• yesterday
I asked every country pavilion at COP29 for a gift - here is what every country gave me. Ranked from WORST to BEST!

Thanks @YouTube for the invite!


00:00I'm going to get a gift from every country in the world.
00:03Here is how. I'm at COP29, which is a UN climate conference,
00:07this year held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
00:09So every country has set up their house or pavilion here.
00:12For example, this is Kyrgyzstan and this is Australia.
00:15So here are all the gifts I got.
00:19From worst to best.
00:21Are you guys from Iraq?
00:22I'm looking for a gift from every country.
00:26It should be tomorrow.
00:28All right, no gifts from Iraq, guys.
00:30I'm looking for a gift from every country.
00:32There is nothing. That's okay.
00:34Lucas, Bulgaria!
00:36Are you guys from Bulgaria?
00:38Do you have something Bulgarian that you can give me?
00:42Unfortunately, no gift from Bulgaria.
00:43The Greek pavilion.
00:44Hi, how's it going?
00:45I'm looking for a gift.
00:47Not even a pin?
00:48Are you from Japan?
00:50Is there anything Japanese here?
00:56Okay, so this is the Australia house.
00:58Australia pavilion.
00:59I'm sorry, is anyone here from Australia?
01:02Are you working at the pavilion?
01:04I'm asking every house, every pavilion for a gift.
01:07To you?
01:10Okay, serious Australia.
01:12Oh, whoa, Lucas, look.
01:14Everyone looks cool in Senegal.
01:16Sorry, are you from Senegal?
01:18I'm looking for a gift.
01:20Okay, thank you.
01:21No gift from Senegal.
01:22Hi, are you from South Africa?
01:24Yes, I am.
01:25Oh, but is there a gift, anything you can give?
01:28No, no gift from South Africa, sadly.
01:30So this is the Italian pavilion.
01:32Do you have a gift for me?
01:35All right, no gifts from Italy.
01:36Are you from Madagascar?
01:38Oh, it's the, you know, I like to move it, move it.
01:41Asking for a gift from every country.
01:43Tomorrow, if possible, I come tomorrow.
01:45Fortunately, no gift from Madagascar.
01:47Oh, I like this one.
01:55Is there nothing?
01:57Yes, nothing.
01:59Nothing from China, just tea.
02:01All right, next up is Qatar.
02:03Oh my God, there's more coffee, Lucas.
02:05Just a little bit.
02:06It's absolutely orange.
02:08It's orange.
02:11The scent, Lucas, try the scent.
02:13Yeah, it's like a perfume.
02:15Tastes like tea.
02:17Ah, tea mixed with coffee.
02:18We're here at the Danish house.
02:20Are you guys from Denmark?
02:22We are.
02:22I'm looking for every country to give me a gift.
02:25Oh my God.
02:25The best gift that they can give.
02:27We have a task for you.
02:30Gift from Denmark is climate partnerships for a greener future.
02:33How to achieve one of the world's most ambitious climate goals
02:35with recommendations from Denmark's 14 climate partnerships.
02:38Are you from Palau?
02:39Yeah, I'm from Palau.
02:40Can you give me a gift from Palau?
02:42Electronic coffee for the comic book.
02:44Okay, can I see the comic book?
02:46What we're getting is an electronic copy of this.
02:48So the UK house, there is some kind of a talk there.
02:52Hi, how are you guys?
02:54I am going to every pavilion and asking for a gift.
02:56This can be a gift.
02:58For the record, they also have an ethically sourced sustainable coffee.
03:03This coffee.
03:03But also we got a card from the UK.
03:05It's okay.
03:06They already gave me a gift of immigration.
03:09The Germans didn't want to be seen, but we got a gift.
03:12It's a pin, but it's magnetic.
03:15Pretty cool.
03:16We're in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
03:18Sorry, are you from Congo?
03:20Do you have a gift from Congo?
03:22Well, I can offer you a magazine.
03:25Oh, okay.
03:26Thank you very much.
03:27Repubblica Portuguesa.
03:29Are you from Portugal?
03:31I'm looking for gifts.
03:33Oh, thank you very much.
03:35Oh, but this is not a simple thing.
03:37A Portuguese tile.
03:39I'm made by Alessandro Romani, a Portuguese ceramist using traditional sustainable methods.
03:44How are you?
03:45Are you guys from Tanzania?
03:46Yeah, you want a gift?
03:49Okay, a bag.
03:50Best in Tanzania.
03:52This is what we got.
03:53All right.
03:53Thank you very much.
03:54Here is Togo.
03:55How is it going?
03:57So, I'm looking for a gift.
04:02Yeah, a gift.
04:04This is a bag.
04:06So, we've got two bags about the agricultural economic resilience.
04:13Oh, my God.
04:13This is like walking into Ikea.
04:15Lucas, let's go.
04:16Like, look at these lamps.
04:17What did I tell you?
04:18It's right there.
04:19It's quite like nice.
04:20Like, it's nice to be here.
04:22Go to every country and ask for a gift.
04:28What is this?
04:30It's not licorice, is it?
04:32All right.
04:33We've got the plop.
04:37All right.
04:38So, these were the delegations of different politicians.
04:41That's how they walk around with, like, a whole bunch of people around them.
04:44So, they're mostly country leaders and they're negotiators.
04:49Should I reveal that I'm Ukrainian or should I make it...
04:51Should I cook it a little bit?
04:53Do you guys work here?
04:54I'm looking for a gift from every country.
04:58What's the best gift that you guys can give me?
05:00Something like a souvenir.
05:02We have notebook made from fallen leaves.
05:05And are these...
05:06Ukrainian leaves?
05:08All right.
05:11So, I'm from this city in Ukraine.
05:14And this is a solar panel that was damaged by the Russian missiles.
05:21This is the Ethiopian kind of panel slash talks area.
05:25And let's see if they have any gifts.
05:27Are you from Ethiopia?
05:29I'm Max.
05:29Good to meet you.
05:30I'm looking for gifts from different countries.
05:34So, this is the gift from Ethiopia.
05:36It's coffee?
05:38This is the Georgian pavilion.
05:40Right now, there is a talk.
05:42I'm looking for a gift.
05:45Thank you very much.
05:46So, from the beautiful country of Georgia, we got a walnut.
05:50I love walnuts.
05:51How are you doing?
05:52I'm asking for gifts.
05:53Oh, okay.
05:54All right.
05:55Check this.
05:56This is a big one.
05:56Oh, the big one.
05:58This is the gift from Cote d'Ivoire.
06:01Very good.
06:05The chocolate one.
06:06Oh, my God.
06:06Look at this.
06:07So, from Cote d'Ivoire, we got some snacks.
06:10And we got this cotton.
06:12So, this is the Chad house.
06:14And as everyone knows, the Chad flag looks a lot like the Romanian flag.
06:19So, before everyone goes dun-la-dun-la-da, it's not Romania.
06:22It's Chad.
06:22How are you?
06:23Where are you from?
06:24From Chad.
06:24I'm asking for gifts from every country.
06:29What is it called?
06:31Guys, we're currently in the Ghana pavilion.
06:37Is there anything that you can give me as a gift?
06:47It's the Ghana chocolate.
06:48Oh, I'm going to try it right now.
06:52The smell is nice.
06:59Very nice.
07:00Thank you very much.
07:00We're in Zimbabwe.
07:03Are you from Zimbabwe?
07:05I'm looking for a gift.
07:10Thank you very much.
07:11And there's something inside.
07:12Oh, my God, guys.
07:13Literally, something inside there.
07:14It's a sustainable keychain.
07:17And an amazing bag.
07:20Okay, fine.
07:21But it's usually with a K.
07:22Oh, what's your name?
07:23My name is Diana.
07:24Isn't Kazakhstan spelled with a K?
07:26As we're moving to the Latin alphabet,
07:29in the Kazakh language, it will be spelled with Q.
07:32And you moved to the Latin alphabet.
07:33Yes, we're still in the process of moving from Czech to Latin.
07:36Kazakhstan is now Kuazakhstan.
07:38So I'm asking for a gift from every country.
07:42So here it is.
07:43It's made out of recycled glass and plastic.
07:48This is really beautiful.
07:49Look at this.
07:52It's really spacious like Canada.
07:54Is anyone Canadian here?
07:55Yes, sorry.
07:56This is the pins that we're giving out.
07:58It's a classic.
07:59And the design is actually made by our indigenous organizations in Canada.
08:05All right, guys, this is what we got.
08:06It's time to get serious.
08:08All right, everyone, we are in the United States of America now.
08:11This is a very low key compared to the usual American.
08:15Sorry, are you from the American delegation?
08:18Yeah, so I'm looking for a gift from every...
08:21Okay, thank you.
08:22Oh, it's NASA.
08:24It's a NASA pin.
08:26You know what time it is.
08:28Are you from Nigeria?
08:29Yes, I am.
08:30Good to meet you.
08:30I'm asking for one gift, like the best gift that you could give me.
08:34This is the Nigerian flag.
08:36And then this shows like Armed Forces Remembrance Day.
08:41Thank you very much.
08:44So we got this one, this one and the Nigerian flag.
08:49We are entering the Paraná-Bailao, Brazil.
08:51All kinds of Brazilian things here.
08:54Hi, are you from Brazil?
08:55And are you involved with the pavilion?
08:57And I'm asking for a gift.
08:58Oh, I see.
08:59This is a...
09:00Brazil itself is a gift.
09:02We have like a unique way of doing things.
09:05We call it Borogodó.
09:06Thank you very much.
09:08I hope you enjoy it.
09:08And it's an invitation for you to come and feel us.
09:12And we got a pin.
09:13Some would say it's just a pin, but it came with some extra.
09:16He sold it.
09:17He really sold it.
09:18You know, like the Jordan belt for like 70 cents.
09:20Yeah, he sold it.
09:21He sold the pin.
09:22It's a nice one.
09:22Singapore pavilion here.
09:24Are you from the Singapore pavilion?
09:26It is given, Singapore.
09:27Kind of like combination of like technology, nature.
09:31Sorry, do you work here?
09:32I'm looking for each pavilion to give me a gift from their country.
09:36And every day, actually, we have a different design.
09:40Oh, every day you have a different design?
09:42For three designs only.
09:44And we rotate them.
09:45Wow, can you...
09:45Yes, this is the first design that we gave out yesterday.
09:50And then this one is today.
09:52Okay, this is a good one.
09:53Yes, the other one is tomorrow.
09:55Okay, well, I'm happy with this one.
09:56Thank you so much.
09:57All right.
09:57Thank you very much.
09:59And are you part of this pavilion?
10:01Can I ask you, so I go to every country pavilion and ask for a gift.
10:05The best gift you can give.
10:07Yeah, of course you're gonna get one.
10:08Okay, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.
10:10Okay, we go into a secret Pakistani drawer and we get a pin.
10:14Okay, and what is it?
10:15It's a tree?
10:17It's quite a nice one.
10:18Are you from Namibia?
10:19Yes, we are.
10:20I go to every country pavilion and ask for a gift.
10:23Hold on, Max.
10:24You got me off guard, but hold on.
10:25All right.
10:26Namibia's tourism sector is one of our biggest contributors to the economy.
10:31So we've got the big five, which many African countries also have, but ours are special.
10:38So this is a nut from one of our local trees.
10:43And a Namibian actually crafted this by hand.
10:46Oh my God, thank you.
10:47Thank you so much.
10:48This is so cool.
10:50Absolutely gorgeous.
10:53Hi, how are you?
10:54Are you from Angola?
10:55Yes, Angola.
10:56And I'm looking for the best gift that you can give me.
11:02It's peanuts, sugar.
11:05Okay, guys.
11:07Right here.
11:11And what is this?
11:14It smells nice.
11:16It's like a bounty.
11:18Thank you very much.
11:19Come and try our Omani sweet.
11:22Yeah, this is Omani sweet.
11:24It's special, yeah.
11:25You have to taste this.
11:26Oh, thank you.
11:26Take the piece.
11:27With my hand?
11:28Just like this?
11:29And I will like that, yes.
11:32And I will give you this for clean.
11:35How is it?
11:37I will give you more.
11:39What is it?
11:40And what's the name?
11:41I will give you.
11:42This is Omani Halwa.
11:43Oh, Halwa.
11:44Omani Halwa, yeah.
11:45We've tried Qatar coffee, UAE coffee, Turkish coffee.
11:50Maybe this is a little bit different.
11:52It is different.
11:53One thing that unites all of the Middle Eastern coffees, I feel,
11:57is that they don't taste like coffee.
11:59They taste like tea.
12:00You will taste this.
12:01This is like coffee, exactly, yeah.
12:04Oh, yeah.
12:05It does, actually.
12:05Yeah, yeah.
12:06All right.
12:06Thank you very much.
12:07You are welcome.
12:09Nice to meet you, really.
12:09See you later.
12:12So there are all kinds of talks like this happening all over.
12:15And it's mostly the presidents, royalty, prime ministers, country leaders,
12:20and their delegations negotiate in ways to solve climate change
12:24and to invest in climate resilience in the countries that are most vulnerable.
12:27So this is the head of World Bank talking to other country leaders
12:30about investing literally billions of dollars.
12:34What's your name?
12:36My name is Noah.
12:36What is this?
12:37Arabic coffee.
12:38And the quantity is very small.
12:39So this is the way we drink it.
12:42Just like this?
12:42Just like a little...
12:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
12:43But we take one, two, three.
12:45So when you are finished, you give it to him.
12:48This is coffee?
12:49But with a lot of aromatics.
12:51I like it.
12:52Then you give it back to him.
12:53He adds to it.
12:54He will feel it.
12:54Oh, let's do it.
12:56If you shake it, it means that you're done and you don't need...
12:58Ah, I'm looking for a gift.
13:01Oh, okay.
13:02Thank you very much.
13:04Oh, wait, wait, wait.
13:05Lucas, Lucas.
13:07Yeah, I did it.
13:08Okay, so obviously this year Azerbaijan is hosting COP.
13:12So they have a pretty large pavilion, but like nothing crazy.
13:15Let's go check out the tea.
13:18I'm going to every pavilion for my YouTube channel,
13:21and I'm getting a gift from everyone.
13:23So can I get a gift from you guys?
13:26Why not?
13:26Our strong black tea.
13:28Okay, let's do it.
13:28We also have jam.
13:31All right, thank you very much.
13:32You can taste it.
13:35Oh, it's very sweet.
13:37I like it.
13:40It's good.
13:40We're here, Lucas.
13:42Are you from Tajikistan?
13:44I'm looking for a gift.
13:45I go to every country pavilions for my YouTube video.
13:49Glacier waters comes from glaciers of Tajikistan.
13:52Glaciers of Tajikistan provide 60% of fresh water resources for the entire Central Asia.
13:58Wow, this is super special.
14:00People don't really know that I'm a bit of a water expert.
14:05No, it's incredible.
14:07Incredibly tasty.
14:08Try it and you tell me if it's not.
14:10Do you feel that?
14:12We're entering Uzbekistan.
14:13You ready?
14:13Oh, this is cool.
14:16I mean, this is a really beautiful pavilion.
14:18How are you doing?
14:19Are you part of the Uzbekistan?
14:20I am.
14:21So what's the best gift that Uzbekistan can give to us?
14:25Oh, these are straight from Uzbekistan.
14:28Oh, this is the gift?
14:30Oh, yes.
14:31Thank you very much.
14:32We got the pomegranate from Uzbekistan.
14:35This is the Mauritania pavilion.
14:37Sorry, my English is not good.
14:39No, it's very good.
14:40And I'm asking for a gift.
14:41A gift like a present.
14:46Okay, Nabila's got my gift.
14:48Oh, wow.
14:49I can put the flag in my studio?
14:51Oh, yes.
14:52Let's go.
14:53Oh my God, this is great.
14:54Thank you very much.
14:56This is like insane.
14:57This is absolutely insane.
14:58You see, we got so much.
14:59Please, please.
15:01Oh, open.
15:02Wait, let me do it.
15:03Oh, this for me too?
15:05Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:07And the bracelet.
15:08Let's go.
15:09Oh, this is so cool.
15:11Oh, yo.
15:15They have a cool one.
15:16Are you from Kyrgyzstan?
15:18My name is Merim.
15:18Good to meet you.
15:19And what's your name?
15:20Good to meet you.
15:21I'm going to every house and I'm asking for a gift.
15:24You can open it where you want and try it.
15:27Okay, thank you very much.
15:28So this is the gift from Kyrgyzstan.
15:31All right, Lucas, let's go show that house.
15:33Whoa, that is cool.
15:36I wonder what it's called.
15:38It's a traditional nomadic house that can be transferred.
15:42It's a very mobile.
15:44Weights only around 200 kilos.
15:47It's very aerodynamic.
15:48So whether it's windy, snowy, whatever it is,
15:51take off all the weather conditions.
15:53Well, we are at Thailand pavilion here.
15:55Are you from Thailand?
15:57I'm looking for a gift.
16:00Thai hippo.
16:02Oh, look at this.
16:04This is so cool.
16:05Oh, and can I try a waffle?
16:09Here's Korea.
16:10I mean, I'm guessing South Korea.
16:12Yeah, Republic of Korea.
16:13Are you from Korea?
16:14What's the best gift that Korea could give?
16:17This is Korean bookmark.
16:19Oh, can I have orange?
16:21Thank you very much.
16:22Oh, this is beautiful.
16:24Indonesian pavilion is huge.
16:26Oh, Lucas, they have snacks.
16:28Lucas, can I try one of these things?
16:30Okay, no problem.
16:31How is it called?
16:32Mug cake.
16:33Mug cake.
16:35Sorry, are you guys from Indonesia?
16:37Can you give me a gift from Indonesia?
16:39Of course.
16:40It's for you.
16:40Oh, yes.
16:42We call it batik.
16:46It's a traditional Indonesian batik.
16:48Yeah, traditional and ice.
16:49Oh, yes.
16:51You see?
16:52And a cool pen.
16:53Yo, this pen is actually awesome.
16:55What's your name?
16:56And where are you from?
16:57I'm from Rwanda.
16:58And do you have any gifts?
17:00Yes, I have one.
17:01I'm going to give you this scarf.
17:04You can try it.
17:04Kind of like this?
17:05You can have it, yeah.
17:07All right.
17:07We've got the next country here.
17:09So, this is the Turkish house.
17:11Turkey, by the way, is officially now Turkey.
17:14So, don't make that mistake, guys.
17:15All right.
17:20They have the drawing option here?
17:23This is some kind of a cool art thing.
17:26My name is Zeynep, and she's our artist, the main character.
17:29Here we have marbling art, a very traditional Turkish art.
17:32Actually, it is originated in Asia and then came to Anatolia.
17:38She says you're doing amazing.
17:40I am?
17:41I'm usually quite...
17:42Okay, that's it?
17:43Can I smell it?
17:45It smells like apple.
17:47It smells nice.
17:49That's the one.
17:51There's no chemical inside of it.
17:53It's just all natural.
18:00And we can take it as a gift, right?
18:01So, this is what we got.
18:06Let me know which gift was your favorite, and see you at COP30 in Brazil.
