• 2 days ago
We must draw to win... Whoever gets the least amount of stars is OUT!
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Roblox Draw Tower Race

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#ItsFunneh #KREW #Roblox
00:00It looks more like a rainbow no no no no this is draco teaching math class wait that's i'm dead
00:09Last one standing
00:11Wings, I need to draw a taco the best taco honey. I'm gonna do a fun challenge
00:17I'm gonna copy whatever you're saying right now. Okay. No, I yeah, whatever. I'm gonna a cat taco
00:24Okay, i'm gonna depict whatever funny oh how funny say i'll follow you okay i'm like bob ross yeah
00:31So a cat for a cat taco
00:33You're gonna put the ears on and we're gonna put a little bit of a burn grain on it a grain face
00:40It's the grain face
00:43It's the face of the cat taco
00:45It's starting to look just like a yellow cat our cat has hair now and we need cut tomatoes because tomatoes make everything better
00:52For the taco cat and then last but not least we got cheese
00:57Tons. Oh tons of cheese. My taco cat isn't bad, but it's definitely not good guys
01:04Let me lava will rise five levels this round. Oh my gosh, please. I made an underfilled taco
01:11Just like the one
01:14Those are the worst type of tacos too. That is not realistic draco. That's like a hot dog
01:20Yeah, no
01:21Hello, everybody. This is a taco cat. I need four stars to live. That is so cute
01:30It looks like it's wearing headphones
01:33Um, and for me, I just drew a regular taco my favorite food. It looks more like a rainbow
01:40No, no, no, no, so my hot sauce some cheddar cheese and some tomato. This is my cute taco
01:46That is this is like a doodle taco I like this one salsa five stars
01:52Four stars for a smiley face. Thank you everyone. I followed
01:59And I made a taco
02:09You have not collected enough stars I hate all of you
02:13I smell someone's chalice over there. The next theme is math test. Wait, did draco pick this?
02:26This is a such a boring topic, okay, I guess i'll draw draco
02:31This is little roblox draco
02:34His hair is weird. Wait, his hair looks like this. It's kind of odd. I don't know how to draw it
02:39And then this is little roblox draco he's screaming at you is he no maths
02:44And he's like look at the bulletin board. What's 25 times 25?
02:5225 what is draco?
02:57Dude, that's like literally the only thing, you know
03:00Wait, but that's not a test draco. You're building me up a failure
03:07I hope this counts
03:09This is our
03:11Whiteboard that's draco screaming
03:13And he's holding papers in his hand the papers
03:17are math test
03:18And to make it artistic
03:20We'll just like pretend like he threw them around
03:24To make it artistic. We'll just pretend he threw them around the room. It may look like toilet paper, but trust me guys
03:30It is a math test
03:33And i'm copying yours, oh, thank you check mark
03:38check mark
03:39Check mark. Okay. Y'all are copying. Let's go and
03:44I kind of like it funny. It's like i'm following check mark check. Okay, wait
03:49This is actually a funnier challenge. It sounds very like nice, you know, let's listen to lunar yo
03:54We should actually if we all survive let's listen to lunar after
03:58I want to see what lunar is drawing
04:00That's an m for math
04:02You'll be amazed
04:04Draco, do you see this? It is like that's you bro. I'm salty. I'm giving you all zero stars. Anyway
04:14This is draco teaching math class wait, that's actually this is really he's giving math
04:24Oh, no, I didn't vote. Oh, shut up. No, this is draco
04:34And his mouth is all the way open because he's yelling at you 25 times 25. Well, I have
04:39A failure she actually did it and the teacher was so mad. They gave him an angry duolingo sticker as you see
04:46That's not a duolingo. I thought it was like a
04:50Everyone I listened to funny ross and I made draco angry draco. What's 25 times?
05:00And check marks and x's that's what's fine guys, please follow funny ross for the next one
05:12Okay, guys first we draw some green grass for the car to drive on green grass just a couple of
05:20grass pieces
05:21Then make sure to get a smaller pencil stroke and stroke up some leaves
05:29Some beautiful grass stems then you're gonna go ahead and take gray and dump it on the grass
05:41And then
05:43That's because you're making a road then you're gonna take the beautiful yellow stroke and you're gonna make a little road
05:53Please move on to the car segment
05:56You're gonna draw you a very round car. That is a circle looks almost like a top hat
06:05Can I make the car funny ross, can you yeah, it is red it is gold. There's only 55 seconds left. Okay, and for the wheels
06:13Two black circles for the can you tell me what car it is funny ross? What kind of car it is a car?
06:18It is a hot looking car like a boy
06:22Red red
06:24Oh my gosh
06:27Yes, and now we shall move on to the windows which is a light blue everybody light blue what what's the shape though
06:34I don't know just draw some windows
06:42My best to color this then you're gonna get a lighter shade of blue so we can make
06:47Some sort of gloss around the window. We're gonna shine it a cliche shine, you know
06:51There you go
06:53And now we're gonna add a beautiful sun in the background
06:56I'm gonna get the paint bucket and we're gonna dump the sky blue. Wait, what is happening?
07:02I don't think your tutorial is working
07:10This is the car wow, that's actually a great car
07:14I don't see the blue you said a round car. I said a bowling hat car
07:21No, i'm gonna fail everyone
07:33I drew an among us car
07:37Wait, wait, these ones are all better than the original art
07:41I do not want to make instructions anymore. Oh what?
07:46It's not enough
07:58I've now been promoted to gold ross. Everyone shall listen to me to pick the art. Okay?
08:08Okay, fine for the first one. Yes
08:10Okay, just for the first one. What is our first everybody? Yeah, what's our first subject watermelon everyone?
08:16Welcome class to gold ross's art class today. We will be drawing watermelon. He's even in the fun
08:22I would like the background canvas to be yellow
08:26yellow and then
08:28I shall
08:29Scroll down to the darkest green and make a big circle. She's going too fast
08:34Big circle big and we're gonna
08:38Oh, that's not follow along. We're gonna draw some darker stripes down the watermelon
08:43Follow along
08:47Only halfway, you know why because we're gonna see the inside of the watermelon on the right side
08:52Pretend to carve it. We're gonna carve the watermelon
08:57Just listen to me
09:00We will carve it so then
09:02People can see that there's a watermelon
09:05Literally, we just have to understand we just have to underline
09:08Droplets of watermelon seed inside artistically so people know this is a canvas. Oh my gosh guys
09:15Watermelon watermelon. I don't know what's happening anymore
09:19The watermelon is watermelon color lunar
09:23at the back
09:25We will have the back
09:28Sun because it means that the watermelon is fresh
09:32The sun will be yellow gradient with a light yellow inside to show
09:37That she's insane. Why are we inside? It'll be another yellow
09:42Fade into a white to show that the sun is setting. Okay
09:48What is fresh watermelon? I'm gonna start crying. I need more time. Did you tell us to put seeds yet?
09:53Yeah, I said put seeds. Yes. Yes, you missed that step
09:58All right on the right side. Oh my gosh, bro. I'm so pressed
10:02Wait, is this how our school feels you will sign your name?
10:06Yeah, this is our school now follow along or else i'm gonna fail you
10:10I'm so confused
10:12Hmm, I think I have you know what?
10:14And then you're gonna artistically sign your name on the right side. Okay, it's simple like that signing name
10:19On the right side everyone your first name. Oh my god
10:25Ross you scared me so much. I dragged my pencil all over the canvas
10:29No rainbow ross gold ross draco ross luna ross funny ross. Oh, I have to explain it further. Do you not?
10:35Follow along with me. This art teacher is crazy funny. Okay, I got it. I got it. I'll sign it
10:43Okay, I hope I did gold ross proud. I did exactly as she asked
10:48And then we got
10:53There you go. Wow
10:54And then for the background i'm just gonna add are we allowed to add like little details? No
11:00I already said the background is a light yellow and only light yellow
11:04Okay, can I thought you said we had to put a sun in it?
11:06Yeah, I thought you said put a sun sun is in the background. The background is light yellow
11:11Did you not hear my instructions from the beginning?
11:15I'm, so going to be angry. It's not you guys. Yo, that is the best one. I got. Okay. I don't know what
11:27You scared me so much that I I dragged my finger all over the art
11:32This is beautiful draco, but your signature rune the arch it's true. I see shading this is what you wanted
11:38I do
11:41Stop funny you and me
11:44We think alike. This is almost identical to my art funny. This is crazy. It's like I traced it
11:52I get funny in a plus plus
11:55Keep following along. That's identical
11:57Yes, are you sure mine's identical?
12:00Yeah, no that looks like a gobstopper on the left. No, it doesn't
12:12Okay, so you guys can't laugh at mine
12:20You said draw a black line in half
12:23How am I supposed to interpret that? Instructions are unclear. Guys, let rainbow survive and lunar. Wow, you guys how did I only get 11 stars?
12:29What the heck? Uh, i'm dead
12:33The lava is rising in 15 levels
12:38This round theme is surfboards so much ocean, please my pen, please do not break
12:45What is with the ocean theme?
12:47I guess I can draw
12:50A little me surfing surfing the waves
12:54Can I draw a little me? We will figure it out. We are talking
12:58About a beautiful red surfboard and maybe we're gonna run a little
13:04White stripe through it
13:06Or gray stripe who cares and then
13:09We're gonna make lil funny
13:11All right, little funny is gonna be kind of hard to make and it might take up much time
13:15I gotta go. All right, little funny. You're surfing you're surfing like that
13:19now little legs
13:21Oh, wait, this actually looks pretty sick
13:25And then little funny is gonna get iconic
13:28Bun hair little funny's bun hair. I need to work on the ocean before I get to the clothes
13:34So let's make sure that the waves look
13:37very crazy
13:40We got some waves and then i'll go for another color be like whoosh
13:46We're gonna put a little face on funny. She's like woohoo and then
13:51To make it easier. We're gonna give her a swimsuit. See
13:55This is a lot. I had to buy more time. I had to spend robux
13:59Rainbow, why?
14:00I feel like all of us are just drawing sun
14:03Sun in the corner if I want to make this more realistic, I guess I could draw some waves over
14:08Oh, no, I can't bro bro to add some extra aesthetics. We're gonna do the classic seagull
14:15There you go
14:17Beautiful for the sun I could do a little scribble in it
14:20To make it look like scribble art to give this painting an extra beach vibe. We're gonna put a starfish in fun as hair
14:28That is perfect
14:30You know what? That's pretty good. I'm actually very happy with this drawing guys
14:33It looks literally like my character lava will rise in 15 levels
14:39I drew the professional artist gold surfing with her hair flying
14:46My art and trying to be more artistic it needs more water. Why do you not enough?
14:57It looks like the wave is gonna throw you overboard no honey's a pro surfer bro, it's like beach art. Oh
15:07If you guys let me go through with that hey, I have shading I have shading i'm sorry
15:12I see I see it look like you're on an ice mountain
15:16I drew draco because this is gonna be him running from lava. Luna. I cannot see your drawing. I'm so sorry
15:23Can you see mine I drew funny surfing in the sunset I had to rejoin one
15:30Why am I invisible
15:35She got a tan because she was outside all day guys dude
15:43Mine was invisible pretty boring. So i'ma draw
15:47Yeah, fish is pretty boring i'm just gonna
15:51Can I try goldfish?
15:53Yeah, yeah, let's draw goldfish
15:59I would love to draw goldfish. I'm gonna draw goldfish literally right now
16:06Exactly everyone know goldfishes are the best goldfishes
16:17Would you be gold
16:20I like the sparkly gold not I don't like the normal goldfish. It's too basic, you know, they don't make that special
16:27I like the money. Where's the fish?
16:30You know
16:32Don't say anything i'm looking at it. Don't say anything
16:38My goldfish is looking goldfishy, but fish looks like it's from the deep depths of the sea. I ruined my goldfish's lip liner
16:45There you go
16:46Beautiful a little thinner 45 seconds left
16:50Oh, where's her big guppy eye? You're right. It's missing beautiful guppy eyes. Look at this very beautiful
16:58We're gonna go for gorgeous black pupils. I don't know what gold is doing
17:0327 seconds left
17:05It's our track. Oh, you won't understand. She needs because she needs her fins, you know, you already want
17:12This game is rigged
17:14I need those are some beautiful lashes
17:16Thank you
17:17Fins, I don't need your time. You gotta make sure she has beautiful hair. Oh my god
17:24Oh my gosh
17:57Okay, okay guys listen to me this is a goldfish okay look at her beautiful flow
18:05Her big eyes I was gonna draw eyelashes, but how does she swim very well, can I say something with her hair?
18:12She looks like tempura
18:16Yeah, that was not a goldfish that was tempura
18:20A phone fear you
18:23It's just me and you funny. Let's see the true
18:28I hope you guys keep the ocean theme up with this. Why?
18:32Why it's boring
18:34I'm bored. I'm drawing another type of phone do something else
18:38I'm gonna draw a flip phone gold. Do not copy me
18:43Gold do not copy my flip phone idea then tell me describe what you're drawing. I'm trying to flip phone
18:51She's making it y2k. I'm making a y2k flip phone kind of looks like a banana right now
18:58I know I know y2k that rainbow will love these better be the cutest phones i'll ever see
19:04Yeah, these are definitely y2k phones that you want to carry everywhere
19:09With one minute left i'm making time. I never even had a flip phone
19:17I'm just drawing of what I could imagine
19:20All right. I better see a phone charm on there
19:23Lunar do not say a gold's gonna copy
19:27Why would I copy you I literally
19:30Know what y2 pretending. This is a text message and then
19:37Okay, now we're gonna draw a phone charm we got you don't even know how many keypads are on the y2k phone
19:44we got a star and then
19:46maybe there's
19:48a key ring on it
19:50Along with our key ring. We got more
19:53things like
19:55Like maybe we got a happy face
20:0317 seconds left. You know what? That's pretty
20:06I think that's a y2k phone. I didn't color it but
20:10I'll take it up
20:11Oh, yeah
20:14No gold, what what is that?
20:18Um, oh wow
20:22That's pretty cute, thank you i'll have to give you I call it a banana phone five stars for that funny
20:32Guys this is rainbow's bone. Okay
20:35It's hanging out
20:45Wait, how is gold still alive?
20:51Congratulations, thank you. Thank you one and all