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This game is just about digging a hole...

• Video Editor ► Bran

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
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Play Digging Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3244220/A_Game_About_Digging_A_Hole/

#gaming #ssundee #funny

Thanks for watching!
00:04Are you dumping?
00:05I only speak American, sorry.
00:07What do I do with three dollars?
00:10A game about digging a hole.
00:13I've played a little bit of this just to see if it's something I wanna play.
00:16It's actually a really well-made game, so you're gonna wanna stick around till the end.
00:20This is gonna be a longer video, so uh...
00:24Oh yeah here we go, look.
00:25Mr. Rich Man showed up.
00:27He wants to collect his money.
00:29You're not getting money from me boy. I will bury you in this hole with your mom. Sorry
00:34I don't know what that means
00:35So like I said, this is gonna be a longer video
00:37So if you don't get it, if you don't watch it all in one sitting save your spot come back and watch it
00:42It's gonna be a fun one. There's a bunch of treasure in this house behind in the backyard
00:48Okay. Yeah, and this is where we live. Yep. Here we are. This is our house
00:52So we have this box
00:55Everything we own is all right here super mega digger 3000 ultimate 2.0. Okay
01:01Why is it explodes when battery gets empty? Yeah, so if you run out of battery power
01:07You die. It's weird. So let's get acquainted with the game top left. We have zero dollars
01:12We are currently one meter below the surface, right? Here's our X in the bottom left
01:17That's my health and my battery power every time I dig with my shovel
01:21Look at the battery power look in the bottom left. I don't know why
01:26Shovel usage takes battery that doesn't compute my brain no longer makes sense
01:32All right. So there we go. You can see these are rocks or stones. Look at this
01:37I now have three stones. My inventory is full check my inventory. I have three stones
01:41My total is three of three. My backpack is now full
01:44So if I run into here right to my little shed I can go up to the computer and sell these stones for three dollars
01:51I don't know what you're thinking. What do I do with three dollars? Glad you asked check this out
01:55I go over here to this table and this is where I do stuff as you can see
02:00I can spend money to increase a bunch of my stuff
02:03I can increase my shovel my inventory my battery and I can get a jet jet pack
02:08But this is where I charge my battery so I could spend a dollar now and recharge my battery
02:13But I'm not gonna do that because my battery isn't that low but later on I can buy dynamite
02:18This is gonna be fun. Uh
02:21Yep, I'll let you know. I played a little bit of this game just to see if it's something I want to play
02:26Once I reach that point, I'll let you know when I don't know what to expect anymore
02:33This is gonna be interesting
02:34Alright, let's keep digging and I also want to keep I want to keep an eye on my battery because if my battery dies
02:40Bad things happen. I'm not gonna show you what that does. Hopefully cuz it's not fun. You can't oh, there we go
02:45We got more rocks. Okay, we're chillin
02:47Battery low. Okay, I'm gonna go a little bit deeper. I'm gonna a little bit deeper a little bit deeper
02:52I want any more money
02:52I want to upgrade my shovel cuz this shovel look how look how small the shovel is like how much you dig
02:58Okay, my batteries about to die. Okay, let's keep it. Let's go back in here. I really don't want to die
03:02All right, sir. Listen, I'm gonna need no to I need more. When are you gonna start selling me better stuff?
03:07I do that and can I increase I could increase my shovel size, but only a $5
03:12So I should probably recharge my battery right now be an idiot. Yep. I'm not gonna be an idiot
03:16All right, let's go down here. Let's keep digging my goal for this
03:19Like I said, I'm gonna beat this entire game in this video. You're gonna want to save your spot
03:24It's probably gonna be a long video and also do me a favor guys if you're like if you like this
03:29Solo content right normally I record with like a lot of people hit the like button down below the video
03:33I'll do more of this solo stuff
03:34But if not, if you like me recording with the boys, then uh, you know, just like leave me a comment saying dab
03:39All right. Let's keep digging. I am going to forget about my battery and I'm gonna die because I also have a health bar
03:46Right Oh new material. Okay, we got the coal. I didn't even see that
03:49I'm over here at half-brained afk and I'm just digging. Okay, cool
03:52And I'd like I said, I beat something not beat
03:56So I played some of this game the parts that I've gotten to wasn't scary
04:00And I don't know if this game does become scary. I don't know. Okay. So yeah, the coal now sells for $2
04:08So now I'm getting $3. They were gonna have $5. So I'm gonna increase my shovel
04:12So it goes from 13 cm to 20 cm. What is cm? Is that I only speak American?
04:18Sorry, my battery is critical. That would have been bet that only charged my battery to half. Are you kidding me right now?
04:24Okay, hold on. Let's do this. All right, there's another stone. Is that cold? Oh stone?
04:29Okay, look how much more I'm digging that's how much I'm digging now, this is my first dig
04:35Okay, I'm gonna keep that dig spot so that I can compare. That's my second day. Look. This is my second dig spot
04:40There we go. That's my first dig spot. We're gonna compare every time I upgrade battery low
04:44I don't want to talk to you right now. All right, I'll talk to you. Let's go in here. All right, cool
04:49Hi computer. Can I give you a name? So I that I feel something so I don't feel so alone
04:53I'm gonna call you. What do I call you skibbity?
04:57Cuz your computer isn't that no skibbity somebody being in a toilet TV man, I don't know. Oh gosh
05:04Love that for you. All right, let's keep digging. So we got coal and we have stone. Is that stone or coal?
05:10That's a stone. Dang. I want coal. Give me coal
05:12I need to get a jetpack too because I played once I got the jetpack and pretty soon you can see I'm digging straight
05:18Down, right? Obviously, hopefully that's a good thing. If you learned anything about minecraft, you always dig straight down
05:22That's just how you live life, right? Battery low. Okay, can I jump? Can I can I can I do I have hops?
05:28I do have hops. Okay, we're chillin. All right, cool. Hi skibbity. No, that's not your name anymore. We need a new name guys
05:33I need a new name. Please help me be better. Okay, charge my batteries. There we go
05:37Why did that last battery buy only give me like?
05:41Half I got scammed. I got why did I why did I get scammed? I don't like that. That's not fun
05:46Okay, just dig straight down. We got to get lower. Obviously, you guys know how digging games were. Oh, we got iron
05:51Okay, I think that sells for a lot. Oh, let me get one more more iron now. We're talking. I dig this way
05:56Can I make that jump? All right. Well, let's sell this
05:59Ten dollars. No five dollars for iron. So it only becomes
06:04More gooder. That was a word. Should I save up for my shovel? No, I should increase my inventory what I can buy to
06:10Inventory. No, no, no. No, no. No, I need to I need to increase my battery
06:14Yeah, I need to fill up my battery and the next time I come up here. I'll buy battery and jetpack. Yeah
06:18Okay, we're strutting, okay drop down here. There we go. Uh, where did I stop? I don't remember
06:23I know once I got there we go. We got coal
06:25I got the jetpack and I also want to buy that dynamite soon
06:28But I bought the jetpack and then I saw like a giant cave down here
06:33And that's when I realized like yeah, I want to I want to record this cuz it looks fun
06:38So, uh, I don't know exactly how long this video is gonna be but it may be 75 hours
06:43We'll fight on my batteries low and I don't have a jetpack. So I need to nope. Stop it. Stop it. Let me up
06:49Okay, thank you your mom. Sorry. All right, let's do that seven dollars. Okay, we should have enough for both
06:53I don't because I have to charge. Okay, I'm gonna charge and then I'll buy a jetpack and then we'll increase my battery after this
06:59So I have a jetpack look in the bottom left. I can now fly
07:03So I don't have to do this stupid stairs thingy anymore. Let's keep going down now what at this point I can dig straight down
07:09Hopefully yeah, I remember this. Yeah, this is before the cave
07:12So you see my little thingy right? It's a it's a little like metal detector whenever it lights up watch look
07:18Hold on. Wait, hold on. Stop it. Stop it. No, stop it right there. Hold on. Where?
07:23right there
07:25Right there Cole. Okay. I gotta dig that way. How far do I have to dig? Stop it. Am I there yet?
07:30How far do I have to dig? Where's it at right there? Just keep digging. I gotta dig in that direction. Can you please?
07:37Battery low stop it. Look I can fly. Okay, I need to get that cuz that that what I'm looking for
07:44I got that before and it's pretty damp now. It costs $2 to charge my battery
07:49I forgot about that. Well, I can get increase my battery from a hundred to two hundred. Okay, cool
07:53I'll hold on stick down here. So I need to dig this way. How can you let me down further?
07:58Please pick that up. Did I increase my backpack too? I did I can hold six things now. I'm an idiot
08:02Okay, I needed it that boys. We just got a money bag
08:06$25 look my I'm rich
08:09Should I have not come back up here? Am I an idiot? Probably am right? I didn't I can't buy anything
08:13I can buy a lamp. Nope. All right. Well, can I sell something? I can four dollars
08:18Do I have a 32 I can increase my shovel and then I can I'm not gonna buy a battery charge
08:23All right. So now I can now I have so this is the first one, right? This is the second one. This is the third one
08:31Okay, we're cooking. No, this is good. Now we're chilling. All right, cool
08:34So I got that and now where's the cave? I'm just gonna dig straight down. Cool. No, I want iron
08:39I'm just gonna keep going digging straight down digging straight down if I run into lava
08:42Is there lava in this game this this game becomes scary? Yes or no?
08:47Battery low. Let me grab these grab that. I need how many more one more. Please. Give me that coal
08:52Battery low inventory low. This is not good inventory full. Okay. Hold on this way. Stop it battery critical, please
08:58Look at my battery. I
09:01Almost got uppercut it into next week. I $10. We're killing. Okay, and
09:07$4 to charge my battery. What kind of system you run in here? Who's running this shop?
09:11The heck is wrong with these people? All right. Well, let's keep going down dig straight down. Hopefully I don't die
09:16I don't care about the stones. I want to ignore the stones. I'm trying to speedrun this
09:20I want to see if it becomes scary who iron perfect. Got it. All right, cool Deb
09:25All right, keep going more iron or is that coal? That's iron iron sells for five. That's good
09:29So I think the the highest that I found was copper inventory full
09:35That's a lot of iron fly you ugly idiot. Why did I call myself ugly? I go this way
09:40So let me sell so I have eight doll hairs. So if I sell this 27, I could buy me a new grill
09:45Why did I say grill? I don't know. All right. Well, I have $35
09:49I'm gonna charge my batteries and then I'm gonna increase my inventory to 12 slots
09:55So now if I bring up 12 iron 12 times 5, what is that 2000 right? That's good math, right guys
10:02Don't make guys who's that good math. What is that stone? I don't care about stone
10:06I just need to dig straight down. I just get me into the cave. There's the cave
10:11Okay, once I drop down here watch what happens. I need a big dig this hole big enough though so that I can get out
10:17There's more iron. I don't want that iron. I'll show you why in a minute. I'm not gonna get any iron
10:21You'll see why in a minute this is broken watch this. Hold on. Stop. Let me down. There we go. I don't up
10:27Okay, we're good. You can't take fall damage in this. Look. There's my hole. There's my poop. Shoot
10:31Why did I say that? Uh, it's dark down here, right?
10:33You probably can't see much but I'll check this out. You see this iron or see this block. No, that's iron crap this right here
10:39Look, yeah, I remember seeing this. I don't know what oh, no, I fell. Oh, no. I'm good. Look at this
10:43New material silver my battery is low though. Um, I'm gonna go back up. Nope. Am I dead? Am I dead?
10:51Am I I died?
10:54So that's what happens when you die you your battery runs out now look at my health
10:59So I gotta go in here spend some money increase my battery, right?
11:03And then I gotta go down there get some ores to survive. Okay, just chill just chill. I need more battery space
11:11Okay, that was iron this is not good. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Hold on. Let me do this. There we go
11:18$6 that's gonna increase my batteries. There we go. And then I'm gonna spend three to heal that didn't heal me a lot
11:24What what how did I even heal myself? Did I stab myself with a screwdriver there?
11:29Well, how I that's a workbench. It doesn't make sense. Okay drop down here. Come on. Stop it. Stop it
11:35No, don't die. Please don't die. Get that out. Okay, I didn't die. All right, give me that silver
11:40Give me that iron copper. Yeah, that's the copper
11:43I don't know what sells for more is it silver or copper and also I cannot see anything. I need to get a lamp
11:48Okay. Okay. Chill out. Chill out iron. Don't want iron. I want copper now copper copper
11:53You guys probably can't see anything Russell. I don't know if you it's your brand editing this
11:57Can you add like gamma effect because I can't see anything. So there's no way you can see anything Oh silver
12:04Give me the silver. I think silver goes for more. How much do I have inventory full?
12:07All right, boys, we're going back up. Yeah, I need to get her better jetpack
12:10I just used all of my battery getting up here
12:13But look how much the copper sells for 10 how much is a silver cell for I forgot so I've $36
12:19I need to increase my jetpack like I need to be able to boost better 30 and then I can increase my battery
12:25All right. Yep. I'm almost dead. This is not good. I need to do better. I am NOT doing too good
12:30All right, let's drop down here. Okay, cool plate. No, stop it. Oh, I almost died. I can't see anything
12:36Let me get all this copper and then I'll be right back with you. I cannot see anything
12:40This is not this is not going well. All right, let's leave. Oh look how much faster I zoom out of here
12:45All right, getting that jetpack upgrade was good. All right, let's go this way sell that 45 dab
12:50I got that increase my batteries by a lamp so I can see my face increase my heel
12:56Should I stab myself with a screwdriver again? I'm gonna do it
12:59We're fine. All right drop down here. Okay. I have a light I drop it with F. Okay drop down here stop stop stop
13:05Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I'm gonna put the light up on the ceiling right there. Nice now I can see okay
13:12I want more silver. I want to see how much the silver sells for since I'm an idiot. And what is this?
13:16It's like whenever I get low enough, it's it starts like a little thingy. What is that down?
13:21Yeah, so I need to go down obviously, right, but I need more lights. That is not a big enough light
13:25I can't I need money. I need money. Okay, let me get this and then I got to get out of here
13:28Okay, we're battery low battery low better chill
13:33Hundred-fifth copper set. Okay, that's we're dab now. We need we need silver
13:37115 doll hairs. I don't know if do I want to shovel upgrade my shovel or should I I'm gonna increase my battery
13:43I'm gonna increase I'm gonna charge my battery increase my battery and buy another glamp. I have $67 still
13:50Nope, don't put that there. Uh, should I buy another lamp? Oh, I burped. Oh, we can also buy dynamite
13:55I should probably do that soon too, right? That'd be fun. I'm gonna dig down a little bit right here
13:58I'm gonna put a lamp there. Okay, do we have any more ores in here? I really want to sell silver
14:03Okay, we got more copper there. Is that iron copper copper iron crap? I don't want iron. Can I throw stuff out?
14:09Okay, let's dig down here cuz it's telling me to dig down right? That's what I've been doing this whole time
14:14Are you trying to get me killed? Are you trying to uppercut me into some lava? You know, that's not cool, right?
14:18I'm gonna upgrade my shovel next and then I'm gonna upgrade my jetpack. I don't want to die again
14:23I don't even know how much silver sells for that's kind of embarrassing
14:28Okay, just keep digging down am I almost there how far do I okay starting to beep more now
14:33My battery's gonna explode soon. Nope. I gotta go. I gotta go. Do not miss the poop shoot. Oh, okay. We're chillin
14:38All right, let's sell this 75 doll hairs. Got it 117. I'm gonna increase my battery
14:44Should I increase my shovel or jetpack? I'm gonna do shovel. Oh
14:48Look at my shovel it upgraded. It looks different now. So that was two three and
14:54That's in the shadow, I don't like that let's do this over here two three four
14:58Okay, let's go back down the poop shoot. Why do I keep calling it that I don't I gotta stop talking
15:02Oh, that's a rock. I thought it was silver. I'm an idiot silver. It's not that high up
15:05Okay, so this is my hole. There are many like it but this hole is mine. I don't want that. That's copper. It's iron
15:10Why did I waste my time on that copper? I want copper. It's starting to be
15:14What is that? Is that what I need dynamite for can I dig around that what happens if I use dynamite on that?
15:19What if I use dynamite on the on the dirt? Does it just like blow up like a nuke other nukes in this game?
15:25What is that some money? That's money. That's a money box. Hold on. I'm gonna put down a torch. What is this?
15:30I gotta go. No, I'm gonna die my jetpack. Please just hit the poop shoot. Stop saying that battery low
15:36Yep, I can read. All right, cool $10 sell that
15:40$85 chillin dab
15:43Another lamp charge that another lamp. I'm not healing. I'm not stabbing myself with a straw
15:50Strawberry, why was I gonna say strawberry? Okay, chill chill chill chill chill chill chill. Okay. I need to get TNT cuz what is this?
15:56Okay, we got more iron. What is this more copper cool silver? Oh, I can go see how much silver sells for okay
16:03Hold on. Hold on. I got silver way to stop. I'm here an arrow
16:07Pointing this way if I get jump-scared, I'm uninstalling Minecraft. Okay, what is why is there an arrow pointing this way?
16:14Please tell me I'm putting a light right there. Is this a mineshaft? I have I want to go so I'm gonna I'm leaving
16:19I'm leaving I'm leaving who silver. Okay, I'm leaving. I'm gonna go sell this silver. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die
16:24Look at my battery, please. Oh, we're chillin. Okay, calm down. Okay, if I do this, uh,
16:31178 okay. I'm gonna increase my jet
16:36I don't do I do my battery my jetpack. I'm gonna increase my battery
16:39I'm gonna first charge it and then I'm gonna increase I'm gonna buy two lamps. I'm buying two lamps
16:44All right. So now I'm only looking for silver silver sells for 20. Okay now we're cooking. Okay, chill stop it
16:49Stop it your mom. So can I blow that up with TNT? Can I blow that up with me?
16:53What is this? Do I need to blow that up with TNT? What is this? I'm gonna share. I'm in a mineshaft
16:58Why did I put that there? What is?
17:01We got gold. Hold on. Hold on. I gotta get in here. Stop it
17:05Okay. No, so this is why this is good, but not good
17:09Now as you guys to hear my train of thought if I get low on battery, I can just fly straight up
17:14But if I get low on battery in here and I got to go all through here
17:17There's a high chance that I don't make it out and I die to death if you guys didn't know dying to death is bad
17:22Can I get in here? Please? Can you stop blocking me or destroyed? No, stop. What is this? I'm gonna put that there
17:27I'm gonna I'm gonna wait until my inventory is not full and then I'm gonna come back here and open that up going back
17:33Up. I need to I need to increase my jetpack. We are starting to get really low gold is 50. Okay
17:40We're chillin. Alright, what's this?
17:42Inventory charge that first increase jetpack and buy more lamps
17:47I'm gonna I'm gonna increase my inventory in a little bit this next chance. All right, here we go. Stop it
17:51Chill out my leg. Okay, we're fine. I should buy TNT. Dang it. Let's see. What's in here
17:56Get rid of all that so I can get down here. There we go. Okay. Got it. All right, what's in here?
18:00Dying for dynamite for lamps and money
18:06Okay, I'm glad I didn't buy that glad I didn't buy
18:10Any dynamite we've got more gold is your gold more gold in this mineshaft? Okay, I gotta find somewhere
18:14Let me throw so this is a wall. What do I use dynamite for is it for those rocks? I'm gonna try something
18:20I'm gonna dig this way a little bit copper copper. I want gold though. I'm gonna throw dynamite right there right there
18:26Oh god, no, no, no
18:29There's lost half my health, do you know how many screwdrivers I have to stab into my arm to fix that
18:35Do you have any idea? I've wasted dynamite. So that is indestructible. Got it. Cool. Good. I'm glad I know that now
18:40Where is that's another cave. Hold on. I don't want silver anymore. I think that's gold. Hold on. Is that gold?
18:47Give me the gold. Stop it. Stop it. Go away. I don't want that. I want gold gold
18:52$50 per pop. So the dynamite how big of an area of explosion is it? Okay, give me that gold
18:57Let's stop it. I get so nervous
19:01Let's do
19:02That they're silver. I don't want silver. I only want oh, this is getting dark inventory full. What do I have? I have iron
19:08Why can I not?
19:10Throw that out why I don't understand is my backpack have like a lock on it. I don't sell it. Stop it $50
19:18335 ma we're buying a new set of teeth. Why why teeth?
19:23Okay, uh charge that heal that stab myself with a screwdriver
19:27Increase my inventory and get a better shovel should I increase my shovel? I'm increasing my shovel
19:32Look at my shovel now. It's got like a little thingy on it. Alright, so two three
19:37four five
19:39That's pretty cool. And that's one. Yeah, that's one. All right, let's go down here. I have $39
19:45I have six lamps. Can I blow that up? Should I blow that up? Probably not
19:49I should blow stuff up once I get lower right instead of wasting. Yeah, let's build it
19:53Let's make this hole a bit bigger. So if I'm panicking I need to fly out books. I'm about to die to death
19:57I can get out of here. Alright, cool. Hold on. Let's put another thingy right there. This is all silver silver is pretty good
20:02I'll take the silver. How many things can I hold 15? Okay, so the hole the poop shoots there
20:07Stop saying that more gold. Perfect. So I want to I want to remember that I need to go that way
20:12So I'm gonna dig down. Ooh more gold. Yes, I'm gonna dig down. So there's the hole
20:16I'm gonna dig down right here so that I know where to go. So I don't get lost and start crying. Uh
20:21Gold, please be gold silver crap. What is that? Is that lava? Can I break this with dynamite? Let me check
20:27Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. Please. Oh, that's what is that? Lava? Does that hurt though?
20:32Hold on. I'm gonna put down another thingy right there so I can see
20:36Okay, I need to do more TNT right here cuz I need to go deeper. It's no go down
20:41Okay, we broke it. We're good. I almost broke my light. I would've been dumb
20:44Okay, so I need to go up this way and go up that way to the poop shoot stop calling it that more silver
20:49I don't want silver. How's my inventory 9 of 15 any more gold? Okay, my batteries is still looking good
20:53I think that's the next thing I'm gonna increase is the battery and the jetpack. Okay, I'm still going down
20:57I'm doing what you're saying. You don't have to yell at me. Can you stop yelling? It's another wine shaft
21:02Oh, it goes deeper. Okay, I need to chill
21:07Yep, there's an arrow there I heard footsteps. No, no, no. No, I hear footsteps
21:12Please don't do that. Am I gonna have to fight something battery low? Yep. I can see that. All right, cool
21:18How much am I gonna get 375 gold? All right, we're chillin
21:22490 doll hairs
21:24Increase that increase battery or jetpack probably battery, right? Yeah, let's increase my battery. I have enough lamps
21:31I need more dynamite. I'm at boy. What is this? You haven't saved the game for 30 minutes
21:36How do I save the game imagine if my game would have crashed and I would have lost everything
21:39I probably would have pulled out with little hair. I have left great now. I got to go back down here
21:43It's not my leg. I broke me Schemer. This is where I heard. Oh, no, what is this?
21:48Hold on. Hold on. I don't think give me a minute
21:51Platinum isn't worth more than gold Russell or bran put the price of platinum per ounce on the screen and also the price of gold
21:59Per ounce on the screen. Hey game see that I'm gonna need you to reach have your people reach out to my people
22:05We got to fix you get we got to fix your economy. I'm putting a lamp
22:08I'll put a lamp once I open this up. All right, we're going into another mine shaft
22:11Is there gonna be more dynamite in here? Am I like 19 feet tall silver put a thingy right there. Got it
22:17All right. Now what's in here?
22:22More lava. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. That's gold. I want the gold. No, that's platinum platinum and gold
22:27Okay, I probably only want platinum now, right? Let's put that right there. I assume I'm gonna have to blow this up
22:33Let me dig down. I'm gonna start I'm gonna blow this up. I have four dynamite. Okay, chill chill
22:39Fire in your mom's hole. Why did I say that? I am I know drop please look
22:44And I broke my leg. I literally have a femur sticking out. All right, drop that there. That was $100 just wasted
22:51I just lost $100. I don't want silver
22:54I want gold and platinum and I got to blow this up now get out get out get out
22:59Chillin, ow, and I broke another femur great. I only have two of those and I've broken three
23:04I know they're all what's my inventory looking like 9 of 15. That's platinum. That's gotta sell for like a dollar 295, right?
23:11My battery is looking good. I'll take that. I thought that I thought that was something killing me. I'm gonna open this hole and
23:18That's that's probably don't quote. Don't don't don't quote that. Give me the gold. I'm gonna go light this place up. Yeah
23:24What is that? What is this?
23:27Wait, no, I got diamonds. That means I'm gonna what is that? It's not a briefcase. Why is that a briefcase full of money?
23:34No, I don't want to put a light on it. I want it two lamps
23:37$351. Okay, we're gonna look at my money. Do you see how much money I have? My inventory is full
23:44I should probably not have picked up the gold. I should have picked up the platinum
23:48Alright, how much does the diamond sell for? Where do I go this way this way? Alright figured it out. Got it
23:54I have
23:56$958 how much does a diamond sell for I'm gonna say
23:59150 250
24:02Thousand dollars I have
24:04$1,900. Um
24:07I'm gonna buy myself a nice pair of
24:10Shorts, why shorts?
24:12Dynamite any more dynamite. Should I increase my shovel? What is this? What the heck? I have a drill
24:18Why does this say I am shovel?
24:21Let's increase my inventory and my jetpack. Yeah, we'll do that. I gotta be smart. I gotta be smart
24:27We'll buy one of each. There we go. We have five and five. We're chilling. I'll drop that back down
24:31When does it get scary? Does it get scary? I don't know. Okay, chill. Stop it. Don't break my femur
24:36I've already broken three of them drop down here. All right, cool. I gotta figure out what this drill does
24:40This drill might be nuttos. Why did I say that? I'm still how far down did I dig?
24:44Uh, I don't want platinum anymore. I've just learned that by the way
24:47I also remember when I was down here. Didn't I see like a thingy? What is that gold crap? What is it? Oh
24:54You see how fast that digs
25:00Let's throw down some of that there we go and don't die, please. Thank you. I gotta remember where I'm going
25:05Okay, that is broken gold. I'll take the gold platinum. Take the platinum platinum sells for a honey
25:11Uh, I need to I need to be careful with my battery now. Okay, I'm gonna break this
25:16Throw that there fly out. Stop it. Please. Don't kill me. Got it. Dab. Okay, just keep digging
25:20I think I might have to go up soon
25:22Diamonds yes, that's 250. I just need to I need to go increase my battery. I think I'm scared. No, no, no
25:29I'm going I'll grab I'll grab the platinum and stuff on the way up. I don't want to die. Give me the gold
25:34I'll take the gold
25:35I'm getting lost and I don't like this because something's gonna pop out of one of these caves and
25:40Touch me and I don't like being touched. I don't like that. Wait, I didn't see how big the hole is
25:45Okay, two three, four five one click. It's the same size as that but I can just
25:52That's a broken. All right, sell this
25:55871 one diamond got it and
25:58Increase my battery. Should I increase my jetpack to in my inventory?
26:01I'm gonna increase my jetpack. So I don't die dying is bad living is not as bad
26:08Nope, that sounds very depressing. Okay, there we go. Stop it. Get on my way. Nobody likes you
26:12How far down did I dig I legitimately another femur? No, I forgot that. Oh, please. Please don't die
26:19Please don't die. Look at my battery. I forgot to
26:24Chill chill chill chill
26:29$18 and that did not fill up my inventory or my battery. Oh, look, you see my meters
26:32I just noticed that I'm 70 meters down and gold that gold. Nope. Okay, I need I need diamonds
26:38No, why did I come all the way down to the diamonds? Yes. Okay, I'm gonna blow this up. Stop it
26:44Easy my femur. That's my six femur. Are there better stuff than diamonds?
26:50Is there gonna be emeralds as well? Like is this is this based off of minecraft more diamonds? Okay
26:54I'm gonna have to head up soon. I don't want it. I'm going up. I'm scared. No, no, no, I'm scared
26:59Go this way go up the chute chillin. Okay, I'm getting good at this
27:03I need to do a parkour map in this what sell the $800. All right, that's a lot of diamonds and
27:09Charge I'm gonna stab myself with a screwdriver and increase my inventory and
27:15More dynamite and another glamp. I should I get another I'm gonna get another lamp just because I can because we're balling, you know
27:20They don't call me Jeff Gates for nothing. What what is that rock stop? I thought it was platinum chill. Don't break your femur
27:27I've already broken six. I have very few femurs left this way. No wrong way. So I was down to like 75 meters
27:33I'm gonna widen these holes so I can crap faster. No
27:37Stop talking this way gold. I don't want gold. I want diamonds. What 80 now? Oh a diamond
27:42Is there better stuff than diamonds? I'm hitting that I'm gonna blow that up
27:46I'm blowing that up and drop dynamite chill chill chill
27:51Got it. Is there another cave soon put that there? There's got to be another cave soon, right diamonds chillin diamonds
27:57Got it. Why am I not getting any more of those thingies like the the what are those things called the
28:03Metal detector thingies. I'm gonna go into the right side of the cave. That's a diamond. When does something what is that?
28:08Is that a diamond? That was a diamond. I thought it looked like something else. I thought it was an emerald
28:11I thought it was green, but it wasn't should I start heading back up?
28:14Am I supposed to be digging straight down? Is this gonna get me killed?
28:17These are the questions that I have and nobody's answering them more diamonds more diamonds. Okay, we are getting a lot of diamonds now
28:23Okay, so I think this is the best way to do this
28:25You you you dig out the poop chute and you stand on the center. My batteries half
28:29I should probably head up soon, right? How many diamonds to 15? Yep. I'm going I'm scared
28:33I do not want to lose all these diamonds. I have like 15 diamonds. Nope. Stop it. Stop it chillin
28:37I got $8 to my name and now I have
28:43Let's increase that let's stab myself with a screwdriver cuz I can let's buy some more TNT cuz I can we'll get up to five
28:50And I always want to have five and five before I go back down. Dang it
28:52I shouldn't have done that cuz now I can't upgrade two things. I'm gonna upgrade my shovel fully upgraded
28:56All right. Let's see. So we got two three four five six seven. Oh
29:04My gosh, why am I picking up coal? I don't want a femur. Okay, that's how many femurs is that?
29:10If somebody keep in count, I'm losing track of my femur Ridge. Oh gosh. Okay. I'm at 50 meters
29:15I think I was at like a hundred and seventy billion something like that this way and a hundred ninety-five
29:19Look how fast I can dig down now. I
29:23Can just dig myself straight down
29:26What is that?
29:28You hear that right? No, no. No. No, you hear that right? No, what is that? I
29:34Have so much TNT
29:37I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm gonna dig this out. I'm gonna I'm gonna dig this out sir. I have uncovered
29:44Why is he burping at me? I have uncovered your lair sir. All I want is diamonds
29:50All right, we're chillin just get all that out. I am so afraid to drop down. I'm gonna put a light down there
29:55Hey, sir, are you afraid of lights?
29:59No, why did that go out? No, no, can I put it here? Can I put it here? Why is it turning off?
30:05Here's what I'm gonna do
30:06I'm gonna drop down there and I'm gonna look and I'm gonna fly back up and
30:10Land right here like a bird on a perch. Here we go
30:16Can't use dynamite here. Why do I have it? Hold on. I got an idea. I got an exploit
30:21I got an exploit I can use dynamite here. Oh
30:26All right, I'm going back up I'm gonna see if I can
30:30Max out my jetpack because I need no I need battery too, right sell that $500. Got it. Cool
30:36Dab, all right do that stab myself with a screwdriver. I don't need more dynamites or lamps
30:42I'm gonna increase my jetpack. So if I need to fly away from homeboy, I can fly away faster
30:48Like what is bro doing down here?
30:49Why is bro under my house and that that guy from the beginning the rich guy that came out of that truck with a nice suit
30:55Um, why does he want this creature down here? And what is the creature? Okay, I'm here. I'm here
31:01Okay, let's let's dig out the poop shoot a little bit more more diamonds. I'll take it
31:06My femur why that's my eighth one
31:11Are you a naked mole rat? I can't use dynamite. Why did the light constantly go out?
31:16Why are you a naked mole rat?
31:19Whoa, it's a naked mole rat. I
31:21Can't even use my drill here. You're too big to go into those
31:26Summer summer, maybe it's like it has bad. It has bad eyes. Oh
31:34We're chilling there's more how do I get out of here now? Okay. No, no, no, no, no, no
31:42We're chilling
31:46What do I do no, no, no, I can't use TNT there's two naked mole rats
31:51Why are they duplicating? Don't you come this way? Don't you come this way? I will I have two mousetraps. What do I do?
31:58Stop it
32:00No, no. No, I can't use my jetpack here. Well, that was the point of upgrading it. Can you chase me in here?
32:07How does it fit through that? You are thicker than I
32:14See his buck teeth, okay
32:17Chill chill chill chill chill dog chill. Okay. I'm gonna sit here
32:22I'm gonna sit here and contemplate my life choices. Hold on. Give me a minute
32:25All right, so I went back up to the surface to save my game just in case something bad happens. Where's the naked mole rat?
32:35Chill chill chill, so I think they can only see like directly in front of them. Okay?
32:41Yeah, so I can go around him and go around him
32:43See, you can't see cuz he's blind. Okay
32:47What what why'd you get mad? I
32:51Okay, we're back in this area. Where do I need to go? Is he over here?
32:56Dude chill chill chill chill. Okay. There's an entrance there
33:04Why do they keep burping can you stop burping do you need some pepto-bismol do you need some roll aids
33:11Are you mad? You can't see me
33:14Okay, go this way. Do I need to get to that entrance?
33:17Let's keep following this idiot. You can't see me. I still can't dig anything. Don't turn around. That's cheating
33:23Don't you cheat? Don't you turn? Are you dumping? Why are you pooping?
33:29Don't you turn this way how how did you see me? I got eaten by a moment
33:34I will destroy you. Okay. What if I just make a run for it? What if I just nope, he's right there
33:41Nope, he's right there
33:42That one's there that one's there once it turns around I can see your bucktooth go
33:48Go go chill, am I the right am I going the right way? I don't even know where I'm where am I going?
33:54They're still burping. They have indigestion. Where am I going? The heck is this? I can't upgrade anything else, right?
34:00What do I do with all this? Is this money? What is this? Is this the treasure that was on that flyer?
34:05No, it's empty. What do you mean? It's empty
34:09No, no run no, what do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I?
34:15Did I go the wrong way
34:17No, hold on. Is this like some backroom stuff where I can't ever get out?
34:23Okay. Wait, we're getting this wasn't in here before
34:26This wasn't wait. We didn't see this last time old York p3 l6 a
34:33The mole rat he knew about it achievement mode unlocked. We beat it. Oh, that's nice
34:40So now I got to get the achievement that is sick
34:43There's more story unfolding guys
34:45If you want me to play this again hit the like button below the video hit the subscribe button. That was fun
34:49I like that