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00:00Today we're busting new minecraft myths to prove if they're true starting with you can now clutch with the new mason chance
00:07Okay, this time i'm just gonna hit him right before
00:09Oh, yes. Oh
00:11How sick is that? That was probably pretty cool
00:15If you kill a drown the chance of getting his trident is super low
00:18But if you give him a nautilus shell, will he drop the trident? Come on even trades baby. Maybe it wasn't close enough
00:26Okay, that one's like inside of his body. He's got to pick that up, right? No, I genuinely thought this could work
00:31Huh, there's got to be something that he wants to drop that fork because I need that take the diamond sword
00:38How attached is this man to this trident? What if you like give him another trident, but you enchanted it?
00:43Okay, riptide three trident. This is a big deal
00:48Wait, he scooped it up. No, i'm done
00:50I freaking hate this guy. I ain't never making a deal with him again
00:53He dropped it
00:54Oh probably because again
00:55I want to see if he has a hundred percent drop rate of his current trident because he always will trade you
01:01If you give him a better trident that has an enchant on it because his doesn't have one. So, okay second time
01:06Will he drop my trident?
01:07I think it's a hundred percent
01:09This means you can just enchant your trident if you have one and then swap him and then literally you'll get his
01:14There's a new super annoying potion. Oh man as if there wasn't already enough annoying potions
01:19How bad is this gonna get you know, there's so many now I don't even I can't oh what is this potion of a weaving
01:24What is a weaving potion? What does this do? Oh, I don't know if I want to drink this. I have one heart
01:30I'm weaving. Oh, it's a spider. Wait. It has like a spider effect. Oh, we have a splash version
01:35Okay splash version. All right splash version sheep become a weaver. Oh, he's weaving
01:40He looks like he's shedding more than he's weaving. What is weaving anyways? Do I need to kill you?
01:47Wait, that's it. Wait, that's it. It just spawns cobwebs this and of all the potions we could have got from the new update
01:54This is what you give us
01:56Mo saying you should be illegal. Wait ender pearls now work through nether portals
02:01So if I hit it, does that mean I just like instantly go into the nether?
02:07Oh, oh my gosh, you literally go in wait. So if I throw like this boom
02:12Oh, what the heck oh my gosh, wait, that is so sick. Look at this
02:16I don't know why but I feel like i'm playing volleyball
02:19Like i'm launching the ender pearl and then all of a sudden bam. Oh, wait, this is crazy
02:23A hoe is the fastest tool for breaking leaves. Why even have shears then?
02:28I mean, that's so fast then. Okay pickaxe. Okay. Well pick pickaxe out you out. That is way too slow sword
02:36Obviously very slow but now hoe because this is between the hoe and between the shears
02:41Oh my gosh, wait, this is
02:42How do I know which one is faster? Like this is actually kind of hard to tell I mean both are incredibly fast
02:48I mean, what's oh, wait a second
02:50Hold on
02:50Am I getting different drops from each one because I got an apple and then I got saplings when I use the hoe
02:55Oh, and I went I got sticks too. Are we getting those drops?
02:59We are just getting oh we get leaves and saplings, but we don't get like apples and we don't get sticks
03:04Oh, okay. Maybe they're the exact same speed, but they just give different drops that or I don't know which one is faster
03:10You can sleep in third person in minecraft. Like what do you mean sleep in third person?
03:15You're talking about like you get in the bed
03:17And then wait, hold on. That's not third person. Do I need to get in and then be third person first? Oh
03:25I don't know if this is a good thing or if this is a bad thing
03:28All right. Thank you. Very useful update minecraft, by the way
03:31You can only open a trial vault with a key once. All right ominous trial key. Oh, we have the achievement. Oh
03:39Now can we open it again?
03:42It is
03:43No, it is closed for business so you can only open it once not twice not even three times
03:49I was always curious about this and now we know it's one and done
03:52No way. Okay, you get more seeds from wheat if you use a fortune pickaxe. All right. All right
03:57How what do we got over here? Okay fortune three and then no fortune starting with no fortune
04:02All right. Come on
04:04Not bad. I mean to be honest though. How much seeds do we really need these days?
04:08I mean this is okay. That's that's a lot of seed now time for the fortune
04:12All you got to do is beat 68 seeds. All right, and we also got 24 weeks. So maybe it'll give us more wheat. I don't know
04:18I had a glance. Is this giving us more?
04:22I think it's the exact same. Okay, wait. Oh, wait. It is a little bit more
04:26Oh, we did get more it does work for some reason
04:30Using a trident to break leaves will give you saplings 100% of the time I can tell you this is almost 100% fake
04:37Because our first leaf didn't give us a single one. I mean do we need to yeet it yeet?
04:42Absolutely, nothing skeletons aim worse when you have a pumpkin on your head. They already have terrible aim by the way
04:48So how bad can this really get no pumpkin? We're at 10 blocks right now. We're at three misteros
04:54That's the fourth mistero. Uh, okay. Oh, oh he's getting close, bro
04:59They need to increase the accuracy of the skeletons if you agree, please subscribe and give me an amen in the comments
05:06I mean this guy literally he's never making it into the police force. He hit me, but it didn't damage me. Oh
05:13Let's bravo. Now pumpkin is on remember it took like 15 arrows
05:18Oh my gosh, wait, he just hit me after like two shots. He hit me with the pumpkin on I think I would say he's getting
05:24Closer. Oh, bro. Yeah. Okay. He's actually more accurate if you're wearing the pumpkin head boats are now leashable
05:31That means you can have a pet boat if this works, okay
05:35Hello little boat. Oh, I have now leashed you
05:38So that means you can like dock it right because like if you technically now get like a fence
05:43Look at this. Boom. Your boat ain't getting stolen today tomorrow though. It might and then I got this one
05:50Oh my gosh, wait, so I can literally have
05:54In the ocean. Look at this. Oh, wait. So if they attach to the fence, do they attach together?
05:58Or do I just have to ride in them? Oh, oh wait
06:02Look at this
06:04Oh, this is kind of sick. Can it work on a bunch of different boats?
06:08Like how many can I attach with this one leaf? Oh, okay. Okay. This is this is a lot of boat man. Oh my gosh
06:15Look at this
06:17I don't know why this would be useful to have this many boats, but it just looks incredible
06:23Snow golems can now survive in the nether. Oh, man. We just tested this out too long ago
06:27Because like this what happens right boom, but now now our beautiful snow golems have evolved
06:34They can take the fire resistance potion and make it survive. Look at him. Go look at him
06:39He's bringing a holiday cheer even in the nether. Can he wait? Is this snow?
06:42I don't think his snow goes over the lava, but I just want to
06:47The lava is melting the snow block like as soon as he places it down. Yeah, buddy you are on your own
06:54All right soul torches and lanterns repel the piglins. All right, the power of souls compel you
07:01Oh, wait, oh wait, they're actually terrified
07:04Wait, why at the beginning why they no way look at this like they stand there and then all of a sudden
07:09They are in an absolute state of panic. Why would they be afraid of the soul campfires?
07:14Look at this
07:15You can low-key like kind of box them in
07:18So, but this is hilarious so will they actually go past it if I put one here will they go past it, okay
07:24They're gonna run over it. I don't understand the ai in this game
07:27Like i've tried to understand minecraft ai and I don't understand it like they're running sometimes into the soul campfires
07:33What are you doing?
07:34It is true. This is the way to scare the piglins and to keep them from you. Can you camel clutch?
07:41And you can how far can camels fall without dying starting with 10 blocks, please joe, oh you what
07:47There you go there. That's a good boy
07:50All right, we expected that much now. How about 20 blocks that and he
07:55Does not care. All right. What's this next one 30? Yeah 30 blocks
08:00Dude camels are such chads. Uh, what is this one 40 or 50 50, but dude, no way he's gonna survive that it's such a big fall
08:06Okay. Okay drop him down. Oh
08:0850 blocks
08:1075 blocks no shot as he's surviving this here we go. He's coming down. The payload is coming and
08:17He died
08:18But that's crazy. They can survive over 50 blocks of fall damage. I love camels like new favorite minecraft mom
08:25Does a sniffer egg spawn faster on moss? I don't know why this would work. Oh, that was strange
08:31Okay. Well now i'm going to sit here and i'm going to wait which is perfect. I made myself lunch and i'm going to eat it
08:41There is a secret room in desert temples now that have a secret suspicious block you're gonna be looking for sand just like this
08:48And look at this. It's a staircase and it takes you to the secret room
08:52Look at this. Have you guys noticed any difference here? I'm gonna give you a moment. Can you spot the difference?
08:57That's right. This sand is suspicious while this sand is not suspicious and I don't even know this existed
09:03But there's a brush now like we're like
09:06Archaeologists, so i'm gonna put this down. I have no idea what this does and i'm gonna brush the sand
09:10Oh what?
09:11I don't know like brushes like that. Wait, this is sick. Oh, it's what now it's just sand. Oh wait
09:20What you can get diamonds from suspicious sand that's
09:25That is amazing camels can dash over 10 blocks in minecraft
09:30Camels have a secret dash ability allowing you to jump across large gaps. All right camel. Oh my gosh his neck kind of looks
09:38He sits down for you, that's my first time interacting with a camel it's sick. Okay camel
09:42We do not have water beneath us. So i'm really gonna need you to do your job here
09:48I know your brothers just died because of me, but don't worry
09:51Yes. Oh my gosh. Wow. That was satisfying. Wait, can I do it again?
09:57Wait camels are actually sick. There is a new mob head and it has a secret ability one place down
10:02We're talking about the piglin
10:04That's right. These little demons right over here. But in order to get one of these I need a supercharged creeper. Good job
10:11Spawn in the piglin. Let's see if he drops his head
10:15Look at this guy. Okay, this actually might be the best new head in minecraft. Ah, my wife was right. I am a pig
10:23His ears are flapping. Wait, that's so cool. Oh, that's so creepy. Look at it. Oh
10:29That makes it look like it's alive, but it's confirmed if you place mob heads on noteblocks
10:34It plays the sound of that mob. All right dragon head
10:39Oh, wait, that's sick
10:44Wow, okay, that's satisfying creeper
10:47Oh that one that's a jump scare right there, huh, you can actually use this one for some crazy pranks
10:53I hate this one. And then of course chase left his head. He wants me to listen to what he would say
11:00Enemies not better than cartoons
11:16Oh cartoons are still better
11:21Today I learned there's a sniffer mob, but can you put a saddle on the sniffer mob? I have never even seen one of these
11:28What is your purpose in life
11:32No, don't smell me I didn't shower today I don't shower every day. Okay, what did he say?
11:37I prefer to be identified as a infrequent bather
11:42Now we see if we can put a saddle on you. Oh, no, you can't put it on he is
11:48Unsettlable, even though we can't put a saddle on him. We can ride him. We have a new command ladies and gentlemen
11:53Boom, the only bad thing is I can't control in cherry grove biomes. Are the sheeps always pink? It would make sense, right?
12:00You've got the cherry blossoms. They're beautiful. But what about the sheep? I just gotta find one first
12:05No, they're not
12:06They are regular colored sheep. I am so disappointed in you guys girls everywhere are crying and me
12:12Can you fit three people on a raft? I didn't even know these existed until today. So if this sinks don't blame me
12:18All right. What is the point of this? Right? I love my friends, huh? We all have friends like these aka foreigners
12:26Okay, there's no way this thing's fit three people, huh? All right get on get on i'm be last it definitely does not fit three people
12:33I'm saying
12:35Let me see if I can jump on it. Oh, wait a second. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Oh, it forces you off
12:40Wait, are you moving? Wait walk with the boat walk with the boat. It kind of works if you're walking with the boat
12:46No, wait, so if I go quick, okay go quick
12:52I want to see if I can put a camel on there. All right camel
12:54Come here, but do you have to like push them into it? There's a camel on it right now
12:57You call me a camel? No, because i'm thirsty
12:59I'm thirsty boy, but what if you put a baby on or if you put a baby?
13:03Can the baby camel baby camel? Oh my gosh, dude
13:09All right, somebody get on no, we can't get home it only fits two this myth is busted that is sad meanwhile
13:28Can camels escape fenced areas
13:30So if you have a fenced area with a horse, he can't escape right as long as you don't have blocks like this
13:35He can't jump over it. Now. We're going to see how many blocks can a horse climb over so it can do one block
13:40It can do 1.1. Oh, it can't even do 1.1. Wow. It can only climb up one block. That is kind of sad
13:46Now here's the big deal. Okay, because the camel you need to be careful
13:49Be careful with your camels if you're trying to keep them locked in with a fence
13:53It's not gonna work. You're gonna have camels on the loose then you're gonna have camel babies running around
13:57It's not gonna be good. We need to know how many blocks it takes to keep these big old behemoths
14:02Inside so the horse can do one block the camel can do. Oh 1.1 blocks. Now. What about 1.25 blocks?
14:09Oh, what about 1.5 blocks?
14:12Hey, yo
14:131.75 blocks
14:16Oh, it's capped out. So camels can officially climb one and a half blocks
14:19I don't even know if this was a myth or this was informational
14:22But now you know, are you invincible when you're riding your camel? Hello zombies? Can you even hit me?
14:26Oh, they cannot hit me. Wait a second. I actually did not think this was going to work
14:30What about a spider so the spider can climb things, but he can't climb the camel. Oh, he can climb the camel
14:34All right, creeper. I'm a little worried about you
14:37for good reason
14:38You are semi-invincible. This is semi confirmed. Can the sniffer die to fall damage?
14:42I mean look at the spawn egg. Like does this not look like an american football to you? Let's go cowboys
14:49I don't watch the sports often. Hey, but you know what the rangers did win first world series in 50 years
14:54And is it coincidence that I threw the first pitch the same year?
14:57They won the world series you tell me i'd be a conspiracy theory
15:00Okay, I think this is substantially high enough now that i've been yapping for far too long. Okay, here we go sniffer
15:05Look, I believe in you. Okay, this is for science. Remember pita and sniff away
15:11Oh, he's doing good
15:15We all expected this may he sniff in peace if you name tag a sniffer jeb underscore it will become rainbow
15:21If he became rainbow, this would be legendary
15:23I would use him in so many thumbnails and so would other youtubers because we need the clickbait
15:27All right, it's how we put food on the table. Don't judge us this works
15:29So it doesn't actually turn like rainbow, but it changes colors. This is the moment of truth
15:36Please work
15:39No, what a letdown 20 minutes later
15:45Wait, it cracked
15:48I'm, not even through my broccoli and beef yet. Look it's cracking camels can survive the warden's blast now before we show a camel
15:56As you all know every passive mob dies in one hit. Oh
16:04Camels are honestly
16:06They're about to be my favorite mobs in minecraft
16:08I don't know if you agree. Let me know in the comments
16:10But they just got like this cute little hump on them and they're just so derpy looking. Yeah, that's right warden
16:15You're jealous of my hump, aren't you?
16:17Stay back. Oh
16:19I have a new name for this mob
16:22You're welcome chiseled bookshelves now only drop if you use silk touch
16:26This is a new item in the game now in order to break the bookshelf. You can't use regular axe
16:30It just disappears
16:32So you actually have to put silk touch on your axe, which is so weird because there's never been a reason to do this
16:38Until pretty much now that is confirmed sniffer eggs are the strongest. So we have the frog spawn eggs
16:43We also have our turtle eggs and now we've got the sniffer eggs
16:47They're massive, but are they the strongest egg to exist in minecraft?
16:51We're gonna start by dropping anvils on all three of these guys. All right frog spawn
16:55Well, they they're dead. The frog spawn eggs did not survive now. How about the sea turtle eggs?
17:02Oh, I did not expect that. Okay, come on sniffer egg
17:07That makes me I don't know why that makes me so happy I just I love eggs
17:11So now we're gonna move on to level two
17:12We all know that you can break turtle eggs if you just jump on them, which is really lame
17:16But what about these behemoths of eggs?
17:19Right, like I mean, I want to go up here and i'ma jump on it
17:24No freaking way this myth is confirmed it is excellent the added hanging signs
17:29But do they have less space for text compared to a regular sign? Okay, we're going to repeat very basic words
17:35I don't even know how to count
17:36Okay. Okay. Okay
17:38Okay. I think that's a pretty good amount of space. I don't know how many a's that is 40 characters
17:43Okay, what about a regular sign? I surely that can be beaten, right? Oh, no
17:46Wait, I think they actually do have more space. Wait a second. Wait a second
17:49Why so they have the same amount of rows, but they just hold so much more characters, right?
17:54There's 15 that means it holds 20 more characters or 20 more letters
17:57Wow the myth that nobody wanted to know but now they do one hour later
18:03Oh the other one cracked
18:05It took this one about oh, this one is cracked twice in seven minutes
18:09And this one's only cracked once in seven minutes, but it's still too soon to tell it's too soon to tell
18:14The redstone signal output is the same as when the disc was released. I know that sounds complicated
18:18But for example, this music disc was released first
18:21So it should only send out one redstone signal and so on and so forth
18:25So if we start with this music disc, let's do uh, everybody's favorites. Aha cat now
18:30This should send out two signals
18:32Oh, which it does this one should send out 12 signals of redstone
18:37Oh, which it does. Oh my gosh. This one should send out 15 signals of redstone
18:42I'm, not sure what you would use this for but it is really cool
18:45So for all you redstone nerds out there
18:47You're welcome because this one was hard for me to explain you can edit signs and right on the back of them
18:52So if I if I call it chicken and then i'm i'm a liar and I say no actually beef is at the kitchen
18:58Oh, yeah, you can edit the signs that do this is wait, but can you edit regular signs?
19:04Oh, this is so much better. Finally signs can be edited. Oh, right. It's that you can write on both sides. Oh, that's so cool
19:13Wait, this is really cool. I don't know why I love this so much, but you can lock it with honey
19:18So if you don't want anybody to change your sign now, it's locked let everybody know that beef and chicken is here forever
19:23All right. Can you get a level 45 enchant because now we have the chisel bookshelves? Oh, man
19:29It's honestly been so long since i've enchanted. I think it's 15 bookshelves 15s for a max. We got three. That's nine
19:3512 15. Yeah. Okay. So 15 of these now we add the books. Oh my gosh
19:40It's so satisfying being a librarian
19:42Dot dot dot now that there's chisel bookshelves. It's so satisfying. I love the sounds. Oh gosh
19:48Okay, it takes way longer than regular bookshelves, but it's so gorgeous
19:51All right. Now, can we get our level 45 enchant ladies and gentlemen?
19:56level six
19:58I don't know why I thought this would work
20:00I thought I could I thought I was gonna get a bigger enchant at least not higher than level six. Come on mozay
20:06Oh, dude paintings are no longer random
20:09Look at this you get to search up paintings and there's so many different types now
20:12I can finally see my painting skull on fire
20:16Yes, this is only half true because if you're in creative mode it works
20:20You can actually see every single painting by name and even size but if you're in survival mode chuck me a painting there dj
20:28You are still stuck to the randomness and you have no idea what painting you're going to get which is kind of disappointing
20:34It is nice though for creative mode
20:36We've all seen the potion of luck in minecraft
20:37But now does it actually make you more lucky joe and I both have treasure maps and i'm gonna drink a lucky potion
20:42He's not we're going to see how the loot compares. I'm popping this. I can't even last for five minutes
20:47Oh, baby, am I feeling lucky or what? All right. Wait, are you at your chest yet? I'm at my chest
20:51Oh, I got it. I got it. Okay. I found it. Okay. Are you ready?
20:54Yeah, i'm ready. All right and open it
20:56Oh, I got a heart of the sea
20:59Oh, I got a whole lot of fish
21:02So that is confirmed
21:05Do cherry blossom biomes have more emeralds inside of them to the left
21:09We have a cherry grove and to the right we have a meadow and i've got a command that's going to set every block
21:13Except for the emeralds and obsidian into air bada bing bada boom
21:17Okay, so remember this is the regular this is the meadow biome and this right here
21:23Is the cherry grove biome? So how many blocks of emeralds we have over here?
21:27One two three four wow, but the cherries got like look at that four just right here
21:32Five six seven eight nine ten eleven so it basically has
21:36Double. Yeah, almost triple. Oh, but the meadow does have diamonds, but that's not the myth
21:41Oh, wait, actually, we know the cherry blossom has way more diamonds. Wait a second
21:45Okay. Yeah, cherry grove biomes are way better for resources. Okay, so if you waterlogged skulk shriekers, they are silent. Okay
21:54Look i'm trying to test this now, they're waterlogged dear goodness gracious
22:01They're silent. Oh my gosh. Wait, this is 5g versus 4g. Oh, wait, this is bad
22:06Hold on
22:07Imagine you had you did this to your friends in minecraft and they they have no idea the warden's being summoned because they can't actually
22:12Hear it. This is big brain. I might have to use this in a prank video. Like genuinely. This is crazy
22:17Like listen to this
22:19Yeah, that's like a dead giveaway that a warden's coming. But if you water why does this work? Oh my gosh
22:24All right, that is confirmed. I will be using that in a upcoming video
22:28Piglins can wear mob heads. Well, well, well if this works, it's going to be terrifying especially the babies
22:33Oh, man, I really don't want to see the babies wearing these heads. Hello biglin
22:40Oh no
22:42Oh, that is so bad. What are they doing? Wait, what?
22:46Hold on. I've never seen that before. Is this a bonus myth?
22:50Now will they put on a creeper head? Oh dear. Oh my god
22:54Look at this little guy over here. Look at him
22:57Oh, no, what about okay dragon head they can't even fit that on their head. Surely
23:03Oh god, oh that's so terrifying
23:08But now will they put on their own head
23:13He's got four ears I put this on oh no
23:17Oh no
23:18Okay in the comments, which one is the scariest? I feel like it's got to be the dragon head
23:23Now this rolls into our next myth, okay
23:25Will piglins stack on top of a hoglin basically like riding can multiple piglins ride a hoglin? Oh, oh, oh, oh
23:33All right. That's one anybody anybody else want to ride on the uh, the piglin express boy get on for the ride of your life
23:39Yeah, oh
23:41How many of them can fit on this boys get on the hoglin? Oh, that's two
23:45Three. All right. This myth is 100 confirmed, but I think it can only fit three piglins either way. That is terrifying
23:52If you see this in the nether run just like cows you can milk a goat now
23:57I don't know if you've ever had goat milk
23:59My family long time ago tried to be really healthy and we switched over to goat milk and let me tell you something
24:03It does not taste very good. It has a strange flavor
24:07Oh, no
24:08But it's regular milk so you can milk the goats, but thank god. It's regular milk
24:13Okay, like go to a store buy goat milk cry later. You're not gonna thank me after that drink it
24:18No, I don't want to drink it. Does it taste normal?
24:21Okay, okay it tastes normal in minecraft god soul fire inflicts double damage compared to regular fire. Hello regular fire, please cook me
24:30Half a heart. All right. So that means the soul fire should do an entire heart of damage
24:35Oh it does
24:40It's literally sucking the soul out of me, but is it the same for mobs?
24:45All right, two zombies which one's gonna die first soul fire or regular fire
24:51Wow the soul fire died so much faster
24:54I had no idea that's actually terrifying when you place a skeleton spawn egg in the spawner
24:59It has a chance to have a skeleton with armor and we got a lot of we got a lot of spawn eggs over here
25:03But it's all right skeleton. Show me
25:06Oh, okay. That one's regular
25:08Regular regular regular regular regular regular regular regular. Oh my god. Oh my they're all normal
25:14Oh, I thought this one was gonna work. I think this is busted
25:18I there it this is this is not true. There are no skeletons with armor on this is busted
25:29It was like 10 and a half minutes myth confirmed are these now the strongest mob in minecraft or is it still the warden?
25:35Okay, most mobs die in one hit to the warden, but will the beast survive he does and now he's angry
25:41Which means his friends are also angry. Is the warden actually gonna die to a bunch of bees? This would be crazy
25:47No freaking way the warden
25:51The warden's actual dog water now now the question is will I die to the bees?
25:56Camels can't survive over 50 blocks of fall damage
25:59If two players are riding them and we got a lot of camels and we have also one british man the british man
26:05I will start off with 40 blocks. Get on brother
26:11Oh only three and a half hearts of damage that's like nothing 45 blocks
26:15I will say this though camels are easily my new favorite camels are amazing. All right now camel show us what you got, buddy
26:23I mean
26:26No, bring it back up bring it back up
26:32Oh still that's like wait six hearts left hold on this is crazy
26:41This is nuts, dude
26:43Look at his neck, dude. Look at his neck when he bends when he bends down and looks it's like a freaking boomerang. It really is
26:50Can we throw the camel?
26:53Oh my god, it's time for the finale the funny number 69 blocks
26:58Funny number, can he do it? Oh, dude. All right camel, please. Come on. Don't die. Don't die
27:07You can pick up axolotls in buckets, right? But what about the baby sniffers?
27:10We know the adults are too big, but maybe maybe you can fit in my bucket
27:15Yeah, I don't know why I thought that was gonna work, but it was a myth. Okay, we tried
27:19Oh my gosh, he's sniffing away, dude. Calm down sniffer eggs can be found in suspicious sand
27:24Now we got to find our sussy sand
27:26All right
27:26If you watched our previous myth video we showed this you can find diamonds and other crazy things inside of it
27:31But you go inside the desert temple look for the sand break it and then you get suspicious sand
27:36And then you dust this bad boy off. Oh, whoa. Whoa. What is this? That is way that whoa. Is that an egg?
27:42It's a prized pottery shirt
27:45I don't even know what that is. Okay location two. All right, show it to me suspicious sand
27:49I want a sniffer egg now stop
27:53Oh my god, you gotta be so lucky now. It's getting dark outside and now we're learning. Come on. Give me the egg
28:00Oh, i'm sick and tired of getting these things. I want an egg
28:06So you can find it from the suspicious sand that's so weird. Hello, my friend
28:12Oh, then you gotta wait like 20 minutes to hatch also bonus you put on mossy cobblestone and it hatches faster
28:17Don't ask me why camels make defeating a raid so much easier because they can't reach you when you're on a camel
28:23The raid has begun. Oh, wait the ones you have to watch out for though
28:27I'm still pretty sure you can get hit by the crossbows
28:31Oh, wait, or does the camel just take it all now my camel is just taking all the bullets for me
28:38I'm sorry, but like we're basically horses are no longer even useful
28:42But you're gonna lose your camel which is gonna be really sad, but it does make killing the raid way easier
28:47Hey, don't do it. Don't kill my camel
28:49Yes, and it's even easier too because look at this boom break the cacti if your camel takes the damage
28:55Feed him some of these cactus and he's good to go. Our job's not done until this raid is done
29:01It's kind of hard to hit him from here. Oh the vindicators
29:04I'm, sorry villager. Well, this guy's got multi shot on this guy's crazy. I mean, it's great dude. This is this is confirmed
29:11This works out fantastically wolves will not attack if a creeper is nearby and funny enough
29:15John 117 from our fire nation discord, which you can join links in the description gave us this myth to test out
29:21Will you attack my sheep?
29:23You will definitely attack my sheep, but will you attack my skeleton?
29:27Oh that one's fun with the turtle egg on
29:29John, i'm, sorry, but this is uh, this is busted
29:31Throughout this video. I've also hidden three camels that are on top of snippers
29:35Can you find them all if you can I want you to comment exactly where they were
29:39Can you ride a camel in the water because if you're on a horse, you just kind of get buffed right off
29:44But our boy camel come on. Oh, it kind of works. I mean we're slow, but we're gonna go deeper
29:53camel, please
29:54Three blocks is the maximum if you go to four blocks, you get kicked off right away and the camel he uh, he will die
30:01Can you turn snippers upside down? We all know the old dinnerbone name tag
30:07Works on most mobs, but will it work on the sniffer? I mean look at these guys. They got tremendous size. Come on, mr. Sniffer
30:13Flip. Oh, yes
30:16Wait, what's underneath them? Hey, yo, what the heck now? This is weird seeing him snip upside down is feeling me
30:23Making me feel something
30:26Hey, yo, look at this guy, dude
30:29It's so dumb
30:31I'm gonna give you a belly rub. Can you breed camels and horses to make a
30:36A morse that'd be pretty cool. I mean, how do you think mules are made donkeys and horse is how you get a mule?
30:41But what about a camel and a horse? I don't even know how to breed these guys
30:44So i'm gonna come over here, brother. All right camel. Here you go
30:49You have now eaten the cactus horse eat the golden apple
30:54Come on
30:55Doesn't she look attractive? Don't look at me like that. All right, maybe they need some privacy. I'll look away
31:01All right, that's enough time and
31:05Oh, no, go over there and breed
31:08Yes. Oh
31:11Come on
31:14Something's happening. What are you guys doing like the mating dance?
31:19That is so sad. I've actually never even seen a camel bred. All right, here you go
31:25Make a camel baby. Yeah, you're getting jealous now, aren't you? Here we go. Stand up stand up
31:33Dang it
31:34Could you imagine how powerful a cam horse would be?
31:37Can you breed snippers because you can find their eggs, but i've actually never tried to breed them
31:41And I don't even know if I use a torch flower or a torch flower seed
31:44I think you use the seeds to breed them
31:48Yes, oh my gosh, they're really slow with it
31:52No way. Where's the baby?
31:54Did you suffocate it? Oh, I can't see the baby move over
31:58Oh, I got an egg. Wait a second
32:00So you can breed them, but you don't get a baby sniffer
32:03You just get an egg that you then have to hatch the only mob in minecraft to give you an egg when you breed
32:09Y'all really making me go through the trouble of hatching your child
32:12Don't sniff me
32:13Oh man, this is a sad day
32:15I need to know if sniffers drop moss when they're killed because if you put their egg on a mossy cobblestone
32:21You end up hatching the egg way faster
32:24Drop me some moss
32:26Come on, guys
32:28Your body looks like it's made out of moss like they just other than xp. They are actually dropping nothing. Come on
32:35Well, I mean that's busted wait, we got nothing
32:38So we know that sniffers will sniff up the torch flower seeds and even torch flowers
32:42But will they sniff anything else up like treasures? Maybe come on. What do you guys know? Oh, oh, what is this?
32:49A pitcher pod, what do I do with this? Uh, okay. Can we like replant it?
32:56Oh you can't I have no idea what this turns into we need to put some water next to it
33:00Yeah, probably. Okay. I'm gonna put some water here. That's all they sniff up is these pitcher pods and uh and torch flower seeds
33:07Okay, grow wait, can I use bone meal on you? Oh
33:11What is this? Is this a torch flower? What the heck is this?
33:16and we get a
33:17A pitcher plant. Well, I don't know what to do with it
33:20Is it just it's just for design, but it doesn't have any utility in the game, but it is very pretty
33:26That's all y'all can sniff up and those giant nostrils is freaking pitcher pods
33:30The myth here is that horses don't get affected by the slowness of honey blocks
33:33Which means I need to bring in some backup. All right, here we go. Okay, we got the race you ready three two one go
33:41Hey, hey, you're definitely slower. Look at this. Hello. I'm so slow
33:46No, I can't jump either. I get stuck. You can also just have a really bad board. Hey, yo, there we go
33:52All right, switch me switch me. Let's see just in case it could have been the order to get three two one go
33:57Oh, yeah
33:59So much slower. Oh, wow
34:01You literally can't oh, yeah, you can't jump at all
34:03Sniffers are immune to wardens since they are made of moss and therefore why are we sure about this though?
34:09I don't feel like the sniffers are actually going to be immune, but i'm gonna try it. Anyways
34:14We're gonna start with the horse horse. Oh, the warden does not like our horse. Oh, he's sniffing
34:18No, dude, did you just sniff the horse? Oh, yeah, he's definitely triggered at the horse
34:23I hope that
34:25Okay sniffer come on because he moves so silently
34:29I feel like this might work
34:32Oh, no
34:33Oh, no
34:34Oh sniffer, you need to run buddy
34:37It's busted so fast
34:40If a player stands too close to a sniffer when it's sniffing you can take damage because of the significant airflow
34:46I'm gonna go. I just like come on
34:49Show me you've got something. All right, show me your sniff. No, whoa
34:53Dude all right. Show me your damage. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah
34:58No, no, no, come on I want to see if you damage me with that big old nose. Oh, i'm in the sniff distance
35:03So is this cow? I'm in the sniff zone
35:06And as you can see I have taken zero damage
35:11Are endermen invincible to arrows?
35:15What all right this time we've got three endermen come on it bounces off of all three of them villagers can sleep in the nether
35:22I've trapped a villager in beds to test this myth. It works. So what happens if I try to sleep in a bed?
35:29Sorry, you can spawn secret jungle villagers. They're supposed to look like tarzan
35:34I've never seen this villager in my entire life iron golems can't drown. They are made of iron which makes sense and now we wait two
35:42Hours later. He's looking at me. Like why did you put me in this hole? You can spawn giant slimes
35:48Oh my god, he just jumped across the entire river in one hop
35:51This could be the next villain in a marvel movie. All right, so we tested with the slimes
35:55What happens when you spawn a magma slime?
35:58He just jumped into outer space if you don't follow them in spectator mode when they jump
36:02They're so big they get deleted from minecraft. You can make armored villagers which can survive a zombie attack
36:07So this is a villager with full netherite. This is a villager without netherite
36:11He can survive two critical hits this one can survive three four five six six
36:19Since when could you put armor on villagers snowballs can kill a blaze faster than a netherite axe. I don't think that's true
36:26All right. I'm gonna just show you right now. We have one blaze one two, three, four five six seven with a netherite axe
36:34That's busted we just axed that myth zombie pigmen will crush turtle legs, there's no way this is a cute adorable pig
36:41You're an awful creature you can save an axolotl with a lava bucket
36:48I just want to apologize to all the axolotl fans giving a fish a water breathing potion allows them to breathe on land
36:55Oh, the effects are actually on the fish
36:57Oh the effects are actually on the fish
37:01Oh, that was busted you can turn the warden invisible with a potion of invisibility
37:06Oh, dude as if they needed to be any more terrifying
37:10Horses can ride in boats. I don't know how to do this. Quit horsing around get in the boat. You're gonna drown
37:16What about a baby horse, you know, they say teach them while they're young
37:20What no, no, but this is not busted this actually works. You just have to use a baby in a lead
37:26I'm gonna name him seed biscuit. It only seems fitting you can shear a villager with silk touch
37:31I don't know. What is there to shear? There would never be a way to shear a villager
37:35You can turn skeletons into strays by using snow. All right, get some of this. I put some powdered snow on them
37:41It's like a pokemon transformation
37:44Oh, that's sick. That myth did not stray away from being amazing our minecraft world's actually infinite
37:49We're just gonna try to tp really far away. The minecraft world is actually not infinite
37:53I can only type in tp three million two hundred three million so it's not infinite
37:57You can't turn the wither invisible. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this
38:01Let's see
38:02So you can make the warden invisible, but you can't make the wither invisible zombies won't burn if they're in cobweb
38:08I don't believe this one. I just I think it's fake
38:11I can't believe this lightning can turn a villager into a witch. I don't think this is possible
38:17What you can kill an iron golem with just your fist
38:21Why don't we come back to this one it's gonna take a while if your axolotl gets struck by lightning
38:25It turns it into a rare axolotl
38:28Well, that's definitely busted. A turtle will drop a bowl for turtle soup if it's killed by lightning. I don't see why that would happen
38:41If you spawn enough rabbits you get a killer rabbit that will attack you. These guys aren't killers
38:45They're little bunnies. Ah, these rabbits look normal to me and they're very cute
38:49And they're very cute I don't see the issue and just to prove it i'm gonna go in survival
38:53Oh, what? Where did that one come from? What are you doing? What is he's got a name tag?
38:58All jokes aside
38:59The only way to get the killer bunny to spawn is by typing this command
39:01But somebody did say it was a myth that if you spawned enough rabbits
39:04Eventually would get a killer rabbit and that's just not true. So this is busted
39:11You can you can clutch fall damage with a bed now i've never tried this
39:15And now you know why somebody said it only works with the red bed I will disprove this twice
39:20What did I say frost walker stops magma damage?
39:25That makes absolutely no sense
39:27This is why myths need to be tested because too many of them are true. Do you understand? This is good soup
39:32All right, we've tested a lot of stupid myths so far, but this is the dumbest one
39:36It's saying you can break an end portal with mushrooms. There's no way mushroom is eating a lot of my bone meal
39:42It's not growing but oh, that's so weird. The mushrooms just grow around it. That's fantastic
39:47Can you survive void damage with notch apples? Hold on. I mean if you had infinite notch apples, you could survive this
39:54Well, I would test this myth. I guess it's a great time to tell you about firemerch.com the sponsor of this video
39:59We got hoodies hats t-shirts plushies and more you don't want to buy this guy. Are you kidding me?
40:04Confirmed you can clutch with a lava bucket. I know for a fact
40:08It doesn't work diamond armor stands are harder to break than non-diamond armor stands one two three four five
40:19Negative if you put sand on top of tnt it can break water protected blocks
40:23Now if you've ever played factions on cosmicpvp.com
40:27You know all about raiding so we already know the answer to this myth, but for everybody else just witness
40:32This is how you raid bases in minecraft factions and it's amazing the next time your friend puts water down and thinks he's safe from
40:38Your tnt shenanigans. Thank again in a minecraft boat. You never lose hunger still haven't lost hunger yet
40:43It's like johnny depp in the pirates of the caribbean
40:46I've gone almost a thousand blocks and haven't lost even the tiniest liver of hunger confirmed
40:51Shields do not block potion damage. Give it your best shot. You threw it over me
40:55Can you stop throwing it that way throw it on there?
40:59Yep, when you're invisible mobs can't see you
41:02We've got a zombie on our trail who is still following me. Yeah, look at these creepers. They don't see us. Look at this
41:08I mean i'm beating up the zombie right next to these creepers and they have no idea
41:11They can't see you stupid alabinha
41:14Apparently if you're two blocks next to them, they can see you that would have been nice to know in this minecraft snapshot version
41:20They're saying there's infinite dimensions
41:22And the only way to test the myth is to throw the books from this infinite bookshelf into another portal no chance
41:31Maybe there is a chance what
41:34What is this dimension? Hold on. Hold on. Are there more dimensions?
41:39Oh, that's a different color. It's very scary looking. This looks like something straight out of star wars
41:45Why am I just now finding out about these? Okay, this one is
41:48Yellow, oh dude, this place is eyes place is creeping me out. Whoa
41:54Look at how blue it is over there when the when the rendered is is that it?
41:58Oh my gosh, this would make like a great pvp map
42:01It's a naked mineshaft. If you place a bed under an in portal, you will spawn there. Oh, we'll see about that
42:09Weird you like don't spawn at the bed. If you smelt a wet sponge with lava, it fills the bucket with water
42:15I don't think that that is no way
42:20Don't understand and then every myth
42:21I don't think works works and then every myth I think is going to work doesn't end up working using a shulker box
42:27You can make a secret entrance to your base for everybody wants to hide their diamonds from their friends or me
42:33My wife who dies with them in lava. This would be really useful if it actually works like
42:40I feel like i'm a kid sliding down a fireman pole
42:43That's amazing using a redstone clock and honeycomb blocks makes an impossible trap that you can't even mine out of with a netherite pickaxe
42:50and we go
42:53That that's blowing my mind
42:55So by the time you get close enough to breaking the block
42:58It pushes you if you want to mess with your friends build one of these you can put a shulker box in a shulker box
43:04That's preposterous. You see me left clicking. Okay. I'm okay. This is my mouse. All right, I want to prove to you
43:10This is right clicking. This is left clicking
43:12You can name locations with a banner
43:18You've got to be kidding me, man, dude, this is game changing
43:21This is insane. I have to i'm sorry. I have to do it. I I have to do it. We have to try it
43:27It works look at it
43:29Oh, but you should subscribe seriously
43:31You can break bedrock in minecraft with a piston
43:34And tnt a piston on the bedrock block that you want to break tnt on top of it tnt on this side with a lever
43:41Trap door very very important. Now. Here's the trick
43:43You have to ignite the tnt and spam click right here on the obsidian block to place another piston
43:50And if you did it correctly you break the bedrock when throwing a trident it will always come back to you. It's loyal
43:57It's like a dog. Okay. It's the dog of minecraft weapons. It's it's your best friend lesson learned
44:03Don't get a dog get a trident. You can mine a dragon egg at the bottom of the ocean
44:07Why would this work? Although I think this is busted
44:12No, no, no, no, no, no, you've got to be kidding me. You gotta be kidding me, man
44:17Oh my god, everything I know is a lie
44:19This is going to be the last myth
44:20I try to clutch with but people are telling me you can do it with sweet berries
44:23I don't care how sweet these berries are you cannot clutch with them. It just doesn't make sense
44:28I'm done. I don't know anything anymore. You can grow a tree underwater by instantly bone mealing it
44:33Oh, do we got that magic touch? Who'd you oh my gosh. No, I do not i'm dedicated
44:39Oh, wait, I did bone meal. Oh, do you have to spam it?
44:43It's so close
44:44Give me I want to I want to see the underwater. Oh, we got an underwater tree
44:49We are truly living in the future. Ladies and gentlemen to continue living in the future. Click either one of these videos
44:54Thank you for watching. I'm gonna go plant more underwater trees
