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The hoodie from: (pastglory.co) on instagram

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00:00Today's video we are gonna be doing guess the black person, but with a special guest with us today, mr.
00:05Speed look we have four people and they're all claiming to be black
00:08What's our job to find out what the true black person is? Let's get straight to the video
00:14Let's bring him on out
00:20Let's just start off with your names number one, what is your name Jimmy?
00:27Number two and the black hoodie
00:30number three Justin
00:32number four
00:36I'm thinking
00:38Number one is a bit sus. I think we're gonna have to add some some questions, bro
00:42I can't look number one. Where are you parents from one from New York and the others from Philly?
00:49Where's your dad from if you have one he's from Philly, but he's not in my life
01:00Somewhere we are getting somewhere. Okay. I told you number one was a bit sus
01:05number two
01:07My mom's from Miami and my dad's from Ohio
01:14It's still possible though. Number three. They're both in New York. Okay, number four. They're both from Atlanta from where
01:22I don't know two is definitely white. No one is still sus number one. What's your favorite sport?
01:33Well, well, well
01:36Would you look at that?
01:38It looks like a lacrosse and bend anything I could bet on really number two college football. I don't think it's him
01:47Number three lacrosse
01:54Don't before is that a him or one bro?
01:57Have we got to have we got two imposters in here? I'm actually crying bro. What is that? Why are you crying?
02:05What the heck I think we've got two imposters in here which one what you feeling
02:09I think we should kick one of them out. You think so? Who are you kicking out? I'm definitely gonna have to
02:15Kick it's number two out. We're gonna have to kick number two out. Take off your hoodie
02:26Get out get out of here
02:28Go back to the go back to the kitchen. All right, we got one. We got three imposters left
02:32All right. What's your favorite song started from one probably get it sexy, but sexy red
02:38Okay, number two. Number two is out. I know it number three number three
02:45Do we give it a lizard or did she do did she shit herself?
02:58That is not okay, I guess
03:01number four
03:03You know that one. Yeah, it's the Drake song. I still think
03:08Number one. All right, number one. Number one. How much relationships have you had? I don't do relationships
03:15I just have
03:21Okay, I guess is that the type of thing, you know, no, no, do you not celebrate black history might know three
03:40We're gonna have to kick one out I'm definitely gonna have to kick out number three no
03:45It's for trust me number three has the wait
03:49No, we're gonna have to kick kick number three out the way number three say something something
03:57Say a sentence
03:59Justin I don't think I think I think you might Justin is a white name. Maybe
04:08Number four, I think number four is out. I want to kick number four
04:14Okay, fine red take off your hoodie there's no
04:22Okay, I was scared for a second number one have you ever been in a fight
04:28Yeah, too many to count okay, I guess number three
04:40What is your favorite activity number one I can't say that on YouTube
04:49What's your favorite activity basketball and number two, what's your favorite activity?
04:57lacrosse and
04:59Can you guys speak try to sound black real quick what
05:05How how do you say say less I got you say less I got you number three
05:19On God, I'm even mad on God
05:27You thought I wasn't gonna notice
05:42We got more okay, can you shoot a gun?
05:49No, I can't why do you take a moment to think of it because I
05:54I've had a bull on me, but I've never shot one. Oh, yeah, okay interesting
06:10What's your favorite drink number one the chocolate Yahoo chocolate milk, okay
06:17Number four number three cola
06:20Mm-hmm. There's no way it's number three. There's no way. Do you want to get married number one? Yeah, that's the goal
06:27Like do you want to have a family or just like yeah, so the goal is you know find a white woman?
06:32Maybe have like two kids have a nice house in the suburbs. So my kids don't grow up around that gang violence and
06:43Yeah, I want to I want to teach him how to play lacrosse
06:46Maybe are you giving us your own life story?
06:51Can you fight number one, I just said I've been in multiple did you win at least
06:58What do you think? I think you won you thought really well
07:05We lost a step in the parking lot after you want to step in a parking lot with me
07:11You gonna fight you have a death wish
07:13Gonna fight him number three
07:21Do you box I don't know you want to find out
07:26What did I do looks like
07:32Looks like you're cooked bro. No
07:37What the heck have you ever stolen anything wawa stands for walk away with anything
07:47Number two, wait number three. No, I hadn't you're making me look real bad number three
08:02Number one do you smoke?
08:09I can't wait. Why cuz he took it. He took like a long break and just said I can't breathe
08:18They can't breathe. Yeah, cuz he's been smoking too much
08:21Cuz I've had a hoodie off in the last 45 minutes covering my face
08:26What advice would you give you a younger self number one if you want to get into more fights do it?
08:36Don't let nobody try you
08:39Because you will
08:43And do do better in high school so you don't have to go to community college number three
08:56I'll request it. What's your grades in school? What was your GPA? Like three point six. It's not bad
09:01Actually, are we talking weighted or unweighted? Well, I don't know what oh, you don't know the difference, huh?
09:06My weighted which is like based on the classes you take was a 4.3 because I was in like college classes
09:21I'm a smart YN with number three
09:31Number what was your favorite youtuber number one?
09:34Probably these two guys
09:36One village is the first one. The second one is uh, his name is speed McQueen
09:41Although I don't I don't really like speed McQueen
09:45He's just funny like on I chuckle every now and then I'm definitely gonna unsubscribe soon
09:53Yeah, it's like I don't know
09:57Well, well, well
10:01Let's just kick out number three
10:03Take off your hoodie
10:25There's no way though, I'm so confident my brain just exploded there's no way what do you gotta say?
10:33I'm so surprised
10:46Well, that was surprising because I do expect that killer wait everyone come up come up everyone