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Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
Thanks to Make A Wish for introducing us to sweet Brooklyn!
Salish and dad:
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Thumbnail design: @aamirdzn (twitter)
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Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound
Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!
00:00Today my daughter say let's skip school. My dad just dropped me off at school. I'm not going to school today my ubers here
00:06What is she doing? She just get into that car what but she has no idea that I'll be watching her the entire day
00:13I'm hiding from her, but those are flowers
00:15I've been looking at these photos more and look at what it says at the bottom says happy Valentine's Day right there
00:20Now where is she going and let me just tell you it doesn't end well for me. She gave them my play button
00:27What wait, that's my car
00:30Salish okay, she's in so much trouble. It's not even funny. Oh
00:35There they are there they are guys my dad is like right
00:39I made sure that my dad saw me get into this car because I need him to vote
00:43I think I see him back there. I am on their tail. That's the uber that has my daughter in it
00:49That's this car right there. This is perfect. I don't know what's going on. I'm gonna call my wife
00:54Baby, hi, honey, something weird happened. I just dropped Salish off at school, but she didn't actually go into school
01:00She just got to an uber and I don't know where she's going. I'm following the uber right now. Really? Yeah
01:06She's got a message from an unknown number. It says I'll meet you at the mall at 3 p.m
01:11I'll pick you up in a limo and then Salish said that see you then what I'm going to the mall to get a bunch
01:17Of stuff that at 3 p.m. A very special person is picking me up at the mall in a limo
01:22And we're gonna seriously prank my dad. He's so clueless. Honey. This is so weird at the next stop light
01:27I'm just gonna get out and I'm gonna talk to her about this
01:35You're telling me that our kid is skipping school and you don't want me to go bust her right now
01:39But instead just follow her around and see what she does the last times I've ever tried to follow her around
01:44She always knew I was following her. I don't know how this is gonna be any different
01:47I wonder what he's gonna try to do today fake beard fake mustache
01:51He's for sure gonna do that Sandy show all of the times. He's done that
01:58Yeah, exactly she's probably like jazzed about missing school and maybe a little bit you're being so weird
02:05Why are you so chilled that she just skipped school without telling us now? It's getting really close
02:09I could I could pull up right next to her car
02:13Okay, okay, okay. Okay. All right. I'll let you know what's going on. I think this is super weird, but okay
02:19It's gonna just go get her in so much trouble and now I gotta hide from her
02:23I'm gonna just film this whole thing. I'm gonna make a video out of this. There we go
02:27Doesn't he look stupid?
02:28So my day is I gotta follow my daughter through the mall to see who she's meeting later today
02:32This doesn't make any sense. I had a full day plan not anymore because now he's following me
02:40She can't see me now, he just has no idea that I know
02:46Excuse me, this is perfect
02:48Thank you. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. She's getting out of the car
02:52I need to make sure that my dad sees me get into Nordstrom and then we're gonna spend a lot of his money
02:58She's still talking to somebody. She doesn't see me. She's going into Nordstrom. Okay, I think my dad sees me
03:03Thank you so much. Okay, I gotta go park somewhere
03:07Oh, he was just looking at me
03:09She's in there somewhere. Here we go again. Wasn't I just doing this two weeks ago following my kid all around Vegas?
03:16He's literally filming me. Okay, I'm gonna walk right now. I think I found her right there
03:20He's hiding hide clothes and he looks really fun. So who's she talking to? Who's picking her up today?
03:26He thinks he's service free. He's not
03:29Purses is that's really expensive
03:33She's looking at a purse, why would she be buying a purse? This is kind of cute
03:38$200.95 that's crazy. Obviously she can see me. She'll know it's me. So I gotta find something to wear
03:43Do we like this on me? I have no idea what she would be buying a purse for
03:47I just think spending like so much money on just like a purse like it's actually insane. Okay, she's coming. She's coming this way
03:52I gotta get a hat. Obviously. Just look at my dad. He's trying to find a coat. What do you think you like it?
03:58Is it rocking?
03:59Sweet, let's buy it. Green again. He always wears green. He's right there. Do you guys see him? Can we check this out quickly?
04:06Thank you so much. I need to spend a lot of his money. This one could be kind of cute
04:14$610 for that? Bro, how? I just caught my daughter skipping school and I'm following her to see why she's skipping school
04:21So I got to buy this to kind of be in disguise. She's 15. I've never known her to skip school before so awesome
04:26Thank you. Whenever something doesn't have a price tag on it
04:28That means it's super expensive and a lot of things here don't have price tags. Look at this. It looks like a shell
04:35This is the best I can do. I think I'm pretty disguised here. Hi, am I able to buy this?
04:41Thank you
04:44Okay, I found her. She's checking out right now. It looks like she bought a really nice bag
04:49This doesn't make any sense at all. Why would she buy such a nice bag? If she bought a longchamp bag
04:55I think those are like thousands of dollars, but I don't know how much money she has saved
05:01Thank you so much. I got a cute one. It's perfect. I just got an alert on my phone that said Sailor spent
05:09$437.80 of my money. It went out of my account. This is crazy
05:13This is something she would never do. Use my money without permission? To buy a purse? I gotta tell mom. Hey, honey
05:19Where are you? Okay, I'm in Nordstrom and Sailor's just bought some super expensive purse
05:23So I think I'm just gonna go over and talk to her because this is ridiculous. Hold on
05:27Let's just see what she does. So you want me to just let her skip school and walk around the mall?
05:32You just want me to follow her in this ridiculous outfit. It just seems like a good opportunity to see what she's up to
05:38Why don't you turn your camera on by the way?
05:40Because I'm in the middle of cleaning and I'm a disaster. I gotta go because I just lost her
05:45I don't know where she is now. Now I gotta run
05:47Okay, go find her, go find her. Don't lose her
05:49Nordstrom is right there. This was so much money and it was really awkward buying it
05:53Because the woman was like, is this for you? And then I was like, no. I don't know where Salish is. She's not in Apple
05:59How do I keep missing her?
06:04He's trying to follow me and he already lost me. He doesn't seem like a very good daughter owner
06:09Parent, that's the word I'm looking for. Would she need to buy another purse in case paid? I hope not
06:14I'm just gonna walk out and pace around a little bit and at that point, hopefully he sees me. I'll bet you anything
06:20She went to Lulu. Oh, there he is. Okay. Oh, he got his little green Nike tag
06:25Huh, I can't wait to wear that. Before the next prank on my dad
06:29I need to buy a special gift for the mystery person who's picking me up later
06:33I need to get something super special for the person I'm meeting today. I'm gonna go to our next place. Oh
06:39Wait a minute
06:41No way
06:43Okay, that looks like a jewelry store
06:46Card necklace, I get that one. Is it possible to get this one? Thank you so much. I don't know what she's buying
06:52But it's probably expensive
06:57I decided this sunglasses was looking super suspicious. I'm just gonna keep my hood and hat like this
07:02I'll stay the distance from Salish so she won't be able to see my face. What is she getting? Thank you so much for helping
07:08What did she just get? I just got the necklace. It's so cute, bro. She's going up the escalator
07:14Oh, there he is
07:16He thinks he's literally so discreet he's like right there. I just got the alert of the jewelry was a hundred and eighteen dollars
07:23Yes charged to my account. I got to find out what she bought. Okay, what did she pick? She bought this heart?
07:28Yeah with the necklace. I gotta go find her now. Thank you. I'm all done shopping for different people
07:33I'm gonna go to Pakistan just spend a lot of his money
07:35She's been in here for like 30 minutes and she bought a really expensive coach bag and a heart necklace and she's meeting somebody later
07:41So what is going on as soon as I go into the uber?
07:44I turned off fine friends because I really want my dad to think that I snuck out of school
07:49I really want to make a video out of this because I caught my daughter skipping school and you're gonna see at the end of
07:52The day how busted she's gonna be so wait to the end. I'm not very good at following people
07:56I have no idea where Salish is right now
08:00I'm gonna spend the whole day at this mall getting a bunch of stuff that I'll need for later
08:04And it's all gonna drive my dad crazy. I didn't know she was a purse girl. She's 15 now
08:09Maybe she's getting into purses
08:10But this is not Salish when she wants something she pays with her own money
08:13Lauren doesn't seem to be worried in the least about this
08:16There's a lot I have to do before the limo picks me up. So we got to keep on going
08:21Okay, where would Salish go? She would not go to Hot Topic. The Aerie might be
08:27Okay, she's not in there. Steve Madden, please say no to Steve Madden. That is too expensive. I'm just gonna check Zara real quick
08:34A couple weeks ago in Vegas
08:36I intentionally gave her my credit card and said she could spend it and she was mainly spending it on the doll and to prank
08:41Me. Today is different. She doesn't know I'm here. So she's just spending my money. That's just not like her. Found her
08:45I think she's doing a photo. Before I keep shopping
08:48I need a hiding spot to make a call which is super important for the final surprise later
08:54I need to make a call so I'm just gonna go to PacSun and use their dressing room
08:57There were several kids that took photos with Salish. What are they all out of school?
09:01I need to go to my dressing room. I'm gonna go into PacSun. Okay, there she is
09:06She just went in the dressing room. So that means she's buying clothes. Now, I need to make a very important phone call
09:12I could see her skipping school just to buy clothes. This kid is clothes obsessed. But let me guess am I paying for that too?
09:17Guys, I just placed a huge order. They said it would be ready by 3 p.m
09:20And they said it can fit in a limo. So I think that's perfect. Hi, I guess my costume doesn't work
09:25You guys just saw Salish I guess and then okay. All right. Well, thank you
09:29Don't tell her you saw me their family recognized me
09:32That means that my disguise is not working very well
09:33So I have to stay at a distance from Salish so she doesn't see my face. I am way over here
09:38She would not be able to see my face. I just saw her come out and she's on the phone again
09:42I'm pretty sure my dad thinks I'm facetiming someone. Who does he think that I would just be on a facetime with randomly at the mall?
09:49Who is she talking to on the phone all the time? I can zoom in on her camera
09:54Nope, so you're just spending the day at the mall shopping and facetiming a friend
09:57But for the next prank on my dad, I need to do some touch-ups on my makeup. I have a photo shoot
10:05She's gonna skip school, why does she meet up with some friends or something? Why do it by yourself?
10:12This color is really pretty I
10:15Really want to make a video where at the end of the day she gets busted for skipping school
10:19So, let's see if it happens. I got to go into Sephora and not let anybody know I'm filming
10:23This one's so pretty. Another one of my favorite ones is the Fenty one. Hi, how are you? I don't see her anywhere
10:35So I'm just a Valentino with
10:37Carolina Wood
10:39That's what I'm used to because it smells really good
10:41I haven't seen my dad in Sephora yet
10:43Now I'm all ready for the photo booth
10:45I saw her in Sephora, so I'll just wait till she gets out
10:48This concealer is actually really good, the Tower 21
10:50And the Patrick Taub blushes
10:53They're really good. It's like my favorite products ever. Here she comes
10:57I just left Sephora. I can literally see him filming me right now. Again, on a FaceTime. Where is she going?
11:08I saw her go into this store
11:09I'm gonna take really sweet photos and you'll see why later
11:13But first I need to make a call to set up another prank on my dad
11:17I'm gonna get into a photo booth and I'll make my phone call
11:21Okay, photo booth. I guess she's taking a photo
11:24You guys might be wondering why I'm doing this
11:27It's just gonna be so cute. I can't wait. Just watch. Just trust
11:29Before I do the photo shoot, I have to make a call to set up the next part of my plan
11:33What is happening? Why is she in the photo booth?
11:36I just got off the phone and I'm meeting someone in the food court in one hour to prank my dad
11:42And I can't wait. It's gonna be so funny
11:44I'm gonna pay with my dad's money, so thank you dad
11:46I'll do Happy Valentine's Day
11:48I chose roses. $10 for two? That's crazy
11:51And I'm gonna do a lot of hearts
11:53Why is she alone in the mall? Why is she skipping school?
11:55Why is she spending all my money? None of this makes sense
12:01I don't know why I'm so scared about getting caught by Salish
12:03If I get caught and say, you're skipping school, dude
12:06I mean, I have the high moral ground here, not her
12:08But still, I don't want to get caught
12:11I can't tell you guys why yet, but I need these pictures to be really cute
12:14Who is she FaceTiming? Is it the same person she's meeting?
12:17I know my dad was watching me for taking all those photos
12:19And now I have the photos
12:21I'm gonna drop one of them while he's watching me
12:23And he's probably gonna pick it up
12:25And he's gonna get freaked out because he's gonna wonder
12:27Who I'm making these hearts to
12:29But yeah, this is gonna be fun
12:31I just saw her leave
12:33I'm just gonna drop one right there
12:35Okay, wait
12:37She dropped something on the ground
12:41Salish, what is this?
12:44I don't know if that prank worked
12:46Because I don't know if my dad took the picture or not
12:48But if it didn't, it's okay
12:50Because now we're going to Starbucks for another prank
12:52What's this all about?
12:54Hearts, signs with her hands
12:56For who? The person she's meeting?
12:58Guys, now I'm gonna wait for him
13:00Okay, you see that?
13:02Oh, I see him
13:04I just needed to make sure that he was still following me
13:06She's FaceTiming somebody
13:08She's walking around the mall, skipping school
13:10Making heart signs, taking photos
13:12She's spending a bunch of money
13:14I'm so confused
13:16I got my pink drink and I got my cake pop
13:18Let me guess, would she be right there?
13:20She's right there
13:22It's good today
13:24I don't want to see my dad anymore
13:26Guys, seriously, please don't tell her you saw me
13:28That will ruin the whole thing
13:30Those guys just wanted a photo
13:32And I'm afraid they're gonna go up and tell her I'm here
13:34If they're asking for photos, this disguise ain't happening
13:36So I gotta stay far away from Salish
13:38She can't see me from this distance
13:40If she knew I was here, she wouldn't know it's me
13:42Right there
13:44She's seriously taking a long time in Starbucks
13:46But I guess that's what you do when you skip school
13:48My costume sucks
13:50What's she gonna confront me on? What are you doing here, dad?
13:52I'll be like, what are you doing here, say?
13:54I'm winning this argument, I'm good, bring it on
13:56I would've busted her so badly by now
13:58If I didn't have to wait and find out who she's meeting
14:00I'm leaving, now I'm gonna fake my dad again
14:02This video's gonna be titled
14:04My daughter skipped school and got in a lot of trouble
14:06Wait till you see the lot of trouble
14:08I'm in serious trouble for doing this
14:10I've seen a bunch of teenagers at this mall
14:12Is this like National Skip School Day or something?
14:14Because Salish is not the only one her age
14:16At this mall, I'm confused
14:18My plan is coming together, but I need my dad
14:20To know that someone is picking me up
14:22In a limo later
14:24And I know just the way to do it
14:26I have to get closer and then I'm gonna start talking over that
14:28I have to pretend to be on the phone with you
14:30I just got an alert, $10 at Starbucks
14:32Like she can buy her own Starbucks
14:34I'm confused that she's using my card
14:36Because she might have known I would get alerts
14:38Oh my gosh
14:40You're gonna pick me up in a limo?
14:42Wait, no way
14:44Somebody's picking her up in a limo
14:46I can't wait, thank you
14:48How did she not see me? Wow, that was close
14:50I pretended to be on the phone
14:52Right there
14:54Now where is she going?
14:56So this disguise isn't working
15:00Look at that look she's giving me
15:02And now I've gotten distracted and I lost her
15:04If you see her actually, just in case she has no idea
15:06Don't tell her
15:08Where is Salish?
15:10I see my dad, he's right there, he was just running
15:12He thinks he's really desperate
15:14Okay, now I've actually totally lost her
15:16I have to go straight to the food court
15:18She went this way, I gotta stay at a big distance
15:20I made it to the food court
15:22Now I have to figure out what I want to eat
15:24I'll bet you she went to either Hollister
15:26Or got something to eat
15:28I don't see her anywhere
15:30I think I might go to Chipotle
15:32Is she meeting Nadal?
15:34No, he's in Texas I think, right?
15:36I got my bowl, so I'm gonna shake it
15:38I love Chipotle
15:40It's probably like my favorite fast food restaurant
15:42It's actually so good
15:44Now I gotta go into the food court
15:46Could you guys just do a quick walk around of the food court?
15:48I'm gonna wait over here and come back and tell me if you see her
15:50Do you mind doing that?
15:52Yes, where is she?
15:54Right over there? Amazing, thank you
15:56Okay, shh, don't tell Salish I'm here
15:58Now it's time for the next prank to do on my dad
16:00Inside my backpack is my dad's
16:02diamond play button
16:04The person that I called an hour ago
16:06is in the food court and they're gonna buy
16:08my dad's play button for a dollar
16:10It's gonna totally freak him out
16:12Don't worry guys, they're not actually strangers
16:14It says she's over here somewhere
16:16Right there, we have a lunch break
16:18I've been looking at these photos more and look at what it says
16:20at the bottom, Happy Valentine's Day
16:22Valentine's Day was three days ago, so the question is
16:24who is she celebrating a late
16:26Valentine's Day with? Is it the same person
16:28that's picking her up in the limo? I don't know
16:30She's left lunch, where are we going now, Say?
16:32Guys, remember when I made that call a while ago?
16:34That call was to these
16:36two people who are gonna meet me here
16:38in the food court. I'm going to give them
16:40my dad's diamond play button
16:42Then when he's trying to get it back, I have to run
16:44to set up the next prank
16:46Hi! She's talking to people
16:48Here's the play button
16:50What is she giving them?
16:52What is that?
16:54It's a little bit heavy. Well, thank you guys so much
16:56Does she know those people?
16:58Bye! Does she see me? No
17:02So I just gave the play button away
17:04and we'll see if my dad tries to buy it
17:06back from them. Sayla's just disappeared
17:08into the crowd. What are they doing?
17:14She gave them my play button?
17:16I can see him right there. Guys, do you see that?
17:18I think he's probably gonna try
17:20and buy it back. That's kind of funny
17:22Hi, how are you? Good, how are you?
17:24I'm okay. I think that there's
17:26a misunderstanding. Something weird happened
17:28That's my play button. Now I have to run
17:30because I have to go plan the next
17:32prank and get it all set up. Let's go
17:34I'm gonna set up a tow truck
17:36to tow my dad's car so he
17:38can't follow me when I'm in the limo
17:40I don't understand. Why would she give you my play button?
17:42We did a video together
17:44Please tell me you guys are dating
17:46Yeah, we're dating
17:48The elevator, right? I remember
17:50We were telling her how much we wanted
17:52one of these and she called us
17:54recently and said
17:56meet us at the mall, I'll give you the
17:58play button. She literally told you to come here and she would
18:00just give it to you? Yeah. I have to hurry up
18:02and go outside and meet the tow truck
18:04and tell them what they're doing because
18:06he has to get his
18:08car towed at 3pm
18:10and if I'm late then I probably
18:12can't pull off this prank so
18:14I gotta hurry. I don't know why she gave it to you but
18:16it's my play button
18:18It says my name right there. I don't want to be rude
18:20I'm so sorry but can I have it back?
18:22Just one second
18:28There you go. Actually?
18:32Thank you. Alright, thank you guys
18:34We did good. We killed enough time
18:36We're YouTubers ourselves. We film a lot
18:38of the things we do so hopefully he's not too
18:40suspicious of that. Good luck Salish
18:42That was the weirdest thing ever. Now I gotta carry this
18:4420 pound, 50 pound, 100 pound
18:46thing out. She's in so much trouble
18:48It's not even funny. Okay, the tow truck is
18:50all set up and now I have to go find
18:52my dad to let him follow me again
18:54And where did Salish go? I completely lost
18:56her now. I just finished talking to the
18:58tow truck driver. What's gonna happen
19:00is when I get into that limo, my
19:02dad is gonna be about to get into his car
19:04but his car is gonna start
19:06getting tow trucked and it's gonna be
19:08so funny. I can't wait for this prank
19:10This is the best one yet. Salish gave
19:12my play button to somebody that she
19:14met at a shoot. I would almost think
19:16it's cause she's messing with me again but
19:18as far as she knows, I think she's at school
19:20She has no clue I'm here. I see him
19:22Let's let him follow me and I'm gonna go into Macy's
19:24She's supposed to be getting picked up in a limo
19:26I guess. I can't believe she skipped school
19:28He's right there
19:30I just saw her
19:32Literally just saw her. There she is
19:34That was literally
19:36so close. The tow truck is fully
19:38ready but it's not time for that
19:40prank yet. I have a few more things
19:42to buy first. She's going into
19:44Macy's now. Time to spend some money
19:46and drive my dad crazy. I made it to
19:48Macy's. I'm supposed to pick up some roses
19:50so I'm gonna have to find where those are
19:52Who the Salish knows could afford a limo
19:54and would pick her up in one? I got these
19:56two flowers and they're so pretty
19:58and they're really romantic. That's her right there
20:00right there, right there, right there, right there. Are those
20:02flowers? Who is she buying flowers for?
20:04And jewelry. Now we have to head
20:06to the next thing. My dad is
20:08literally filming right behind me. I can see him
20:10I gotta stay far enough
20:12away that I don't get busted. If she
20:14doesn't leave soon, she's not gonna get back to school
20:16in time to get picked up and then she would make it obvious
20:18she had skipped school altogether. I'm just gonna
20:20smell the roses and be like really
20:22happy about it. What?
20:26Mmm, so romantic
20:28She bought roses
20:30for herself or somebody else? Who?
20:32I'm pretty sure I drove him crazy
20:34Now I'm just gonna go to this
20:36B5 bakery cause I need to get
20:38a super romantic valentine's day
20:40cake. So I think that deluxe
20:42strawberry cream is perfect. I'm gonna buy
20:44that one. I need it to have
20:46like lettering like XOXO
20:48cause I feel like that's like really cute. Salish
20:50went into that bakery and she's been
20:52in there for like 15 minutes. The cake
20:54is done. It's exactly how I wanted
20:56it. Now I'm gonna go walk to my
20:58room. I have one more prank and
21:00then I gotta go because then my dad's
21:02car is gonna be getting towed and I'm
21:04gonna be getting in my limo. So let's go.
21:06I'm so excited. She's got a big box
21:08of something. Finally she's not FaceTiming
21:10someone. She should be leaving soon
21:12to get back to school. Also what about
21:14this limo? He's gonna have to chase after
21:16his car and I'm gonna go into
21:18the limo and then I have to go one more
21:20place for the finale. Now let's go
21:22We gotta go, we gotta go. Salish is running
21:24fast through North... wait
21:28I don't know where she's
21:30going. Oh my gosh, Victoria
21:32He's right there, chasing me.
21:34Oh wait, I think she's going outside. Oh my gosh
21:36his car. Look at his car, look at his car
21:38You can tell it. Oh my god, the limo is right
21:40there. I've got her. It's right there
21:44It's right there. I got...
21:46Wait, that's my car. You can go
21:48Thank you. Wait, that's my... wait
21:50That's my... oh no! It's
21:52getting... Sir! Wait, actually sir, excuse
21:54me, that's my car. Oh my gosh, he's seeing his
21:56car getting towed right now. Sorry, um
21:58This is my car. Yeah
22:00I was parked
22:02legally I think. Yeah, I saw, I found
22:04it and somebody called it in. Somebody called it in?
22:06This is Brooklyn. Hi, my
22:08name's Brooklyn and I'm nine years old and
22:10my wish was to prank Salish's dad
22:12the whole entire day. Brooklyn was
22:14diagnosed with cancer two years ago
22:16It was super scary, but the great news
22:18was all of the tests have come back
22:20negative and she's on her way to a full
22:22recovery. She's been waiting two
22:24years for her wish, which was to meet
22:26up with me and prank my dad
22:28So let's do this. Okay, I'm sorry
22:30I'm filming you, I'm doing a video about this
22:32Your daughter watches our videos
22:34Your daughter watches our videos? Actually?
22:36Really? Yeah. Amazing!
22:38Okay, well... I'm giving you your car back
22:40You're giving my car back? Yes, okay
22:42Thank you. Thank you so much
22:44Time to give Brooklyn the gift that I
22:46bought for her earlier. Alright Brooklyn
22:48I actually have one thing to give to you. I really hope
22:50you like it. Oh, this is a cute box
22:54Oh, this is so cute
22:56I hope you like it. Do you want me to put it on you?
22:58Yes, please. How lucky was that? Oh my gosh, he was
23:00towing our car and then his daughter watches our videos
23:02so he's going to give it back to me. Super nice, wow
23:04Who was in the limo? I missed it
23:06The tow truck was just to
23:08delay my dad because we need a couple
23:10minutes for the last thing. Thank you so much
23:12No problem. Now I've completely lost
23:14Salish. I have no clue where she is. Just check
23:16Find Friends and Salish is still off
23:18the grid, so I have no idea where she is. Are you
23:20ready to go prank my dad? Yes. Yeah?
23:22Yes. Yeah? Yes. Yeah?
23:24Yes. Alright, let's go
23:26Oh my god, I'm an idiot. I should have gone
23:28into the limo, found out who
23:30she was with and then gone to get my car
23:32We made it to Pony City. Now we've got to get balloons
23:34for the final surprise for Brooklyn. Let's go
23:38Thank you so much
23:48I'm just driving straight down. Thank you so much
23:50Is it okay if you take
23:52everything that I got today back
23:54to the house because I gotta go to school
23:56to act like I just finished school so my
23:58dad can pick me up, okay? Yes, I can
24:00Thank you so much. Here's the bag
24:02and then can you please get the balloons? Yes, I can
24:04Thank you so much, Brooklyn. I'll see you
24:06back at home, okay? Okay. Nice to see you
24:08Joanne, you better be ready for
24:10this prank. Now I gotta act like I just came
24:12back from school. All I had to do was see
24:14who she was getting in the limo with
24:16I don't know what happened
24:18I lost her. I don't know where she is
24:20I'm assuming that she's expecting
24:22me to pick her up at school today. So you think she's
24:24going back to school in a limo? Why would she
24:26be going in a limo? She got roses
24:28and a cake and Valentine's Day stuff like
24:30she was getting romantic stuff. Just pick her up
24:32when you guys get home
24:34we'll figure out what we want to talk to her about
24:36Alright, I'm gonna go get her at school right now
24:38see what happens. Now that I'm back at school
24:40I'm gonna turn on my Fine Friends
24:42I'm making this into a video. My daughter skipped school
24:44and got a severe punishment. How's that for a title?
24:46I'm gonna just check Fine Friends again
24:52Her Fine Friends is on and she's at school
24:54You're close to seeing why I'm doing
24:56all of this. Oh and by the way
24:58my mom was in on everything
25:00That's Salish all by herself
25:02Where is everybody? He's right there
25:04This place is usually packed
25:06See how she explains this. I've been pranking
25:08my dad all day as a part of Brooklyn's
25:10Make-A-Wish, but the biggest one
25:12is coming up now. Let's get in the car
25:14Hi. Hey. Why are you filming me?
25:16Hello. How you doing? Good
25:18How was school? Good. So what did you do
25:20all day? I don't know
25:22Where's your hoodie from?
25:24It's from the mall actually
25:26Yeah, I know. I saw you there
25:30You saw me? Yeah
25:34you know that I know that you skipped school
25:36I didn't skip school
25:38You skipped school
25:40We didn't have school
25:42President's Day
25:48Wait! Is that why there were so many kids
25:50Wait, so you knew I was doing this?
25:52Yeah. You're not very discreet, bro
26:00Sam, why did you let me
26:02drop you off at school only to pretend
26:04to skip school? That makes no sense
26:06Because mom told me to keep you out of the house all day
26:08What? Why? You'll see
26:10Who did you get into the limo with? You'll see
26:12Who were you FaceTiming the whole time? I was vlogging
26:14I was vlogging too
26:16No, really? It's not like you were going like this
26:18I figured
26:20Right now there's a big surprise getting set up for you
26:22so just hurry. So mom was in on it the whole time
26:24I was calling her and she was being so suspicious
26:26like she didn't care that you skipped school
26:28Yeah, why would she? Remember how you couldn't
26:30celebrate Valentine's Day with mom
26:32because you were traveling? Uh-huh
26:34Walk onto right here. Okay. 3, 2, 1
26:40Oh wow!
26:42Wait, what? Happy Valentine's Day
26:44Is this why I was out all day?
26:46This is why
26:48Wait, is this why you took this photo?
26:50Do you like it? I love this
26:52Yeah, you're welcome. I was like, who's she doing that for?
26:54Oh, by the way, dad, here's the present
26:56that you got mom. It was in your car
26:58because you're really sweet. Remember?
27:00Of course. Honey, I got you a Valentine's gift
27:02Oh, isn't that cute?
27:04The purse you bought! No, you bought
27:06The purse I bought you at Nordstrom
27:08Yeah, do you like it? Really, really, really cute
27:10This whole time you were just getting things
27:12for this Valentine's surprise. Sandy, cue a graphic