Woman Misses Door, Walks Into Glass

  • 12 years ago
Woman Misses Door, Walks Into Glass - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Walking into a glass door would probably rank up there at the top when it comes to embarrassing situations. And what if you also had an audience?

Recently, a 32-year-old unnamed female was making her way into a bank in Ridgefield, Washington but unfortunately missed the door; instead she walked right into the glass. According to a Fire and Rescue official, she mistakenly thought the floor to ceiling window was the entry way and continued walking at “full speed”. Her multiple gashes were treated and she was able to leave the scene, leaving bank officials surprised.

Earlier this year, another woman faced a similar scenario. Evelyn Paswall walked face first into the glass door at Apple store and broke her nose. The 83-year-old woman is claiming that the modern architecture poses a threat to the elderly and is suing the company for $1 million. Paswall’s lawsuit alleged she didn’t she didn’t realize she was walking towards a glass wall and that there should have been a warning sign posted.

Have you ever had this happen to you?


