Dog Breeds for First Time Dog Buyers

  • 13 years ago
Dog Breeds for First Time Dog Buyers - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Toni Drugmand with Sit Means Sit Dog Training, and we are going to talk a little bit about dogs this morning. We are looking at choosing the right breed for you, selecting a dog with the correct temperament is really going to be beneficial - you want to do your homework. Some of the more popular breeds that we see today are the Labrador and the Golden Retriever. Both are very good family all-around general pets. They are happy dogs, they have nice temperaments and dispositions, they want to learn, they are easily trainable. However, if they are not trained, they are happy dogs, they are exuberant, they like to jump, they may dig up the sprinkling system - so giving them good foundational skills is important. Other breeds that are popular as well are breeds like the Border Collie, a very high-drive dog. This means that they have a lot of energy and extra focus, if they are not given enough outlet, they are going to get themselves into a bit of trouble. Again, a dog that needs training and foundation. The Pit bull is a dog that we see very commonly in training, a very happy popular breed with people, with kids. Sometimes their social interaction with other dogs is not appropriate and so early training and socialization is going to be important for all breeds, but certainly for certain breeds that have characteristics that may lend itself to being a little bit overblown.


