• 2 days ago
Play Hardcore Cookie Clicker: https://discord.gg/Ae2njxT4Tx
IMPORTANT: This game has been updated since the making of the video, there's some changes, and you don't HAVE to play in unshackled decay mode...

Discord: https://discord.gg/sk2R2ET
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/45thDragoon


Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydLf9qDPHY&ab_channel=JunoReactor-Topic
The reckoning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb9co7lKJPw&ab_channel=JerFlow
Fthof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0norPw8xGs&ab_channel=SKARS-Topic
Soulless 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxiHD-t5JJQ&ab_channel=wewladstbh
Spearow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwJYl2y5CJ4&ab_channel=MCC
Time will tell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUOMSPLxPLc&ab_channel=EurobeatGems

Calamity(subtle foreshadowing) music:

Fast Piano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L_KloTec7U
Solo Cello: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMRDC_nFFaQ
Medieval: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ_r1H9vHkI
Synth Horror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuw_O5MU5CE
Tocatta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho9rZjlsyYY
Vivaldi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkJ4Semwdzk
Olympus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnmglWHoVrk
God shattering star: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMfvZmhqW0A
Destati: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig7mHOeiw8U
16 bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXBuKsnOZSM
8-bit cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRN_T6JkH-c&list=PLwJjxqYuirCLkq42mGw4XKGQlpZSfxsYd
Paganini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwBAQA6C5us
300 Violins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S6ILhEnZYE
Hooky with Sloane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1qxGGkJ70U
Dvorak remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIFmPkqAqMQ


00:00I am losing infinity cookies per second in Hardcore Cookie Clicker,
00:03but I promised to get one decillion cookies because the creator of the game said it was
00:09So I wiped my save and started again.
00:12Like usual, clicking gives me cookies that I spend on buildings which generate cookies every second,
00:17but once I baked a thousand, the decay began.
00:19Decay reduces my cookies gained by this percentage which increases over time,
00:23but I can halt the decay by clicking the cookie.
00:26So if I just keep clicking, it won't decay.
00:28But I need to buy more upgrades and buildings,
00:30so I have to quickly go between buying and clicking.
00:32The decay is growing, but then a reindeer spawned.
00:35Clicking it gives me cookies and purifies the decay.
00:38I now get 20% more cookies.
00:40When I got a hundred thousand cookies, the wrinklers started spawning,
00:44and I was so busy reading what they do that I didn't realize a wrath cookie spawned.
00:48If I click this, I would get 200% purity.
00:51Too bad it only lasts half a second.
00:53Then the game punished me for missing the wrath cookie by halving my cookie production
00:57and 12% decay.
00:59At least I finished reading what the wrinklers do.
01:01They spawn and slowly fly towards my big cookie.
01:04If they reach it, they will eat my cookies and very bad things will happen.
01:08If I click them around 30 times, they die.
01:10When they die, they drop their soul.
01:12I can then drag their soul into the cookie, stopping the decay for a second.
01:16Sacrificing souls isn't even the most immoral thing I've done for cookies.
01:20I'm now at 50% decay.
01:22Then finally, another wrath cookie spawned and I clicked it,
01:25giving me 200% purity.
01:27It's beautiful.
01:28Then I saw an upgrade that makes golden and wrath cookies spawn faster,
01:31but taking the three seconds to read that upgrade meant I wasn't clicking the cookie.
01:35So I'm back to 50% decay.
01:37Oh wait, there's a reindeer.
01:38It gave me about 10%.
01:39I was recording my voice at the time.
01:41Why? I'm dead.
01:44I went to 99% decay, and the wrinklers are eating the cookie.
01:48Very bad things are about to happen.
01:50They eat it for a few seconds, then explode, stealing millions of my cookies.
01:54And when they die, I get a debuff that makes the decay grow 50% faster.
01:58I thought I would lose at 99% decay, but I have 1 over 10 vigintillion decay.
02:03I have zero cookies right now.
02:05They've eaten all of them.
02:07To be fair, no one have actually eaten the cookies in regular cookie clicker.
02:10Maybe this is for the best.
02:12But I want to prove CursedSilver wrong and get a decillion cookies.
02:15I have one hope.
02:16The legacy button lets me ascend to a new reality and start again fresh.
02:20And by earning the millions cookies I had before, I get one ascension point to buy an upgrade.
02:26Let's go!
02:26Oh, in Kaizo Cookie Clicker, you need a minimum of 400 ascension points to ascend.
02:31This game is actually called Kaizo Cookie Clicker,
02:34named after a Mario mod that turned the game from this into this.
02:38So that's a level of difficulty here.
02:39And then the creator of the game messaged me.
02:41If you are still struggling to get a decillion in a week, I'll make the game even harder.
02:45So I set a timer for a week.
02:47There's only one option.
02:48I have to wipe my save and start again.
02:51I need a new plan.
02:52My main issue is the wrinklers get stronger the longer the game goes on.
02:56I need to get 400 ascension points before they're too powerful.
02:59And ascension points are based on how many cookies I've baked.
03:02Then the game told me something that would revolutionize my life.
03:06Try scrolling while hovering over the big cookie or a wrinkler.
03:10In Kaizo, you can click by using the scroll wheel.
03:13That is so much faster than actually clicking.
03:16I can get cookies faster and kill the wrinkles faster.
03:19Now, I can win.
03:20This time, I got the first wrath cookie.
03:22The next wrath cookie gave me Elder Frenzy.
03:25It gives 666 times more cookies for six seconds.
03:28This is not a bad sign.
03:29666 does not mean everything's about to go wrong.
03:32Everything's fine.
03:33The buff got me three billion cookies.
03:35I bought a ton of upgrades and a rocket ship to escape if something bad happens, which it won't.
03:39The scroll click is all I need to win.
03:40I have four ascension points.
03:42And then, I discovered something.
03:44I can pause the game.
03:47I can't buy things while paused, but I can take a second to rest my fingers.
03:51Then a shiny wrinkler spawned.
03:52They have double the health of regular wrinklers and drop a shiny soul when they die.
03:56Shiny souls can be used for being really goddamn hard to click, so I don't know what they do yet.
04:01And now the wrinkles are getting very close to the cookie.
04:04I got to 99% again.
04:06They're eating the cookies!
04:07I have one cookie.
04:08Only 999 nonillion left to my goal.
04:11I tried selling all of my buildings and thought maybe that would get rid of the wrinklers.
04:15And I have good and bad news.
04:17The good news is I have infinity cookies right now.
04:20The bad news is I am losing infinity cookies every second.
04:24And this infinity is actually negative infinity.
04:27I have negative infinity cookies.
04:29Attempt three.
04:30I am determined to win this time.
04:32I don't have a better strategy than before.
04:34I'm not faster at clicking.
04:36And I don't know what shiny wrinklers do.
04:38But I do have blind confidence.
04:41As soon as the decay started, I kept clicking.
04:43And it held at 0%.
04:44And I am pausing the game, moving my mouse to the upgrade, unpausing, buying, repausing,
04:49going back to the cookie, unpausing, and clicking.
04:51Zero time wasted.
04:53Now the wrinklers.
04:54What if I go between clicking the cookie and popping the wrinklers?
04:57Scroll cookie, wrinkler, cookie, upgrade, cookie, wrinkler, kill it, use the soul,
05:01and I'm still on 0%.
05:03So if I scroll back and forth between the cookie and the wrinkler, I can keep decay at 0%.
05:08I now have a strategy.
05:09I made it to 10 million cookies.
05:11But the game gave me a new message.
05:13And I realized something.
05:16I can pause the game while I read!
05:19Clicking fatigue.
05:20As you click more and more, the magical power that resides within the act of clicking the
05:24big cookie needs to recharge.
05:26Basically, clicking the cookie no longer stops decay, ruining my only strategy.
05:32I was recording my voice at the time.
05:34Fucking click fatigue, what do you want me to do?
05:36Luckily, it only lasts 30 seconds.
05:38It was at 16% when the fatigue ended.
05:40You'll notice I still have the default name.
05:42I haven't changed it to Dragoon's Bakery, because I can't afford the two seconds it
05:47would take to change it.
05:48I steadily gained cookies.
05:49And by reading all the other notes closely while paused, I found something interesting.
05:54The health of the wrinklers does increase over time.
05:56But the speed at which the wrinklers travel to the cookie is based on the amount of decay
06:00I have.
06:01So if I keep above 0% decay, the wrinklers will always be slow.
06:05A shiny wrinkler spawned.
06:06I managed to catch its soul this time.
06:08I threw it into the cookie, and it spawned a golden cookie that gave me 700 million more
06:14And unlocked an orb.
06:15So, it seems that shiny souls have a chance of spawning golden cookies that give me more
06:20cookies based on my CPS, with a maximum of twice my current cookies.
06:24So each shiny soul can double my current cookies.
06:27And now I have this orb that can store wrinkler souls.
06:30If I use four shiny souls at once, I could double my cookie count four times in a row.
06:35But I forgot to do that because I was focused on buying a baby Santa.
06:38Well, it starts as a test tube.
06:40Over time, I will evolve him into a child.
06:42I just bought a child for cookies.
06:44That might be the most immoral thing.
06:46But I'm an hour in now, and the wrinklers are getting close.
06:48I'm madly scrolling between the cookie and the wrinklers.
06:51If a single one reaches the cookie, the debuffs will ruin me into negative infinity cookies.
06:55To cut a long story short, I played for two hours, got a trillion cookies, 44 ascension
07:01Then I accidentally missed a wrath cookie and went down to 90% decay.
07:05That's really my bad for making one mistake in the last two hours.
07:09I can't come back from this.
07:10It's time for my favorite button, wipe save.
07:13But this time, I'm taking it serious.
07:15I got a guitar hero guitar to click faster.
07:18It didn't help.
07:19This doesn't work well.
07:20As long as I use shiny souls correctly this time, I should get 400 ascension points before
07:26the wrinklers get too strong, which will make me strong enough to get a decillion cookies.
07:3039 minutes in, I had my first opportunity.
07:32I used the shiny souls and each golden cookie gave me more than the last one, giving me
07:3720 times more cookies than I started with.
07:39Then I spent all my cookies on upgrades.
07:41That was a bad idea.
07:42I should have kept most of my cookies so I can get 20 times of that.
07:46I now have to do that all over again.
07:47It's a good thing I'm chemically addicted to clicking.
07:50I did it a few more times and got to six trillion, and the game gave me clicker fatigue.
07:54Although it's lasting a very long time, way longer than 30 seconds.
07:57I'm probably just going crazy.
07:59Sidenote, I paused and checked my footage, and this clicking fatigue lasted 1 minute
08:04and 27 seconds.
08:06It says by default it lasts 30 seconds.
08:08What's non-default when the game just wants to see me suffer?
08:11Sidenote 2, nope.
08:12I'm just dumb.
08:14It literally says how many seconds the fatigue lasts.
08:17Over time, the cookie gets darker, and when it's darkest, the fatigue happens.
08:21Here, the cookie was one click away from starting fatigue, so I just wasn't clicking it.
08:26Anyway, I pushed through, and using shiny souls, I now have a quadrillion cookies, and
08:31over 100 ascension points.
08:32And then the fatigue started again.
08:34I am screwed.
08:36Unless I call upon those who have wronged me.
08:39I need the grandmother's help.
08:40Bearer, save me!
08:42In Kaizo, instead of the grandmapocalypse, the grandma's research facility actually
08:47finds ways to help me, and they've discovered Elder Pledge, which increases purity for 30
08:52I could not have survived without that.
08:54Maybe I should forgive them.
08:55But by now, there are too many wrinklers around the cookie.
08:58There's literally no way I can pop them all before they eat my cookies.
09:02But I don't have to.
09:03I just need one more shiny combo to get 400 ascension points, but I only have two souls.
09:08I timed it with a frenzy, so they give the max amount.
09:12It's enough.
09:12I finally have 400 ascension points.
09:15I can save my game.
09:16I don't have to wipe my save anymore.
09:18And from here on out, the game gets way harder.
09:22At least that only took a day.
09:23I have six more before it gets more difficult.
09:26Using the ascension points, I unlocked power clicks, a dragon, and 400% more CPS.
09:31I'm on my way to a decillion cookies.
09:33I finally had time to change my bakery's name.
09:35This is my power meter.
09:37Getting wrinkler souls powers it up, and I can later unleash power clicks that damage
09:41all wrinklers on the screen.
09:42Wait, do I have level 1 farms?
09:44And level 1 grandmas?
09:46And mines?
09:47I have level 1 of every building.
09:49They should be level 0.
09:50Level 1 is from sugar lumps, which take 24 hours to grow each.
09:54And level 1 unlocks the minigames, which are incredibly useful.
09:57Did I have this the entire time?
09:59I went back to my old footage, and yes, this entire time, Kaizo gives me access to a garden,
10:05a stock market, a temple, and a spell book that can magically kill wrinklers instantly.
10:11That would have been nice to know.
10:12Well, I now have four minigames unlocked.
10:14The garden lets me get plants that give me buffs, like more CPS or golden cookie chance.
10:19Oh, I can start farming for the juicy queen bee again.
10:22The stock market is useless.
10:24The temple lets me worship gods that give me more golden cookie chances and purity buffs.
10:28And the wizard tower unlocks spells.
10:30Before I could check out the spells, a floating blue orb spawned.
10:34I clicked it, and it ran away, giving me another wall of text to read.
10:37Basically, if I click this thing enough times, I will activate my power clicks.
10:42So now I'm going between clicking the wrinklers before they reach the cookie,
10:45clicking the cookie to stop decay, buying upgrades,
10:48and chasing a floating ball over the screen that runs away from me.
10:51And it despawned before I could use it.
10:52Anyway, there's some new spells in Kaizo.
10:54They all do new and unique things.
10:56I'm only going to use Fataf.
10:58Fataf spawns a golden cookie out of thin air, and it's the best spell in the game.
11:03It's the best thing French people have ever made.
11:05The orb is back.
11:06I clicked it, and all of the wrinklers just exploded.
11:08Also, I have a dragon now.
11:10He eats cat food and grandmothers.
11:12When I feed him more, his buffs will be how I get to a decillion.
11:15But first, I need more ascension levels.
11:17The more I get, the more CPS I have.
11:19So I need to start using combos.
11:21I need the naturally spawning golden cookie to give me frenzy x7 cookies,
11:26then use Fataf to get another cookie that gives me x777 cookies,
11:30then I use four shiny wrinkler souls,
11:32and using a power click, all stacking together, giving me tons of cookies.
11:37I am rea-
11:38I'm at 50% decay.
11:40Trying to do everything at once just made me stop clicking the cookie for about four seconds.
11:44I should have known better.
11:45Thankfully, I don't have to wipe my save this time.
11:47From now on, I can ascend whenever I want to.
11:49Well, unless I have less than 90% decay, then apparently very bad things happen.
11:55And in this run, I got one more point.
11:57That's plus 1% CPS.
11:59This time, I'm using a new method.
12:01It's called clicking really fucking fast.
12:04I planted two baker's wheat.
12:06I might eventually mutate them into useful plants like the golden clover.
12:09But clicker fatigue is so strong.
12:11Luckily, there's one thing I can do.
12:13One of the new spells, something that isn't Fataf.
12:16Liquify Politician.
12:18By burning an elite with acid, the whole world becomes a little bit better,
12:21and purifies a lot of decay.
12:23This will save me, but it has a 15% chance to backfire and amplify my decay.
12:29But that's not gonna hap-
12:30It happened!
12:30It backfired!
12:31And I'm in clicker fatigue.
12:33I think I lose now.
12:34But if that blue dog didn't give up, neither will I.
12:37I clicked as fast as I could.
12:39I got a golden cookie.
12:40I'm pure!
12:41But they're still wrinkless.
12:42I need a power click.
12:43But it runs away so fast.
12:45I can't click it!
12:46Wait, I have an idea.
12:47I can pause the game, then unpause and click it!
12:51I deserve a Nobel Prize for discovering the pause button.
12:54The power click worked.
12:55We are so back.
12:56Then, after feeding my dragon 140 farms, he unlocked the dragon harvest buff.
13:01So now golden cookies have a chance at giving me 15 times more cookies.
13:04For the next two hours, I barely kept living through fatigue,
13:07getting the wrong buffs, and madly chasing power orbs.
13:10After 3 hours and 16 minutes, I had the perfect setup.
13:13I have 4 stored shiny souls, and 3 shiny wrinklers around the cookie,
13:17with full mana to cast for top.
13:18It worked!
13:19No backfire.
13:20I got dragon harvest.
13:21I released all the souls.
13:22There's so many cookies.
13:23I don't know exactly what happened, but I got cookies and 10,000 ascension points.
13:28I ascended again, and unlocked the season changer.
13:31You'll notice I stopped talking about reindeer.
13:33That's because I started playing this during December, and then time moved forward.
13:37So the reindeer are gone.
13:38But with this, I can force Santa back down my chimney.
13:42I started again, and gave the wrinklers back their hat.
13:44I want to unlock some more garden plots, so I randomly planted some around the garden.
13:48I kept doubling my cookies using shiny souls.
13:50But one of the wrinklers had hearts coming out of its mouth?
13:53And when I killed it, I got more text to read.
13:56It's called a bomber.
13:57It travels faster than other wrinklers, but has less health.
14:00If it reaches the cookie, it summons tons of other bombers.
14:03Which sounds bad.
14:04But apparently, I should let them reach the cookie, explode once in a while.
14:08It doesn't make logical sense why I'd want more wrinklers.
14:11It doesn't even make grammatical sense.
14:13But I think they're important for me to get to a decillion.
14:16So I let one explode.
14:18And now there's tons of low health ones everywhere.
14:20I am overwhelmed and outnumbered.
14:22I was recording my voice.
14:23Why did you tell me to do that?
14:2570% decay.
14:26I can't let it go below 90, or it won't let me ascend.
14:29I have to do it now.
14:30At least I grew a couple of new plants.
14:32I ascended and was about to go back in.
14:34But then I saw there's a challenge mode.
14:36Unshackled decay.
14:38Where decay is even faster.
14:40See, that's what I need.
14:41More difficulty.
14:42But also there are challenges to complete.
14:44The first challenge is to get Click Frenzy within 10 minutes of a new run.
14:48If I do it, I'll get a 900% CPS boost at the beginning of all future runs.
14:53Clicker Frenzy can't be gotten from regular golden cookies.
14:55Only from Fataf.
14:56If you don't know what Fataf is yet, dislike the video.
14:59I need 15 wizard towers to cast Fataf.
15:02In four minutes, I got the regular golden cookie that gave me Frenzy.
15:05And I'm just waiting for mana to generate.
15:07I cast Fataf and click the cookie to get regular Frenzy.
15:10There's a 75% chance of Clicker Frenzy.
15:13So I just have to do that again until it randomly happens.
15:15Hey, this is feeling like regular cookie clicker finally.
15:18I did it again and the first cookie gave me lucky.
15:20Which doesn't help.
15:21I got Frenzy.
15:22I saved up.
15:23I got Fataf.
15:23And it gave me Clicker Frenzy.
15:25Challenge completed.
15:27This unlocked four more challenges.
15:28Two of which I had already failed before I knew they existed.
15:32Because I was too slow.
15:33But this top one I can do.
15:35Get one quintillion cookies in this run.
15:38Then survive a minute.
15:39What does survive mean?
15:41Is it possible to die in cookie clicker?
15:44I made it to a quadrillion cookies, but I can't get any further.
15:46I need shiny souls to double it a few times.
15:49But the decay acceleration is doubling my decay.
15:51I used my last power click.
15:52I don't want to die.
15:54Wait, I got Cookie Storm.
15:55If I click about 50 of these, I can get it.
15:57Come on!
15:58One quintillion.
15:59Okay, now I have to survive for one minute.
16:01What does that mean?
16:02I'm just gonna try to stay above 90% decay.
16:04I use shiny souls and managed to halt it.
16:06Giving me a permanent upgrade for my regular runs.
16:09I am so glad I don't have to get the decillion cookies in unshackled decay mode.
16:13I went back in.
16:14And I know that right now I'm supposed to be learning how bombers work.
16:17They are the key to do a decillion cookies apparently.
16:20But I'm so offended that they ruined me last time.
16:22I'm not using them.
16:23I'm using Fataf.
16:25I play normally to a septillion cookies.
16:27Then when I had the setup, I used Fataf and got clicker frenzy.
16:30Then started worshipping Godzimo, which gives me extra CPS for every building I sell.
16:35So I sold a thousand buildings, then clicked as fast as I could.
16:38Getting me 30,000 ascension points.
16:40That isn't really enough.
16:42Do I have to use bombers?
16:43There is one other option.
16:45If I can somehow unlock the golden clover plant, I can double the speed of getting golden cookies.
16:50Setting up an even bigger combo to get the decillion.
16:52To unlock the golden clover, I need guild millet.
16:55To grow guild millet, I need to combine crone rice and thumb corn.
16:58These two I already have.
16:59The problem is planting crone rice costs more the more cookies per second I have.
17:04Ever increasing.
17:05I can never afford them.
17:06Unless I earn a bunch of cookies, then sell all my buildings to lower my CPS.
17:11Then plant the seeds and buy back all my buildings.
17:13So I did it.
17:14I planted the crone rice.
17:15Uh, don't plant them like this.
17:17This is wrong.
17:18Do it like this.
17:19I was in a rush and forgot how to do it.
17:21And I still went 68% into decay.
17:23After an hour, both plants will mature.
17:25And I had a chance of growing the guild millet.
17:27And it happened first try.
17:28Now I need to wait for it to mature, then collect it.
17:31But I want to keep going.
17:32What if I can use this one guild millet to create a golden clover?
17:35The longer I stay on this run, the more likely the decay will get over 90%.
17:39I might not survive.
17:40The good news is, I managed to breed a regular clover.
17:43The bad news is, I have 99% decay.
17:46So this isn't looking good.
17:47And then, it happened.
17:49I was recording my voice at the time.
17:53I have to survive for five more minutes, waiting for the golden clover to mature so I can collect it.
17:58I don't know what amount of decay kills me.
18:00So I use the grandmother's powers to keep me alive.
18:02After five minutes, I had the golden clover seed.
18:05Wait, what's happening?
18:06Oh my god, that's a lot of decay.
18:08Oh, I reached infinite decay.
18:11Which ascends me automatically, but wipes all ascension progress from that run.
18:16I died in cookie clicker.
18:19This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
18:21No, actually, the worst thing was when a kid stole my cool sparkly pen when I was eight.
18:26I've never really recovered from that.
18:27But this is the second worst.
18:28Luckily, even though my ascension points are gone, I get to keep the golden clover.
18:32So I went back, ready to perform the combo.
18:35I have to do the building selling trick again to plant the clovers.
18:38Then I got infinite decay and died.
18:40Um, what?
18:41Maybe I sold too many things.
18:42I'm back.
18:431,000 cookies.
18:45Infinite decay, instantly.
18:47Have I ruined my save?
18:48No, this is just a very bugged game that's still in development.
18:51I refreshed the page and everything was fine.
18:53I managed to plant 30 golden clovers.
18:56When they mature, they'll give me double the golden cookie rate.
18:58I just tried to keep my decay stable.
19:00And this run, I don't want to talk about it.
19:04Okay, fine.
19:04Someone knocked on my door.
19:05I got up to check it and came back with infinite decay.
19:08It was food delivery.
19:09They don't work like I thought they would.
19:12This is the one.
19:13I planted the clovers and bided my time.
19:15To start the combo, all I need is dragon harvest.
19:18Here it is.
19:19I got lucky.
19:20Damn, that's useless.
19:23But here it gave me two nonillion cookies.
19:26It's better than the combo.
19:27Sometimes in life, you have to lose what you hold dearest to gain what you really need.
19:33So I abandoned Fatah.
19:35I upgraded my dragon by feeding it 210 time machines, unlocking new buffs.
19:40I now have a chance for a golden cookie to give me dragon's horde.
19:44Which is essentially 20 lucky buffs in a row.
19:46I told you dragon's aura is the way I'll get a decillion.
19:49I just need one more golden cookie and I'll get the decillion.
19:52Wait, what's that time?
19:53Oh god, it's been a week.
19:54I forgot.
19:55He's going to make it harder.
19:56I just need one golden cookie.
19:57There, I can click it.
19:58No, it's too late.
20:00What's happening?
20:02The reckoning has begun.
20:05As promised, I've updated the game to make it harder.
20:08Now you may only play in unshackled decay mode.
20:11Oh no.
20:12Regular runs have been disabled.
20:13I now need to get a decillion cookies with way more decay.
20:17I haven't even unlocked the decillion cookies challenge yet.
20:20First, I have to bake one octillion cookies, then survive for 1 minute 10 seconds.
20:25And before attempting that, I'll need some buffs from the other challenges.
20:29So my plan is do the basic challenges for buffs, then do the octillion challenge,
20:33survive, then attempt the decillion challenge.
20:36First challenge I'll try is bake one trillion cookies with no upgrade.
20:39Beating it will make future upgrades cheaper.
20:42I started by buying an upgrade and immediately failing.
20:44So I started again.
20:46Playing without upgrades is like eating boiled chicken without any seasoning.
20:50Which I do.
20:51I need the protein to get stronger fingers so I can click faster.
20:54At one million cookies, the decay is already 1.2 times faster.
20:57The main problem is that after 1.5 times decay, you can no longer click fast enough to stop it.
21:02So I need souls, golden cookies, and spells to stop the decay.
21:06This is very stressful.
21:07Luckily, I used all my shiny souls and doubled my cookies.
21:10That might have seemed quick, but I was recording my voice at the time.
21:14And this is what I said.
21:15Oh my god, that was awful.
21:17That was awful.
21:18Now, there are two more challenges I need to beat before the octillion challenge.
21:22And I think I can do them both at the same time.
21:24Bake 100 quintillion cookies without popping any wrinklers.
21:27And get a click power multiplier of at least 7000 in the first 3 minutes of the run.
21:33If I can do that in the first 3 minutes,
21:34it should give me 100 quintillion before wrinklers start attacking the cookie.
21:38To get 7000, I just need to combine click frenzy with frenzy within 3 minutes.
21:43I started a new run, bought upgrades as fast as possible,
21:46and got the wizard tower so it could start producing mana.
21:48I'll need a minimum of 23 mana to cast for Toph.
21:51And at 3 minutes, I don't have enough mana.
21:53I have to buy the wizard tower sooner.
21:55But then I thought, what if I don't need these challenges?
21:58What if I can go straight for the octillion?
22:00I kept going.
22:01I got to a sextillion.
22:02Unlucky gave me a septillion.
22:04The decay is so strong though.
22:05I clicked my way to 600 septillion cookies.
22:08I'm so close.
22:09I just realized this whole video, I'm assuming everyone knows how numbers go.
22:13I mean, everyone learned how to count, right?
22:15The wrinkler started exploding, taking all my cookies, driving me to 99% decay.
22:20I was wrong.
22:21I need those two challenges.
22:22They reward me with more CPS and make me kill wrinklers faster.
22:25After a lot of practice, I managed to buy the wizard towers at 58 seconds.
22:29And with that, it reaches 23 mana at exactly 3 minutes and 44 seconds.
22:35This is impossible.
22:37Unless I do something that everyone tells me not to do.
22:40Do not gamble.
22:41Don't let gambling become a problem.
22:43Gambler's Fever Dream is a spell that randomly casts another spell for half the mana.
22:48Meaning this has a 1 in 10 chance of casting Fataf and can be used right away.
22:53So I just reload my game, play the first minute through over and over until it gave me Fataf.
22:58And it did.
22:58The cookie finally gave me lucky.
23:01Damn it.
23:02Gambling is tiring.
23:03But then I saw something.
23:05I have four sugar lumps.
23:06It's meant to be once every 24 hours, but I don't think kaizo counts offline time.
23:11And I can spend two sugar lumps to level up my wizard towers.
23:14You can hear my live reaction to seeing the mana cost change.
23:17That made it WORSE.
23:19I kept playing, hoping something would be different.
23:21And then at 2 minutes 40, I saw that I had 24 mana.
23:25So, leveling them up increases the cost, but also increases my mana generation.
23:29I cast the spell.
23:31I got Clicker Frenzy to finally finish the challenge.
23:34You can hear my live reaction.
23:36Please, what?
23:39What do you mean?
23:40Hold up, what have I done?
23:41It didn't work.
23:42Oh, hi.
23:43Clicker Power Multiply refers to the buffs that directly impact click power.
23:47Frenzy does not count.
23:49Also, 7 times 777 doesn't even add to 7000.
23:54You failed basic maths.
23:56You can hear my live reaction.
23:57I don't want to play this game anymore.
23:59But I must.
24:00I'm getting a decillion cookies.
24:01Luckily, there is one other click multiplier.
24:05If I get the x777 Click Frenzy, and then sell 909 buildings or more,
24:10they will stack to give me 7000.
24:13I think.
24:13Cast Fataf in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
24:15Then sell all my buildings.
24:17And I got it.
24:18I went on to get 100 Quintillion to beat both challenges.
24:21Which means it's finally time to take on the Octillion challenge.
24:24Beating this will give me the power to take on the Decillion challenge.
24:28Everything up to 1.5 times decay was normal.
24:30I had a Quintillion cookies.
24:32But the decay is so strong that if I ever use Fataf, it would instantly end the run.
24:36I need to use my spells to stop decay.
24:38When I reach Octillion, I pause to make a plan.
24:40I'm gonna go for the Fataf combo.
24:42It will ruin my decay, but I only need to survive for a minute after.
24:46The combo gave me 100 Septillion, which is fine if I can double it 4 times with my shiny cells.
24:52They did not double it.
24:53My CPS is just too low and it doesn't give enough.
24:56I made 400 Septillion total.
24:58Though I do have some mana left.
25:00I can do one more Fataf.
25:01Let's just get a power click first.
25:03Wait, no!
25:04I accidentally cast another spell while trying to click the power orb.
25:08Now I have no mana.
25:09I'm so close.
25:11I got Frenzy and used my last soul and I got 600 Septillion, but it's not enough.
25:16Wait, what if it's not current cookies, but total?
25:19I made 400 Septillion before.
25:21Total cookies baked this Ascension.
25:23One Octillion.
25:24It might count.
25:26One minute and 10 seconds later, I did it.
25:28This unlocked the final challenge.
25:30Bake 1 Decillion cookies, then survive for 1 minute and 15 seconds.
25:35I thought I'd be excited for my final challenge, but this was my live reaction in this moment.
25:40I'm gonna just like do it one more time and see what happens.
25:45I had no energy left, but I did want to try one more time.
25:49I managed to get the Wizard Tower in under 30 seconds.
25:52I remember the effort I put through getting the Golden Clovers and actually use them this time.
25:56It was going well.
25:58Really well.
25:59I started to believe I could win, but I'm scared of having to start again.
26:02So at this point, I did something I've never done before.
26:06I exported my save mid-run and saved it in a Google Doc,
26:09so that if I lose, I can reload this save and go from here.
26:13It's just saving the game, but in the Cookie Clicker community,
26:17this is known as save scumming, and it's looked down upon by me.
26:22I have called save scummers the filth of the earth, but I get it now.
26:26I kept going.
26:27I made it to one septillion, but clicker fatigue is lasting over a minute now.
26:32I'm running out of souls.
26:33I can't survive without more.
26:34I need more wrinkly-
26:36Wait, I need a bomber.
26:37I let one explode.
26:38Now there's tons more on my screen.
26:40The trick is to use a bunch of the souls to stabilize decay while getting more.
26:44I filled my storages.
26:45Saved my game again.
26:46I got an octillion cookies.
26:48I am stressed.
26:49Remember my low energy a while ago?
26:51At this point, this was my live reaction.
26:54Dun dun dun dun dun-
26:57I kept saving every thirty seconds.
26:59I perpetually live in decay, and then lucky gave me twenty, non-illion.
27:03The decay is too much.
27:04I can't stay on this run much longer.
27:06I have to do a combo.
27:07So I calculated how much I need.
27:09Then remembered I can't do basic maths.
27:11I went for it.
27:12I sold all of my buildings to godsamoc and went for it.
27:18Wait, I have to survive a minute.
27:19Wait. I have to survive minute.
27:20I haven't won yet, I still have to survive.
27:23I'm already at its 70% decay. If I get over 90%, it won't let me ascend and won't count.
27:29I have no souls, I have no golden cookies, and no mana. And it's clicker fatigue.
27:34If I don't stop the decay, this will be wasted.
27:37But I told you, we will use Dragon's Aura to get the Decillion.
27:41And there is one aura called Earth Shatterer. Selling buildings partially halts decay.
27:47So I sold all my grandmas!
27:49You are not forgiven!
27:50And completed the challenge.
27:52Wait, this means I never used any of my saves.
27:55Save scummers are the filth of the earth. I would never-
