New Jersey Town Removes Ban on Swimsuits

  • 12 years ago
New Jersey Town Removes Ban on Swimsuits - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Can you imagine a law prohibiting you from wearing a bathing suit? Well, that law was a reality for residents and visitors of Asbury Park, New Jersey, who were not allowed to showcase swimsuits while on the boardwalk. Although the law was recently repealed, it had been in effect since 1958, punishing violators with a fine up to $2,000 and 3 months behind bars. The nullification of the old law didn’t come without a fight. Ex-councilwoman of the city, Louise Murray sought to keep the law, saying "Do you really want to be sitting in a restaurant and seeing somebody come up half-dressed? We all can’t be Sports Illustrated and we all can’t be GQ’s. I had my day, the window’s obviously closed, but even at my best day I never walked in a bar in a bathing suit.”

Last month, Rhode Island repealed a misdemeanor law, involving internet white lies. The law originated in 1989, which made any intentional online lies involving weight, age and sexual intentions punishable by a fine up to $500. Rhode Island American Civil Liberties Union director stated, “This law made virtually the entire state of Rhode Island a criminal. Telling fibs may be wrong, but it shouldn't be a criminal activity.”


