• 20 hours ago
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00:00What's up you guys welcome back to a new vlog with muriel twins
00:04So if you don't know we're twins and today's video we are going to find out if we are fraternal or identical our whole entire life
00:12We grew up
00:13Knowing that we're fraternal
00:15So I guess we will see what the test results are
00:19Before we do get started with the rest of the video and the results. I know you guys are eager to find out
00:25Me and brittany wanted to show you guys ritual. It is our multivitamin pills that we've been taking daily
00:31This is a multivitamin that we take every day
00:33It's called essential for women and I can't believe it took us this long to finally be taking our
00:40For it to be a part of our like daily life exactly the essential for women it is
00:45Um more recommended for women between 18 and 49 years old ever since we started using it
00:50We have noticed a difference in my day-to-day life
00:53You guys I always used to feel like so groggy like sluggish. I feel more alive now more energetic more motivated to do stuff throughout my day
01:01You guys it's so important to take your multivitamins, even though you feel like
01:05You know, this probably won't do much. It literally makes a whole change
01:08It's changed our life literally you guys chose made traceable meaning they share where our key ingredients come from
01:14So, you know what you're putting in your body and with ritual it is third-party tested
01:20It's vegan friendly non-gmo certified gluten-free and formulated without major allergens
01:25So with the essentials for women multivitamin, you do take two capsules a day
01:30And what I love about ritual is you can take it with or without food
01:34So right now i'm on an empty stomach and I can easily take my vitamins
01:39You know, I was just about to say that like every time I take these you guys I take my vitamins in the morning
01:44Oh my god, they smell so delicious
01:46They smell so good
01:52They have like a minty flavor
01:54I wonder if they have different flavors like it is if it's minty. No, yeah, it has like a minty flavor. So
02:00They're really good. Honestly
02:01I mean brainy are on a subscription base meaning we do
02:05Get them every single month and you guys can also do the same that way you never go without a multivitamin highly recommend
02:11So if you guys want to get like us and start taking your vitamins daily
02:14Make sure to go to ritual.com slash muriel25
02:18You guys will get 25 off of your first order go ahead and use code muriel25
02:23And that's ritual.com slash muriel25. Hey guys, make sure you guys check out ritual
02:28We can be on the same journey together and thank you so much for ritual for sponsoring today's video
02:33And without further ado, let's get on to the test
02:37i'm excited
02:39so we're filming the
02:41Twin test basically, it's a test that determines if we're fraternal twins or identical. We grew up
02:48Knowing that we're fraternal but a lot of you guys say otherwise you guys always say
02:53Like no you guys have to be identical. So we're taking this test for you guys
03:01Um, we'll see what the results are. We're filming a youtube already guys. So stay tuned. It'll be it'll come out soon
03:06Yeah, uh from the likes of you guys can
03:09Notice we're in a momani's bedroom
03:12But today we are filming a long-awaited video that you guys have been well, have they requested that?
03:20No, I think it was just something that brady came up with. Yeah, it's something that okay
03:24So by the title, of course you guys know that this is a very special video for
03:29Me and brie to come out with because this is gonna determine
03:33The freaking truth if we are fraternal twins or if we are identical twins
03:39So fraternal twins if you don't know means that we were born in separate sacks in our mom's tummy
03:45Which means our dna is not the same. We're basically just siblings but born together
03:50Yeah on the same day and then identical twins is one sack that we shared and we have the same dna
03:57And that means that we're twins
04:00Yeah, that means you're just i mean fraternal twins is a thing but like basically it means
04:05It's just siblings. Yeah, it's just like regular normal sisters just born the same day identical twins is
04:11An egg that split and it's the same dna same everything
04:15but the reason why I feel like I wanted to do this is because
04:18a lot of new studies and comments that i've seen from you guys is i've always said that me and brie are fraternal twins because
04:25That's what the doctors told my mom
04:27But a lot of you guys have always told me on comments everywhere saying that it doesn't matter if you guys are in separate bags
04:33You guys could still be identical to a new study that oh, yeah
04:36Yeah, that's right. Like even if we say even i've already tried that so many times
04:41We were born in separate sacks. They're like it doesn't matter like
04:45It's like deeper. I don't really know too much of it
04:47But they've sent me like paragraphs of the new studies that there is so I really want to find out I do believe that
04:54We were in separate sacks because my mom has always said I've seen the ultrasounds i've seen everything so I do believe we're born
05:00I believe we're fraternal you believe we're fraternal. Yeah, so brainy got a test
05:05Um that we're gonna take we haven't read it. We haven't opened anything in it. We don't even know the instructions
05:11So we're gonna open it with you guys. We're gonna come out the truth you guys and see
05:15Because if we're identical
05:18That's gonna be very shocking it's gonna be
05:21Probably explain what's going on with the ids or no that has nothing to do with it
05:25Because you know, you have to get your id you have to put your thumbprint. Yeah
05:29I mean you can never get our fucking our id scan the same you guys
05:33Yeah, always get and then we have a social security problem always where like it just
05:38We can't do anything about our freaking social security. We have two different numbers and it shows up as one explain why?
05:46I don't know. This is gonna be very shocking though
05:48I feel like this is gonna this is gonna be very life-changing if it does show that we are identical. I don't know how I'm gonna feel
05:55but I um
05:57Got the one with the best reviews. I bought it on amazon
06:00And I have seen other twins do this which gave me the idea. I remember the one I sent to you
06:06So I was like wait, we should just do it. So, okay, let's open it up
06:09What do you guys think comment down below if you think that we're identical or comment down below if you think we're fraternal twins
06:15I think we're fraternal
06:18I really don't I know
06:19Me i'm probably saying this because we're in our own body. I just feel like we don't really look alike
06:24Yeah, like how like, um, most identical twins should look like because maybe you have seen
06:30Identical twins and we're like, whoa, you guys are dead ass alike
06:34But then we get that a lot that we look the same. I feel like it's 50 50
06:39Some people be like, oh my god, you guys like identical and some people are like, I don't think you guys look anything like so
06:45Okay, so see do not eat drink breastfeed chicken smoke a brush or anything in the mouth for at least one hour
06:52For at least one hour. What time do we eat? Well, we just see I know this is gonna happen
06:58We just finished eating birria. Oops
07:01Let me see
07:02Maybe it's been an hour
07:04Maybe we should do this the swab test
07:08I posted this one hour ago
07:10Look, it says yeah, but we drink this. Oh, we can't drink. No, it says do not eat drink breastfeed
07:17Remember I told you I'm supposed to do this too. You can't like but it's like you can't eat like 30 minutes prior
07:23to swabbing and I literally just
07:31Well, now we know so then what should we do
07:33Well, we I mean we can always just do this like tomorrow like I could just go over yeah like we already filmed
07:40Yeah, why don't you come over and work out with us? Yeah, and we can do it
07:44Yeah, because we already filmed this part
07:46So basically it says do not eat drink breastfeed chew gum smoke brush or put anything in them in the mouth for at least one
07:52hour prior to collection
07:54So we're gonna film this tomorrow morning and then if more than one person is testing collect from only one individual at a time
08:02Do not place the swabs into the wrong
08:05Specimen you must collect two swabs for every individual test it two swabs each. Okay
08:12You results 24 7 and access your results once they're ready by logging into your secure account
08:19So I did see when I got this one you get your results in like three days. Oh my god
08:25So tomorrow after you leave my house turn it in. Yeah. Yeah, i'm gonna drop it off
08:31So i'm excited so you guys because me and brie already fucked up and we already ate drink and all that stuff
08:37I'm gonna go over to her house tomorrow. I'm gonna go work out at her house. So
08:41Therefore tomorrow we'll do the swab on empty stomach
08:45Um, and we'll turn everything in but what do you what would you like for it to be?
08:50Like I don't I really don't care. I mean, I feel like I feel like for me
08:56I wouldn't care because I grew up my whole life knowing I was a fraternal twin
08:59So to me, it's like okay if it was if they would have been like, yeah, it's fraternal like that's all I know
09:04But if it was to be identical, it would be shocking news because I would be like what the fuck like we have the same dna
09:10Yeah, which means her kids are 50 percent mines and my kids are 50 percent hers. Oh my god, so
09:19That would be crazy to me
09:21I feel like to me it would be like the same shit
09:24I just would I would forget that we're the only thing that would be changing is now we gotta uh
09:30Say it online that we're not fraternal
09:32We're identical and now when people come up to us like are you guys fraternal or identical?
09:36We have to say we're identical true and that's just gonna be like we and also we gotta go fix our shit everywhere like
09:43birth certificate
09:44Our social security's gonna get fixed our thumbprint's gonna get freaking fixed. Well, it doesn't gotta get fixed because it like we're not
09:52No, I know but we gotta fix what
09:54What is she doing to us? Yeah, I mean we can do we literally don't have a life because of that
09:59It shows up like as one person
10:01Do other twins if you're a twin do you deal with social security problems id issues anything like that?
10:07Like when we go to the club, they scan our ids and it shows up as the same person
10:12Yeah, and we have different id numbers different names on our id addresses. The only thing that matches is our birthday
10:17And our last name so how is it? I think I think that's a problem
10:21No, because there's a lot of people in Sacramento with the same birthday
10:24No, i'm saying I think that's from our ids like with our thumbprints. That's what i'm saying. That's weird
10:30Well, I guess we'll find out guys. Okay guys
10:33We did the test it turned out that we're fraternal
10:38I'm, just kidding. What do you what do you think we are bikini?
10:45Well to me you guys look different but people say you guys look alike
10:49That's what we said so I say fraternal, but I say fraternal fraternal, what about you babe same
10:56What about you fraternal?
10:58But I have a theory as to why our ids always scan the same
11:03Because you know when you go to dmv you have to put your your fingerprint
11:07And I feel like that's why me and brittany come up as one
11:12I look like shit
11:14We just finished working out so yeah, and I showered so this is showered I showered since we're at my house now
11:20So now it is the next day and we're gonna do the test swap
11:24So we read carefully and it just basically says
11:27To open this up and swab 30 seconds on each side of the cheek. There's two different
11:33swabs, so
11:34I'm gonna start with you first
11:36Oh, we don't get mixed up. Yeah, we'll just start with you first
11:39You do so you have to do the right cheek. I haven't eaten or drink water in the last hour. So so do my um
11:46right cheek right cheek
11:49for 30 seconds
11:53Collect that dna3
11:57Go in there
12:00Then just put it in the envelope. Okay, and we're gonna do the same on this side
12:09All right, and then we're gonna leave it open for 30 minutes so it can dry okay now your turn
12:18One minute just kidding not one minute because we don't know that it's we're getting there we're getting there. Okay, right side first
12:28One two three
12:34This one in here
12:38The cheek
12:48We're gonna sit for 30 minutes
12:51Before we add for you to get so I guess the next time we'll be seeing you guys. Well
12:57It'll be on this vlog
12:58But now we just wait so we're gonna take I think it bernie says it takes three business days, but it's thursday
13:04So maybe like by like monday or tuesday, we'll get the result true
13:08We're gonna mail it in
13:12Okay, at least now we can eat because i'm hungry yeah i'm hungry as fuck
13:17But you guys the moment of truth are we fraternal
13:22Or are we identical? What's your final guess?
13:25I'm gonna still stick with fraternal. I'm gonna stick with fraternal because I just feel like that
13:29I have a strong feeling I feel like we don't look alike or anything
13:32But what do you think?
13:34I think a lot of people do say just from like the audience that we do look a lot alike
13:39But just because the doctors told my mom that we are fraternal twins. I'm just gonna roll with that
13:44I think we are fraternal twins. I'm gonna stick with that
13:47I'm gonna still stick beside her. I'm gonna still stick beside her. I'm a little nervous. What about you berry?
13:53Yeah, guys, we're gonna read the results. We have not got like we were paid to film our
13:58Reaction and to film for you guys to see
14:01The full results so we're finally because we got the results when today yesterday
14:05Oh yesterday and we wanted to open it, but we went to monster jam and we were so tempted on opening it
14:10We only let fern open it open it and like by his
14:15So i'm like, what could it be? I don't know. Okay, so let's read the results. I'm scared
14:23Your results
14:30What does all these numbers mean
14:36Okay, wait identical twins, oh my god
14:43Shut the fuck up
14:45What dude, no, we gotta call me ma. I knew she was lying
14:50I'm shaking. What how are we identical? I still don't believe it
14:56Oh my god
14:59I'm like crying. I can't believe we're identical twins. So that means her kids are my kids
15:14You don't know what this is babe, come here this is big sorry come here
15:21We're gonna post the results right here
15:26Wait, dude, I can't believe my results
15:35Yeah, identical, yeah, but it says we're identical twins
15:42I was like, that's weird. I thought by your face keeping it straight meant that we're fraternal twins. That's why I tried to say
15:49I said we're the same friends
15:51it says
15:53conclusions of dna twin
15:56test identical twins genetic testing results obtained by pcr and
16:02of stroc of twin brianna and twin to britney are consistent with twin one and twin to be identical twins
16:10The probability of this match between two random people is one in four, whatever
16:16But i'm so shook and you guys you see the graph everything matches every our graph matches. We're gonna post right here
16:24And you guys what's crazy that me and brie you guys seen it. We did everything separately. I had my pouch
16:29She had her pouch where we put our dna samples in so like I just don't get it
16:34Like i'm still in disbelief. I'm like sending it to everybody because i'm shocked
16:40So this whole time everybody was right, I owe you guys an apology. Yeah, I mean I was fighting when he would fight
16:46Like I said, we're fraternal. Yeah, because they would make me be identical, bro
16:50We're not we've been told this my mom told us our whole life. We're fraternal. We're not but how I still can't believe
16:57Now going forward let's see we're identical. I know is that true
17:00We have to say that we're identical
17:03Well, you guys are identical now. Well, the test confirms that we are we're gonna
17:07Come here
17:10That's crazy
17:14Our family thinks that we don't look alike because you guys know it but everybody that means to say like
17:19Oh, you guys look alike because we're twins, you know
17:22Babe, we're identical
17:25I swear to god
17:29In the frame, what does it say right here
17:33It's just everything's the same it matches yeah, look
17:36You guys are lying. It's edited. Oh, yeah, we edit it. Yeah, it's not a joke. We're not playing. It's not a prank
17:42How do you feel? Oh my god. So does that mean that we should we hug? Yeah, we should
17:49This is a moment
17:51Like this is
17:53This is special because we're like we never knew this for almost 30 years. We didn't know we were identical. We would have been stronger
18:00What the fuck had we known? We would have been closer
18:03Now we have more of a stronger bond
18:06You guys might as well be conjoining twins. I'm fucking shook. What should we call?
18:15Wait, let's ask me first
18:21That's the shit i've seen at the restaurant shut up no, but for me actually that's all that means we're fraternal
18:37What are you doing
18:41But I have a question for you, yes, are is me and brie fraternal are identical
18:49Okay, me and brie did a twin test
18:52Like to to see if we're identical fraternal and saying that we're identical twins
18:58What the fuck? Yeah
19:01Different bags. I know
19:03Say hi, we're filming. It doesn't matter though because even if you're
19:07I guess it doesn't matter if you're in separate bags
19:10There's a study a new study now with doctors that even if you have a separate bag, you could still be identical
19:18Oh shit. I didn't know that so you have identical twin daughters send it to him
19:35I obviously because you're a family but there's like I know a lot of people could tell us apart
19:39But then there's a lot of people that can't
19:42But but yeah, it's where we're identical twins where everything's the same about everything
19:49So what do you mean
19:51Well, that's cool. All right
19:53Is that good? I guess it's good
19:55but that's crazy because we didn't we're not i'm so happy we did this twin test because
19:59Finally, we can you know know the truth like what we really are
20:03No, and it's cool because I didn't even know that I thought the whole time you guys were fraternal
20:08We all thought we were fraternal twins
20:15They used to
20:17The reason why I got this test was because everybody would always be my dmc, but it doesn't matter if you guys are um
20:24In separate bags, you guys could still be identical. There's like new studies now that you could still be identical
20:28Let me call you back, but we're gonna finish the video
20:31All right. I love you
20:35That is crazy
20:38My nerves
20:41What does the country say
20:43I'm feeling all the um, I know we literally owe them an apology
20:48And like that's why we did this test because you guys would always tell us like no, no, no
20:53I mean, let me just shut it down. Let me just let's say what it is
20:59Come to the beauty room really quick, please
21:04This is crazy i'm still in disbelief, let me see I haven't even really read anything
21:10Conclusions of dna twin
21:12Dicosity test identical twin papa
21:16Guess what? Me and briny just got our test results back of being twins. It says that we're identical
21:21I told your mom all the time you did. Yes
21:25Why did you say no?
21:31Especially said that the doctor told her we were fraternal I was there when you guys were born
21:37She was all messed up
21:39Yeah, but the doctor told her
21:42Back in the day. This is uh, this is what it was
21:44If you were in separate bags, that means you're fraternal if you're in one bag, that means identical, but that's not it
21:49That's not accurate. You could be in separate bags and still be identical
21:54I knew that
21:55Yeah, that's crazy
22:03No, that's this is a big deal that is a big
22:06Twin one and twin two everything you see 13 13. Everything's exact all these people say. Oh my god
22:12I thought you guys were
22:15No, they're fraternal
22:17They are fraternal twins, this is big. That's not your socials. Fuck. I mean, yeah, huh?
22:23I'm gonna put identical twins definition
22:29Yeah, you guys have the same dna
22:31I just need to process it though. What does it say?
22:34Identical twins are two babies who share the same dna because they develop from a single fertilized egg
22:42They are also known as monocystic
22:45monocystic twins
22:46How identical twins form a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm the fertilized egg splits into two identical cells
22:53Each cell develops into a baby with the same genetic form information
22:58Identical twins are always the same sex
23:02I'm going down my contacts list to see who else we could call. Let's see. I'm just in utter shock still I can't believe it
23:09Should we call mama?
23:11I guess if she answers though, she's in mexico
23:35Mexico right now guys, she don't even make a face or anything. She's not gonna make a face
23:40She's gonna be okay, please. No. Yeah, she will don't
23:44Don't call it wrong person. Does biki know I sent it. Oh, she didn't answer. So let's call her really quick
23:51She probably she probably doesn't even know what that's for
23:58Okay, we're gonna go
24:00I knew when I saw friend's face. I was like, that's weird. I didn't do nothing. No you won't
24:06Thank you
24:07Sorry, just really quick. Tell me where we got our results for the twins test and it says that we're identical twins
24:15I was just reading it right now
24:17Can you believe that?
24:19I know that
24:25That's just crazy though that it came like my whole life we thought we were fucking fraternal twins
24:31When are you guys gonna record that part?
24:33We we did right now we did we're recording right now. Yeah
24:39Enough with calling people. That's enough guys. I can't believe her
24:43What are you guys doing?
24:44Let us know in your comments down below because i'm so shocked like me too
24:48I would have never thought this you guys just hold tight my swarping down. I was like
24:51What took you guys so long to do?
24:54Finally got the test. It's just I just ordered it one day. Yeah
24:59No, I know why my marriage sent you that to talk of these twins doing it
25:03These twins did it the twin test
25:05And the same thing that happened with me and breed their whole life. They were 28 years old their whole life
25:10They were fraternal twins. So they did the twin test and they came out that they're identical
25:14So I was like maybe me and bree should do that. What if it's the same breast?
25:17And sure enough it was
25:20I'm shook. I don't have no words. I guess your mom kept arguing with me and I go
25:25I was there
25:27No, no, no, you got it all wrong. You don't know. Okay
25:31Baby's calling me baby
25:42All right, go he's going okay, um music it's been a whole night the whole time
25:48Good night, good night
25:58But oh my god you guys like we're literally shook what do you guys think let us know what you guys thought in the comments down
26:04below because I literally thought like it was still gonna be fraternal because I just believed that my whole life, you know when
26:11Everything was a lie. Like your whole life was a lie and you say
26:14That's how I feel right now
26:15I feel like a part of me is shocked
26:17But then a part of me is not shocked because I kind of had a little percentage like of hope that we were
26:22Identical. I didn't I just said no, but I was like not but after fernando's reaction
26:27She kind of like I kind of questioned but then I was like, what if he's just doing that to throw me off?
26:30Yeah, because you guys when he went through the result results it goes
26:35Like he did a face like that and then after I was like, babe, what is it?
26:38He's like I can't let you know I can't so I was still like what is it?
26:42Well, I guess now we know guys and now you guys should start calling us identical twins, yeah
26:47Yeah, we literally blew this one
26:50well, we're gonna
26:52Wrap this video up now. So thank you guys so much for watching. I'm gonna sleep on this and just
26:58I think about my whole life again. And what do we need to do now going forward?
27:02I don't know. We need to definitely go to those twin. Um, what are they called? Best of all? Yeah in um, ohio
27:08Yeah, I don't know it's somewhere ohio or idaho I was confused I think it's ohio ohio
27:13But yeah, you guys um, thank you so much
27:16Make sure you guys like like comment share and if you're a twin I recommend you guys do this
27:21Yes, if you're a twin and you're curious if you're identical fraternal get the test because it will literally
27:27It will determine what you are
27:29Bye guys
