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Thank you Santiago Charter!
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Salish and dad: https://www.youtube.com/@jordanmatter
Salish vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/@salishmatter
Markell: https://www.youtube.com/@markellwashington
Follow us on Instagram:
Salish: https://www.instagram.com/salishmatter
Me: https://www.instagram.com/jordanmatter
Markell: https://www.instagram.com/markellwashington
Thumbnail design: @aamirdzn (twitter)
Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXY38EnvMGZCDBNMmbJBzQ
MERCH: https://shopjordanmatter.com/
Business Inquiries: info@jordanmatter.com
Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
Thank you Santiago Charter!
Join our FREE text thread: https://joinsubtext.com/teamsalish!
Salish and dad: https://www.youtube.com/@jordanmatter
Salish vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/@salishmatter
Markell: https://www.youtube.com/@markellwashington
Follow us on Instagram:
Salish: https://www.instagram.com/salishmatter
Me: https://www.instagram.com/jordanmatter
Markell: https://www.instagram.com/markellwashington
Thumbnail design: @aamirdzn (twitter)
Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvXY38EnvMGZCDBNMmbJBzQ
MERCH: https://shopjordanmatter.com/
Business Inquiries: info@jordanmatter.com
Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
00:00This is Santiago Charter School and today my daughter Salish will be principal of the school for a day
00:07Salish will try to create the perfect school
00:12But she will have to face all the challenges of being a principal and knowing Salish what could possibly go wrong
00:22At the end of the day the students will vote if Salish is a better principal than their actual
00:28Principal and if I win I get to shave my dad's head. Please lose. I'm not gonna lose. Hey students
00:34This is your new principal Salish new rule. No more dress code
00:41That goes for principals too
00:51You can go into your little office and watch everything I do because you're gonna be bald by the end of the day. Bye
00:57Okay, I'm gonna be watching everything on this monitor
01:00I am crossing my fingers that she loses this vote because I do not want to be bald. Hi everybody. I'm Salish your new principal
01:06She's like 15. They're like, who's this girl? You guys are all tired cuz you guys had to wake up early, right?
01:13And you were up late doing homework, right?
01:16You're not gonna be tired anymore because from now on new rules Starbucks in class
01:28She's just trying to buy votes by bribing them with coffee. My mom doesn't let me have Starbucks. So this is great
01:37They're chanting her name. I've got a list of super cool changes. I'm gonna make to the school. This is gonna be so easy
01:45I'm done. Dad you're gonna be so bald. Starbucks is open for free coffee
01:51She's making it free she's making it free
01:54She's making it free she's gonna spend the entire school budget just on Starbucks free Starbucks, that's my principal
02:00I'm kind of an artist
02:02Hi, are you the teacher for this class? Yes, I'm the new principal and the students are just gonna get some coffee
02:07And they'll be ready in like 10 minutes
02:11Classic Salish she leaves right before the chaos starts
02:14Classic Salish she leaves right before the chaos starts
02:21Salish school is about education. It's not about coffee. Nice office. Okay, just gonna make some changes real quick
02:31Excuse me principal Salish, I don't think you should call me principal Salish that low-key sound kind of weird sure
02:36How about principal say say?
02:38That was five years ago, just call me Salish got it. You have two candidates to interview today Oh Jim teachers. Oh, that will be fine
02:51Guys I really don't think we need more caffeine. This isn't gonna end well, right? I mean she's a woman can't even teach the class
03:11Just place your orders sit down and then your orders will be brought to your seat
03:22Santiago's great teachers and she's one of them
03:24But the decision principal Salish just made is making them possible for her to do her job
03:28Well here at Santiago we take athletics very serious. So are you guys ready?
03:33You're supposed to say yes, ma'am. Yes
03:39Look at how she's talking with authority as if she has any idea how to interview a gym coach
03:44Okay, everyone's drinks have been placed and we can finally get on with our lesson chapter 8 the big house did prove a palace
03:50Beautiful, excuse me, but can you can you turn that off? I can't I can't
03:56I can't hear you with the blender on
04:04Parents out there don't your kids think that they can basically do everything better than you
04:08I know mine does but guess what? She's gonna discover that something impulsive like this is actually gonna have negative consequences
04:14Negative consequences, Amy was much offended that our overtures order ready for Tom. Oh, excuse me. Oh, sorry
04:29I just got to run this drink real quick. Here you go. So why is this to be clear?
04:33This has no caffeine, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're fine. You're fine. No worries
04:39Was that the last one? Oh, I only have eight more to go should be done in Jiffy. No worries
04:48Don't know how I'm going to continue doing our lesson with this barista in the classroom
04:53They're getting coffee rather than getting an education. That's not the best move as a principal
05:03She just thinks she can do anything
05:06This is why you shouldn't be a principal say you don't need to test their strength
05:11You need to test that they would be good leaders as gym coaches
05:14All of your drinks have now been served and if you want any more, I'll be right here
05:2345 minutes in everyone has their dreams. Let's start the lesson
05:28Now that all the students are super caffeinated
05:31it's pretty much impossible for them to pay attention in class and while this teacher is struggling because of Salish's Starbucks idea the gym teachers
05:38Are getting absolutely demolished by sailing first person to fall loses and the winner gets the job
05:44So, what do you like about Santiago?
05:47It's Santiago the best whoever did the best. Why do you want to work here?
05:52I'll make it because all the kids are nice. They're great. What does trivia have to do with a wall?
05:56See, what is Salish have to do with being a principal?
05:58Are you guys getting tired?
06:07That was the worst job interview I've ever seen congratulations you won
06:12Great. Oh exciting your first class starts right now
06:29That was awful students got over caffeinated learned absolutely nothing sailors you are so far a terrible principal, but they love you
06:36Thank goodness. I didn't get that job worst principal ever
06:52You sure about that being a principal means you got to deal with unexpected situations and this is the first one
06:58I have to deal with emotions now, bro
07:00Salish is never gonna change today. The kids start going crazy because I find a Starbucks in my classroom
07:06How can I teach them to be smarter to be wiser to be better people in the world when all they can think about is?
07:13Ordering a drink. You did this to me. How are you going to fix it?
07:17The teacher's upset because she wasn't able to do her job
07:23I've got just the idea no more Starbucks. Wait, what?
07:31Have to do with this though, you know, this is a school right kids kind of gotta learn things
07:36I'm sure you could get a job at Starbucks. Are you firing me?
07:40Unfortunately, yeah, hold up before I fire you. Are you being impatient? No, what I guess I can figure it out. Ha ha
07:51Actually, maybe not there's in two minutes you made two employees cry
07:55Are you gonna win the vote at the end of the day if everybody's crying? All right, cuz the students are voting
07:58Oh the students still love you. Let's see how the students feel when they get back to class. There's no Starbucks
08:03She might not be so popular after that. What happened to y'all? Why are you acting like that?
08:11They are so hyped up on sugar and caffeine that I don't think they're gonna learn anything in this class either
08:19What are we gonna do in gym class now run in place get the knees up get the knees up come on
08:24Come on I'm gonna see a smile on that face one two, and three and four and five and six and seven
08:29Come on, get the moms out push-ups get down
08:34Smell that clean floor
08:36You can and you will if you have an issue with my teaching you have an issue with principal say
08:43This isn't even fun Starbucks in class was amazing. All right, this is not amazing at all. I don't want her to be our principal anymore
08:50Students are suddenly not so satisfied with Salish. Yes now on to the fun stuff. We go do some planks
08:57Complainers, come on. You want to get your core, right? Get right up in there. You can feel it. You don't flex your toes
09:03You know, I remember back in the army. I used to do these I sit there all day for a whole hour
09:09Big dog. Yeah, y'all with me, right? No
09:13We do crazy kids doing principal Salish made me the gym teacher you're supposed to be doing planks
09:20Principal Salish was right about Starbucks, but not right about you don't vote for Salish principal Salish messed up
09:34Are you tired now, huh? Looks like y'all ran out of caffeine, huh?
09:37Huh? Looks like y'all ran out of caffeine, huh?
09:42Guys we can get more coffee in the classroom. Let's go
09:46I don't know about everyone else
09:47But I had a blast in gym class getting chased around by the gym teacher and chucking a dodgeball at him
09:52Like that was awesome. I think I did a good job. Principal Salish was giving them coffee. That was a bad idea
10:03Let me explain get in your seat
10:08Salish about to find out the consequences of her actions principals have to deal with the good and the bad
10:13They have to deal when students are happy with them. And when they're not happy with them. Let's see how Salish handles this
10:18Let me explain. So I kind of had to fire the barista
10:24They're not happy Salish. They're not gonna vote for you. I'm keeping my hair
10:28You guys only need caffeine cuz you're tired, right? Yeah, cuz you were up late doing your homework, right?
10:35Oh, no, where's she going with this? Well, guess what new rule no more homework
10:46Dad I got this one in the bag
10:48She's just going through the checklist of all the stuff kids would want from school coffee in school. No homework
10:53Is this gonna work? What is she thinking? This is about education
10:58Just wait until the end Salish cuz I got a big surprise for you little girl
11:05Clean up this mess
11:09Let's go chop chop a little tough love
11:11That's what the principal should be doing rather than just trying to buy votes principal
11:15Your next interview is a potential transfer student. He needs a new place for school
11:19Here's another unexpected thing Salish is gonna have to deal with a parent-student tour. The school is very very low on money
11:26We need this family to sign up. We're in trouble. Otherwise, I got you. I don't think she got it at all
11:32Spending all the money on Starbucks. Maybe they already ran out of money
11:36Hello. Oh, hey
11:39Let's move on with our lesson. We're gonna review just to be clear. Does that mean we get no coffee? No
11:48Coffee's done. Let's get back to math. Welcome Santiago. I'm Salish. I'm the principal our school
11:54We just want to make all the kids happy and I'm a kid. So I'm pretty good at it
11:57There's a lot of good classes the kids learn a lot of stuff and they go to college and whatever we have a star
12:03But oh wait, no, we don't anymore, but it's a great school want to sign up. That was actually her pitch first
12:08We have a few questions. Okay, I'm good at those. Do you offer foreign language classes? How long do teachers typically work here?
12:15What is your dress code policy? How do you help struggling students? What are your rules about being late to school?
12:21How often do students transfer out of school? How did you become a principal?
12:25What has been your hardest experience as principal of the school and why are you a child?
12:32Excuse me, I'm 15. I'm 14. No, you know, I know I've changed since the last time you've seen me. I'm not a little boy anymore
12:39grown, man
12:45Say you had a thousand dollars you wanted to put it into a savings account and the savings account
12:51Yields a two point five percent APR. How much money would you have after seven years a lot?
12:59Okay, students are getting tired. Caffeine is wearing off. You're having a caffeine crash. We've lost another class
13:06Because of coffee. Oh, this is sad
13:08All she wants to do is teach them and say listen just getting in the way of that
13:11But it seems like she had the perfect idea to wake up her students
13:15Principal Salish forgot to mention one thing if you're not doing any homework
13:19That means you have to do twice as much work in class
13:24That got him, you know what that is a consequence for your decision Salish
13:28You're gonna stay a little later after school today and we're gonna do all of the work that was missed
13:34Let's go are the kids gonna like that Salish
13:37I don't think they're gonna be very happy with you at all, and I don't think I'm going ball
13:41They are so angry no Starbucks and now extra time in school with more work if I come to the school
13:47I'm gonna see you every day. I don't know about that one. Excuse me. What's in this classroom art class art?
13:54I can't even see anything chomping on gum oversized sweatshirt, and that's how she presents herself as a principal
13:59There's no way they're gonna leave Ian in this school. This is obviously the library you strongly encourage reading
14:04Yeah, I love reading go reading which one is your favorite Salish hasn't read any of those books. Who's your favorite author? I
14:14Okay, thick is for fiction Mars the initials of the author dude. Yeah, they're my favorite
14:20Anyways, are you guys ready for the finale? We get to go see a classroom with really great teachers
14:24Let's go. Come on right now. Everybody's freaking out. That's not gonna be a good look
14:37So now I'm gonna show you just a really nice class I love them all so
14:47This class is just so excited to be learning
14:55Absolutely not
14:56Are you gonna fix this you lost the money you lost your budget you lost the student you fail this one
15:01No way you're winning the vote
15:03No homework and Starbucks, I
15:07Love this school, please. Please. Let me come. I'll be the perfect student. I'll show up every day
15:12I'll get all A's a plus is actually do not say yes. I wanted to run out of money
15:16Please do not say yes. I'll do all my homework on time the second I get it
15:20one day
15:21One day. Yeah, where's my seat? No one day is all she gets please do not give her money
15:27All right guys out you go. This is an amazing school. It's such a nice school. You're a little Ian will be fine
15:32Don't worry guys. I think education is very
15:37What class is this again history history class?
15:39I don't really like that class so your new class is how to go viral on tick-tock
15:44Wait, she just changed the class from history to tick-tock
15:49Teacher hi guys
15:56Get ready to go viral
15:59Salish hired Markel Washington tick-tock star as a substitute teacher. That must be so expensive. How much is he charging her?
16:06She's running out of money fast
16:08Sweetheart, I have this you can take that
16:12That's fine, how are you guys doing?
16:15The teacher just quit this might make sailors temporarily popular but long term is it good for the school?
16:29No, no, you're not gonna vote for her y'all better vote for her so we can shaver that head, right?
16:38Let's see what this class is about for phase one of going for a viral video you're going to work on your lighting
16:45If you want to be a tick tocker listen to this lesson
16:48Otherwise, this has nothing to do with school or what everyone wants to be a tick tocker
16:50Do you do not want to have shadows over your face shadows? It looks like Salish wants to teach the class
16:58Phase two
17:02We're gonna do on-screen text
17:06Correct that is true. Phase two is what?
17:10Sales replace having a blast. Here we go. I'm gonna show y'all a night. Hold it up
17:13Say it's overhead like no, it needs to be up. Can you see the desk or there? No, you can't see it
17:17You only see my body. Yeah, five six seven eight. It's one two, three, four five
17:24You aren't giving me any movement. What am I supposed to do?
17:27You aren't doing a Harlem shake, but just make it look like I'm doing a little something one two three. That's two
17:33What are you doing?
17:35We're not flying around Saturn
17:41Thank you
17:43Whatever she's paying Markell is worth it because he's teaching a great tick-tock class right now
17:46But the problem is it's probably gonna bankrupt the school
17:49You know what happens if you run out of all the money in the school budget
17:51They might have to sell the school bus the tables the chairs this desk
17:55Who knows five six seven eight one two, three, you know what you're the principal
18:02I'll just teach the rest of the class. You can just have a seat step three is
18:06Authenticity you have to feel the movements to make your video go viral actually believe in what you're doing
18:13Authenticity got it. I'm gonna make it viral tick-tock. It's like a hitch and a kick
18:19Alrighty, y'all kicking up when I'm putting down
18:22Let's see how authentic you can be show me a move
18:25I don't believe it
18:27Work on it
18:36That one has a lot of personality it's there
18:39We want to be able to showcase how authentic we are through the movement so we can build what?
18:44Community so we can build what?
18:47Ready to get loose and get that movement going looks like everybody's having a blast tick-tock class. This was a great idea
18:52I'm afraid this is gonna happen to me
18:54And I don't want it to they got the theory now
18:57It's time to learn some moves five six gotta be quick about it one and it's two and a three and a four five six
19:03I love this this group here star quality
19:11And one two three four and five six seven eight
19:18There's no way that sailors in charge of the school for the whole year would work
19:21But she might get through for another hour or two and win the vote
19:25That's what concerns me. We can't film our tic-tocs. We're not allowed to have our phones in class
19:31I have decided as your new principal to let you guys have your phone
19:41She's letting them have phones in class
19:46For the rest of the class you can use your phones
19:51Maybe study something a little but whatever way to go principal right before the vote. I have one prank
19:57I can throw only one she won't see it coming, but if it doesn't work. She's gonna win this vote
20:01I'm sure of it now that they've learned the basics. It's time for the class to apply their knowledge on tick-tock
20:08But it seems like not everybody is enjoying that new idea
20:11I know it's supposed to be tick-tocking, but I'm a doordash guys. I mean we should probably learn something. Yeah
20:23No, it's not what school is all about. This is the worst idea for education. You can't learn anything if you got a phone in class
20:34Oh my goodness, these are my best dance moves ever. I'm gonna post this
20:40What's that about bully girl seems kind of mean
20:54Why'd you have to write this it was so mean well, you're not good at dancing so
21:00Why should be so mean why is everybody so negative on tick-tock yeah
21:04It's true. There is a lot of negativity on tick-tock
21:07I mean even I get it all the time people say stuff like no Sandy
21:11Don't show what they're actually just cut don't show what they're saying. That's so
21:18That's actually a great idea
21:21It's called cover star there's a lot of negativity in this room and we need to get rid of it
21:26So cover star is exactly like tick-tock and it's all positive all positive
21:32So that negativity is going out of the window
21:34I just joined cover star and if you guys join too, you can follow me at sailor
21:38I love the sailors are talking about cover star because truthfully as a parent if she's gonna be on her phone and scrolling apps
21:43I would much prefer that she's scrolling cover star because when you read the comments
21:47It's kind of like being at your own birthday party. I mean everybody is super supportive and positive
21:52We did happen to see some negativity in the classroom and we need to get rid of that negativity
21:58Cuz negativity is not the best tivity
22:02Positivity is key only own cover star. Thank you cover star is exactly like tick-tock and as a
22:08Same dances
22:22Principal Salish came through she was there for me in the hard times everybody. It's lunch and I've got a special surprise for you
22:32Sales might be the most popular principal in the United States right now and in an hour
22:36There's a vote and I'll go bald if she wins. Don't worry about packing up. You're going to detention. There are no bullies in my
22:45No bullies in my school like that if cover star was a principal it would be sailors
22:49I think I'm winning people over they loved what I've done so far. I got them Starbucks. No more dress code
22:56I showed them like a really good app
22:58I've literally done everything and their lunch this time is gonna be amazing dad
23:03I'm sorry, cuz you're probably gonna have to shave your head and you're gonna look really fun baggy sweatshirt tank top chomping gum
23:09That's your principal and she's gonna maybe win. I will not use tik-tok only
23:18Star I am NOT voting her for principal. I know that the lunch is good at Santiago, but don't you guys want catering?
23:26From now on for lunch with catering
23:37What catering in school, how could you even afford this?
23:47Everybody ready for some mood lighting
23:52For your first course, this is a tomato bisque from Paris prepared by a five-star chef
24:00This is like five-star dining at school for lunch and for those of you missing your Starbucks
24:06I have fresh coffee imported from Colombia. She's just buying their votes
24:13I've never seen our students happier
24:15Salish is absolutely going to win and Jordan's gonna be bald by tonight. Can she be principal for the whole year?
24:21No, she can't be principal for the whole year cuz she couldn't afford it. She can just do this for one day
24:25She's gonna lose the entire budget
24:27It's so good
24:30You don't mind if I do do you see how happy they are dad
24:38Sorry everybody, but we seem to have a problem. Wait, what principal Salish has spent the entire school budget today
24:46And as a result, the school has no more money to rent all these
24:50I'm from school rental link and all of this stuff is ours and I'm taking it back
24:55Rental school rental Inc. She spent all the money already. They're gonna take away everything. Oh, what?
25:00Wait, I can fix it too late
25:12My shirt my pants my shoes my parents are gonna be so mad. I'm gonna take every chair
25:18Out of the school
25:22This is getting away from her
25:25Principal Salish is making the school kind of crazy. She's completely losing control. They don't trust her anymore
25:31Now is the time for me to do my prank right now
25:39What do I do you've lost control of this
25:57She's not cut out for this and just between us I think she caused the fire she's not gonna be able to handle this
26:13Set the fire alarm to only ring inside the school. These are not real firefighters
26:18They're actors and principal Ashley is totally in on everything
26:25Where's the fire I need to know what's going on
26:27People might get hurt. Come on. I need some answers
26:30Maybe someone pulled the alarm. I don't know the alarm people can get in trouble for that
26:34This school can be fined and go out of business. I need some answers
26:47Do you know how much money the school lose if this is a false alarm you're gonna be out of business if you pull a
26:53Fire alarm and there's no fire. There's a huge fine. This school is finished
26:58Hold on hold on
27:01Thank you so much for the apple pie. Please. Tell your wife. That was really thoughtful Mario. Yes. How's your daughter doing?
27:07Good good great. I'm so sorry about this. I will definitely handle this and take care of whatever our issue is here
27:12I think somebody just pulled the alarm Ashley, you know what because you're a real principal. We're gonna let this one slide. Thank you
27:19Thank you, Mario. You might want to think about not hiring children next time
27:34Think my prank worked because the students are loving Ashley, but I don't know for sure time for the vote
27:39Please don't let me get my head shaved. Now is the moment of truth
27:42My bald head is in the students hands now before we vote. Does anybody have anything to say?
27:49Yes, honestly, even with all the craziness that went down. This was the best day of school I've ever had
27:54I'm team Salish all the way
28:02Wait a second today was fun. I mean we all do respect to say this. What did we learn? What did we get done?
28:07Seriously, we got teachers that come in here every day and give their all to make sure we grow and we didn't show him any
28:12respect today
28:15Yeah, it was fun
28:16But look maybe some of the things school teaches us is about doing things that we don't necessarily want to do in order to
28:24I don't feel good about today. It was fun, but school's about growing. Yeah
28:34First applaud as loud as you want for Salish
28:48Yeah, and now let me hear applause for Ashley
29:12Thank you so much, I'm so honored and tomorrow we're gonna do this challenge again with principal Audrey