• yesterday
We play a roblox Head Hunters Game in Roblox

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @Lookumz

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

Play Blades: https://www.roblox.com/games/117701570624742/Blades-Buffoonery

#gaming #ssundee #roblox

Thanks for watching!
00:00So boys welcome back to roblox today, uh, we're doing something interesting we have here, uh, you can see in the top, right?
00:06Uh, lookums has 2 000 heads
00:08I'll show you what that means in a minute
00:10But check this out before we go fight you can come over here and depending on how many heads you have
00:14You get different weapons and different abilities. So, uh, I have you can look at the bottom, right?
00:18I have 410 heads. I can get a weight plate. What can I get over here? Ham smacker you what?
00:25I'm gonna i'm gonna use the inflatable hammer and here's the deal boys. Let's go on to the fighting ring
00:30Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna fight for 20 minutes
00:33Look in the top right whoever has the most heads and the most knockouts wins
00:39But here's the deal a knockout counts for a thousand heads and we're gonna have to do math and whoever wins wins
00:44So, uh, you guys ready?
00:46And as you get more weapons and more heads the better the weapons get and they all have abilities like oh
00:51So you press I think you press f to do your ability. Hold on. Wait, is it?
00:58Wait, what was that bill? That was my plunger. Okay. Hold on nico. Why did you just shoot lightning?
01:03Oh, look you get heads every time you hit somebody. Hold on. What are these boxes?
01:09Gotta go. Oh, you can also dash look at that. Oh gotta go. Hold on. Let me check something
01:14Let me check something. Give me that. Oh, I gotta start the timer too
01:16Guys do me a favor. You have 20 minutes from right now to find and hit the like button what I don't
01:23Also hit the subscribe button who died me. It was me. Wait, who got the kill? I died
01:28How does that have eight knockouts? Wait, what the heck?
01:31Wait, how I don't know. Stop it. I'm
01:39Wait, how did that not kill you? Wait, how did that not kill? Wait, how do you have eight knockouts? I'm nine now
01:45I have four knockout. Oh the knockouts aren't kills there when you like that's how you hit
01:51It's whenever you like hit by the guys
01:54I died
01:55That didn't count. I didn't even count for me. I have four knockouts. Is that s13?
02:02Okay, so you see above your health bar?
02:04You have a blue bar whenever that gets low. Does that like knock you out? Maybe zod zod. Come here zod. Come here. Ow
02:11I'm sleeping. What was that ability? Okay
02:13What so my loot crate I okay and it gave me a new
02:18A new weapon. How's that? What?
02:22I'm coming in with you
02:25Okay, okay, so we've been we're at three minutes i've been in this three minutes now check this out
02:28I wanted to show you guys this before we get too far into this look at the damage and the attack speed
02:35225,000 heads I have 600. This one is 325
02:39I have 600 heads right now. Let's see what I can get. Um, I can get the plunger
02:43What else can I get I can get the caveman club?
02:45Wait, hold on. There are these codes that I can also use code 101
02:50a thousand heads and then blades
02:54A thousand I have 2600 heads now. I can almost get the the epic dark sword knockback power
03:021700 I can get the lightning dagger. What's over here? 2000. I can get the fire axe. We're using the fire axe boys
03:08We're going in with the fire axe. Okay, here we go. Let's do this
03:11I think I can also can I just buy straight up heads? Uh, yep, I can buy 30 000 heads
03:16We'll do that in a little bit. Oh gosh, this is gonna be another wait
03:19I can get two times heads two times heads. So whenever I hit people I get double the amount of heads
03:24Okay, and now I get triple the amount of heads. Oh, I can buy defense so I take less damage. Okay, um
03:31All right, cool. No, i'm not gonna die ever and there we go
03:34Now there's also a the strongest and the fastest class. I don't know if i'm gonna use that though
03:39Oh, let's get built look at lookums. Hi lookums. Tell me what's my did you just fall off the map?
03:44What is what is wrong with you?
03:57Okay, so you can also crate you can buy crates right
04:01I just got blue lightning crate. I don't know what that does just whatever you do. Do not look at my knockouts
04:06How many
04:08Okay, new rule knockout since I thought they would count as kills knockouts only count as uh, let's do
04:15200 200 points instead of a thousand
04:20I thought it was for kills. Okay, see see the bottom left those little bars
04:25Like the green bar whenever I dash look that goes on cool down. Got it
04:30What was that what's that noise sizzles you don't want this smoke you don't want this smoke
04:35Ow, no
04:39Tried it's like it's like what's that super mario brothers? No, that's not it
04:43What are you yelling about? I don't know. Come here
04:45You know, you're trying to find me. You don't want this. You don't want this fight side. Don't fight side
04:48You don't want this that's the same thing. Yeah, i'm the fire boy
04:53They don't call me
04:56Okay, all right, okay, I need to see what else I can get what can I get um
05:013600 I can get dark sword. Oh, that's what nico was using for the earthquake someone called
05:06Someone called a girth quake. Nope. Oh my
05:09Nuclear elemental. All right. Hold on. What's a nuclear elemental? What does this do? Who knows?
05:14Hold on. Here we go nervous. I make you nervous. Hold on. Let's see what this does. Is this the one where you?
05:22I'm not gonna do that. I didn't do anything. I think dash. Oh nuke time nuke time
05:27Oh i'm dead i'm dead
05:30I got that cube. Oh, no, no dash and i'm dead. Okay, cool. All right. Well, I think it's time
05:35Yeah, let's do I do the 30 000 the dark?
05:40Naginita naginita. Hey biffle you like these type of things. What is a dark naginita?
05:47Okay, so that's a sword. Okay, he knows it. He actually knows it. Okay. I got the 30 000 one
05:52Look at this thing. Uh, so what's my ability? Let's find out. Here we go. Hi look out or hot. Yeah
05:58What are you wearing sunglasses now?
06:02That's cheating why are you glowing like that?
06:13Oh, I gotta kill no dad mom and dad
06:16I got him
06:19Yeah, I don't like this dash, okay
06:21I like the so if you dash into someone it like sends them flying because you headbutt them with your giant skull
06:25You don't know that
06:27Oh, he just did to me whatever i'm on a route. I've learned a farming route. Stop it. That's cheating
06:32You can't do a farming. He's farming. You can't no way
06:36Stop it. You're ugly. Stop it. You're ugly. It's not true. Oh, come here. Nico. Oh
06:42It's a scootal scootal my poodle. Oh legendary crate legendary crate
06:47No, I couldn't
06:50Oh, you can jump off the walls. Oh, that's cool. Okay. Hold on 38 35. I can get the toxic halberd
06:55I'll check that and then i'll buy 30 000 more. This is gonna start getting expensive, isn't it?
06:59All right. Is there anything else I can buy season pass? Cool. I can claim those great. Got it. Cool shop
07:05What is this one the strongest one hit instant knockout?
07:09Um the fastest i'll get the fastest after this and then i'll buy more heads
07:14All right, let's see what the toxic one does. All right, let's dash in I want to go fight the toxic doesn't have an ability
07:19I'm using the toxic and it doesn't have an ability. What is this? It doesn't have an ability
07:23I'm clicking the ability button. This is the worst weapon ever. It doesn't have an ability. Why doesn't it?
07:29Why doesn't it have an ability? Wait, i'm getting
07:3230 heads per hit is that the ability on it just gives a lot of heads. I don't know whatever i'm jumping in
07:38I'm jumping in. I didn't like that one. We're gonna go buy the fastest and then we'll get some more heads
07:42All right, let's buy this. Here we go. Yep, and I farted cool. All right, there we go. Got that
07:48And let's go wait whenever I swing I go faster. Oh, what's my ability do? Oh I dash I can just dash
07:57What is that what is what calm down stop it wait, give me that legendary
08:05What did you buy nothing what the sunday hey get away from me, how are you
08:12Oh my god
08:14Help me. He's teleporting around me. What?
08:19I hit him and you're dead. Oh, I don't even what in the lightning anime
08:26And I fell okay. All right. No, that's fun. Okay. Gotta go. All right, i'll get i'll get the strongest here in a minute
08:31I need to buy more. Uh
08:33Knockout thingies. Oh, I got more thingies 600 heads. There we go. I'm at 40 000. What is this black hole sword?
08:41Oh, all right. We'll get that. Okay. I need to see what this ability does. What does it do? Oh legendary. Yeah
08:46Oh, I want that. Oh, oh my
08:49What was that? What are you doing? What was that?
08:53What is that? What are you doing? Let's get up
08:56Nope, gotta go gotta go. No, I got knocked out of the lava. Okay, I gotta use that sword again. What does it do?
09:03Oh gosh, what does it do leave me alone? Come here stop. Come here. Come here. I believe
09:10Are you dead and goodbye
09:16It is wait, can I jump into here and then do it? No, you know what gravity is? No, I thought I could do it
09:24Okay, that one's kind of broken. So it pulls people into you and you can eat them off the edge
09:28What else is there shinobi katana at 80 000 I can do hacker blade. All right, let's do shinobi katana
09:33Let's see what that does. Uh, what is black hole sword? We already did that one. All right, let's go do shinobi
09:37Cannot katana. Hey biffle. What is this shinobi? That's a ninja. Okay
09:52I went invisible
09:54You took where'd you go? Where'd you go?
09:59I'm safe. I'm alive
10:07You're dead
10:12Okay, the invis is pretty good I like that I like the invis the invis is fun
10:15Um, should I do the one the strongest one or should I go for the 110 000 magma axe?
10:21I'll do the magma axe and then i'll do uh guys. Listen, you gotta like the video. This is expensive
10:28Okay, all these roblox videos cost like 7 500 billion. You know i'm saying so just like the video dab subscribe
10:34I have a hundred and two thousand. Let me try the magma axe. Okay, let's go
10:37What does the magma axe do and then I can get the 110 000 one and then i'll test the strongest roblox one and then
10:45Those the the ones in the other area russell show it. Do you remember? Oh, nope. Nope. Get out of here. Lookums
10:52Oh, what is that?
10:54No, no, what does he have?
10:56Get away sigils. What if a giant fire axe sunday? I don't I mean, where did you come from?
11:02Oh, I can go invisible too ian, all right get away
11:06Okay, did that send you yeeting? I don't want to talk about it. Well, you have to no, I can't that's not my job
11:12Like hi nico
11:14Get out of here ugly
11:17Hold on hold on. Oh
11:20Why does it make that noise?
11:23Stop it. Stop it
11:25Oh, i'm only farming from now on. Never mind. No, it's farming. Oh, I just got
11:30Okay, that's a lot of heads
11:32Oh nico
11:36Gotta go stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I'm running away. Oh my gosh, and goodbye
11:46Is that fine
11:50You have to live all right
11:52He's a visual he's a visual run run run
11:58Sigils, I was watching biffle sigils. Stop it. Stop it
12:02Somebody's gonna stop. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go
12:06All right, who died?
12:08You didn't even I think I killed but also where did everybody go? Everybody just like this while it was invisible
12:14Hey, you don't want to get close home run. What was that?
12:18It's really bad by the way. Yeah. What's up now? Oh gosh, I got to go gotta go. Did I get that?
12:22Oh, I got that kill. Thanks. Okay, let's keep going. I need I really no. No, I said I would go get that one
12:27I'll go get the strong one and then i'll do the moon fire and then i'm gonna go over to that other area over here
12:33And get those really expensive ones. Oh, no. All right. Let's do the strongest one
12:36This is gonna be expensive, isn't it the strongest? What does this do? So I have an ability look at my hands
12:42Oh god, listen to that
12:46Okay. Hi nico. What is in your hand? What are those? What are those? Is he cheating again?
12:52Okay, cool
12:55Oh my god, how are you doing that?
13:00Uh, hello, hi, I got
13:04Another server, what did you buy? What did you get?
13:14How did you I got one hit again
13:17Sunday what do you like that? The strongest one hit instant knockout. Does it look like that? Okay
13:27590 robots, what do you mean?
13:29I didn't do anything. I don't know. He's talking about boys. Stop it. Get him. Stop it team up on sunday
13:35Stop it. Finally. Stop it. Stop it boys. Goodbye. I just got another dimension again. Stop it. Got me. Stop it. No
13:45Actually destroyed them
13:47Okay. Yep. That's broken. That's a broken class. All right, let me spend more robux. I need to all right 30 000 guys these videos
13:55Got it. Cool 30 000 moon fire. Let's see what moon and fire does this better be dabby lit and then we're gonna get these ones
14:02So i'm at
14:04134 000 I need 225. Oh my gosh, there's no way that's gonna be so expensive. I have two swords though
14:11All right. Let's see what my ability does. All right. Oh sizzles is invisible sizzles is invisible. He's invisible. Look at you panicking
14:16Look at you panicking. Hold on. What is my ability? Oh, what is this?
14:21Wait, what was that? I didn't mean to get all right
14:23Why do you have two swords?
14:25Why are you two swords there? What do you mean? Hey, yeah, you look like you have two swords there. I don't that's too many
14:30That's I really don't I literally don't get by
14:33Wait, what?
14:34What is that? What do you mean? You don't want this? I literally told you you don't want this. What don't you understand?
14:40He's invisible I hit you I hit those did you die I see somebody i'm going after him
14:45I see somebody get him
14:55Stop it stop it stop it use my ability. No, why'd you hit me? No, no
15:01Come here
15:04You got i'm not dead yet sunday no no no dash dipping dots dipping dots dipping dot no
15:09Did I win the world? No, you didn't you won just sadness. All right. Well
15:17Skibbity toilet. Hey, what don't skibbity toilet?
15:24I gotta at least see what it is. What is skibbity toilet? Well, you really don't don't you don't have to what look at me
15:30Look at me. I want to see you
15:44Okay, skibbity toilet, I don't even know what that is anymore. All right, cool. That's funny
15:48All right. I need to get these ones now. I need to at least get this one the dragon master. This is gonna be
15:55Another expensive roblox video i'm at 168. Okay, is that enough?
16:00228 cool. I have dragon master. Great. All right dragon master this better ruin the entire server. This better ruin the entire server
16:09Oh, uh, back up man back up. Wait, it doesn't have an ability. What is that?
16:15Oh my god, you attack so fast. What is happening like seven times? Oh my god, we're flying
16:24Here sigils, I know you're here
16:28It doesn't have an ability though
16:31I'm just getting thrown around like it's enough sigils. Come here. No comes. Come here. That's not me
16:36Why doesn't it have an ability though? I'm kind of sad. It doesn't need one when it's that quick. Okay, it attacks crazy fast
16:46Do you feel good? Yeah, i'm invisible. What is that noise? What is that? Stop it. Stop it
16:51Ow, ow, ow, stop it. You don't want this. You don't want this. Goodbye. Look i'm
16:58Goodbye. I got a new weapon. Yay. What's your new weapon? Oh, I try to steal your kill. It's my kill get out
17:03Stop stop stop stop
17:05He's bullying you all. Okay. This one is 275 and this one is 325. I at least have to test them
17:12I have to I can't end the video without testing them, right? You guys would get mad at me, right?
17:16I would be mad at me. Oh my god. This is so expensive. Oh dragon slayer
17:22This better this better be dab this better
17:25will probably be
17:29Hold on what's the ability?
17:31Oh my god, hey that hurt
17:36And I died goodbye i know you're here I know you're here look up I know you're here
17:45Okay, all right, that was fun that's fun i'm having fun
17:51Oh my gosh, where did I go?
17:55I got disconnected from the server. All right dragon slayer was okay. I don't oh gosh now I gotta spend more
18:01How much have I spent on this video? Please somebody calculate it
18:04Cool now I got this one. I got I got everything i've shown you the entire game at this point
18:08Okay, this one better be sick. If this one is not sick. I am going to cry. It's the holy axe. All right. Well, um
18:18I'm heading to the middle. Do you guys want to see?
18:20I'm in the middle. I don't know what this does but um, hi
18:25Why is it so?
18:27Okay, i'm gonna see what this does. Let me hit you
18:32Okay, let's see what my ability does oh i'm dead i'm gone i'm instantly dead boys get up
18:40Oh they missed they missed
18:51Okay, well, um
18:53So guys, do you wanna do you wanna do the totals now to just see who wins whenever we hit tab?
18:58Yeah, that's so fun. Okay. All right, let's do it. Ready? Three two one. Look in the top, right?
19:03You've got 330
19:05Why do you have that many heads?
19:06Uh, this axe got 50 more heads this axe cost 325
19:11What I don't know how much I spent in this video, but it's at least the mortgage
19:14Hit the like button hit the subscribe button. I need more roblox