World's Largest Baseball Card Unveiled

  • 11 years ago
Topps unveils the "world's largest baseball card".

Obsessed with baseball?

Here’s a twist on traditional baseball cards. Trading card company, Topps, has premiered what they are claiming to be "the biggest baseball card ever”.

Topps sprawled the more than 5,000 square foot card depicting Detroit Tigers first baseman, Prince Fielder over the outfield of a youth baseball field in Lakeland, Florida. The event was held in anticipation for the company’s Series 1 baseball cards for 2013.

Measuring 90 feet high by 60 feet in width, it would take 82,944 average sized baseball cards and 83,966 official Major League baseballs to cover the huge card. Prince Fielder along with more than 75 Little League players were at the field for the debut.

It may be a good idea for Topps to send the card to the auction block.

According to Guinness World Records, the highest price paid for a card sold at an auction was $2.8million in 2007.

The piece is a rare card, issued in 1909 by the American Tobacco Company. It features John Peter ‘Honus’ Wagner who was a Hall of Fame Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop from 1900-1907.


