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Play Squid Games 🐙: https://allout.game/games/674f4d84a91518cb2e8fa0ed

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @Lookumz
⭑ @PatP_

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

#gaming #ssundee #funny

Thanks for watching!
00:00So dudes, welcome back to all out today, we're playing squid games and I am the front man
00:07So as we go into these games, I control all of them. You'll see in a minute
00:12And of course, I'll show you how to play all out here in a few minutes. It's completely free
00:16I'll show you all that but let's get in a call with the boys and let's uh
00:20This is gonna be very trolly. Alright boys round one. Are you ready? We're all alive, but I am the front
00:27Okay, so, uh, here's the deal whoever wins this get something sell that money
00:31You see all that money whoever wins this gets all this money, but here's the deal
00:34This is red light green light you have to get all the way to the end
00:38But I control everything
00:43So you can see in the top left that's the distance oh
00:46You can see that you can see the kill feed right there. Pat just died again
00:49So they do respawn and they go back to the beginning. So the first one to get to the end wins
00:55So you see I'm special right? Yeah
01:03Wait, why are you guys moving? Why are you guys?
01:07You know what? So all these abilities I have in the bottom left as the front man. Check this out
01:24Can also control the lights
01:29So whenever you have that wait who's getting close let me zoom out let's see who's getting close
01:41Look you're an idiot. Look who's got a ship before. What is that Biffle do? What are you gonna do with the gold?
01:46Where you going before? Where you going?
01:50Hey, I'm gonna make you dance
01:57They can also get lucky blocks that gives you abilities like that golem that golem made it to where you can't die, right
02:02What if I do this to Nico?
02:16Stop golem a stop. What are you going Biffle? Yeah, did you get our green light?
02:32No, no, sorry, sorry. What how did that?
02:45No, no, no
02:47Nico say so
02:50Look how close you are deal. So no if I shoot you with this gun, you're permanently dead and you're out
03:24Hey guys, there's still five four more games after this. Why do you keep dying?
03:33Okay, Pat made it why did you run out wait my pig? Oh, no, you're good. No, you're good
03:39You you got the win. You can't die. You can't wait. Do you have the win up top?
03:44It says I reached 100. I don't know. Oh, yeah, you won. All right, you get to go on
03:53No, no, I don't like that no stop it I met the head stop. All right, I'm putting
04:05Me I'm going home
04:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
04:19Wait, how are you walking? I'm safe. Oh you already what will stay on the other side you dingus. What's wrong with you?
04:27Okay, so it's between Nico and Biffle
04:32They're both at 88
04:42Okay, so we got Biffle and Niko, um green light
04:48Like wait Nico, where you think Nico don't you don't you?
04:56What is a snowboard
05:17Nico come on. So Nico you didn't make it come to the end. Come on
05:22Get on in get in there. Go ahead
05:25Okay, so before we go to the next game, I have to choose someone to kill who was last it was Nico, right?
05:32If you move all of you die
05:36Nico I'm sorry. It had to happen
05:43Are you questioning me sigils? Are you questioning me?
05:51All right, so these are the people that are moving on we have sigils Nico look I'm Zod Biffle and Pat and
05:57You guys ready for the next game?
05:59It's time
06:01for the next game
06:03You all have moved on where we going now. What is this?
06:06All right, this is mingle hide in an open room with the correct number of players or be eliminated
06:12What's the check? Okay. So look in the middle that number in the middle is how many players have to be per room one player
06:18per room
06:20So look top center there's six 15 seconds left Biffle's in a room
06:28Nico you're not in a room Nico
06:31There are some of them just are closed. Some of them are just closed Nico. Oh
06:39Nico died he lost a life if you get to zero lives you die
06:47So you need two players per room wait, hold on wait now you need three players per room
06:53Wait, wait, wait now you need four players per room
06:58Now you need two players per room
07:03Wait now you need three players per room
07:07Guys there's five four seconds left. There's three players. You guys are good. Oh wait now you need two players per room
07:25Hey, I'll give you a hint I'll give you a hint
07:28But top right, there's an open door top, right? There's an open
07:38If you can if you can round up someone else I'll open a door for you Biffle. All right, I got you
07:44I mean you I'm here. Where are you?
07:47I'm not getting in there
08:06All right, so here's what we're gonna do for this one, let's see what it says, uh, two I went down to one one per room
08:16Wait, I can't open that door. There you go. Open that door. There you go. Okay. Oh
08:23Everybody made it look see you all made it guys. Calm down. I'm not a tire. I am NOT a tyrant. I'm a nice guy
08:50You're my pookie, right? You know what to per room we're gonna do
09:15Listen Nico I
09:19Am the game master guy. I
09:23Call the shots. You see the time Nico you see the time. I'll keep you here for as long as I
09:30Get over here. They go. Wait, should I kill Nico? I kind of feel bad today. Yes
09:38All right contestants you've made it to the next round are you okay on a scale of one to ten how much fun are you having
09:49What is this one hot potato throw the dynamite to other players to player holding it when it explodes you loses a life
09:56You all have three lives. So
10:07Wait, what's happening? Wait, what?
10:10Sizzles, why are you dancing?
10:13Sizzles right sizzles sizzles
10:17Here I'll add five seconds to you. There you go
10:24Okay, no more timeout time and the next person that times out I'm shooting them
10:30Who's got the bomb
10:36Wait, who's got the bomb now?
10:39Look up says of all of them. Why are you making me dance?
10:59Okay, so I have a gun to
11:01Are you questioning me?
11:17Okay, well that's not good air milk, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
11:31Got it
11:36We use the power of this cheating
11:43Okay, so how this works now, right since you have zero lives
11:47I could either choose to shoot you and you'd be dead forever or you could die to the bomb and loose
11:53So, uh, what do you want to do? Look I'm
11:59Hold on hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Wait, look
12:05Wait, he has it. Hold on. Hold on. Let's do that. I'm a stick. You know what I'm gonna do
12:09I'm gonna stand over here. I'm gonna try to snipe him and if I can hit him then he's dead. He's dead
12:15Hey guys, you know how that so lookups is permanently dead but the rounds not over right? Yeah. Ah
12:21That means two people can die
12:25I died
12:26Wait, where is?
12:31Why do I have the bomb again? Why do I have the bomb again?
12:39No more no more airdrop next person that airdrops to me is permanently dead
12:49No sigils has the bomb
12:52Wait stop it stop what stop it? Hey sigils come here. Okay. What I want you to do is stand right there
12:58You see the timer?
12:59No, stay right there. You see the timer
13:03Look at your timer
13:05Look at your look at your exploding timer. Look I'm gonna give you infinite time. There you go
13:12Now I'll give you less time sigils your timer
13:15Sigils your timer sigils your timer
13:21And hold on timer down he's dead
13:30What are you permanent
13:35Sorry, I don't think Oh Pat is permanent. Who's the tree tree?
13:46Hey, did you guys have fun with that game yesterday?
13:51With that game I think
13:53Now before this next game, let's I'm gonna show you how to play all out
13:57So, of course, you can either scan this code go click the link in the description or go over to your app store
14:02It's on iOS. It's on Google Play PC type in all out download the game
14:08It's completely free come play have some fun and also drop the game a rating on the app store for us
14:13That helps a lot too. Thank you. Oh sigils came back. Hey, okay
14:18Okay, okay, this is balloon pop earn points for popping the right color balloons
14:23So top left you guys have your score
14:26You have to find your color balloon sigils is blue, right and then when he pops those balloons
14:31There they are
14:33And the multicolored balloons anybody can pop those and get points. So I'll look at Zod has nine points
14:41Okay, so you see my abilities I can put this balloon down right there. If Zod pops that balloon watch what happens
14:47I'm hitting decoys. I'm losing all my points right now
14:57I'm not spawning decoy balloon. I have no point. I'm not spawning decoy balloon
15:04What's a nuke looking thing? You have it?
15:08Look how many points Biffle has before you need to shoot green balloons before shoot green
15:13The difference, uh, but look at your color balloon
15:20No, that's illegal I will shoot you dead
15:27You guys aren't scoring as much what's going on here
15:31They'll say weird again. Say weird again. See what happens
15:35Oh, you will die to death. Look at my guns up
15:39I spawned it. Wait, if I do it, will you kill Siddles? Uh, if you pop this balloon?
15:54Is I'd get over here
16:10Uh, no, you're permanently dead that was it so Biffle
16:14Biffle has 42. Here you go Biffle. Here's another balloon for you right there
16:20No, you're at 39 now what happened
16:22Well, you know what I have this what is that? Oh, sorry
16:35Alright boys final game remember the winner gets what winner gets, you know what I mean?
16:45This game is called the way what is it called? I forgot. Hold on. Give me a minute one second
16:50Circle not the other players off the platform by hitting them, but watch out for the traps. Oh
16:56There's power up. Wait, I'm invisible
17:01Hey, oh you guys have three lives too, oh I can put that down too. Okay. There you go
17:13Are you oh you get weapons
17:24All right, I'm gonna I'm disabling the hazard so that you guys have to fight each other with your chicken sword
17:29Do you have the Infinity Gauntlet?
17:32What is frenzy mode
17:36Hey, I didn't like that at all work together. Okay. Yeah, no more fighting. I'm a flail
17:43You don't want this, you know, you know, whoever sir, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know, whoever dies dies right and loses
17:53Disable power up. I don't know what that does. Here's that. I'll protect you. I'll protect you. Why do you have that Biffle?
17:58Why are you flopping?
18:08Wait now what wait who died first? I don't know. Okay. I don't know who died first you get you both keep playing
18:14There's your final life right here
18:24Somebody gets it
18:29People high-five me high-five me. Okay. Wait before you win, you know what you win
18:37You in this
18:40Is that fun for you, okay, so this is what you guys went before you actually win and this is what you win
18:44I'm gonna end it. This is what you win
18:49Congratulations on your monumental monument. This is what you win. You won all of the prizes. Here you go
18:54You win watching me win
19:02Hit the like button subscribe button come play all out. It's completely free link in the description. That was fun