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00:00What would you do if everyday objects like this
00:02changed your life in the most unexpected way?
00:05You see the coffee cup fly out of his hand.
00:07You think tornado.
00:08No, giant vacuum cleaner falling from the sky.
00:12Okay, if this happened, you'd have to think this is a dream.
00:15I would just stand there and be like, this is a dream.
00:16Like, go ahead and just suck me up.
00:18Is he just thinking about this experience happening
00:21while he's vacuuming his rug?
00:24Because this is insane.
00:25This is why I love watching anime,
00:28because it's like this, like you can't explain it.
00:30It just like pushes your imagination
00:32and your creativity to the next level.
00:34Although I can't say I've ever watched any anime about,
00:38I have not watched an anime about a giant vacuum cleaner.
00:42Yeah, dude, I'm actually terrified of vacuuming.
00:44I'm terrified of vacuum cleaners.
00:46Oh, okay, he hits a dead end.
00:48What do you do?
00:48Do you like hop in the trash can?
00:50Oh, come on, man.
00:51Come on.
00:52Oh, wait, you got, oh, the cable.
00:55There's something in, like, stuck in the vacuum cleaner.
01:01It's like a tiny tree.
01:03It's a toy tree.
01:06Oh, no.
01:07The moment when you think it's all over
01:09and then it starts again.
01:12The vacuum cannot hold infinite things.
01:15It's not a black hole, right?
01:17Like, it's got a bag attached to it.
01:19If you could keep running,
01:20eventually the bag would fill up, right?
01:22And then it couldn't hold anything else.
01:25This guy is getting saved by the bell.
01:27No way this guy's gonna drink this.
01:29He just drank boiling water.
01:31Oh, dude.
01:33Okay, no.
01:34Is that the switch?
01:35What's the strategy?
01:37What's going through your mind right now?
01:38I'm thinking we gotta cut the cable.
01:41We gotta jump on the vacuum cleaner and find the button.
01:44I mean, if you're on the vacuum cleaner,
01:46then you can't get sucked up.
01:48Wait, what is that?
01:49Wait, no bags, no fuss?
01:52Oh, no, it's another vacuum.
01:55Wait, it's like a Roomba.
01:56He's gonna have to run away from a Roomba now.
01:58Oh, this is bad.
02:01Oh, my God.
02:02Wait, this cable's huge.
02:03All right, maybe this makes sense
02:04why he wasn't able to cut it.
02:07Not the firefighter.
02:08Dude, do you just do this?
02:10I think you have to.
02:12You have to.
02:13Okay, because you have to cut the cable
02:14to save the guy beneath it.
02:16Hoping, I'm just praying he's still alive.
02:18What are the chances of you,
02:19okay, while you're cutting this cable and it's plugged in,
02:22what are the chances of you getting shocked?
02:23It's gotta be just through the roof.
02:26Oh, he's gonna turn it back on.
02:28Oh, oh, no, he can't.
02:30Oh, because he cut the cable.
02:32Oh, yeah, see, that's what I'm saying.
02:37No way, no way.
02:38No, this can't be real.
02:40This guy's a demon.
02:42Okay, so now you're probably not ever gonna try
02:45to cut the cable again, right?
02:47Like, you're done with that.
02:48Yeah, I just put the ax away.
02:51Oh, this guy's the lunatic.
02:52He's gonna ride on the cable.
02:54You know, this isn't a bad idea.
02:55Think about it.
02:56Vacuum cleaners, if they suck up their cable,
02:58then usually it gets jammed and they turn off.
03:01Okay, so he's got the ax.
03:03He can use the ax, stick it into the cable.
03:05Yeah, a man of fricking culture.
03:09Oh, keep digging in, buddy.
03:10Keep digging in.
03:12I mean, at some point in time, though,
03:13you're gonna get so vertical that you need a second ax.
03:18Oh, no.
03:20Oh, okay, jammed on the rug, jammed on the rug.
03:22You're stuck, he's stuck.
03:24Oh, no way.
03:25You're jumping onto the bag,
03:28using the weight of the ax to slow your momentum
03:32so you can land on the ground.
03:34Is it that crazy of an idea to try
03:36when you're literally fighting a giant vacuum cleaner?
03:41Maybe I'm the crazy one in this situation, man.
03:44Mission accomplished.
03:45Oh, no.
03:46Oh, this is a mess.
03:48Have you ever had this?
03:49If you've had this happen to you before in real life,
03:51it's awful.
03:52Like, you just can't clean it.
03:55Boy, there's so many vacuum bags in this.
03:58What the heck?
03:59Oh, this guy has, like,
04:00the world's oldest computer monitor.
04:03I haven't seen one of these in 15 years.
04:05This upgrade is going to be nuts.
04:09Oh, no.
04:11Oh, I can't even hate this guy
04:13because he's got a Nintendo 64.
04:17What would I do in this situation?
04:19This is, I think, this is worse than the vacuum.
04:22Yeah, literally, it's like a UFO.
04:24Oh, oh, it's flying?
04:26It's flying?
04:28Just get in the car.
04:29Get in the car.
04:30Get in the car,
04:31because it can't pick up the car because it's too heavy.
04:34I wanted a happy ending.
04:35That ending sucked.
04:36And that actually sucked.
04:40No pun intended because of the vacuum, man.
04:41Now, I was told that the skateboards are even weirder
04:45than the giant vacuum cleaner,
04:46which I don't know how that's possible.
04:49They look friendly.
04:50I feel like I'm watching a bunch of birds
04:52just in the parking lot.
04:53Oh, no, they're running away.
04:55This is what you did.
04:57You gotta go.
04:57This is how skateboarding should be.
05:00You have to go find your skateboard in the wild.
05:02That's like a Pokemon.
05:04How do you know when it's tamed?
05:06So now you have the skateboard.
05:08The skateboard has been tamed.
05:12The skateboard has not been tamed.
05:15Look, I'm gonna be honest.
05:16Skateboarding is harder than it looks.
05:17I gave up on skateboarding,
05:18and I went to a longboard,
05:20and even that was hard.
05:21I could not even do an ollie on a skateboard.
05:24That's when you do a little jump.
05:25It's so difficult,
05:26and some people make it look so easy.
05:28Did you just...
05:29He just...
05:31So the skateboard is definitely still alive and not tamed.
05:34He's got this thing literally roped to a pole.
05:38I'm watching the beginning.
05:39This is how Pony Hawk Pro Skater was made.
05:42Oh, oh, oh.
05:44Wait, the skate...
05:45Wait, wait, it's been tamed?
05:47It feels like it's a Pokemon,
05:49or like a pet that you could just enjoy and hang out with.
05:53You know, you could take it to...
05:55Where did we just go to?
05:55Are we at the library now?
05:56No, we're not at...
05:57We're at a...
05:58No, we're at the arts building.
05:59What is this guy doing?
06:00Wait, are you trying to do...
06:01No, no, no.
06:02Hold on, okay.
06:03Dude, this guy's a maniac.
06:04Yeah, this is what you get.
06:06You cannot just go down a flight of stairs like this
06:09at the beginning.
06:12You need so much more practice.
06:13The skateboard is literally his best friend.
06:16He's got an ice cream for it.
06:17I don't think it can eat...
06:19It does not like the ice cream.
06:21Uh, okay.
06:22Now it...
06:23I'm never gonna look at skateboards the same way again.
06:29If my skateboard isn't alive,
06:31then I don't want it.
06:34I don't want it.
06:36Oh no, wait, this is a terrible idea.
06:38Wait, no, you're going to the hospital.
06:40No, you're going to the highway.
06:42Oh, and not just...
06:42By the way, we're not just going to a highway.
06:44We're going to a Californian highway.
06:48Do you not realize...
06:49Oh, this is bad.
06:51Like these highways have so much traffic.
06:54Nevermind, I take it back.
06:55I take it back.
06:56I think that the skateboard...
06:57The skateboard here is doing all the hard work.
07:02Oh my gosh, wait a second.
07:03I'd never thought of this.
07:05If the skateboards can come to life, so can the scooters.
07:08Oh, is the skateboard okay?
07:10This video is making me feel bad
07:12for skateboards and scooters
07:13in ways I never thought was possible.
07:15Oh, gang.
07:18The Razor gang is coming.
07:20Oh, this guy's ankles are about to be obliterated.
07:24We'll get him next time.
07:26Oh dude, it was an accident.
07:27Scooters are the bullies.
07:29Scooters are bullies.
07:31I can see...
07:33No, no, no.
07:36No way.
07:37Now I hate scooters.
07:40Never riding a scooter again.
07:42Wait, okay, board is broken.
07:44Not in just one place, two places.
07:46Don't wiggle the tip.
07:47Dude, you just...
07:49He should have brought it to a doctor.
07:51I don't think you're qualified for this.
07:53Why do I care so much about a skateboard?
07:56This thing is not just a skateboard anymore.
07:58This is...
07:59I feel like this is his friend.
08:02I don't think duct tape is gonna be enough.
08:04I like being...
08:04I'm an optimistic person,
08:06but duct tape is not going to fix this.
08:10Oh dude.
08:12It's like the moment you think all hope is lost.
08:15I grew so attached to the skateboard
08:17that if it actually had died,
08:19I would have been so sad.
08:21Oh, this is like just a good message, you know?
08:25You always cling to that hope.
08:27No, this is where he fell last time.
08:30But the skateboard wants to do it.
08:32I'm believing, I'm believing in him.
08:34He can do this.
08:36He can do this.
08:40Oh, I'm done.
08:41No, I'm done.
08:42I can't be a...
08:43Don't put him in the trash.
08:45His animation started off so weird.
08:47But I think the weirdest thing about it
08:48was that I grew so attached to a skateboard.
08:52And I never thought I could feel that way about an object,
08:56let alone a skateboard.
08:57I just hate that he put it in the trash.
08:59Bring it back to the other skateboards.
09:02I had to literally take a break
09:03after the skateboard animation.
09:05Is it just me?
09:06Like, I thought about calling my mom.
09:08I was so sad.
09:10And anyways, we're back now.
09:12The man is chasing an ice cream truck.
09:16Ah, dude, like, I just remember that.
09:17Like, the feeling of hearing that sound.
09:19Still, when I hear the ice cream truck sound,
09:22I'm like, I wanna go outside and look for it.
09:25And, oh no, I just realized why it's running from him.
09:29It did always feel like the ice cream truck
09:32would run from you.
09:32You'd go outside and then you could never find it.
09:40Okay, I don't ever remember that happening.
09:43Like, why would the ice cream truck run away from you?
09:45Like, that's how they make their money.
09:48Okay, great.
09:49Now, not only, the skateboard's gone
09:52and now the ice cream truck is gone.
09:53Have you ever made homemade ice cream before?
09:55Ever heard?
09:56I've heard it's really good.
09:58I've never been able to do it successfully.
10:00You just need ice?
10:02Okay, I don't think that you need,
10:04I don't think that you need this to make ice cream.
10:07I'm pretty sure this is going to cook the ice cream.
10:11Actually, I don't know what this is gonna do.
10:16What have you done to this ice cream?
10:18Oh, it's like dry ice now.
10:25If only, if it was this easy,
10:28do you know how much bigger I would be?
10:30I mean, I'd be slamming the ice cream.
10:34What the heck just happened?
10:36Did that ice cream just open its mouth?
10:41I was just about to say, this is how babies are made.
10:44And I was like, that's ridiculous.
10:45And then the ice cream, literally, it has a soul.
10:51I don't even know if this is how babies are made.
10:53This is just,
10:58I would just, oh my God, what do I do?
11:00Your ice cream all of a sudden has become alive.
11:03Would it be more delicious because it's alive?
11:12It's very, I don't know how to feel right now.
11:14I don't know how to feel.
11:16Yeah, cup him in the hand.
11:17Like, you need to give this guy some sprinkles.
11:24Nevermind, he gave you some sprinkles.
11:26Yeah, put them in his cone.
11:27Oh, this is like his crib, you know?
11:30Now he could just melt and sleep and be peaceful.
11:35Oh my gosh.
11:37He just eats straight up sugar.
11:38Oh my gosh, I just realized I'm wearing,
11:41I'm wearing the ice cream Fire Merch
11:42from firemerch.com today.
11:44That was like the most unintentional plug.
11:47I had no idea this was happening.
11:50You see, I wish I could eat sugar like this
11:52and then I wouldn't get sick.
11:53But do not eat sugar like this ice cream.
11:55I was calling it ice cream cube.
11:58Like an ice cream blob?
11:59A scoop.
12:01His name would be Scoop.
12:04What the heck?
12:05Oh my God.
12:06Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:07Dude, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
12:08Is he about to, he's, dude, he's about to scoop scoop.
12:13Don't eat your baby, you freak.
12:18He's got eyes.
12:19He grew eyes.
12:21He can see.
12:24Yeah, do you feel bad now?
12:25Yeah, you should feel, you should.
12:26I would feel, I would feel terrible.
12:28I respect it.
12:29The man does have to eat.
12:31Surely there's gotta be something else to eat in the house.
12:36Is this even walking?
12:37What are you, what are you?
12:38Oh, it's falling with style.
12:42What I really wanna know, how is he not melting?
12:44He hasn't melted yet.
12:46Is it because of the electricity?
12:48This, this guy, this is like his brain.
12:52Okay, hypothetically,
12:54the anatomy of an ice cream baby.
12:57This right here, that is the brain.
13:00You know what that, that's all his brain.
13:02Okay, maybe it's not.
13:03He said, wait, wait, what did he answer?
13:06Okay, he answered three.
13:07Maybe it's not.
13:08It's developing.
13:09It's growing.
13:11When we're parents, is this what it's gonna feel like?
13:13Except for the fact that we're not
13:15growing an ice cream baby.
13:17This is what happens when you become a dad.
13:19When you become a parent,
13:21are we gonna just be reading, reading nutrition labels?
13:25We're reading a book about how to read
13:26the nutrition labels of food.
13:28I just spat everywhere, by the way.
13:29I'm disgusting.
13:30I didn't mean to do that.
13:33Oh, then get the knife away from this man.
13:36Oh no.
13:38Well, okay, like, I mean, he wasn't doing anything bad.
13:40Did he really deserve this treatment?
13:44Oh no.
13:45Oh no.
13:46Like every time he sees, okay, dude,
13:48this cannot be good for the ice cream.
13:50This is fantastic.
13:51Warning, only cool dudes allowed.
13:55No, that deserves a like on the video.
13:56That actually, that's a good joke.
13:58That's actually a goated joke.
14:00All right, he's at, yeah, he's at the,
14:01this is the rebellious emo phase.
14:03Don't worry, if you haven't gone through it, you will.
14:05It's just, it's a part of life for some reason.
14:07I can't explain why.
14:09Yeah, he's growing.
14:10I'll say he's growing fast.
14:13He's growing.
14:14Oh no, he doesn't want sugar anymore.
14:17Yeah, how about that?
14:18Chocolate on the sugar.
14:19Yeah, it's just me.
14:20Like the broccoli looks like little trees.
14:23Just little, little, little trees.
14:25The evolution of being a dad.
14:28This is just the evolution of being a parent
14:31and making puzzles.
14:32Oh wait, no, he's bigger now.
14:34Yeah, he kind of looks like Harry Potter.
14:37I mean, obviously if Harry Potter was vanilla ice cream,
14:40this is what he would look like.
14:42Oh, hold on.
14:42Wait, who let this ice cream cone cook?
14:46Now he's brilliant.
14:48If this ends like the skateboard,
14:51I'm gonna be very upset.
14:53Do not let anything happen to this ice cream cone.
14:56But then again, like you can't be a controlling parent.
14:58You know, you can't control.
15:01That's like, that's bad.
15:04Cause then, you know, you're parenting by fear.
15:06Oh, scam.
15:07Oh, sweet dessert university.
15:12Oh, now he's such, he's so proud.
15:16He's so proud.
15:17I can't, now I wanna have a kid,
15:19an ice cream kid or something.
15:23Oh, he's out in the real world now.
15:27Oh no.
15:29Oh, come on, come on, come on.
15:30Yeah, give him a hug, give him a hug.
15:32It's gonna be okay.
15:33Can he drive?
15:33He doesn't have, oh my.
15:35No way you just did that.
15:37That is not.
15:40Dad, how could you be a parent
15:43and then take a bite of your, oh my gosh.
15:46This is how it would end.
15:47This is how it would end.
15:48You know, I hope you get caught.
15:50He deserves this.
15:51Yeah, honestly, lock this man up.
15:55Lock him up.
15:56He takes everything good from me.
15:57All right, now what is he gonna be this time?
15:59I'm not, he's taking away, oh yes.
16:02This is what he deserves.
16:04Just get flooded.
16:06Get flooded.
16:08He takes away the skateboard that I love, you know,
16:11that he takes away the ice cream.
16:12He deserves this.
16:13I gotta admit, this, okay,
16:14this is a really smart way to do a brand deal.
16:17Fontaine, I'm pretty sure Fontaine,
16:19the game is Genshin,
16:21yeah, the game is definitely Genshin Impact,
16:22but Fontaine, there's this game called Bioshock
16:26that I loved growing up.
16:28I don't know if that's where it is.
16:29No, no, too soon.
16:32Because we just watched the ice cream animation,
16:35that's too soon.
16:37It's too soon, man.
16:39If this started happening though,
16:40you're walking down the sidewalk
16:41and balloons start hitting you full of water,
16:44you charge in.
16:46Okay, but then you see this,
16:49you go away, you run,
16:51you get the Bible and the holy water,
16:53because what is that?
16:55What is this thing?
17:01What is it, is that a stick?
17:02I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure out what the stick is.
17:05It looks like those grandmas in SpongeBob that go chocolate.
17:09I have so many questions.
17:11So many questions that need answers right now.
17:16All right, now this guy's a freak.
17:18This guy, he's a freak,
17:20eating his own ice cream child
17:22and he's just eating water balloons.
17:25To make a big one.
17:26Yeah, okay, do not eat rubber.
17:30It might look tasty,
17:31because of the color, it is not good.
17:33I still can't get over it.
17:34This guy, like,
17:36this guy is actually jacked.
17:39Does not skip arm day, to say the least.
17:43Oh no.
17:44All right, I don't know about y'all,
17:47but I'm thinking right now,
17:47that that's not gonna launch.
17:50That's just like, it's a giant balloon.
17:57It's like a mushroom cloud.
17:59I got a bad feeling about this.
18:01Don't, he's gonna, now he's gonna, see,
18:03now he's gonna eat the whole thing.
18:05He's gonna eat the whole thing.
18:07All right, do they really,
18:08they make balloons this big?
18:18This is crazy.
18:19This is crazy.
18:22That is crazy.
18:23That stick thing is still freaking me out.
18:25Oh, well, well, well.
18:28Well, well, well.
18:29Now, see, now, there's a,
18:31oh, now you're done.
18:32Now you're done.
18:33Now you're done.
18:34Now you're done.
18:34Now you're done.
18:35Now you're done.
18:37Now you're done.
18:39How much water can this thing hold?
18:42Just pop it.
18:43Pop it.
18:43Oh, he can't pop it.
18:44His screwdriver's covered.
18:47What do you do?
18:48What do you, you let that thing,
18:50you keep letting him get covered.
18:51Let him get smothered and covered.
18:53That guy should not be alive.
18:56Pop it.
18:59Ain't no way.
19:01Now you just run.
19:02You're like, all right, it's over.
19:04It's over for humanity.
19:05I've created an absolute monster.
19:08It's so satisfying looking though.
19:10It's like the blob.
19:12Would this be the way that you would feel?
19:14Cause that's how I would feel.
19:16I'd be backing up on all fours
19:18or at the same time,
19:19I would be so scared,
19:20but so curious to pop it.
19:22I'd have to find a rock or something.
19:26This is the world's toughest rubber.
19:28Hey, what are you,
19:29are you calling the fire department?
19:31Maybe calling the fire department.
19:35I mean, this is just crazy.
19:37Actually, this is crazy, man.
19:42I gotta just, I just need to see
19:44how does this end?
19:46The buildings don't fall down.
19:49It like squeezes between them.
19:57Let it cook.
19:58Let it, let it cook.
19:59Let it cook.
20:00Oh, okay.
20:01I hide underneath.
20:05My gosh, that's just giant.
20:07That is just, that's,
20:09this is ridiculous.
20:10A balloon this big,
20:11expanded to the,
20:13this is how I feel after I eat Mexican food.
20:15It just be like that.
20:16But we know that it pops.
20:18Like we know it pops.
20:20But what pops it?
20:21The tip of the building?
20:23That, see that?
20:24Oh, that's popping it.
20:27I mean, something like that.
20:31The pigeon.
20:32The pigeon is gonna,
20:33this is,
20:35the pigeon is the thing that pops the giant balloon.
20:39Yeah, I'm done.
20:41I'm done.
20:46A man gets what he deserved
20:48for letting the skateboard get ran over
20:51and eating his ice cream child.
20:53I feel no pain or sympathy for this man's.
20:57You need something.
20:59You need something that you could like hold on to.
21:04No, not, not, that's a human being.
21:06Yep, okay.
21:06That's what happens when people panic in the water.
21:08They push people down.
21:10That, yes, the crane.
21:12Yeah, you hang on to it.
21:13You see, you hang, and you,
21:14that is not what I'm,
21:17bro used his head
21:18and not in the right way.
21:23That is, that's the craziest dream ever.
21:25It was a dream the entire time.
21:27So the giant balloon is a dream,
21:30but this stick thing is not a dream.
21:34No, I, okay, I give up.
21:36How, you know, I think that's enough
21:38using my imagination for the day.
21:41Click either one of these videos.
21:43I have a headache.
