bad?
16:58 - What do you want from us?
17:06 - I don't wanna fight.
17:10 - No, and neither do I.
17:11 And I didn't start it, by the way.
17:14 (people chattering)
17:17 - Black coffee, is it?
17:25 Go on, go and sit down.
17:28 I'll bring it over.
17:29 - Little, ferretine, limp wisp of a man.
17:39 How dare he?
17:43 - I did try to warn people.
17:45 - How come I didn't hear you?
17:47 I tracked him down.
17:48 I brought him into the house.
17:49 I welcomed him with open arms.
17:51 Oh, how could he be so stupid?
17:54 - All right, how's she doing?
17:56 - Yeah, all good, mate.
17:57 Doctors are happy.
17:59 - Is Lily okay?
18:00 - She was incredible.
18:01 - Oh, bless her.
18:03 - Do you wanna come and meet your daughter?
18:12 - Okay.
18:12 All right?
18:24 - I guess.
18:26 Oh, look at her.
18:30 - Oh, my.
18:34 (phone ringing)
18:37 - Do you wanna hold her?
18:44 - Can I?
18:45 - Yeah, of course.
18:46 She is yours.
18:47 Go and sit over there.
18:49 I'll bring her round.
18:51 - You got a name for her yet?
18:59 - Oh, she has, but she ain't said.
19:01 She was waiting for Ricky to get here.
19:03 Sit, darling.
19:05 Sit, just make sure you've got her head.
19:06 No.
19:07 - Sick.
19:14 Sick.
19:16 - Well, come in then.
19:18 What's her name?
19:19 - Her name's Charlie.
19:25 - Oh, after Uncle Charlie?
19:26 - Oh, no, after Charlie XCX.
19:29 - Oh.
19:31 - Who?
19:32 - Oh, get with it, Jack.
19:32 It's a singer.
19:34 Innit?
19:35 - Hello, Charlie Slater.
19:38 - She's got a middle name too, right?
19:44 Her full name's Charlie Branning Slater.
19:47 - Oh.
19:48 - Hang on, last time I looked, you were Ricky Mitchell.
19:52 - I'm changing my name too.
19:54 I've always been more of a Branning than a Mitchell,
19:57 and I want my daughter to be too.
20:00 - Come on, let me have a look.
20:07 - Go on, get in there, you.
20:26 - She's fast asleep.
20:28 Uniform all laid out, nice and neat,
20:29 big smile on her face.
20:32 - You seen this?
20:33 - Oh, oh, it's cute.
20:36 - Charlie Branning Slater,
20:37 not even a mention of the Mitchells.
20:39 - Well, it's hardly surprising, is it?
20:41 You've got Sam Mitchell to thank for that.
20:43 You okay?
20:44 - Yeah.
20:48 Yeah, I'm good.
20:50 - You were brilliant tonight.
20:52 - Oh.
20:53 (kissing)
20:55 - I'm just gonna go, hello.
20:59 - Yeah, go on.
21:00 - Oh, mate, she is absolutely perfect.
21:14 - She is adorable.
21:16 - Yeah.
21:17 - I'm sorry, but could I just have a quick word with you, Jack?
21:21 - Yeah, go on.
21:23 - Yeah.
21:24 - Jean, I'm so sorry, I couldn't hear my phone.
21:29 There was music and those cocktails.
21:31 You should come over for help for me.
21:32 - We got him here as soon as we could, Jean.
21:34 - He finished his drink first, though.
21:35 - I was on my last sip.
21:36 - Oh, never mind, you're here now.
21:38 Come and meet baby Charlie.
21:40 Oh, no, on second thought,
21:41 she needs strong coffee and some mints, I think.
21:43 - What, Charlie after my dad?
21:44 - Oh, no, sorry.
21:46 No, Charlie without the E, as in Charlie X, Y, Z, D.
21:51 - X, C, X, isn't it?
21:52 - Charlie?
21:53 Oh, what did I say?
21:56 - X, Y, Z.
21:57 Am I supposed to be following something here?
21:59 - I'm certainly not.
22:00 It's making my head spin.
22:01 - Do you need a nurse?
22:02 - No, no, you know what I do need?
22:05 It's one of these.
22:07 Hey, come here.
22:07 (laughing)
22:10 Congratulations, eh?
22:12 Great Nana Jean.
22:13 (laughing)
22:15 - Great Nana Jean.
22:17 I don't think I like the sound of that.
22:19 - Well, just great then.
22:21 (laughing)
22:23 - Kev, I'm sorry.
22:26 I know I was too full on.
22:27 This, it's just, he has made us homeless.
22:32 He has dumped us right in it with the chippy
22:33 and we ain't ever gonna pay that loan back.
22:36 - Well, we'll muddle through, won't we?
22:38 We always do.
22:39 - I just don't wanna see you up.
22:42 - Well, believe me, my guard is up, all right?
22:44 Especially where she's concerned.
22:46 But he is my son.
22:51 And he's had a heart attack.
22:53 I can't give up on him, Rocky.
22:55 - To make any of these ideas work,
22:58 we need serious investment.
23:00 - What about Phil Mitchell?
23:02 - I can't beg him to Phil Mitchell.
23:03 - I've been sent to clean you out.
23:08 Suki's guilty pleasure.
23:10 - Oh.
23:10 - If you're still in the pest control business,
23:12 I've got a very large rat that needs getting rid of.
23:15 - Oh, look, he's joking, all right?
23:19 I bagged these up for you.
23:20 - Did he say Suki?
23:23 Is that Suki Panesar's husband?
23:25 - Um, yeah.
23:28 Yeah, but she's an absolute ice queen.
23:29 You don't wanna get involved.
23:30 - Yeah, I know, but they've got the minute mark,
23:31 they've got the call center.
23:32 - No, honestly, Dad, just--
23:33 - Dad, Dad, don't get involved.
23:35 Mr. Panesar.
23:36 Ian Beale.
23:39 Fellow entrepreneur and Walford born and bred.
23:43 - Kathy's son?
23:46 - Yeah.
23:48 - I've been away, but I'm back now
23:49 and I'm looking to expand.
23:51 So me and my good lady would like to invite you
23:53 and your lovely wife for lunch tomorrow.
23:56 - You know, seeing them two,
24:05 now I know we were young, but for them.
24:07 - Well, at least she knew she was pregnant.
24:10 I mean, the shock of it messed with our heads for years,
24:14 didn't it?
24:15 Still does in a way.
24:17 - I'm sure they'll work it out.
24:18 - Yeah.
24:20 Thought of having a newborn though,
24:23 dealing with that full time.
24:26 No, thank you.
24:28 - I don't know.
24:30 I reckon it could be fun.
24:34 - You're not up to daffy, are you?
24:35 - No.
24:36 - Good.
24:37 - But I want you to know
24:40 that we are gonna try for a VF.
24:44 I've got a fertility appointment tomorrow.
24:46 - You are?
24:47 You and Reece?
24:48 - Yeah.
24:49 - Why?
24:52 - Well, there's loads of reasons, but I love him.
24:56 We want a family.
24:58 And the first time round, I missed out on so much.
25:00 - Yeah, you missed out on all the tough bits on,
25:03 like the sleepless nights, the total exhaustion,
25:06 you losing all your freedom.
25:08 And let's not forget, no spring chicken.
25:11 - Oh, thanks. - I'm just saying.
25:14 No, you'll be picking up your penture
25:15 by the time the kid turns 21.
25:17 (laughs)
25:19 - This guy was in your house?
25:24 - Yes, I've dealt with him.
25:26 - Oh, yeah, Eve.
25:27 She asked me about some advice for a mate who was being stuck.
25:29 That was you, wasn't it?
25:31 He was threatening you when my granddaughter was being born.
25:34 - He can't hurt us now we know who he is.
25:36 - No, she's right, Jack.
25:37 It's only Theo, we can deal with him.
25:39 Okay.
25:44 - I think you need to report this officially.
25:46 - Yes, I will.
25:47 - Hey, it's over now.
25:54 - I was so scared.
25:57 - But look, you've dealt with it,
25:58 and then you delivered a baby's face.
26:00 You're incredible, okay?
26:03 When are you thinking about going to the police?
26:07 - I don't know.
26:09 We've got bigger priorities, haven't we?
26:11 I mean, our daughter's just had a baby.
26:12 She's 13 years old.
26:15 It's gonna be the hardest thing she's ever had to deal with.
26:18 - Yeah.
26:20 But she's got us.
26:21 (upbeat music)
26:30 - For details of organisations which offer advice
26:37 and support with pregnancy-related issues,
26:40 go to the BBC Action Line website.
26:44 (upbeat music)
26:46 (gentle music)
26:49 (upbeat music)
26:51 (gentle music)
26:54 (upbeat music)
26:57 (gentle music)
26:59 (gentle music)
27:02 (gentle music)
27:05 (gentle music)
27:08 (gentle music)
27:10 (gentle music)
27:13 [MUSIC]