Legal Breakdown episode 490: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Trump's extortion attempt against law firms.
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00:00You're watching The Legal Breakdown.
00:01Glenn, we just saw a move by Donald Trump that may very well be evidence of his own
00:05extortion plot.
00:07Can you explain what just happened here?
00:08Yeah, Brian, let me start by explaining very briefly what extortion is, and then let's
00:14turn to the new reporting.
00:16So extortion, under the laws of the District of Columbia, involves the following.
00:22It's a criminal offense in D.C. to obtain something of value or compel action through
00:29threats or coercion.
00:31A pretty simple definition of the crime of extortion.
00:35It's also interchangeably called blackmail sometimes.
00:39But it is obtaining something of value or compelling action through threats or coercion.
00:45What did Donald Trump do?
00:47Donald Trump issued an executive order designed to punish a law firm, a law firm called Paul
00:55And it's a Democratic-leaning law firm.
00:58They've represented lots of Democrats, I believe including Hillary Clinton and others.
01:04And Donald Trump apparently wanted to punish them, so he issued an executive order saying
01:09he's going to revoke their security clearances and they can't do business with government
01:13agencies, et cetera, et cetera.
01:15Now this is big law.
01:16This is a law firm that reportedly pulled in $2 billion in 2023.
01:22So you know, it's a firm that is probably understandably concerned about their bottom
01:27line and their profit margin.
01:29But instead of bringing a legal challenge, a lawsuit to try to combat what seems pretty
01:36obviously like a violation of your First Amendment rights to free speech and to represent the
01:42clients you see fit to represent, other law firms are bringing suit against similar executive
01:50The head of Paul Weiss, I want to make sure I get his name right, his name is Brad Karp.
01:58He is the chairman of the firm whose full name is Paul Weiss Rifkin Garrison and Wharton
02:04made a pilgrimage to the Oval Office, met with Donald Trump, and according to the reporting
02:12and to a post by Donald Trump himself, they offered Donald Trump $40 million in legal
02:21services for causes that will help Donald Trump's political priorities.
02:27When they offered that $40 million, guess what Donald Trump did?
02:31He said, I am deciding not to punish your law firm.
02:36Brian, let me just ask our viewers, does that sound like Donald Trump obtained something
02:42of value through threats or coercion?
02:47It feels really extortion-y to me, but that is what just happened.
02:54Now the reality is that if there were to be any legal action against this, it would have
02:58to be taken by the entity that was harmed, which would be Paul Weiss itself.
03:04And it looks like Paul Weiss, far from taking legal action against Trump, are perfectly
03:08content to fully bend the knee to him.
03:11Yeah, this is now, unless there are other parties that might have standing that might
03:16be harmed by this apparently ugly bargain that Paul Weiss and Donald Trump just struck.
03:23If they're harmed, they might have standing to bring suit, but I think it unlikely.
03:27You're right.
03:28It really is Paul Weiss that would have to bring a legal challenge against, again, what
03:33feels like extortion.
03:35I mean, if you kind of boil it down to its basics, this is like if a county building
03:42inspector came to your house and said, yeah, I'll make sure your deck or the addition to
03:49your home passes inspection if you grease my palm with $500.
03:54Or if the homeowner said to the inspector, hey, I'll grease your palm with $500 if you
04:00pass my deck, the inspection.
04:03That's what this is, right?
04:05This is something that is a misuse of the power, the authority of government, the president.
04:13And it is something that I am shocked, quite frankly, that a law firm like Paul Weiss would
04:18capitulate to.
04:20What does their capitulation do to the broader effort for law firms to be able to stand up
04:25against Trump?
04:26I think it will inspire and embolden Donald Trump to continue to do this to even more
04:33law firms, because look at what he just landed courtesy of this act, you know, saying, I'm
04:39going to punish Paul Weiss.
04:42He got himself $40 million in free legal services.
04:46Why wouldn't he continue to go after other law firms looking for the same political payday
04:52from them?
04:53I'm going to ask a question that I asked before, but in a little bit of a different way.
04:57If you have somebody like the president of the United States attempting to extort a smaller
05:03entity, an entity that they would have a lot of control over, over their finances, over
05:07their business, it doesn't exactly seem out of the question, outside the realm of logic,
05:13that they would succumb to Trump's demands because of that power imbalance and because
05:17they are the victim of that extortion attempt.
05:20And so how could it be that it's allowed to continue without any other entity stepping
05:26in and putting a stop to it?
05:28This is almost like, look, I'm not excusing Paul Weiss because I think that they could
05:32have very well done what Perkins Cooey is doing and actually fought this.
05:35But there is a part of me that, that understands that they are still the victim of an extortion
05:40And so does it, does it lend itself to reason that the only entity that would be able to
05:44bring suit against, against Donald Trump or this administration would be the victim of
05:49the extortion attempt who, who clearly has a lot more to lose if they were to take an
05:53aggressive, hostile posture?
05:54Yeah, a couple of layers there.
05:56So first of all, yeah, usually law enforcement tries to protect the victims even when the
06:03victims are unwilling or unable to protect themselves.
06:07It looks like Paul Weiss, you know, assuming this would qualify under the elements of the
06:13crime of extortion, it looks like Paul Weiss was unwilling to buck the president.
06:19Maybe they didn't want to get punished even more severely.
06:22Maybe they were making a cost benefit analysis and they were protecting their profit margin.
06:28Shame on them if they were, because this continues to degrade our democracy, giving in to an
06:35aspiring dictator.
06:37But ordinarily, Brian, and let me use another very quick analogy.
06:40I handled a lot of domestic violence cases, including domestic violence murder cases.
06:45Often the victim of the domestic violence was unwilling or unable to stand up for themselves.
06:52So even if they didn't want to bring charges, we brought charges as the prosecutors to protect
06:57the victim, even when the victim didn't seem to be in a position to protect themselves
07:02and to protect the balance of society against the perpetrator.
07:07But so when the victims are unable or unwilling to protect themselves, you know who's supposed
07:13to protect them?
07:14Law enforcement.
07:15Who would that be in this instance?
07:17Would it be the DOJ in this instance?
07:19The FBI, the federal prosecutors.
07:21It would be the Department of Justice.
07:24But do you really think Pam Bondi, Emil Bove, Todd Blanche, and those of their ilk Trump
07:32lawyers all are going to step up and put a stop to anything that Donald Trump is doing
07:37that might cross a legal line?
07:41Not going to happen.
07:42But can I shift my ire and my complaint for just a minute to mainstream media, Brian?
07:49Because when I saw this story reported out this morning, I made the mistake of turning
07:54on cable news.
07:56And I actually saw people saying things like, well, you know, this is a really unconventional
08:03negotiation that Donald Trump is undertaking, punishing a law firm, receiving $40 million
08:10in legal services and saying, oh, well, then I won't punish you anymore.
08:14This is a really unconventional form of negotiation by a president.
08:19Brian, that would be like saying if Donald Trump was out on the White House lawn shooting
08:24and killing people, if the media reported that as a really unconventional form of population
08:32No, it would be murder.
08:34It would be a crime.
08:36And this, as I say, looks a lot like the crime of extortion when you drill down and look
08:42at the legal elements of extortion.
08:44Well, look, I mean, that is that is the perfect encapsulation of the ways in which our media
08:51has normalized not just this event, but so much of what Trump has done before.
08:55So if I could take a quick moment to ask folks who are watching right now, if you want to
08:59support the work that we do, support independent media more broadly, please make sure to subscribe
09:03to both of our channels.
09:04Glenn is fast on his way to a million subscribers.
09:07So if you haven't yet subscribed yet to his YouTube channel, please go ahead and do that.
09:12Glenn, what what message would you send then to the clients of Paul Weiss who look, they
09:18have autonomy, they can choose where to give their business in light of the fact that Paul
09:23Weiss decided not to stand up in very much the same way that other law firms are standing
09:28up to this administration, but to capitulate and make it more difficult for the law firms
09:34who are actually fighting this thing and embolden Trump even further to think, hey, what I'm
09:38doing is OK.
09:40It's basically this brand new legalized form of extortion by virtue of the fact that his
09:46cronies in the DOJ are too chicken shit to do anything about it.
09:49You know, Brian, Paul Weiss has done that firm has done a lot of great work.
09:54They have, I think, a thousand or more lawyers across their several offices.
09:59And I'm sure, you know, most of them are excellent lawyers and ethical professionals.
10:04You know, the problem becomes what message are you sending to potential clients who are
10:12wondering if they want to retain your services to fight their battles, particularly to fight
10:18their battles against the federal government that every day is involved in abuse, overreach,
10:24corruption and outright criminality?
10:28Do those clients decide that they're going to throw in their legal lot with a Paul Weiss
10:34or are they going to go to a Perkins Coie or another firm that has opted to stand up
10:40against this kind of, you know, autocracy that Donald Trump is practicing?
10:47I'm not going to say, you know, boycott this firm or boycott that firm.
10:52But I think clients need to make informed decisions about what, you know, what kind
10:56of a law firm they want to plug into.
10:59Is it they want one that stands up to dictatorship, autocracy and tyranny or one that lays down
11:05in the face of those things?
11:07And, you know, Glenn, I think the most the most telling part of all of this is that we're
11:12seeing Trump employ these practices, not just as it relates to big law, but also as it relates
11:18to the media.
11:19We've obviously seen, you know, CBS, ABC lay down in the face of Trump.
11:25These tech billionaires, Shu at TikTok, Mark Zuckerberg at Meta, I mean, everybody who
11:30he beckons over to the White House immediately crawls over there and offers him whatever
11:36concessions they want.
11:37We've seen it in the entertainment aspect of things with Amazon spending $40 million
11:42on a Melania biopic that I'm sure people are falling over themselves to watch.
11:49And in just arena after arena after arena, Trump is showing that he is willing to extort
11:55every single entity that he comes across.
11:58But almost worse than that is the fact that so many of these entities are willing to be
12:03extorted as opposed to recognizing the power that they would hold by virtue of banding
12:08together basically.
12:09And yet rather than do that, which would not only make them stronger, but also push back
12:14in the face of this overt tyranny that you just referenced, they've opted to, you know,
12:19cow in the face of Trump instead.
12:21I mean, the question will be asked, where were you when Trump came first for the immigrants,
12:27came for the LGBTQ community, came for big law, came for big tech?
12:34Where were you?
12:35Were you standing up?
12:36Were you laying down?
12:37Were you on the sidelines, not wanting to get involved in the fight for a healthy, indeed
12:43a viable American democracy?
12:45Where were you?
12:46I think people need to stand up and fight.
12:49And that's why, you know, Brian, not to toot our own horn, you know, we are independent
12:54We don't have corporate sponsorship.
12:55We don't have bosses giving us editorial direction about what we can say, what we can't say,
13:01what story we can cover and what story we shouldn't cover because it might anger somebody.
13:06We're just calling it the way it is, giving people accurate information that hopefully
13:11they can use to make decisions in their own lives about what they want to do in the face
13:16of what Donald Trump is doing to so many.
13:19He is hurting so many people.
13:22And if we're not standing strong, standing together and standing up to it, well, then
13:27we're all going to fall.
13:28Perfectly put.
13:29Again, if you want to support the work that we're doing right now, please make sure to
13:32subscribe to the links to both of our channels right here on the screen.
13:34I'm Brian Taylor Cohen.
13:36And I'm Glenn Kirshner.
13:37You're watching The Legal Breakdown.