• yesterday
this was so fun to film hehe thank you for watching my little coconuts

snap: @nottinacolada
main IG: @tinaa.colada
grwm IG: @nottinacolada
tiktok: @nottinacolada



Kat: @katvalynvongxay & kattklawzz
Andy: @ap.trains
Rene: @coldflow_renny


00:00Best way to slide into a guy's DMs.
00:02Why do girls always go to the bathroom together?
00:04Do you guys ever purposely play mind games?
00:06What's the most attractive physical feature?
00:09Why do guys switch up in front of their homies?
00:12Hey guys, it's Tina, and today I'm with my friends.
00:15I'm Andy.
00:15I'm Rene.
00:16I'm Kat.
00:16We're gonna be asking our guy friends 10 questions that girls are too afraid to ask guys,
00:21and then we're gonna switch and have them ask us 10 questions that guys are too afraid to ask girls.
00:26Make sure to stick around to the end for our juicy bonus round,
00:29where we're gonna be asking juicy questions.
00:34I asked you guys on Instagram to send in some questions,
00:36and you guys did not disappoint.
00:38I got so many questions.
00:39So with that, let's get started.
00:42This first one is from my friend, Mialicious.
00:44What makes a woman a high-value woman?
00:49That's a good question.
00:50You know, my grandma's a high-value woman.
00:53Taking care of many generations and, you know, in the family.
00:57Someone that's reliable and, you know, is always there.
01:00You know, for the family.
01:01For the family.
01:02For the family.
01:03Family woman.
01:04Ah, that's a good response.
01:06I think it all depends on preference, right?
01:08Everybody has their own taste, but I personally think a high-value woman is just a woman with ambitions and goals
01:14and somebody that's confident.
01:16That's what really matters.
01:17You just gotta be yourself, be able to put yourself out there.
01:20Don't let that stop you from being you.
01:23That's good.
01:24Good answer, guys.
01:25Boom, boom, boom, boom.
01:26Boom, boom, boom, boom.
01:27Today's theme apparently was camo for the video.
01:29It's camo, guys.
01:30What do you guys think?
01:31Oh, my God.
01:32Did you guys notice?
01:33I bet you guys didn't even notice.
01:34We're all wearing camo.
01:35I forgot Rene was here.
01:36He, like, blended in so well.
01:37Bro, are any of us here?
01:39We're just floating out.
01:40Yo, let's see them.
01:42What is the best way to slide into a guy's DMs?
01:45Like their story?
01:47That's the number one hint right there.
01:50I think you should fat-shame them, guys.
01:52Whoa, guys.
01:53Based off experience right over here.
01:57What would you guys respond to?
01:58What's the best?
01:59Say something funny, you know?
02:00Yeah, don't hit a guy with a hey.
02:03Don't be serious.
02:04That's the worst thing ever, especially with, like, 3Ys.
02:07Okay, so what's the best way?
02:08Just say something funny?
02:09Yeah, say something unique, like, just icebreaker, you know?
02:12Don't just say hello, you know?
02:14Actually, learn from me.
02:15Yeah, learn from me, guys.
02:16You know, I'd be like, hey, I was following this line in the sand,
02:20and I ended up being your balls, so I'm here now.
02:26They hang pretty low.
02:27You've used that before, huh?
02:28If I say that and I get blocked, bro, I'm blaming you.
02:31I think all guys appreciate some humor.
02:33I feel like funny girls are kind of hard to come across, you know?
02:36But, you know, just say something goofy.
02:39No, y'all are cool.
02:40Y'all are funny.
02:41Y'all are funny.
02:43What are 3 of the biggest red flags in a girl?
02:46You're the first guy that's ever done this for me.
02:49Nobody's ever done this for me.
02:50I usually don't go out a lot.
02:51I don't like that.
02:53I usually don't go out.
02:54So someone who says they don't go out but they go out a lot is a red flag?
02:57Like, they're just lying about it, you know?
02:59Just lying about it.
03:00You think it's better to just own up to it and be like that?
03:02Yeah, like, I go out a lot.
03:03Don't say you don't, and then, like, you go out a lot.
03:05Stay with your chest, for real.
03:06Stay with your chest.
03:07Just mean what you say.
03:08But if they actually do go out a lot and they admit it, is that a red flag, too?
03:12I personally think red flags are attractive.
03:16I think that's a red flag, guys.
03:19That's a red flag.
03:21When they have a guy best friend that they hang out with, one-on-one, alone.
03:25Alone, that's crazy.
03:26That's, to me, personally, I don't know.
03:29Depends on the friend.
03:30I think it depends, too.
03:32I guess, yeah.
03:33Maybe if he's a little fruity, it's fine.
03:35If he's not fruity, it's kind of questionable.
03:36Gotta meet the guy.
03:37I gotta meet the guy.
03:38You gotta really, like, you gotta check the boundaries on the relationship.
03:41Yeah, for sure, for sure.
03:42You gotta check.
03:43But it does get, you know, you thinking.
03:45If you hear that your girl has a guy best friend that they're gonna hang out one-on-one,
03:48and they don't respond for 12 hours, and next thing you know, you wake up the next day,
03:51and they're like, oh, yeah, I ended up taking a nap.
03:54That sounds personal.
03:55No, no, no.
03:56It's just an example, you guys.
03:57No, no, it's just personal.
03:59It's personal.
04:01Can you really have female friends without developing any romantic flings for them?
04:09Do I choose to have female friends?
04:11Okay, nonchalant.
04:12I don't.
04:13Let's say nonchalant.
04:14If you have a girl best friend, and, like, you want to hang out with them, or if you
04:16have a guy best friend, like, it's better if it's in a group setting compared to just
04:20being one-on-one.
04:22I think that's when it kind of gets questionable if it's one-on-one, but groups, that's cool,
04:25you know?
04:27What is something that would instantly make a girl wifey material?
04:32That's always a good one.
04:33Getting along with all your family and all your friends.
04:35If she can kind of build a relationship with the people that matter most in your life,
04:40that's really important.
04:41So, like, the next time we see your parents, we should just be like, fuck you guys.
04:47We should just, like, punch them.
04:48All right.
04:49Hey, that's what my ex did.
04:50It worked out great for her.
04:52Did she punch them?
04:54Do you like when a girl approaches you first, and is the one chasing?
04:58Do you like when they approach you first, or do you like when they're chasing?
05:02Just, yeah.
05:04I like the chase, and I like being chased, so it's, you know.
05:07I'm always, like, the approach person, so.
05:09Oh, okay.
05:10But I'd say, yeah, I would like for the, yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:12You prefer it, or, like?
05:13No, I'm saying, like, I find it nice.
05:15You find it nice?
05:17Some girls chase, but, like, it could be kind of crazy, too.
05:19He likes this stuff.
05:21He likes this stuff.
05:22Oh, I didn't say that.
05:23I just said, ooh.
05:24I think you can chase, but you have to know your limits.
05:27Because then it just gets desperate at some point, you know?
05:31You know, like, girls, they're nuts.
05:32You guys don't feel that energy?
05:33Like, when a girl's constantly chasing, you don't feel the desperate energy?
05:39She want me so bad, you guys.
05:40I think guys and girls are different, because, obviously, guys just, like, you know, really
05:44feeling wanted.
05:45I just want to be appreciated.
05:47I want to be appreciated.
05:49I want to be appreciated.
05:50When someone's chasing so much, and you don't show any reciprocation, then it gets desperate,
05:54you know?
05:55That's a little cuckoo.
05:57But it always depends on the approach, you know?
06:00Chase your dreams, but don't be weird.
06:01Don't be weird about it.
06:02But stand up, guys.
06:03Stand up.
06:04Stand up, girls.
06:05They don't want you.
06:08They don't want you.
06:09Stand up.
06:11Someone else will.
06:12I know something better.
06:13Don't stand up.
06:14Stand out.
06:15How about that?
06:16All right.
06:17Catch me outside.
06:18How about that?
06:19Do you guys ever purposely play mind games?
06:24They do?
06:25Yeah, for sure.
06:26I think guys play mind games.
06:27Oh, yeah.
06:28He's so confident about it.
06:29Of course.
06:30Sometimes, you know?
06:32It's not really testing a person.
06:33It's just like it's being playful.
06:34It's about being playful, you know?
06:35Be a little nice here and be a little annoying here, you know?
06:36I'm sure women like to make their man's man for certain reasons.
06:37Sometimes, they just like to do it because it's fun.
06:38Thankfully, I get that.
06:42Some guys do it for like a dad.
06:43No, they actually play mind games.
06:45Oh, I got a friend like that.
06:46Some girls just go back and go back and go back.
06:47And they do go for it.
06:48There's some girls who go for it, too.
06:49Like, I would go and leave the water running in the sink.
06:57Like, I would go and leave the water running in the sink.
07:00And if you walk past, you're going to be like, who left it open?
07:01Then, you'll go later on, you'll go to the kitchen, you'll see something out of place.
07:02And you'll be like, what the fuck is going on?
07:03Who did this?
07:04And they're going to think another girl did it or what?
07:06Nah, he's just mad because I'm doing dumb shit around the house.
07:07You know?
07:08I'm going to leave a bowl out with cereal just filled in.
07:09So, Renee's just toxic, guys.
07:10Are you heard of here?
07:11Nah, that's me.
07:12Like, that shit.
07:13I'm going to be like, what?
07:14Man, I'mma leave a bowl out with cereal just filled in.
07:17I'm gonna leave a bowl out with cereal just so Renee's just toxic guys
07:32Put your Oreos on the top shelf man, you ain't gonna get to those
07:41What is the guy's definition of a pick-me-girl she talking to every single dude in the room
07:47When a girl only has guy friends, that's a that's a red flag. I forgot to mention
07:53When they're like guys, I only have guy friends cuz it's like
07:59Girls put other girls down. Yeah, all girls are beautiful
08:10When they act dumb on purpose
08:13That's the worst like it's so obvious. I think some guys like it though
08:17Some guys like don't pick up on like pick-me-girl energy. No, I just give them like a look like
08:26Yeah, so you guys like when girls are like very supportive of other girls
08:31Yeah, nice
08:32Confident women. Yes, I think confident women always put up other woman. Yeah, you tell what a woman is insecure
08:39Why do you guys switch up in front of their homies, they try to be cool no cat. Oh, you're cool, man
08:44They're trying to look better than the other guy man. Hey, bro. I need that 10k. I let you borrow last week, bro
08:49Come on now. Yeah, I need that. I need my AP the other brother. That's a mess
08:52I think I just make stuff for like once you got my Lambo back
08:55When I gave you the post to the new code for USA
08:58Pretend you're like a super cheesy guy, right and you're like super romantic with your girl. It's like so baby
09:03Yeah, and then when you're with your homies, you're like
09:16Do you guys ever do that like you like simple for a girl and then you see your homie and you're like fuck out
09:21I don't even know her like that like
09:32If you're really for a person it doesn't matter who's around you're gonna you're gonna like do it show affection
09:38So the way you feel about yeah, I smack some ass you gonna smack your ass. I want to cuddle up
09:42You gonna cuddle up. You want to say? Hey, you want to go be in the bathroom?
09:46Yo, all right
09:49If they really like a girl like they would try to show her off today. Yeah
09:54Look what I got a guy's like, oh you girls so bad be like, oh, thank you for the compliment, bro
09:58Yeah, what is the first thing you notice in a girl?
10:01face card
10:05Attraction is the initial. Yeah. Yeah, that's the thing that pulls you icebreaker the physical attraction for 100%
10:11I think looks attract and then personality like keeps keeps the appeal. Mm-hmm
10:16I like receive a recipient of energy like energy being reciprocated energy for you
10:21Yeah, I look at a girl sometimes and I've never talked to her anything like that. I see her across the room
10:25it's like it's got to be like
10:27Confidence or like, you know, some people have a RBF and you're like damn
10:31I don't even want to talk to them. Some people just give out like more bubbly energy
10:35We're gonna switch and they're gonna ask us 10 questions that guys are too afraid to ask girls and me and cat are gonna answer
10:42What do girls crave the most when they're on their period? I feel like for me. It's always like junk food
10:46I like that hot chips hot chips
10:49Hot chips and wine. Yes
10:52Sweet treat. How much are going crazy like yes, girl
10:57Goes for life pickles
11:03Oreos some girls don't get an appetite in their period but I do the girls like following a guy's daily plan like, you know
11:09Like let's say he has a day of his own self and you guys would you guys just tag along? Oh
11:14In his day. Yeah
11:16His own busy day. You guys are tag along. Yeah, they wouldn't want yeah
11:20No, I'm so busy, but you could would you be like, oh, I know you're busy. Would you mind you know me?
11:25Yeah, you generally enjoy a person's company. I think doing anything with them is fun
11:30You know, why do girls always go to the bathroom together? What do y'all be doing up in there? Thanks just for the company
11:50Debrief with them like especially if like you just met a person and you're like both like on a first date or something you go in
11:56the bathroom you're like
12:00You know, do you need a tampon like I got you want a picture do you break? Oh we take selfies
12:10Actually, and then sometimes like if you both really have to pee you just stack on each other and you just pee in the toilet
12:15And then like you you wipe it for them. You want to take time?
12:18There's a waterfalls or waterfall. Oh, yeah, true. Y'all y'all should be sound like deep-fried chicken
12:23No, if you said here if he it does stream
12:30You gotta be sometimes when we go to the urinals we start really close and then we just get further
12:37Do girls wipe back to front or front to back you got a white front to back you have front to back both
12:45Go into your country, yeah, you go from back to front you will get something
12:51You will get a yeast infection name a time. You smelled really bad in public name a time. We smelled really bad
12:56Yeah, I don't like embarrassing every time we leave that every
13:03Never guys never girls don't stink ever girls don't ever sing
13:09We don't sweat don't fart we don't poop we don't pee
13:13We're just don't believe them. What's the difference?
13:17Between wearing a matching set and not wearing a matching set before you go to see a guy. You just feel more put together
13:23Yeah, regardless if I see a guy or not if I'm wearing a matching set you just feel more put together
13:28It's like matching. Yeah, and it doesn't matter if it's seen or not. You just feel more put together
13:33You know, it's like the same thing with playing an outfit. Well, you don't really care and you obviously don't care
13:38Yeah, you don't care you're showing up and like an Adam Sandler fit
13:41And I think you should care regardless though, even if you're not seeing a guy. Yeah, you look good you feel yourself
13:47Yeah, fuck these guys
13:50Here comes the men ain't shit
13:56The girls only go to the gym to hit leg day, that's a good question
14:00Where why do you guys even care about anything else? What about your back? Oh, no, they care about
14:07What about your arms? I think a lot of girls hit
14:10Primarily legs, but I think the more often you go to the gym the more you want to work out everything
14:16How many leg days in a week?
14:19Three leg days in a week
14:22Yeah, once a month. I had glutes every day
14:25Every day I see. Why are you trying to get that badonkadonk for? I just squeeze a part out when I want
14:34You know when Patrick had that butt machine and went to sleep what's the most attractive physical feature on a guy
14:40I think they're smile. I think so. Yeah. Mm-hmm because it shows more than just like the looks, you know, it's like
14:47It shows their personality to I feel like your smile hair or hair. You think so? Like what if they're really bald though?
14:56Guys no some some bald guys look good. Okay, clean
15:01Guys from x-factor. Oh my god. I know your time. Oh, no
15:09He's a germaphobe, I know we're talking about Dave Dave how we are something how we
15:15Okay, how we but Vin Diesel Vin Diesel
15:20Hair is men's makeup hair is men's makeup because you can have some chopped hair, you know shows that you want to take care of
15:27I'm hiding my hairline right now. I watch on guys guys. It's a way
15:33It's about to come up what makes a guy husband material money money money
15:44The ability to for a man to make a woman feel in their feminine
15:50They feel secure enough with the man that like the woman can like back, you know, like lay back
15:56They can take care of themselves and you as well. Not even just money-wise, but I think just like, you know
16:02Just making you feel secure in every aspect. So why here? No, no
16:07There's so many ways to make women feel secure besides just like what they're feeling
16:12Yeah, do you throw your underwear away if you get period on it, or do you just wash it?
16:18I wash it if it's not stained if it's really bad as bad if it all got if you're on like day two period
16:25Day two period you guys know that's like the word
16:29Period undies and yes. Yes. You're like, you're not trying to ruin the grandma
16:34Grandma Tony's are the period undies like the Victoria's Secret undies are like, you know, the other
16:41Are you guys if you're under 18, it's time you scroll away from the
16:5018 plus only guys but like and subscribe, please
16:53Now we're gonna do the juicy round each have three questions
16:59Me and Cat are gonna go first. What does getting hard feel like? I don't know. Sometimes it feel real good. I feel like poking
17:08What sometimes it can feel really good other times it's like please don't do this to me right now
17:13Please go down. This has like a mind of its own. Yes. What's like the worst time you guys have ever gotten one?
17:20Church school schools definitely top top top one top three for sure presentation. Did you guys get it from random things or was it?
17:36Sometimes maybe seventh eighth grade was at an assembly
17:40We were sitting crisscross applesauce and my knee was touching this other girl's knee. I was rock hard
17:48Biggest turn on and turn off during freaky time. Don't mess with my rhythm. Like if I move in don't fight back. Don't fight back
17:58No, I think he's trying to say like like like don't mess up
18:03Yeah, that's mostly guys though. Like when girls are all like like I'm close. They all of a sudden go don't say that
18:08Just girls don't say that. I'll say that just like you'll make us bus way too quick
18:17Yeah, biggest turn off during freaky time maybe if they like what they like grab your ass during it
18:28If it nah, please are funny if a girl's doing it and she lets a fart slip sometimes I feel like that's like a little
18:36That's a turn off but a queef is okay
18:39One of them stinks, right? Okay, and one of them doesn't so like, you know, just make sure it's
18:48Turn on I like when they beg you like they you know, they say go deeper
19:01What if they call you the wrong name
19:09Not an accident like on purpose
19:12Do you guys really care about body count? How much is too much in your opinion?
19:17It's not too much. It's too off. You guys care about body count in general. No, no, no, like 50 100. That's crazy
19:26That's the limit. I mean, y'all if you're doing a guy hands up you guys like sniff your hand after
19:34Do you sniff your hand
19:43Gotta be nonchalant about it to not be
19:47Guys I got sweat on my lip. Yeah. Oh my god. My nose is so itchy for some reason
20:07How do girls hint when they trying to do something if you're like spooning or something and then like the girl like
20:12Pushes the pushes their butt back a little I don't hit I just like
20:19Some girls hit and some girls are just like
20:22Get in the shower. Yeah, some girls just rip your pants. Oh, yes
20:27Circumcised or not circumcised. I
20:30Don't think it matters
20:32They have to be confident about if they're if they're not like circumcised and they're like, oh my god
20:36Like you can be you can be a Titanic and still sink
20:42That's all the questions, thank you so much for watching all the way to the end we had so much fun right guys
20:51Shoulda like and subscribe like comment subscribe follow them, too