• yesterday
Super fun opportunity to take my laundromat legends up in the bird not only for the first time BUT, for their first time ever in a helicopter. Pretty awesome

All Merch Here - https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/smilemore
Drink Kenetik - https://drinkkenetik.com/

Shout out to the heath police for making it fun and helping my get a very attractive thumbnail. woohoo!


00:00Welcome to today's video guys. We are what are we at here? This is what?
00:07Yeah, have you seen the videos where like you stand right here and then as I lift off you push and it looks like you're
00:14Pushing a helicopter away. No, but I don't think I want to do it right now. No, let's get to it today's exciting
00:20Months and months and months ago guys. I even know how long it's been
00:22We took Linda one of our laundromat legends on a flight and then I did promise
00:27Everybody else that we would also take a flight and it's just not happened
00:31We've procrastinated the weather was crap and this week is beautiful. So today's the day. We're gonna go land at the airport
00:37We're gonna meet by the way, how did we get such amazing ladies like they're the coolest ladies ever
00:42We get to do fun things with them. They want to go on a helicopter, right?
00:45Like it's just the coolest thing ever to me
00:46So today's the day we're gonna jump in the chopper meet him at the airport and just hopefully give them
00:51They're the best first helicopter flight ever strapped in mama
00:56Mama bird leaving the nest. All right guys very excited for this. Let's uh, let's get this bird started and just
01:03Have some fun in the Sun
01:06Hi, no doors gotta come off
01:48Okay, unfortunately this flight is quick so we won't be serving food or drink
01:53All right, you can have a little bit of my I might need a little that
01:57Help yourself. Hi guys. We're off to the airport. Let's get it
02:00You have your glasses, okay
02:03Good call. Hey, you have to borrow mine
02:17Check all our cages or green green green green green we got no lights on
02:31What do you think Jackie's gonna say and do like I don't know I feel like she's just gonna be really chill like that
02:36Was cool. Yeah, I guess I expected like even when the both these girls we got Jackie and and Becky
02:44Coming today and they both got tattoos together at the laundromat and they were so chill
02:49and I guess I expected them to be freaking out but
02:51They're tough and legendary, yeah, so I don't know if I should expect too much
03:30All right
03:35We are gonna pick them up here at the FBO I'm gonna do a full shutdown walk them through
03:41Couple safety just things a pilot's supposed to do and then we're up a good time
03:47It's such a pretty day guys
03:51I'm convinced that I need to just
03:54Convince this airport to let me keep my Suzuki truck here as my Newark vehicle
03:59Because this is really close to our laundromat. It's really close to everything we do out here
04:04So if I could just fly here and then hop in my Suzuki be perfect, right?
04:10I'm sure they wouldn't care but I don't leave it outside to leave my Japanese girl outside an Italian restaurant, right?
04:16Italian wings and strips, baby
04:21Trying for I don't know how long now
04:29No, the police is here
04:34Jackie everywhere Jackie is police are I didn't know this place thought like that dude. Wow
04:41I got the same logo on my helicopter. All right, ladies
04:45How you feeling?
04:47Nervous I was gonna say you're being very quiet. It's usually indication of nervousness. Yep. That's how the police know you're guilty. Just start chat
04:59My sister says to tell you that she knows that you're a good helicopter flyer and we'll be safe
05:10My dream has always been to be a good helicopter flyer
05:13So I
05:15Don't know. Did you see that landing coming in?
05:18Wait, have you guys been in a helicopter before? No. Oh, this is even better
05:22The barrel rolls are awesome. Mr.
05:26Pranker might go
05:36Like the best weather we I'm glad we waited see we are procrastination paid off
05:42Who wants to sit up front anybody want to sit up front?
05:48I wish I would have kept the controls and see
05:51So you could fly it. Okay, so only a couple things
05:54We're just gonna make sure our seatbelts are on before we start for any reason you need to get out
05:58I come back and I'm not shut down. You're gonna come out the front. Okay, you never ever go to the back
06:05Yeah, I mean neither one of you can reach that tail rotor but just it's a good practice
06:11Always go forward. Make sure you can see me easy breezy. So Becky, let's start with you up front. Okay
06:18Help her in the back
06:23That's gonna go halfway in
06:26Like that. Okay, we're gonna keep that there for a second. Oh my god
06:33As we lift off you'll be relaxed and then press that down now you're locked in now
06:42I keep thinking this is a ride
06:44Like at Kings Island
06:48You don't need to put it on right now, but once you get started
06:52Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay, how we feeling good?
06:57That's good
06:59Nervous or excited. I was getting her. I'm excited
07:04She was like, I feel like I'm getting on a rollercoaster
07:08It's the coolest rollercoaster ever, so the real question is where do you want to go?
07:13My house if you want to see if you can see raccoons find some raccoons over the house. I would love to see the basket
07:19Okay, cool. Yeah. Well, it's I think it's pretty quick from here. Okay, that's always good
07:24Yeah, why don't we hit the lake and then we'll circle around to the basket and then back to the airport
07:29It'll be a nice flight
08:01Check check check you hear me? Yeah, okay. I might take pictures you do whatever you want
08:13Wow, I feel like I've ever seen that sure you breathe looks like a ride. Oh my god
08:35My god
08:43Yeah, little the people look down there oh wow
08:54Don't know where you're at
08:56Uh, yeah somewhere
08:59You're definitely somewhere I told him I said this summer time go Rebecca like let me jump out
09:07I'd probably hurt myself probably come you can already see the lake Wow
09:23The trees look so ugly
09:26Yeah, but you fly up here in the fall, it's really pretty
09:31Too bad, right? You just feel the wind. Yeah, it's a little bumpy today. It's
09:39more bumpy than usual
09:41I've rode in a jet before night. It's like when they hit air pockets like going over gravel to me. Yeah
09:47Yeah, all it is is heat
09:50Heat coming up and hitting the bottom of us do the train down there
09:54Like the toy Wow, Jackie
10:00He better take picture of Roman hi Roman
10:04This is cool
10:07Can really get around in these things
10:16Boats out there. They'll love you flying right over. I see people out on the trails again
10:22Yeah, yeah, this lake is popping in the summer with all the boats. I was so fun last summer coming out here
10:28Are those jet skis looks like it if they'll race us
10:34Feel fun Jackie. Mm-hmm feels like on them, right?
10:44This is awesome, is this better this can't be better than the laundromat. Yes, this is better
10:53So we're doing a hundred and ten miles per hour across the ground right now look slow, right
10:59All those boats out there like always looks so big up here
11:05All right, we're gonna find the basket without direction so there's easy should be easy to see
11:14See it from here that it right straight over there, but you can see it. It looks like it's straight over there
11:25Don't think it's that close. I think I see what you're saying. What'd you think Becky?
11:30Beautiful. We definitely think I want to come back in the fall. Yeah, the falls up fun to go like more southern
11:37Beautiful Oh golf course down here
11:41Harbor Hills everything's beautiful
11:47Like the baskets this way somewhere
11:51Yeah, yeah, it is
11:55I think those are the handles over there behind that red antenna. Yeah
12:00Yeah, we can fly through the basket
12:05Thank Becky's down for anything
12:07It's not we've never showed on this channel the world's largest basket. We would do that with the craftiest lady in town, huh?
12:14Do they still make baskets? Oh, that place has been abandoned for a long time
12:19No, I mean like long burger. Do they still make basket? Oh, they don't know. I have a whole bunch
12:25I bought
12:27From a friend of mine for Jackie keeps her raccoons
12:30No basket
12:32No, they each have their own basket
12:35That does look so strange right just a giant basket
12:46Mean it's hard to see how big that thing is. Well, look at all the buildings around it
12:51They need to make it in a motel out of it or something that thing's gotta be what eight story like it's big
12:57They should make it a retirement community
13:00Yeah, make a retirement home. Yeah
13:03Be so cool
13:09This is so awesome, I would thank you guys
13:14Well, thank you
13:22All right, we're back where we started yeah, it's awesome
13:32Always a good reminder that we like to be on the ground, you know
13:37It was awesome, whoo-hoo out like a ride
13:44Alright be the lake see a big
13:49Most random if we did helicopter course, that's all you'd get a big basket and a lake
13:56Not so bad I guess
14:00Good got one step
14:02For how many months
14:05I don't know how you're gonna get it down. Take my hand. Take my hand. Yeah one step right here and we'll be
14:13You make the whole helicopter trip and then you fall coming out
14:27Think I've been on a boat now. I got you got my legs. See like weak really
14:46Good that was the goal some fun today get out of the laundry mat, even though you have to work tonight
14:54Don't be surprised if you're really tired in about 30 minutes
14:59It's usually like an adrenaline dump
15:01Even still when I fly an hour goes by I'm like, why am I so tired?
15:06It's like my brain's just doing so much. It's like a mental
15:10Toe dopamine dump. Yeah, it's a dopamine
15:14So don't make us feel sleepy
15:16That's right. Sorry. I'll go to sleep because
15:20I'm Jackie. You sleep a lot. Well, I was taking a nap. Well, no great every time I can't do anything anymore
15:31What'd you guys do take one helicopter ride than the
15:35At the police rolling up. Yeah, they're after us. Yeah
15:40After us
15:43Did you Brit did you file a permit to be outside today?
15:47Hey, we got we got our permits bud
15:49We're allowed to be outside today is what they said online
15:55I need a permit to park here
16:01Dude you should please
16:04Please we do have a but he's not working right now. Don't let Brittany see no train dogs. All right
16:17The little things I lay my foot down on the train dog is one right now
16:20I honestly I think if I kids get a little older. I'll show one a dog
16:25I'm gonna get a puppy and then train it
16:36All the green
16:41Like I want you to sit there, right is that what it's not like
16:45You want to know that the greatest trick in the world is
16:49You asked the new guys. Hey, check the box on my front bumper. Make sure it's there
16:56Think so loud on the air horn
16:58Hey, Brett, can you make sure my headlights are working? Can you hit me with a get out of that?
17:01I don't know get off get out of the helicopter
17:05It's working
17:08What do you mean get out of the helicopter, that's all you got
17:14Say it again
17:18That's pathetic I'm never getting out of my helicopter with that kind of talk the sirens loud
17:23Yeah, your guys's lights are so nuclear
17:25Your guys's lights are so nuclear
17:38Just one taste
17:43Would you guys do it? Yeah, we have training coming up this I'll do it if Britain does this
17:50I shock you every day
17:55It's a taser Jackie ready
18:02All right, well we did it mission complete
18:10All right, we're gonna we're gonna close up shop Brittany and I are gonna head home Nate's gonna walk there
18:22All right
18:36Girls are out there. Oh nice. That was fun. That was really fun. Yeah
18:41Their actual initial reaction was better than I thought it'd be it was really good
18:45Yeah, I tried to spice it up with that that takeoff that it just going up
18:59My favorite sound well, no, how does one object?
19:04Create some of my favorite sounds in the world like the startup of the helicopters my favorite than that
19:10Like I love hopping out at my house and just hearing that
19:17Just let her wind down for the day, you know, all right guys
19:20Just a fun little one for you today
19:23We are currently on vacation we built this video as a
19:29Way for us to actually get a break for all of us to get a break
19:32So we're shooting multiple videos so that we're covered so that the streak doesn't end
19:36That's how hard we're working on this streak for everybody. So it's a much-needed break. It's only
19:42Two videos that will be during this break. I think yeah
19:47So two days off for everybody much-needed and we just keep the streak going that's what it's all about
19:52That's why we're we put in the extra effort. I love you guys so much. Thank you for being here
19:58Thanks for understanding some filler vids
20:01to me, this is as good as any daily video, so I'm happy with it and
20:05I just love you. Thanks for what actually I'm asking a question a have you ever been in a helicopter?
20:11I'm surprised how many people have it
20:13And just how much I enjoy it I love you you're beautiful you're one-of-a-kind
