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00:00Hey everybody, different kind of video here.
00:02I'm going to be doing something a little bit differently than normal.
00:05If you've watched my videos, you know that my first, second, and third priority is not
00:09just preaching to the choir, but expanding our coalition, inviting more people into the
00:14And I've heard some of the feedback that my video titles are too partisan.
00:18And so how are we going to get those people who we want to reach to actually watch them?
00:23So let's discuss two things here.
00:24First, the deal with video titles.
00:26And the second is what I'm going to do about it.
00:29On the video titles, I think a lot of you already understand this, but the unfortunate
00:33reality is that if you want your videos to break through on this platform, it requires
00:37grabbing people's attention with titles.
00:39I could opt not to, but it doesn't change the fact that everybody else is still going
00:43to keep doing it.
00:44And so the only result of that is that other channels' videos are going to get watched
00:48and mine won't.
00:49It would basically be unilateral disarmament.
00:51And I think that the message that I'm sending is important.
00:54So if it means that I have to play the game that everybody else in this platform is playing,
00:58then so be it.
00:59Again, I wish that wasn't the case, but I have to optimize for the media environment
01:02that I'm in, not the media environment that I wish I was in.
01:06To that point, I hear you when I read your comments and see your emails and say that
01:10you wish you could share a certain video on a certain topic with your Republican dad or
01:14mom or brother or uncle, but the partisan title turned them away instantly.
01:19They immediately wrote it off.
01:20My goal is to reach those exact people.
01:22So it creates an inherent conflict here.
01:24I both have to optimize for how YouTube actually works and I have to do the work of persuasion,
01:30which may include getting independents or Republicans to actually tune in despite the
01:34video titles.
01:35So here's what I've done.
01:36I started a brand new channel on YouTube.
01:38The handle is at Brian Tyler Cohen News, where I upload the same or slightly tweaked videos
01:43with very straight news titles that specifically are intended to allow you to share it with
01:47folks who would be turned off by partisan titles.
01:50And look, is it going to hurt my primary channel to start sending people to an entirely
01:54different channel, one that isn't even monetized?
01:57Of course it is.
01:58But my goal is and always has been making politics accessible to as many people as possible.
02:03That means altering my strategy when my current strategy is alienating folks who I think are
02:07important to reach.
02:08So yes, it'll take up more of my time.
02:10Yes, it'll mean less money, but if it means a few more people might be open to hearing
02:14what I have to say, then it's worth it.
02:17So if you think that this is going to be helpful to somebody that you know, a family
02:20member or friend or colleague or neighbor or just some random dude on the Internet,
02:24then please subscribe to that channel as well.
02:27You can go to slash at Brian Tyler Cohen News.
02:31If you see a video on my main channel that resonates with you and you want to be able
02:34to share it, go look for it on Brian Tyler Cohen News.
02:38They'll get uploaded at roughly the same exact time.
02:41So I'll put that channel link right here on the screen, or you can always check it in
02:45the post description of this video and every other video moving forward.
02:48So go ahead and subscribe so that you know where to find it if you need a video with
02:51shareable packaging.
02:53And I'll finish off with this, and I'm sure you've heard me make this point before, but
02:56the margin by which Biden beat Trump in 2020 in Wisconsin was two votes per precinct.
03:01That is what separated a Biden win and a Trump win in the tipping point state.
03:05We're in an era where every vote matters and every person matters.
03:08So my job is to do whatever I can to reach not just the people who agree with me, but
03:12the people who might not.
03:13The reality is that the 2026 election cycle began the day after Trump won the White House,
03:19began the day after Republicans took the House and the Senate.
03:22Our job now, every single day, has to be the work of persuasion.
03:26It has to be convincing Americans of what I'm sure that most of you watching already
03:29know, that our democracy only survives if Trump and Republicans are not in control.
03:34That climate change is only going to be addressed if Trump and Republicans are not in control.
03:37That healthcare and abortion rights will only be protected if Trump and Republicans are
03:41not in control.
03:42That unions will only be bolstered and that the national minimum wage will only go up
03:46and that workers' rights will only be defended if Trump and Republicans are not in control.
03:50But the sad reality is that while it may be obvious to a lot of us watching, it's not
03:54obvious to the majority of this country.
03:56That's what the 2024 election cycle told us.
03:59That means that we have a lot of work to do and we all have to do our part.
04:02I spend every day thinking about how I can be just a little bit more helpful.
04:06This new channel is a step in that direction, but it's a group effort.
04:09So please do your part.
04:11Don't give up and steal yourselves because we've got a long fight ahead and the only
04:15way we win is if everybody's on board.