• 2 days ago
We find out what happens if you google at night in Among Us

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Nicovald
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @helloiamkate
⭑ @Lookum
⭑ @sigils
⭑ @PatP_

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
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#gaming #ssundee #amongus

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00:00All right, give me the hacker or
00:02We are the google. All right, we're the gemini ai so how this works, right?
00:07I am google and look there's sigils sigils is the hacker and he knows i'm the imposter
00:13And devil's the penguin all right, why is the penguin?
00:16All right. So look how this works, right? You see in the top, right? There's a day night cycle. I am google
00:24If anybody googles at night
00:27I'll show you how to do that in a little bit
00:28But first what I have to do I have to make it night time to make it night time check this out
00:32I have uh this ability map maker, right? You can say I only have one ability
00:35I gain abilities as I convert part of the map. You'll see in a minute. So, uh, let me do this
00:42Calling down a waypoint a map
00:49I'm real visible. All right, so you see lookums
00:52He is now gonna be marked you see the day the daytime went to uh a little bit later in the day
00:59So I need to hit more people. Uh first I need to go find sizzles. There's sizzles. He's right there
01:03I'm gonna go talk sizzles. Come on out. I know you're here. Come on
01:07Hey, listen, you know, you know, you know i'm gonna win this right? You know i'm gonna
01:13It's the first one to convert all four areas, you know i'm gonna win this right? You can't even count to four
01:19This is what's gonna happen. You see I got my phone. I have my phone. Oh, i'm in your phone and look at this
01:32I'm going to win
01:34I'm gonna win and there's nothing you can do this. I'm gonna hack your mom. You can't you literally can't you know what?
01:40I'm out of here. I'm going to hit
01:41Oh, you wouldn't dare. Oh
01:46Go hit him
01:49How to fix my no, I didn't look this is probably before this is probably before look who's not me just googled
01:56Lookums lookums
01:59Lookums, you know better. I told you not to google at night
02:04Why are you googling at night how to fix your brain lookums? It's not me. It's probably people that use my google
02:11All right, you know what i'll give you i'll give you an option you can run towards decontamination and i'll let you live. Oh sure
02:19Play button butcher. Oh, look. I got my youtube play button. Hey, where is he? Where is he? I gotta find him
02:25I gotta find out there he is
02:30So you see, uh
02:33Sorry body was found. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go
02:36I gotta get there before sigils does where's sigils? There he is. He was looking for it
02:41No, no
02:44This is my body sigils
02:47I have taken the cd-rom. Does anybody know what a cd-rom is? I don't know you boomer guys
02:53I'm gonna go listen to my dvds. I can see you. I'm literally the imposter
02:57I can say look come over here guys
02:59Do me a favor if you know what a cd-rom is hit the like button what I don't least like video a whole time
03:04Also hit the subscribe button if you think sizzles is dumb ugly and stupid. Sorry
03:08I'm beautiful. All right, so you see this, uh server here, right? I have inserted the lookums disc watch this
03:16Why would you do that? That's how you get a virus. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on do that
03:20Hold on. I need to find more do that. Hold on. I need to find more need to find more. Uh, where is it crap?
03:24What is this? You're not good at this
03:28It is done this area is now converted to my ai
03:34google thingy
03:36Uh sus rich instead of search it's sus rich
03:40All right
03:40So look at the top right one of zero right and you see this little counter here once it reaches zero
03:46Uh, you can either steal it from me or I can reclaim it and here's the deal
03:50I have the memory of a really good memory person
03:54So i'm gonna be back in 30 seconds and i'm gonna get it later. No because i'm gonna do this
03:59I'm hacking you. What did you just do?
04:02What did what did i'm gonna go kill zed I just there we go he's gonna respawn but you know, that was fun
04:08I'm gonna kill him again. Why did I die?
04:12Oh and the timer I gotta wait for the timer I have to I have to reset this I have to reset this and reset
04:19No before he gets here and steals it. Stop it. Where is it? There it is. Oh you puppy garter
04:24Are you mad?
04:26Puppy garter, bro, that's good. I'm claiming that as my own. I have 60 seconds and i'm gonna go back
04:32Okay, there's zod. Who should I kill next? Uh, let's do dark harvest. That's my new ability because I converted this area
04:38Uh, let's do data research on hello. I am
04:42Oh data harvest. Oh, she's in the cloud. Oh, she's getting destroyed by the cloud
04:48Oh, no
04:51All right, that made the time go
04:53Pass a little bit. All right, cool. Uh, should I hit nico next let's do a marker on nico right there
04:58All right, and here we go
05:03Oh, there's sigils I can't do anything to him. I literally i'm gonna i'm gonna win you're gonna lose you're gonna lose
05:12Why would you you're cheating I can't use any of my abilities on you that's cheating you're cheating
05:18I mean, well, I can't do anything to him. This is not fun. All right. Nico is marked. Who else should I mark?
05:23I gotta mark him with this dark harvest one. Uh, there's hello. Am she's a puddle
05:28I'm gonna mark i'm gonna mark pat as well. All right, here we go
05:33And now I have to kill pat you're an idiot
05:36You did that in front of pat and now he knows it's you I had to puddle him so he wouldn't vote you out
05:43Why are you a liability i'm not a liability i'm forcing you to dance to my tune sunday i'm the genius hacker
05:50You're the idiot. That's the rule. I don't like this. All right, this should make it to where it's
05:55nighttime after this
05:58I gotta go. So he just googled how to fix my brain because I did the map marker
06:02What's what did pat google? I gotta go find out what pat googled. What did pat google?
06:08How to regenerate bones, I didn't google this
06:11Okay pat didn't you know you're not supposed to google at night and why are you googling how to regenerate your bones that's not happening and
06:18Listen, listen, I wasn't planning on killing you. I was planning on killing hello. I am but then uh sigils decided to
06:25Uh convert the map in front of you, which means you would have voted him out
06:28Which means he would have sussed me out. So now you gotta die
06:32mail time
06:35I need to get this. I need to get this get out of my speed buff
06:39Where is it? Oh top right top right go go go he teleported. Oh, hey sundy
06:45You can't teleport. You can't
06:48I can't i'm a hacker. There's no rules you stupid idiot. You can't teleport. That's cheating
06:54You have two
06:56I can I can go invisible too. I don't okay. Well and I can see you. What's the point?
07:00It makes me feel powerful. Why are you like this? Who hurt you? Is it your mom you me?
07:05You know what take my mail
07:12Don't like you I don't like you. All right, he has two I gotta go over here and get this
07:16All right. Well, let me go ahead do this
07:18All right. I gotta claim this one from him claim this one that goes there that goes there that goes
07:24What do I do now crap? What do I do now this one and then that one?
07:27Okay, I got it claimed it. All right claim that one back to myself
07:31He stole that one and look how hackery it is, but I can go steal it back steal it back quick
07:36Um, what is this? Oh, I gotta find out the pat little piggies hands, right?
07:41No, that's feet feet feet are little piggies 100 channels. That's scary. He has a lot of channels
07:47Uh intro sigils
07:49What is intro? Oh the shush intro and then right foot. That's the right foot. No, that's the right hand. I did it
07:56Okay. Now I have two I have two of the two of the four. No, no, no
08:00Are you you seem kind of mad? Why do you you seem kind of mad and I I unlocked another ability
08:05This is called browser bash. Oh, yeah. Well, you can't do anything to me and you know what? No, please don't
08:13Stop it. What? No, you know what? No, no, no, stop it. Oh, don't browser bash me bro. Stop it. I said
08:20No, you're not i'm literally I have a brain that's I can remember a lot so i'll be back man
08:25You don't even know my name. Uh, he teleported. Why is he that's he?
08:29No, no do not do not do not do not steal that he can't he doesn't want to steal it in front of them to get
08:36Voted out. Nope. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no i'm winning
08:40I'm winning
08:49No, no, that's cheating you can't steal it from me after I claimed it you can't do that that's cheating
08:57Nobody loves you. All right, what do I need to do next browser bash? Who am I gonna kill next? Hello? I am
09:02Yep, i'll take out. Hello. I am
09:05No, no, no
09:07Dude, I had what I had one more
09:09All right
09:11There's that just got yeeted out of the map apparently. Yep. All right, cool, and then i'll hit him with that
09:17Uh, hey, no, i'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Please stop. What is that?
09:21Why am I in a hole help?
09:23Uh, let's do I need to make it date or night time. Uh, let's do this. Uh right there
09:28All right. Now it's night time
09:29Arma, I unlocked arma groyd
09:33Ambush, uh, what did she google? Hold on? What did she google? Oh, hey google how to pull head from dirt tutorial
09:40Teach me how to pull my head out from the dirt
09:43Hey, uh, listen, right listen, you know, you know the rules you're not supposed to google at night
09:47Did you did you notice like the night time? It's kind of dark out. Did you notice that at all?
09:52No, I can't see anything. Okay, here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go consult
09:57With my supervisor and my supervisor will come in and let you know the decision. Okay? Okay. Awesome. Thank you so much
10:05Thanks. So yeah, all right. I'm gonna go consult. Hey sigils. I gotta do some consulting work
10:10Uh, i'm gonna consult with my android boss. Here we go. Hello supervisor. Why am I dumping? Why are you dumping?
10:18It's because the androids are crap
10:20You can't say that you just upset half the people in the world. Okay, so listen supervisor
10:24This is my supervisor right here. The little green guy kind of looks like you. Uh, listen supervisor. Um,
10:29Do you believe that googling at night is bad russell? No russell put in a robot that says no kill kill kill. No
10:37Kill kill kill perfect. Come on sigils. We gotta go kill kill kill. Come on
10:41Hey, so
10:43Update update. I just heard I just heard from the supervisor and uh, he said the answer to your question is
10:51No kill kill kill
11:02Just end my life
11:04All right, I gotta get on the speed buff get on the speed buff. Where do I go? Where is it?
11:07Where's the body down there bottom right bottom right bottom right go go
11:13He tried he put down the wrong thing he put down the wrong thing
11:19Oh, he tried to put down a wall
11:21Oh, no, I miss click. Hey, hey listen, so
11:26So I get an arrow pointing to the body right but you don't right? Um, is that fun for you? No, it's not fair
11:33It's not fair. What do you mean? It's not fair. All right. Well, i'm gonna go ahead and hack an arrow in hold on
11:38So you can't activate this right? So it's on cool down, but i'm
11:42There's nothing there. Yeah, I can interact with it whenever I want. Wait a second. No, no
11:50There are rules. This is it
11:57Uh, uh stab, uh cyan, uh, that's me author. You're not that's not you skull
12:04Hello, it is me. Oh, I got my phones back and it's daytime
12:08I'm gonna go to
12:11Convert this, uh, okay. I gotta do this again do this again do this again do this again?
12:15Uh, I gotta go go up go
12:18Wait, no. No, how did he how did he do that? How did he do that one up there? He cheated. No, I was too late
12:26How did you get the top right when the timer was you're cheating? No, no, you're cheating as I started before you you're cheating
12:33The mainframe but if it's the cool down started, you know, you know what you know that bottom right one
12:38You're not touching that bottom right one. You're not getting that bottom right one
12:42I am conferring with my fart supervisor
12:46I'm gonna go stab. Uh, what the heck are you? No?
12:52Remember that i'm here and I care about you do something that it hurts. Hey, sir
12:59I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back. I'm right there
13:02Right there
13:08I'm i'm back sud i'm back
13:17Was that fun for him you think do you think that was did you go to the bathroom? No, I wouldn't I didn't
13:22I gotta keep zed dead. I have to keep him dead. I have to lock him down to where he can't talk to anybody
13:27Okay, um, I need to mark him now did I unlock another ability?
13:30Oh, I don't unlock another ability until I convert that bottom right area
13:34You're gonna die
13:36It's night time
13:37No, we got that top. I gotta kill zed next I have to convert this down here
13:41Do this and then build this build this build this thingy
13:46Perfect. All right, this is converted. I get my next ability, right? Uh sigils
13:50We I I just unlocked crewbrook breach. We have a problem if sigil if zed tells people we lose I gotta find him
13:56Where is he?
13:57We work together
13:57We work together, but also you made a mistake because now I can go hack that go you gotta go stop him
14:01I know but I had to unlock it
14:09Hey zed zed listen zed listen, we cannot let you talk to anyone
14:14We cannot let you talk to anyone at all. So
14:20Crewbook breach. What is this?
14:23What is that?
14:25While i'm moving around, what are you? What are these?
14:28Hey sigils, why are you just standing? I get it now. No, no reason
14:33He's not the penguin roll. It's I don't you know what? All right, I gotta go. I gotta go. I'll be right back
14:39I'll be right back
14:41All right, it's night time. It's night time. I gotta go kill zed before he tells anyone. Um, what is it? AI annihilation?
14:48You're the portal maker. No, it's not what I am gonna do is eat your body in a moment. No, you're not I am going
14:54No, no, okay, so zed, you know the rule you're not supposed to google stuff at night. Why did you?
15:00You know you googled how do I de-electrify myself? I don't
15:05Just because of that I have to pull out the big guns
15:12I gotta get the body. I gotta get the body. I gotta get the body. I gotta get the body
15:16Where is it? Where is it? No, no, no, no, no
15:20Go go go go stop it. No get off the thing. Get off that thing. No get up
15:27Wait, no, I ate it too
15:29What why did you counted? Hello? We know I ate it too
15:33Go hack the server. I I can't activate it. I don't like you. I don't like anything you stand for three to one
15:40You're getting owned. No, i'm not you are wait. No, I need to steal this one steal this one quick
15:44Steal this one quick steal this one quick
15:46How do I stop this?
15:49Sigils is not the vulture. What is wrong with you? Who hurt you? What happened to you? There it is
15:55I did it. Okay. I got that two two two
15:59He just stole another one. How do I stop this? I need to stop him
16:04There we go. Uh, uh skull wave
16:09uh weapon
16:12What you doing sigils
16:14What you doing what you doing 40 seconds 40 seconds i'll be back sigils
16:21Okay, I can move fast. He only has a short teleport. I gotta go down here kill before I don't even care
16:27Anything you can do I can do better. I can hack it better better than you
16:32Can you?
16:34He walked away from it
16:37No, no, no, no, no, I need to go up there and stop this one
16:3912 seconds 12 seconds. Wait, if I get down to the bottom right one. Hold on
16:44He tried to wall me off. Hi
16:52No, you're still in it I went too fast no, no, you're still in my mainframe
17:05This is so stressful
17:06Okay, I gotta go down here. Is it the bottom right one?
17:08It's the bottom right one if I can get there before he gets to the top right one, then i'm good
17:11Please hurry up put it put it all in there
17:21Hey, so, uh, you see in the top right look at the map it says, uh, four to zero look at the map
17:27It's all ai-fied. Hey, so do you know what?
17:30server sever is so uh
17:33I'm gonna sever the server now. No, no, don't please please. That's my family. Oh i'm hacking
17:39Send 1 million
17:41server overload danger sigils
17:46Your hacking has become unhacked what happens what is happening? Uh, look at this server. No, no, no, no, no
17:56Hey sigils you're dead hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it