Parenting and Careers: Dealing with Fear of Failure

  • 13 years ago
Parenting and Careers: Dealing with Fear of Failure - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. As a busy working mom, you may feel like you are coming up short on the work and the home front, that they are real conflicting priorities sometimes. So, what you can best do is to really manage your own expectations because it is really, often times, if you look really hard at what is going on, you, who is setting yourself up to the sort of, perfectionistic standards. So, what does that mean? That means 'good is good enough' and you have to adopt that mantra as a parent because that is reality. And if you can do that, it will really allow you to lower your expectations and then feel pleasantly surprised when things exceed your expectations. The other thing you can do to really help manage the conflicting priorities is to flex your "no" muscles. So, again, really learn how to say "no" and mean it and say it without feeling guilty and practice it daily. And the more and more you do it, the easier it will be.


