• 2 days ago
If Salish can make it through a day without getting caught, she gets my credit card! Join our FREE text thread to get BTS photos and videos: https://joinsubtext.com/teamsalish!

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00:00This is an all-boys school, and today I'm gonna sneak in and survive the day without getting caught.
00:04And I'm gonna give Salish a bunch of challenges that will be almost impossible for her to complete.
00:09Whoa, this is actually un-fake.
00:10I'm gonna get caught already.
00:12This is so loud.
00:13The principal is for sure gonna find me.
00:15I gotta find this girl.
00:16And believe me when I tell you that Salish is going to bring complete chaos to this school.
00:20The first person to find me wins 50 bucks.
00:24Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:26It's the whole place.
00:27Wait, wait, wait.
00:28Hey, wait a second.
00:29You guys, stop. You guys need to get back to class.
00:31No, no, no. Come here, guys.
00:32And I feel so bad for the principal.
00:34Everybody back to class.
00:37And if I don't get caught, I can buy one huge thing with my dad's credit card.
00:41Wait, say, wait, what?
00:42How did she get my credit card?
00:43Come on, hurry up.
00:44Me? I wasn't ready for this.
00:45I don't look like a high school student.
00:46And I look like a boy?
00:47Yes, you're going. Let's go. Come on.
00:49All right, all right, all right.
00:50Salish, you literally have bows on your jeans.
00:51Oh, my bad.
00:52Tuck in the braid, too.
00:53But I don't wanna look like a boy.
00:54Yeah, we're trying to blend in.
00:55Then you put on a hood.
00:56Hey, well, no.
00:57A hood.
00:58Hey, Salish, I'm gonna win.
01:00Yeah, for sure.
01:00I'm gonna get to buy something on your credit card.
01:03Wait, they have uniforms.
01:04Oh, shoot.
01:05Salish and Nara are the only ones literally not in a uniform.
01:08They're gonna get busted in like five seconds.
01:09We gotta find a way to get the uniforms, okay?
01:11All right, let's go.
01:12All right, let's go. Hurry up.
01:14All right, gentlemen, good morning.
01:15Come on in.
01:16Good to see you.
01:17Come on in.
01:17How are things going?
01:19Excuse me, young man in the green.
01:20The principal is noticing Salish.
01:22This might be over quick.
01:23Young man in the green.
01:24Hey, how are you?
01:26Yeah, I believe him.
01:27I think he was gonna go after Salish until that kid started talking to him.
01:30Oh, my gosh.
01:31Come on, we gotta go find the hoodies.
01:33All right, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:35We gotta go quick, Salish.
01:36Come on, come on, come on.
01:37Come on, hurry, hurry up.
01:38Okay, okay, okay.
01:40The school board has given Salish permission to be there today,
01:43so she's not trespassing or anything,
01:45but the principal, the teachers, and the students do not know she's there.
01:49I'll be watching everything on this monitor,
01:51including the security cameras from the school,
01:53which they've given me access to.
01:55This is the principal, and he doesn't know we're filming this video,
01:58but it seems like he can feel that something is up at school today.
02:02I have no idea what he might do if he catches Salish already.
02:04Hurry up, bro.
02:06Oh, my gosh.
02:08Where are all of the kids?
02:10I don't know, it's kind of weird.
02:11Today, there's a field trip at the school,
02:13which means that almost all the students aren't even there,
02:16so Salish's plan to disappear into the crowd isn't gonna be easy.
02:21I thought that was a window.
02:22That's a TV, that's a TV.
02:23Where are we gonna find the hoodies?
02:24Maybe there's, like, a lost and found?
02:26Oh, that is so smart.
02:28Lost and found.
02:29They might actually find something.
02:30I hadn't even thought of that.
02:31Let's just go walk around and look.
02:32I don't want him to catch me already, I'm scared.
02:34I know, we can't get caught, Salish.
02:36He's, like, right there.
02:38He's right around the corner.
02:40It's locked.
02:40All right, come on, come on, come on.
02:42Maybe there's a hoodie.
02:44If one person sees you, they're gonna know you're a girl.
02:46I mean, look at you.
02:48This isn't a compliment.
02:49I mean, yeah, that's not very good, but thanks.
02:51Oh, no.
02:52She's right there.
02:53Salish, he's right there.
02:55She can't hear me.
02:56She has no idea he's around the corner.
02:58Is this thing over before she gets to her first class?
03:00Ari, why is there nobody here?
03:02I mean, aren't there supposed to be, like, 3,000 kids?
03:04I thought I was gonna blend in with, like, a million kids.
03:06There's, like, 10 kids here.
03:07This makes it even harder for us to blend in.
03:09I know.
03:10Really, Ari?
03:10You're so smart.
03:12Thanks, that's why I'm in school still.
03:13Good job.
03:14All right, let's go down this way.
03:15Salish might think the principal is looking for her,
03:16but she doesn't realize how close he is to her right now.
03:20But unfortunately for me, he decided
03:22to go look for them outside the building.
03:24I don't want her to spend my credit card.
03:25Here's what happened the last time she got my credit card.
03:28They just spent $1,200 on a flight to Vegas.
03:30$753 at Prada.
03:32Let's go.
03:33They are out of freaking control.
03:35Yeah, you see why I'm stressed out about this.
03:37I think you need to go inside and ask them for the lost
03:40and found to get a hoodie.
03:41I look so much older than you.
03:42But you look like a boy.
03:43Put on your hoodie and go into the administrative office
03:46and then just ask for the lost and found.
03:48Put on your hoodie, bro.
03:49OK, all right, fine, fine.
03:50OK, go.
03:52OK, OK.
03:53Oh my gosh, I hope I don't get caught.
03:55If one administrator sees her face, this thing is over.
03:57Excuse me?
04:00Hi, I think I lost my hoodie.
04:02I just wanted to come to the lost and found
04:03to see if you had it by any chance.
04:05I have a box right here.
04:06Go ahead and take a look at the box, OK?
04:07Thank you so much.
04:08You're welcome.
04:09Oh, perfect.
04:10I think these are it.
04:11OK, thank you so much.
04:13You're welcome.
04:14Let's go.
04:15Salish, oh, he got it.
04:17Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
04:19Oh, they got their uniforms.
04:20Let's go.
04:21Salish, we need to change.
04:22Just put your hoodie on over here.
04:24Yeah, put your hoodie on first.
04:25Go quickly.
04:27Hurry up.
04:28Almost done.
04:30Hey, guys, what are you doing?
04:32She's got it.
04:34Just because everybody's at Disneyland
04:36does not mean you get a day off.
04:37Let's go to class.
04:38Let's go.
04:38We're ready.
04:39Hey, come on.
04:39I didn't even have to give her a challenge.
04:41A teacher just busted her.
04:42She's got to go to a class.
04:43How is she going to do this?
04:44Come on, guys, stop dragging your feet.
04:46Oh my gosh, Ari, this cafeteria is so nice.
04:49Normally, it would be full of all boys.
04:51Yeah, and I'm sure you could find at least one today,
04:53but let's be real.
04:54You might have a hard time doing that.
04:55Shut up, Ari.
04:56You probably couldn't even find them.
04:58Guys, let's go.
04:58Come on, over here.
04:59Let's go, let's go, let's go.
05:00You're late.
05:01You're late.
05:01Let's go.
05:02Let's go, let's go, let's go.
05:03Let's go.
05:08Oh my gosh, Ari, it smells like my brother's room.
05:11Let's go sit there.
05:14Do I look like a boy, Ari?
05:15Yeah, I feel like you kind of blend in.
05:19Whoa, I just got hit with a paper airplane.
05:21What the heck?
05:22Wait, Salish, are there any boys in here
05:24that you think are cute?
05:25I mean, there's a lot of options.
05:27I already have my boy, Ari.
05:29I'm kidding.
05:30He's your boy.
05:31Who's her boy?
05:31Wait a second.
05:32Someone left a comment on the last video challenging
05:35Salish to come here to this school on this specific day.
05:39So at least one of these boys sent her this comment,
05:41and oh my gosh, she might have a crush on Salish.
05:44OK, you know what?
05:44It's time for the first challenge.
05:46I'm going to text it to her.
05:47If this doesn't get her busted, it's
05:48definitely going to make one of the students very angry.
05:50Wait, I just got a text.
05:51There's a whoopee cushion in your bag.
05:53Use it to prank a student.
05:55That is the lamest prank ever.
05:56Your dad is such a boomer.
05:58OK, all right.
05:58Let's see at the end of the day if you still have a job.
06:00How about that?
06:01Would never do that.
06:02I love you, Ari.
06:04Do it now.
06:05There's really nothing.
06:06Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
06:08Oh my gosh.
06:09Pick it up.
06:09Pick it up.
06:10Pick it up.
06:10You do it.
06:11You do it.
06:12OK, OK.
06:12OK, all right.
06:15All right, all right.
06:17Settle down, everyone.
06:18Settle down.
06:19Please take your seats.
06:23Come on.
06:23All right.
06:25Big funny man.
06:26What is this?
06:27Excuse me.
06:28What seems to be the problem?
06:29This guy put a whoopee cushion in my bag.
06:31I did not do that, actually.
06:33You're always.
06:33Well, how immature do you think I am, huh?
06:35Very immature, in fact.
06:36I'll be in grade school.
06:37Please, just have a seat.
06:38Oh, he's blaming him.
06:39She didn't even get busted for that?
06:41All right, whoever did this, I'm going to find you, OK?
06:43You're not going to find anybody.
06:44Have a seat, please.
06:45My name is Mr. Davis.
06:46I am here because you are here, and you
06:48are here because your parents did not
06:50want you to go to Disneyland.
06:51I see.
06:52The field trip is to Disneyland.
06:53The entire school went, and these students
06:55are not allowed to go because their parents
06:56didn't give them permission.
06:57So you're in study hall.
06:59Let's get to work.
07:00The students are on a field trip.
07:01That's why there's no one here.
07:03It all makes sense.
07:04Bro, it smells so bad in here.
07:06Get used to it, because now you're a boy,
07:08and you're going to be spending all day here.
07:10Maybe you need to smell bad.
07:13What are you going to do with all the money?
07:16It doesn't matter, Ari, what she's
07:17doing with the credit card, because she's not
07:19going to win the challenge, so she won't get it.
07:20Last time Sailor got my credit card for a day, this happened.
07:23We got this shirt, these pants, and this hoodie.
07:25You're spending money right in front of me,
07:27and I can't get there.
07:28They just spent $434 at Sephora.
07:30My first challenge was a bust, but I have a better idea
07:33for challenge number two.
07:34I just got a text.
07:35You must raise your hand and ask the teacher a question.
07:39Say you left your notebook in your locker,
07:41and you need to go grab it really quick.
07:43No, no, I can't leave the classroom.
07:44The principal could catch me.
07:46Do you have a pencil?
07:47It's not about the question you ask.
07:49It's about the sound of your voice.
07:51It doesn't matter what you ask.
07:52You're not going to be able to sound like a boy.
07:54Yeah, it's a harmless question.
07:55Make sure that you're talking in a guy voice, OK?
07:58Yes, sir.
08:00Do you have a pencil?
08:01Sounds like a guy.
08:02Say again.
08:03Dude, it's over.
08:04She sounds like a girl.
08:06That was a girl.
08:06How is it nobody in the class just noticed that?
08:09Do you have a pencil?
08:10You've got to speak a little bit louder.
08:14Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
08:15The principal's coming.
08:18Oh, there he is.
08:19Talk like a guy.
08:21Hello, gentlemen.
08:22Sorry to interrupt.
08:23Oh, yes.
08:25Quick question for you, gentlemen.
08:26Has anyone seen this morning a student wandering
08:29around the halls or maybe in one of your classes
08:31wearing a green hoodie, like a small little guy?
08:35A small guy.
08:36Like maybe somebody's tried to sneak in their younger
08:38brother or something as a prank, anything?
08:40No one's seen like a young, small boy in a green hoodie?
08:42The principal knows Salish is there.
08:44He's looking for her.
08:46You haven't heard of somebody saying
08:47they're pulling a prank today?
08:50All right.
08:50Well, listen.
08:51If you see any kid walking around in a green hoodie,
08:53please let your teacher know.
08:54Let me know that you're looking for this kid.
08:56All right?
08:57Thank you, guys.
08:58Get back to work.
08:58You guys are doing a fantastic job.
09:00Oh, my gosh.
09:01Did you hear that?
09:02That's the bell.
09:04Let's go.
09:0515 minutes.
09:05That's the bell.
09:06Hurry up, Cory.
09:07Let's go.
09:07That's two minutes past.
09:1015 minutes.
09:11That was so close, Salish.
09:12That was crazy, Cory.
09:13Oh, you think because you got out of it,
09:15you're not going to get another challenge?
09:16I'm just banging out the challenges right now.
09:18I'm hungry.
09:18I want some coffee.
09:19I want to get her busted before lunch.
09:21That was crazy.
09:22I know, bro, right?
09:23That was like actually insane.
09:24Hold up.
09:25I just got a text.
09:26Oh, my gosh.
09:27It's from my dad again.
09:28What does he want?
09:29He said, you must reveal yourself to one student
09:32to convince him to help you break
09:33into the principal's office.
09:34What does he want?
09:35To lose the challenge?
09:37He does want us to, so I don't want to spend his money.
09:39Come on.
09:39She's busted.
09:40This is over.
09:40We have to figure out which guy we're going to pick.
09:43Tall guy?
09:43Tall guys are chill.
09:44If we broke into somewhere, he wouldn't
09:46be able to hide with you.
09:47You're right.
09:47What about the guy in the brown pants?
09:49All of them are wearing brown pants.
09:50The guy right there.
09:51There's no other kid.
09:54They're done now.
09:55Yo, bro.
09:56You should just really close your bag.
09:57Your green hoodie's sticking out.
09:59You OK?
10:00You look a little thin.
10:01Isn't that the same guy who was talking to the principal
10:03and say he was snuck in at the beginning of the day?
10:05That dude knows that Salish is the kid
10:06the principal's looking for.
10:08Yeah, no.
10:08I'm good.
10:10He's just my friend.
10:12Is he OK?
10:13Yeah, he's all good.
10:14He kind of just stuffed his head in a locker.
10:16I don't think he's OK.
10:16I think he was just looking for something.
10:20Well, I'll catch you later.
10:21What was your name again?
10:21Yeah, my name was Ari.
10:22What about yours?
10:23It's Gio.
10:23Nice to meet you, bro.
10:24Hey, what was your name, by the way?
10:25Yo, I'm Jill.
10:26My name's Leo.
10:28No, Leo.
10:29No, Leo.
10:30Oh, that makes a lot more sense.
10:32Are you a girl?
10:33Are you a girl?
10:35Just come with us.
10:36Just don't say anything.
10:37Come with us.
10:38I'm with you?
10:38Hurry up.
10:39Come on.
10:40Oh, hey, what's going on?
10:41He just discovered she's a girl.
10:42And then he's about to tell all his friends that Sailor's
10:44just a girl, and then stopped.
10:45You got to explain a little bit first.
10:47OK, OK.
10:47You're not even going to hold the door open?
10:49Basically, this is like a YouTube video.
10:50YouTube video.
10:51And on the last YouTube video, there was a comment that said
10:56to sneak into this all-boys school.
10:58Is this the kid that left the comment?
10:59But there are challenges along the way,
11:02and I can't get found out.
11:03Nobody can see me, except for you, I guess.
11:06I mean, he's seen you.
11:08Yeah, but he's chill, right, Ari?
11:09Yeah, I'm kind of part of this.
11:10Oh, you are?
11:11Oh, OK.
11:12Oh, that's cool.
11:12So please promise you're not going to tell the principal.
11:15I promise.
11:16OK, bet.
11:18I think he might be the guy.
11:19Like, maybe he left the comment?
11:20Oh, yeah, maybe.
11:21Like, maybe he's a fan?
11:22Wait, dude, did you leave the comment?
11:25Who are you?
11:26Ari, you're so stupid!
11:28You just got so humbled!
11:32Anyways, can you just show me where the principal's office is?
11:36Why is he going along with this?
11:37Does he just want to be in a YouTube video, or?
11:39OK, all right.
11:40It's only going to take, like, five minutes.
11:41I really just got to get to class in 10.
11:43OK, well, whatever.
11:44Let's go.
11:45Obviously, do not try any of this at school
11:48unless you have permission from the school
11:49itself to be doing it.
11:54Looks like the principal is very close to Salish.
11:56Come on, the principal's office is just, like, right there.
11:58So could you, like, knock and see if anyone's in there?
12:01I'm a girl.
12:02I can't.
12:02They'll know I'm a girl.
12:03Yeah, boy, you got this.
12:05Come on.
12:07Is the principal coming back to his office?
12:09Oh my god, if the principal's coming back to his office,
12:11he's going to totally bust them right now.
12:13OK, great.
12:15I did it.
12:16I have two hours left to get Salish busted
12:18or she gets my credit card, and that's a disaster.
12:20Open the door.
12:24You're going home.
12:24Oh, yeah, my bad.
12:25You're brave.
12:26Salish has been out all day.
12:31There he is.
12:33They're done now.
12:37Who was that guy?
12:38How did he not bust her?
12:39Oh, the principal went the other way.
12:41Wow, they got lucky.
12:43Oh my god.
12:44I thought that was, like, actually somebody.
12:46Do you still want me to check?
12:50You're good.
12:54What is she doing?
12:55I need to make her lose some time there
12:57so the principal has enough time to get back to his office.
13:01Time for another challenge.
13:02I'm going to make Salish write a note to the principal,
13:04revealing herself, and challenging him to find her.
13:09I'm going to post it.
13:10I'm going to say, someone's skipping school.
13:12Try to catch him.
13:13This school is huge.
13:14He is literally taking forever to get back to his office.
13:17Oh my god, he's coming.
13:18She's so slow.
13:19Salish, hurry.
13:20He's coming.
13:21Come on.
13:22Oh my gosh.
13:24You write so slow.
13:27Go to your office.
13:28Go left.
13:29Go left.
13:29Go left.
13:30No, he went right.
13:31Sorry, I was making hearts.
13:34All right, let's go.
13:34Let's go.
13:35Why are you making hearts?
13:36When he finds the note, he'll be looking for it.
13:39I don't have nearly as much time as I thought
13:41I had to get her busted, because I just found out
13:43that since most of the students aren't at school today,
13:45it's only a half day.
13:51Nice of you to join us.
13:52Please have a seat.
13:54Can you guys believe it, but Salish is almost 16 years old.
13:57You know what happens when you're 16?
13:59You can drive.
14:00Like, I could see Salish buying a car, a pink Jeep
14:03to be specific.
14:04That's what she's been hoping for one day, a pink Jeep.
14:06OK, what other crazy things could Salish spend my money on?
14:11Salish, get up.
14:12I'm tired.
14:13Listen, I know we're in school, but there's no nap time.
14:15Yes, there is.
14:17Every history class, it's a nap time.
14:24The principal is walking around the hall,
14:25and Salish is so close.
14:27Salish is in the next hallway over,
14:30and the principal's walking in that direction.
14:32Get off.
14:33Salish, your phone.
14:34It's time to wake Salish up with a new challenge,
14:36and she's 100% going to get busted with this one.
14:39You have a text from your dad again.
14:41Grab the speaker in your backpack
14:42and play any song on volume 10 while running through hallways
14:45for 60 seconds.
14:47Oh, this guy is ridiculous.
14:49No, this is actually unfair.
14:51I left a speaker for Salish in her backpack.
14:53She had no idea until right now.
14:54OK, now I'm going to play a song.
14:56The principal's walking around.
14:57There could be other teachers, administrators,
14:59any of them hear this music, this is over.
15:03That's so loud.
15:04OK, let's go.
15:05I'm going to get caught, Ori.
15:06This is so loud.
15:10The principal is for sure going to find me.
15:12Oh my god.
15:13The principal definitely heard that.
15:15Now I think he's trying to figure out
15:16where the music is coming from.
15:17How much longer is this song?
15:18I don't know.
15:19Come on, come on.
15:20Somebody find her.
15:21She's right there.
15:22Ori, we're so lucky that these classrooms are empty,
15:25because if not, we would be busted.
15:29Come on, somebody's got to find her.
15:31This is ridiculous.
15:40Five seconds.
15:41Wait, turn it off.
15:42It's on, it's on, it's on, it's on.
15:43Turn it off.
15:45Seems like nothing is working today.
15:47How lucky is she?
15:49That was so loud.
15:50These challenges were good, but they're going to get better.
15:52Oh, wow, do I have a good one towards the end if we get there.
15:55This is going to get us caught.
15:57I have to find a place to hide this backpack,
15:58because he's looking for a green hoodie.
16:04Wait, Sam, how about under these benches?
16:05Oh, that's a good idea.
16:06You can barely even see it.
16:08OK, let's go, let's go.
16:09In case the principal comes and starts looking through backpacks,
16:11she doesn't want to have hers with her.
16:13Now we just have to find a place to hide it.
16:14Time to find out who wrote the comment on the video.
16:17Is one of these kids at school?
16:18I just caught another text.
16:20Oh, my gosh.
16:21Ask three students if they left a comment on the video.
16:24Ori, in order to ask them, then I have to show my face.
16:28Now she has to talk to three more students.
16:30One of them is going to tell on her.
16:31I think I have a really good idea.
16:32Come on, let's go.
16:33All right, all right, let's go, let's go, let's go.
16:34Make sure the principal doesn't see us.
16:35Like, just walk slow and have your head down.
16:37Ori, this is crazy, but just stay, like, right here.
16:40What is she doing?
16:41Salish is going right up to Gio again.
16:44She's going to get caught.
16:45Oh, wait, is that Gio?
16:46That is.
16:50Actually, OK, OK, OK.
16:53Hey, OK, Gio, I have to, like, ask three people
16:56if they commented on the video.
16:58So can you do that?
17:00And here, can you put in these earbuds,
17:02and then I'll just tell you what to say.
17:04If I'm telling you what to say, then that's basically, like,
17:07I'm doing a challenge.
17:08So, yeah.
17:10I guess that counts, but the point
17:11was to get her to ask herself, obviously,
17:13so she would get busted.
17:14So she just out-thought me there.
17:15Can you put on your hood so that they don't see your AirPods?
17:19You make me do too much.
17:20OK, thank you.
17:21Why is this kid Gio doing everything she says?
17:23Go to the ping pong people guy.
17:26Ping pong?
17:27Actually, go to the pool guy.
17:30Never mind.
17:31Do we think that whoever left the comment
17:32did so because they have a crush on Salish?
17:34And if so, who is it?
17:36I want to know.
17:36Would you guys?
17:37Wait, actually, go to the pool people.
17:39This is the pool people.
17:40Ping pong people.
17:41Are you OK?
17:41Ping pong.
17:42One second.
17:43What do you want him to do, Salish?
17:46OK, pool table, actually.
17:47Don't pick up the ball for them.
17:49Hi, would you?
17:50No, no, no.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:52Go to the pool people.
17:53You good?
17:54One second.
17:55One of the kids in this room right now
17:57might have left a comment.
17:58Hi, would you guys know of any comments
18:01left on a YouTube video asking someone to come here, or?
18:05Not really?
18:06Why are you asking?
18:08Just because.
18:08You know, I was curious.
18:09He's acting so suspicious.
18:11All right, now just leave.
18:12You've been acting weird today, actually.
18:14Don't say anything.
18:14Just leave.
18:15I'll talk to you about it later.
18:16Now go to the other pool people.
18:18Would you guys know about any comments
18:19left on a YouTube video asking people to come here?
18:21Do what?
18:22OK, now leave.
18:23Now YouTube.
18:24Comments about you.
18:25Are you OK?
18:27This is so awkward.
18:28Now, like, throw the ball thingy.
18:30Gio, what's going on, bro?
18:32Nothing, nothing.
18:33In their pool.
18:33And this is totally not weird.
18:35Actually, I just wanted to try something.
18:36No, go make it.
18:37I have to make it.
18:38I have to make it.
18:39I think you need some water, dude.
18:40There you go, Gio.
18:41I got it.
18:42OK, good job.
18:42OK, now you just leave.
18:43Just leave.
18:44He's literally doing everything she told him to do.
18:47Oh, no.
18:48No, no.
18:48We're right here.
18:50Actually, good job.
18:51Thanks for that.
18:52It wasn't confusing, right?
18:53No, no.
18:54Not at all.
18:54Yes, it was confusing.
18:55They all look completely clueless,
18:57so I don't think the person that left the comment
18:58was in that room.
18:59Well, you didn't find out who left the comment.
19:01Well, maybe they're not in there.
19:02You should go up and make an announcement.
19:04I feel like I kind of already asked everybody.
19:06No, but you should make an announcement.
19:08Stand on that pool table.
19:10I wouldn't want my shoes to get on it.
19:13Hi, everybody.
19:15Would you guys know about a YouTube comment
19:19asking people to come here?
19:22A YouTube comment?
19:23Dude, what are you talking about?
19:26Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
19:27Why are you being so weird?
19:28Oh, uh-oh.
19:28You're going to break the pool table.
19:29No, no, no.
19:30It's OK.
19:30It's so sturdy.
19:32It's sturdy.
19:35Are you good?
19:36I'm OK.
19:37I am OK.
19:38Guess no one left a comment.
19:40Let's go.
19:40I guess not.
19:41I actually have a little gift for you
19:42for helping me so much.
19:44Wait, wait, wait.
19:44Did they just see the principal?
19:45Because he is around the corner.
19:47This is going to be the best of us.
19:48Shh, shh, shh.
19:50Go quick.
19:51Let's go.
19:52I just decided to give you this really nice hoodie.
19:55Wait, that's my hoodie.
19:57All right, you'll be fine.
20:00He's coming right at them.
20:01They don't even realize it.
20:02Oh my god.
20:03Salish, Salish.
20:04The principal's coming.
20:05Oh my god.
20:05Go, go.
20:06Go, go, go, go, go.
20:08He's coming after them.
20:11You have to stay quiet, though, guys.
20:13They left the backpack.
20:16He was right there.
20:18It's inside right here.
20:20All right, can you see me?
20:22That's a terrible spot.
20:23Will the principal find Salish before the end
20:25of the school buzzer rings?
20:27Remember, it's a half day, so we don't have much time left.
20:29Do you think the principal got my backpack?
20:31That has my green hoodie in it.
20:34So I might be busted.
20:37Sorry to interrupt again.
20:38I just now, in the stairwell, found this backpack.
20:40Hey, the mysterious green hoodie.
20:43Does anybody know whose backpack this is?
20:46It looks like he's trying to find whoever owns the backpack.
20:49The backpack will lead him to Salish.
20:51And you've not seen anybody in this hoodie.
20:53Is there anybody missing?
20:54Let me call them real quick.
21:02Gio, are you here?
21:03What's his last name?
21:06Do you guys know who Gio is?
21:07Is he one of your classmates?
21:08Yeah, he's Gio.
21:09He sits here?
21:14He sits here?
21:16He's not there?
21:17Is this his bag?
21:18Nobody knows?
21:19Well, we're going to find out.
21:20Thank you, guys.
21:21Get back to work.
21:21Salish, you just got Gio into so much trouble.
21:25Gio's busted.
21:26Gio's busted.
21:28OK, great.
21:29Settle down.
21:30The principal is going back to his office.
21:32He's going to see the note now.
21:35Someone is skipping class.
21:37I'm going to try to find them.
21:38I'll try to find them.
21:39The principal for sure got that hoodie.
21:41Can we please have student Gio's
21:43Please report to the principal's office.
21:49I feel bad for Gio, actually.
21:50Gio is full on busted.
21:51I'm just going to kill me.
21:52I can't do this.
21:53I can't get in trouble with you.
21:54I got to go to my class.
21:55I've done this millions of times.
21:57Like, it always works.
21:58So you're going to put these in your ears,
21:59and I'm going to call you and then tell you what to say.
22:04Gio, piece of advice.
22:05Don't listen to Salish.
22:06Hurry up.
22:07Just put this hood on.
22:08Just go.
22:10Take a seat.
22:11I don't see Gio getting out of this.
22:12Not by listening to Salish.
22:14Is this your bag, Gio?
22:16That is not my bag.
22:17This backpack?
22:18This isn't your backpack?
22:19I don't recognize it at all.
22:21The school board gave us permission
22:22to do this challenge, so I don't think
22:23they're going to get Gio into serious trouble,
22:25but he doesn't know that right now.
22:27Do you recognize the sweatshirt in this backpack?
22:29Just say that you don't know what it is.
22:31I don't know what that is.
22:32Do you know who wrote this note, son?
22:33Say no.
22:34I have never seen that handwriting before.
22:35It says, someone is skipping class.
22:37Come try to find them.
22:39Is that your handwriting?
22:40Say, I just typed.
22:42I just typed on my computer.
22:43I don't know how to write.
22:44I don't know how to write.
22:45This is a serious situation.
22:46I understand completely.
22:47You haven't seen this green sweatshirt before?
22:49Say, chill out, bro.
22:50I think you need to chill out.
22:52Oh, so you're going to be funny, young man.
22:53Well, let me ask you a question.
22:55What if we check the security cameras that are
22:56placed all around the school?
22:58The security cameras.
23:00Oh, yes.
23:03Listen, buddy.
23:03This is one last chance.
23:05Tell me the truth, or I'm going to show the security camera
23:08If you make one little appearance,
23:10you, sir, will be suspended from school for one month.
23:13A month?
23:13Gio, just tell the truth.
23:15It's fine.
23:16I don't want you to get in trouble.
23:18Rat me out.
23:18Just please stop.
23:19Stop for a long time.
23:21OK, bye.
23:21That was the right thing to do.
23:22She doesn't want Gio to get in trouble,
23:24so she told him to rat her out.
23:26Salish, we have to go.
23:28So there.
23:31Now he's pausing and speaking so slowly
23:34to give Salish time to get away.
23:38Might be a girl on campus, and I may have been helping her,
23:41but it's totally OK.
23:43There's a girl on campus.
23:45You know, actually, is that what I said?
23:46You just said there's a girl on campus.
23:48Did I?
23:49Where is the girl now?
23:50OK, all right.
23:50Should we go up here?
23:51Salish, I'm actually proud of you here.
23:53That was the right thing to do, to tell Gio to be honest,
23:55but you are so busted right now.
23:57Where are you going to go?
23:58Let's go over here.
23:59Jenny, are there any open classrooms?
24:00No, there aren't.
24:02What about this door?
24:03Let's go out the other way.
24:04They're making a YouTube video.
24:05Someone challenged them to come here.
24:06It's not their fault.
24:07Where is she?
24:09I really, really don't know.
24:11I got to get to class.
24:12I'm so sorry.
24:12We need to find this girl.
24:16Don't forget, I still have some challenges left.
24:18All right, let's go back.
24:20Go to class.
24:21I'm going to deal with you later.
24:23Am I going to be in trouble?
24:25Just go to class.
24:26Gio went back to class.
24:27I'm going to make sure he doesn't get busted
24:29for helping Salish.
24:30It looks like Salish and Ari are trying to find a hiding spot
24:32to ride it out.
24:34I got to find this girl.
24:35OK, now the principal knows what Salish is looking for,
24:38and he's not wasting any time trying to find her.
24:41She is 100% done.
24:43Wait, we're not in here.
24:44Oh, what if the elevator?
24:46Can you close the door?
24:46Close the door.
24:47Salish and Ari just think they're
24:48going to hide in the elevator?
24:49Absolutely no way.
24:51I've got another challenge for Salish,
24:52and this is going to be the best one yet,
24:54and it's my last one.
24:56Watch this.
24:57We're running out of time, but this is going to get her busted.
24:59Oh, no.
25:00I just got a text.
25:02Sneak back into the principal's office
25:04and reveal yourself using the intercom.
25:07Ari, this is going to get us caught.
25:09Come on.
25:11Oh, my god.
25:11I only have 30 minutes.
25:12She's going to get my credit card.
25:14She can spend it on anything she wants.
25:16What do you guys think it'll be?
25:17Be quiet, OK?
25:18All right.
25:21Go ahead.
25:22I had to do the challenge when the principal wasn't
25:24in the office, but the second she gets on the intercom,
25:27he'll know where she is, and he'll
25:28come running to catch her before she can get away.
25:31My name is Salish.
25:32Or Leo, as you might know me.
25:34I'm actually a girl.
25:35Anyways, school's ending in, like, about 15 minutes.
25:38If you leave class right now, you can come try and find me.
25:41Get your phones out, start vlogging,
25:43and put your hoodies up.
25:44The first person to find me wins 50 bucks.
25:47No, wait.
25:49Do not move.
25:49Do not leave.
25:53She said 50 bucks.
25:55Who's Salish, though?
25:56We are going to find Salem.
25:5850 bucks.
26:00Why not?
26:02Back to class.
26:03Oh, my lord.
26:04Can we please have you go back to class?
26:06There's going to be chaos in the hallway.
26:07They're all going to look the same,
26:09and it'll be harder for the principal to find her.
26:11That's smart.
26:12Come on.
26:13Actually, hurry.
26:14I'm going.
26:15Oh, my god.
26:17What kind of name is that?
26:18Who names their kids Salish?
26:21I'm going to run more, man.
26:23I'm going to pretend to vlog myself
26:25so I look like a student.
26:26That's actually really smart.
26:27Now Salish is vlogging like she's just one of the students.
26:30Super smart.
26:30All right.
26:31We're kind of out in the open here, Salish.
26:32We need to find a good hiding spot.
26:33Oh, my god.
26:34If she doesn't get busted with this challenge,
26:35I think I'm going to lose my credit card again.
26:38Maybe she's close.
26:39Yeah, yeah, yeah.
26:42Salish, shouldn't you have found a hiding spot
26:44before you actually told people about it?
26:46All right.
26:46Just hide in here.
26:47These are all terrible hiding spaces, Salish.
26:49You're going to get busted.
26:50Oh, no.
26:50There's spiders in there.
26:52I can't fit in there, too.
26:53Hide under the table.
26:54What if she's hiding in the bathroom?
26:56That would be a great hiding spot.
26:58One of these dudes left a comment.
27:00One of these dudes might have a crush on my daughter.
27:02They're all acting like they don't know who she is, though.
27:04How did a girl get into campus?
27:06That's kind of impressive, to be honest.
27:07She's got to be somewhere in here.
27:08What the heck?
27:09Come here.
27:10Go under that one.
27:11Is this bad?
27:11It could work, but.
27:12I'm going to check in here.
27:16Yeah, I will.
27:16I will.
27:17I will.
27:19All right.
27:20Yo, I hear something.
27:21Whoa, whoa.
27:22How did you not see them?
27:23Somebody just ran right by her.
27:24All right.
27:25There's way too many people here.
27:26And this is just a bad spot.
27:28We got to go.
27:28Let's go.
27:29All right.
27:29Let's go.
27:30Let's go.
27:30Come on.
27:31Come on.
27:31I hear something up here.
27:33Hold on.
27:33Hurry up.
27:34Come on.
27:34Come on.
27:37Yo, this closet.
27:38Please be open.
27:42If you win, please don't buy a car.
27:44Well, we're on the courtyard right now looking for sailors.
27:47We put these here.
27:48You're the strong one.
27:49Put them over there, please.
27:50All right.
27:51Hurry up.
27:52I think it's Felicia, right?
27:54Or Salad?
27:54I hear them already.
27:55Turn off the light.
27:56They could see it.
28:01She's right there.
28:02She's right there.
28:03I don't think they can hear me.
28:04I just sound like a crazy man.
28:05But I'm actually right outside of the office.
28:08And she's right there.
28:09The bell rings in 10 minutes.
28:11We should stay hidden for 10 more minutes.
28:13And then I win.
28:17Come on.
28:18Somebody's got to find her.
28:19This is ridiculous.
28:20They're so close.
28:21Guys, there are people right outside.
28:22And I think they're going to find us.
28:25Let's go.
28:25Let's go upstairs.
28:26They're literally running up these stairs.
28:28Ari's doing awesome filming her and not getting caught,
28:31but I actually had planned to have Hudson film her today,
28:34but he's in New York filming the absolutely scariest video
28:37he's ever done.
28:38I don't want to leave.
28:41So when this video is finished, go check that out,
28:43but don't do it before you go to bed because it's spooky.
28:45She's a little girl.
28:46She could be anywhere.
28:47Like, she could be under the sink.
28:48I have no idea.
28:49She's good.
28:50I'll give her that.
28:51Pretty solid hiding.
28:53What happens if a student catches us
28:55and not the principal?
28:56We can pay them $50 so that they won't snitch on us.
28:59You have $50, so we'll just pay them that.
29:01Isn't this your channel?
29:02It's not her channel.
29:03It's my channel.
29:04I don't have $50.
29:04You don't have $50?
29:05You don't trust me with $50.
29:07Who's this?
29:09Uh, I'm not Salish.
29:10Where is this Salish girl?
29:12The principal is right there.
29:13He's literally in the same room.
29:14He's 10 feet away from Salish.
29:16Open the door and this thing is over.
29:18I'm not going to pass him the other stairs.
29:20Back to the locker room.
29:22We were so close.
29:23The bell just has to ring and then I win.
29:25I win.
29:26Wait, Salish, look.
29:27We have five minutes.
29:28We only have five minutes.
29:29Please don't let the principal catch us.
29:31Just ring, ring, ring.
29:32We're so close.
29:33Only five minutes.
29:35Yo, Salish, what are you doing?
29:37This is crazy.
29:38It's Gio.
29:39Is Gio trying to distract everybody else
29:41because he actually knows where Salish is hiding?
29:43Where are you?
29:45Oh my, he's going right above us.
29:47Wait, hey, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
29:48What's going on?
29:49Hey, everybody come here.
29:50Come here.
29:51Get over here.
29:52The principal is literally right there.
29:54There's just one minute, dude.
29:55You're right there.
29:56Just open the door.
29:57Hey, wait, where's that?
29:58Where's that girl?
29:59Where, where, where, where?
30:01Come here.
30:02Come here.
30:02That's the principal.
30:03Wait a second.
30:04You guys stop.
30:05You guys need to get back to class.
30:06No, no, no.
30:07Come here, guys.
30:07Somebody find her, please.
30:0930 seconds.
30:11Everybody back to class.
30:13Oh my God.
30:18We only got 50 bucks.
30:19No 50 bucks.
30:21At least school's over.
30:22I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
30:27Please don't buy a car.
30:28All right, we won, we won.
30:29Yes, let's go.
30:30I'm so hyped you won.
30:31Let's go, Salish.
30:32Dad, we won.
30:34What do you do with the money?
30:35I think I can buy.
30:38Oh, hey, I was trying to look for you.
30:39Thank you so much for everything.
30:41Of course.
30:43Hey, by the way, it's a really, really funny story.
30:46I left a comment.
30:48Oh, wait, it was you?
30:52It was Gio all along.
30:54I guess we're finally gonna find out
30:55why Gio has been helping Salish all day.
30:57Really, why?
31:00I figured it'd be nice to meet you.
31:03Well, it was really nice to meet you.
31:06Thank you for being here.
31:08Yeah, of course.
31:10So what are you gonna do with the credit card?
31:14Um, I think I'm gonna buy my best friend
31:17a flight to come see me.
31:19Oh, right.
31:20Your best friend from your videos.
31:21Yeah, he's awesome.
31:22Yeah, Gio.
31:25That's cool.
31:29Well, I'll see you later.
31:30Yeah, I'll see you later.
31:31Nice to meet you.
31:32Really nice to meet you, too.
31:34Of course.
