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Today we play ROBLOX SPRUNKI SLIDES!! 😲 Can we BEAT ALL SPRUNKIS SLIDES and make it out ALIVE?! This Roblox Sprunki Game has SO MANY FUNNY MOMENTS! 👉Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & leave a like 👍 if you enjoyed!

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#funnymoments #cartoon #roblox
00:00Today, we are sliding down the coolest Sprunky slides in Roblox!
00:08Stacey's gonna be so much fun!
00:11So check this out guys, this game has every single character from Sprunky, and each of them is gonna be a slide
00:19that goes to a whole different area that every single Sprunky is thinking about.
00:23We're basically entering the mind of the Sprunky, Snowy, by going through their mouth.
00:28Whoa, I wonder what Mr. Tree is thinking about!
00:32There's only one way to find out!
00:34Let's go!
00:36Oh my gosh, we're sliding so fast!
00:38Here we go!
00:39Hey, where are we now?
00:41That was so much fun!
00:43I don't know, Tyler, I guess we're in the mind of Mr. Tree.
00:46So this is what Mr. Tree thinks about?
00:49I don't really see anything.
00:51Whoa, there's a bunch of sand right here.
00:53Hey, maybe he's thinking about a sandbox!
00:55We should make a sandcastle, Snowy!
00:57Ooh, okay, I love building sandcastles!
01:00Come on, let's make it!
01:01Oh no, oh no, I'm sinking!
01:03Snowy, it's quicksand! It's quicksand, help!
01:06No, Tyler, this is bad!
01:09Oh, it oofed us!
01:12The quicksand!
01:13That was crazy!
01:15Hey, let's see what Orin's thinking about.
01:17Maybe he's thinking about something a little less dangerous than quicksand.
01:21Whoa, here we go!
01:23Woo, I love these slides, Tyler!
01:25They're awesome!
01:27That was so cool!
01:29But where are we now?
01:31Oh my gosh, Snowy, look!
01:33Orin is thinking about a single orange!
01:35That's all he thinks about all day and all night, Tyler!
01:39Maybe that's why he's orange.
01:41Hey, I grabbed it!
01:42Look, Snowy, you can grab one too!
01:44Ooh, do the oranges in Orin's head taste good?
01:48Um, Snowy, I bit it and I think it's poisonous!
01:51It's poisonous! It's a poisonous orange!
01:53It's making my health go down and yours too!
01:56Maybe Orin hates them, Tyler, and that's why they're deadly!
02:03All right, Snowy, let's go down the ratty slide and see what that's like.
02:07Here we go!
02:09Wait, it won't let me go in. Why not?
02:11Oh, so you want to enter my slide, huh?
02:14Whoa, ratty, you can talk?
02:16Of course I can!
02:18Yeah, ratty, can we go inside your head and see what you're thinking about?
02:22Fine, but only if the viewers hit the like button right now!
02:26You hear that, guys? Hit the like button right now so that ratty will let us go down his slide!
02:33Yeah, guys, it's the only way he'll let us through!
02:36The likes are coming in. Is it going to work?
02:38Whoa, it worked, Snowy! Let's go!
02:42Yay! Thanks for hitting the like button, guys!
02:45Hey, where are we now?
02:46Whoa! Look out, Snowy, there's giant meteors coming down!
02:49Don't let them hit you! Don't let them hit you!
02:52Keep dodging, suckers!
02:55I think these meteors are here because ratty's always mad and they represent his fiery personality!
03:01Why, ratty, why?
03:03Ow! One of them hit me! Oh, no, oh, no, look out!
03:07No! I died!
03:11Oh, me too!
03:13This is so fun!
03:15But, Snowy, let's see what Clucker is thinking about with the giant symbol on his head!
03:20This has got to be good!
03:22Here we go!
03:23Whoa! We're sliding down!
03:26And, hey, where are we now?
03:28Um, why do I hear, like, a hydraulic press?
03:31Oh, my gosh, look out for his symbol!
03:33It was his symbol, Tyler! His symbol always crushes his head in phase two!
03:38Oh, yeah, I think he's trying to turn us into phase two today, Snowy!
03:42Hey, look! The next one's Funbot!
03:44I'm a little scared, Snowy! You can go down this slide first!
03:48Okay, Tyler, I'm scared, too, but Funbot is always fun! It's in his name!
03:53I'm right behind you, Snowy! Here we go!
03:57No, Tyler! It's a grinder!
03:59Why, Funbot?
04:01I guess Funbot just wants to grind up anybody that goes into his mouth slide!
04:07Maybe he protected his thoughts with a code so it would mess up anyone that made their way in!
04:12Yeah, Snowy, since he's a robot, he was programmed to shred up anybody that tries to enter his mind!
04:18But what about Vineria? Usually, she's pretty nice!
04:21Hey, Vineria, you're not going to be thinking about anything dangerous that's going to hurt us, right?
04:27I'm just thinking about my favorite video game!
04:30Ooh, I want to see what her favorite video game is!
04:33Come on, Snowy, let's slide down Vineria!
04:38Whoa! Hey, where are we now?
04:40Wait a second, Snowy, it's Dandy from Dandy's World!
04:43Ow! And he's not friendly!
04:45So that's what Vineria's favorite video game is, but it's still deadly!
04:50Maybe that was some kind of twisted Dandy!
04:53Hey, let's go down Greyslide! I wonder what he's thinking about!
04:57He's probably thinking about Wendel!
05:00Oh my gosh, Snowy, totally! He's always thinking about Wendel because he has a crush on her!
05:05Come on, let's go see if that's true!
05:07Here we go, here we go!
05:09This is going to be so funny!
05:11Whoa! Hey, I don't see anything Wendel-related.
05:15What the? Oh my gosh, Snowy, we've been turned into Wendels!
05:19I just love Wendel so much!
05:21Whoa, that's crazy! And everything's vibrating in his head! It hurts!
05:26It's an earthquake, Snowy, because he's thinking about two Wendels at once!
05:30It's too much for him to handle!
05:33Oh no!
05:35Let's see what Bride is going to be thinking about! This is so cool!
05:39And guys, stick around, because every single one of these has crazy surprises at the end of the slides!
05:45Yeah, you never know what's going to happen!
05:47Come on, Snowy, let's go into Bride! Woo!
05:51I feel like he's going to be thinking about buckets!
05:54What the? Snowy, both of us are missing our heads now!
05:58Wait, I think Bride stole it to hide his bald spot!
06:02Oh yeah! You know how he always wears the bucket on his head?
06:05He is super self-conscious about his shiny bald head!
06:09So he turned us bald now!
06:11Oh ho ho! We shattered, Snowy!
06:13I think we got blinded from the shiny heads!
06:16Yeah, Tyler's death by bald spot!
06:19What? Hey, I wonder what Garnold's thinking about!
06:23Come on, Silly, let's find out!
06:25Yeah, he's a robot, so what do robots think about?
06:29Oh my gosh, he's thinking about a giant piece of cheese!
06:32Ow, ow, and it hurts when you touch it!
06:35It's toxic cheese, Tyler! Don't touch it, it's totally poisonous!
06:39You just have to keep jumping, don't touch the cheese!
06:43No, I didn't make it!
06:45No, Snowy got the cheese touch!
06:49I got hungry, Tyler, I couldn't resist!
06:52Maybe since Garnold has robot capabilities,
06:55we were inside of a microwave, Snowy,
06:57and he was microwaving that slice of cheese!
07:00That's one way to cook cheese!
07:02But what about Lime? He's always freaked out!
07:05What's going on inside his head to make him like that?
07:08Yeah, have you ever wanted to know why Lime is traumatized?
07:12Oh my gosh, Snowy, let's find out what happened to him!
07:15These slides are the best part!
07:17Woo! Wait, what the? Who's that guy?
07:20Oh my gosh, Snowy, it's Lime's father!
07:23And his father was always angry and disappointed in him!
07:27Oh no, so that's why he's so traumatized!
07:30No, no, please don't, Lime's dad! He's evil!
07:34Lime, clean up your room right now!
07:37And then, do your homework!
07:39And then, eat vegetables for dinner!
07:42I'm ashamed to have a son like you, Lime!
07:46Wow, Snowy, who knew Lime's dad was so mean to him?
07:50Yeah, sorry, Lime, I didn't know your dad was like that!
07:54It's okay, guys, I have good friends now!
07:56I still don't like eating vegetables, though!
07:58Come on, Snowy, let's see what Sky's thinking about!
08:01It probably has something to do with the color sky blue!
08:04Let's find out!
08:06Whoa! Wait, where are we?
08:08Oh my gosh, Snowy, we're falling through the sky!
08:14Sky's just thinking about the sky!
08:17How long are we going to be falling for, Snowy?
08:20This is crazy!
08:22I think we're just floating through the sky at this point, Tyler!
08:26At least we made it back!
08:28Hey, look, Snowy, it's Mr. Sun!
08:30Ooh, I bet he's thinking about really happy things, Tyler,
08:33because Mr. Sun is one of the happiest Sprunky characters!
08:37I don't know, Snowy, he doesn't look happy right now!
08:40He looks shocked!
08:42Like he's seen something scary!
08:44That's how they all look right now, Tyler!
08:47Oh, yeah, I guess that's true!
08:49Except for Derple, he kind of looks like he's yawning!
08:52Here we go, Snowy, to the sun!
08:55Oh my gosh, these slides are so fun!
08:57Oh my gosh!
08:59It's super hot in here!
09:01I guess I didn't think about how hot it would be inside of his head!
09:04Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
09:06Every time I walk, it burns!
09:08The floor is lava, Snowy!
09:10Guys, have you ever walked on really hot sand?
09:13This is a hundred times worse!
09:15This is really bad, Snowy!
09:17I forgot my sunglasses, too!
09:19And my sunscreen, Tyler!
09:21I'm super pale!
09:23We're gonna get super sunburnt now!
09:25The sunburn, it burns!
09:30Hey, the next one's Derple!
09:32Look how giant these heads are!
09:34Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!
09:36The Derple talked?
09:38What did he say?
09:39Derple says if you want to see a really big head, then get in his mouth!
09:43Wait, what does that mean?
09:45I guess we're gonna have to find out!
09:47Yeah, what do they mean a real big head?
09:49Whoa, look, Snowy, we're right next to each other!
09:51Oh no, I'm going faster than you!
09:54Wait, what?
09:55Our heads are huge now!
09:58I kind of look like a bobble head!
10:00You look so funny, Snowy!
10:03This is hilarious!
10:05So do you, Tyler!
10:06These are so fun!
10:08They're cushy heads!
10:09Aw, yeah, do the big head dance!
10:13Snowy, I slammed my giant head into you and then it oofed us!
10:16Yeah, it basically exploded!
10:18And that's why you don't break dance with a massive head!
10:22Hey, Tyler, I wonder what Simon is thinking about?
10:25Well, Snowy, what I've learned from the other Sprunkies is it's probably something that's gonna oof us!
10:31Let's check it out!
10:34Whoa, I love the slides!
10:36Let's go!
10:38Oh no, Snowy, we made it inside of Simon's mind and...
10:42I just got struck by lightning!
10:44Whoa, there's a major lightning storm going on in here!
10:48I think he's having a brain storm!
10:53Who knew brain storms could be so deadly, Tyler?
10:58It electrocuted us!
11:00You'd think that's what it would be like inside a fun bot's head or Mr. Fun Computer!
11:05Yeah, Tyler, but Simon is something completely different from them!
11:09Hey, look at Tunner!
11:10Isn't this his usual expression?
11:12Yeah, that's how he whistles!
11:14I wonder what he could be thinking about, Snowy.
11:16Isn't he sort of like a sheriff or something?
11:19Yeah, maybe he's thinking about stopping crime!
11:22Let's check it out!
11:24Hopefully he doesn't just put us in, like, a prison cell or something.
11:27Here we go!
11:30Who is this?
11:31What the?
11:32It's Willow from Piggy!
11:34She's shooting us!
11:35I wonder what made him think of Willow from Piggy!
11:38Probably because Willow is his hero, Snowy.
11:40She's the only other sheriff that he knows!
11:43Yeah, maybe he really looks up to Willow!
11:45Oh my gosh, Snowy, look at Mr. Fun Computer!
11:48Why does it look like he's been powered off?
11:50Where's his face?
11:51I don't know, but the giant hole in his face looks kind of weird!
11:55Yeah, Snowy, that's what happens when you play Roblox and you get super mad, rage quit, and punch your monitor!
12:01Aw, Mr. Fun Computer didn't deserve to get punched!
12:05Well, maybe we can fix him!
12:07We just have to reach inside of his monitor and...
12:10Oh no, I slipped!
12:11Whoa, we're falling through the wires!
12:14Oh no, Snowy, there's lasers in here!
12:18I think Mr. Fun Computer is security protected too, Tyler!
12:22Yeah, Snowy, we did not stand a chance in there!
12:25Hey, look at Wenda!
12:27Here we go, down the slide!
12:31Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, here we go!
12:34Hey, what the?
12:35I'm gray now, and so are you, Snowy!
12:38This must be what Wenda's thinking about!
12:40I'm always thinking about gray!
12:42What else is there to think about besides that other thing?
12:46What? Did you hear that, Snowy?
12:48What is the other thing Wenda thinks about?
12:50Hey, what the? Is that a bundle of TNT?
12:53Is that the other thing she's talking about?
12:56I think it is, Snowy. I wonder if we can do anything with it.
12:59Wait, Tyler, don't touch it!
13:01It's okay, Snowy, I'm gray!
13:03Wenda would never hurt gray.
13:06Except maybe in phase two!
13:08I wonder what Pinky's thinking about.
13:10Probably like makeup and bunnies.
13:13I bet you she's thinking about Orins, and she loves him!
13:17Oh no, Snowy, I'm sliding down!
13:19Come on, let's go, let's go, let's see!
13:22Ow, what the heck?
13:23Snowy, it took off my clothes!
13:25I'm naked!
13:26Don't look at me, don't look at me!
13:28What is going on in Pinky's thoughts?
13:31Wait a second, Snowy.
13:32She's turning us pink!
13:34She's literally turning our bodies pink!
13:36Oh my gosh, Tyler, she's turning us into her!
13:40Guys, look at me!
13:41Now I'm all pink and glowing!
13:43I think Pinky sees the world in just pink, Tyler.
13:48Oh, and it just exploded eyes!
13:50Aw, Snowy, you didn't see me when Pinky imagined me naked, did ya?
13:55I did my best to not look, Tyler.
13:58Luckily, it's gonna be blurred for you guys.
14:01I wonder what Chevin's thinking about.
14:03That guy is a mystery!
14:05I know, right?
14:06And look, Snowy, he's always making this face where he's just like,
14:10Yeah, maybe he has a lot of stuff on his mind, Tyler.
14:16Yeah, Snowy, let's see what inspires him to sing like that.
14:20Here we go!
14:21Whoa, we're in water!
14:23Oh my gosh, Snowy.
14:24I think we're swimming in Chevin's tears!
14:28That's so sad!
14:29I thought it was a pool party!
14:31No, Snowy, it's the opposite.
14:33It's a tears party!
14:35Hey, what the?
14:36Why did you oof?
14:38His tears are deadly!
14:40Maybe to you.
14:41I'm still alive.
14:42I'm not even taking any damage.
14:44Maybe it's because I tried drinking them.
14:47Never drink Chevin's tears, Snowy.
14:50It's deadly!
14:51Okay, Snowy, the final one is Mr. Black Hat.
14:55Are you ready for this?
14:57I'm not ready, Tyler.
14:58That sounds scary!
15:00Guys, before we go into Mr. Black Hat's mind,
15:03make sure to leave a like on this video
15:05and subscribe if you haven't already.
15:08Yeah, guys, if you hit subscribe,
15:10it'll give us enough courage to go down the Mr. Black Hat slide.
15:14Here we go!
15:16Oh my gosh, we're flying so fast!
15:18Where are we gonna end up?
15:20Whoa, I'm falling!
15:22Oh my gosh, what is this place?
15:24This place looks insane!
15:26Tyler, this is so scary!
15:29So this is what's inside of the mind of Mr. Black Hat?
15:33Why does it look so creepy, Snowy?
15:35It looks like the land of endless suffering and pain!
15:39We gotta get out of here!
15:41And why do you have demon wings, Snowy?
15:44I think we're in heck, Tyler!
15:46Oh no!
15:47Definitely, Snowy, this is what's inside of the mind of Mr. Black Hat.
15:51Hey, I just got wings now, too!
15:53Can I fly?
15:54Whoa, oh no, I can't fly!
15:57Well, guys, while we're trying to find our way out of this place,
16:00you should click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now!
16:04And subscribe if you haven't already!
16:08See ya!