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• Video Editor ► Russell

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​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
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#gaming #ssundee #funny

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00:00Boys welcome back to all out today. We're playing Fisherman is me side Biffle vs. Sigils Wilkins and Nico. Are you boys ready?
00:08Let's do it. Follow me Biffle inside this way. So listen, I'll show you guys how to play this game in a little bit
00:12It's completely free and I'll show you a little bit but how this game works you see on the left. That's my money
00:17I also we also have battle fish, right? You see that fish down there. Watch this
00:21I'm gonna get on my fishing rod, right? Look at my fishing rod
00:23I'm gonna throw my fishing rod at the fish now watch what happens. I'm gonna catch this. Here we go
00:30I leveled up level 4. I have a rare level 2
00:34Bubbly blob I can sell this for 240 gold or I can add it to my team
00:40So look at this. So now that I have this battle fish on my team, right?
00:44This is like Pokemon but real quick a disclaimer before we start first disclaimer hit the like button below the video make it turn blue
00:51What I don't know also hit the subscribe button for more all-out gag videos. So how this works Biffle. Do you have a fish?
00:58I have a fish
01:00Watch this. I'm gonna fight you Biffle request battle from Biffle
01:05We have each one fish. I'm gonna throw up my bubbly blob. I'm taking up my blue fish
01:15In in how this works, right? You can see I have a water fish. He has a leaf fish and there's fire I think
01:21So here's what we need to do boys. We need to build the perfect team so that I can take down sigil
01:27Zod I died. Oh
01:30God that thing was very strong. So check this out. Come up here. Let me sell I'm gonna sell this guy over here
01:35I'm gonna go over here to this guy. I'm gonna sell my bubbly place for 240 gold, right?
01:41I'm gonna buy rods. So check this out the current rod that I have
01:45I have a 0% chance to catch a legendary this rod a point 1% chance, right?
01:51There we go. And then this rod point 2% chance
01:55So I've upgraded twice. So if I go over here, I have a higher chance to catch a legendary. Here we go
02:01Come on, give me a listen there
02:03Common, I don't want the common
02:09Don't want the common so down here in the rods right the rainbow rod
02:13There's a 1% chance to catch mythical bosses. Ah, do you guys want to see what the mythical bosses look like?
02:21I do you see this by boats thing right here. Yeah, I got my boats. I'm gonna buy the speed boat for 30
02:27I'm gonna buy the basic boat for
02:31I'm gonna do the starter pack. This is gonna give me 50k gold and a legendary fish
02:37All right, here we go. And I get 10 rare candies with are you guys gonna buy it too?
02:41You guys are probably buying it right now. Will you give me a legendary fish?
02:47That is a lot of gold. What did I get? What legendary fish? I get I got a legendary level 5 Pogger fish
02:55Dude, would you give that a kissy or what? Look at my fish. You want to fight me? I'm not gonna fight you
03:01So on my team now, look at the help the legendaries have higher health and attack and
03:07This one is water type so I can give this a bunch of candies. Should I do that?
03:18I also forgot guys go to the item shop and buy the fish combo
03:21So you get 20% extra luck and you sell things and get more experience. So you sell things for more money. There we go
03:29All right, so boys here's the deal good
03:32We need to speed run getting this last rod because if we want a chance to take down sigils, right?
03:38I need mythical bosses. He's a big fish guy, by the way
03:41Yeah, I know so I have 50,000 gold I'm gonna buy the basic boat
03:47There we go. And then I'm gonna use this money. Oh and also forgot to say before I use this money on these rods
03:53We're playing on an amplified server so that we can get to endgame faster
03:58Whatever you guys play the game if you want to come play it
04:00It's a lot more grindier because you know, we want to be able to get a good video out. There we go dab
04:05Okay, give me that. Give me this rod. Give me the balloon string rod
04:10Give me the lightsaber rod. Give me the plasma rock. Can I just get everything? Are you cheatering? What is happening? Wait?
04:19I have the galaxy you have the galaxy. Okay. Yep. No, I want to get the upgrade
04:25Okay, I'm gonna get the upgraded boat in a minute. But let's let's get on the boat. Follow me. Okay, so
04:30You bought the upgraded
04:34Why did you get the okay stop it you guys are bad people
04:36Look at this poor boy. Okay, don't know. Let's just see cuz I'll know where he'll know we're cheating
04:41This right here is one of the mythics right there up there, but I'll show you that one in a little bit
04:46Let's go this way
04:47There's also a mythic that we can catch. There's one mythic that we can catch
04:52I'll show you where to catch that at but check this out up here. Ready?
04:57Fight a level 25 kraken. I'm going in boys. Wait, that's 25
05:02We're going let me see you. Oh god. I only have one legendary fish level 15. Why would you go in there?
05:08And I got one shot
05:13I just got one shot. You know what? I'm gonna fish too. Here we go. Oh, I can sell this for 1200 you got an epic
05:20Yeah, I got a rare level 5 rare I can sell that for 720 though. That's it
05:26Should I keep it? Yeah, I'm gonna no, I'm only gonna keep epics and legendaries
05:33Remember the cat the things that we catch too. Oh, that's a common. I'm getting out of here. I'm leaving
05:37All right, let's go this way. Come on boys. So these special islands out here. You see the little signs, right?
05:44The signs those are the special legendary fish you can catch at the different islands
05:51There's a there's an island that I want to go there's two islands this island right here, right? Let's get out
05:55Okay, you see this you see this legendary fish right here. I want it
06:02I have the upgraded rod. Give me
06:08Also these bubbles right you saw whenever Zod fought that one fish that's what these bubbles do watch
06:14I'm fighting something terrifying. It's one fish. What what levels are gonna be?
06:20Wait, no, I did it
06:24You beat it. It's a level 23. I just got a level 23 common
06:31Wait, I found an exploit. Is this an exploit? Hold on. You're send up the level
06:3416 Parker fish. Oh, hey, that's a big chungus. Oh, I'm not gonna beat that boy
06:39It's like Zod after Taco Bell. I love Taco Bell. I just got up for cut
06:43What are the stats of this gold glimmer?
06:46Stats are okay. So the level 16 legendary has 292 health the level 23 common as 132 comments are due to boo-boo
06:54That's pretty good. No, it's not. No, I like comments. They're good. No, it's not I'm getting I'm going
06:58Sell it sell it. I'm out of here. I'm battling. I'm selling this level 23 common because it's actual doo-doo trash
07:04There we go. Sell that one shot. There we go. Sell that I got 30,000. Should I upgrade my fishing rod?
07:10Yeah, probably you knew or a rod 1% chance for legendary
07:17Boys, I can barely afford their rainbow rod
07:22I have 80 gold left, but I can get mythics now
07:27So if I get strong enough, I can take out the Kraken. Hold on. Yeah, you should do Sunday
07:32What stop being poor get a better boat?
07:36What do you
07:39Look at my rod. Give me a legendary
07:45I have an idea. Hold on. I have an idea. Is there anything guys? Listen, I got I'm getting double gold every time I sell
07:50I can also buy candies. I should have got candies from whenever I bought the starter pack. Where did they go?
07:57Oh, I used it on my blobfish. I'm an idiot. I have an idea
08:01I'm gonna I'm gonna spend two sparks and I'm gonna get ten fish candies
08:04Actually guys do me a favor if you play the game don't spend money on these candies
08:08Okay, I'm gonna cheat here in a minute cuz I have admin commands. Huh? No, you're not
08:13Can I get some Sunday say sorry right now? I'm not saying sorry. I'm gonna level up my pogger fish
08:21I leveled up to level 36
08:26I'm going to fight the Kraken after this. We're gonna go. We're gonna go down to the bottom. Wait, hold on. Alrighty
08:31I have an idea. I have an idea. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna catch this fish right there
08:34Are you do you have it because the bubble fish? I think they're higher level, right? I think so. Oh, I'm fine
08:41I hit like a truck Oh
08:44Level 11 epic. Okay, we're cooking. Come on. That was crazy. Come on. Come on boys
08:49So there's that boss there
08:51Stop calling your poor boy
08:55Crash them over. Stop it. I don't go to fight the Kraken. Here we go
09:01It's level 25 and level 38, here we go send out the vibing bass first
09:06So the vibing bass tank the hit now, I'm gonna send out my pogger fish
09:09I believe
09:14What I'm blocking you you don't deserve to leave until you win I have to leave I have to leave
09:21Boys I have the final fishing rod so I can start catching mythics, right?
09:27right, so you can catch the bosses with this rod if you defeat the bosses or
09:33Down here in this bottom right quadrant over here. Follow me. Come on. You see this island down here. Yeah
09:39There is a chance to catch a mythic fish
09:47Level six lobster. No
09:51It's not you just it's a level 57
09:54You are getting demolished
09:56Wait, so it's gonna do it. Oh god. Wait, so no way. I two more
10:02Wait, we do it. I got one more
10:07Wait, okay, so it's e8
10:0928 that's incredible new fish. Okay. Yep
10:13All right, so we need to we need to fight more areas and that's how we level up. Got it. Yes, sir
10:20No fooling. Huh?
10:25Yeah, he's on my candy. You saw your candy is over 38. Oh a sharky boy look rare
10:31Okay, I really want to get a legendary okay, what is this legend I want a legendary hold on
10:36I first want to catch the legendary wins
10:44It's only little five though, wait, I gotta go see if there's anything else to fight
10:48Where are the I want to fight fish fighting fish is how you get the high level stuff. Alright boys. Here we go. Come on
10:55Don't worry about it looks a little weird
10:58Please be a legendary. Please be a legendary throw a trout. We look at Island a
11:02Glitched fish. Is that a legendary? Huh? We're getting glitching. I
11:07Am NOT strong enough
11:10Oh, no, you got something Sunday, uh level 37 pogger fish
11:18Is that a legendary oh
11:21Oh my gosh, I can sell this for 6,000, but it's level 21. I'm keeping
11:29Okay, if this is a legendary I'm honest I but I also want to catch that mythic in the bottom, right
11:34How about this if this is another legendary? I'm going in fighting the kraken. Yes, sir. Is it a legendary?
11:40Can you guys see I can't see yet. Okay throw that
11:44It's a pogger fish. It's a pogger fish send out the vibing bass
11:49Send out the poker fish. Okay. Everything's getting one shot boys
12:0321 it's a fire one. We have a fire a water and this is only a common though. That'd fight me
12:30Okay, are you even trying the same level and I got one is that fun I'm gonna go fight the crack your boat
12:35I'm gonna fight the kraken. All right, can I do this?
12:37I'm gonna send out a weaker one first so that it attacks me kills it and then my next attack
12:43I'll send out a strong one go pocket. You got one shot. Okay, great
12:47Um, so it's water which means leaf does strong damage to water
12:53Right, right. It got one shot Sunday. It's still do something. I got one shot
12:58You gotta be better. Yeah, I got two shots on at that time poker fish
13:05We did it boy
13:08Wait, I didn't catch it though
13:12No, we did it. Okay, so if I did I catch it, please I love it
13:20We have the kraken boys
13:23So the thing about the boss is right you can only have one in your party at a time
13:29So I have to figure out which one I want up here. There's another boss
13:35Fight Megalodon, wait, who's that? Hi Ted. Is there Lauren all out? There's Lauren all out apparently
13:41All right, guys, listen before I go fight Megalodon, I'm gonna show you how to play this game
13:48So, like I said, it's completely free on Android iOS the computer, right either scan this QR code
13:54You can come play it or click the link in the description
13:57Go to the App Store type in all out on the App Store
14:00And also while you're on the App Store give the game a thumbs up or a rating, you know
14:04Give it a five star do us a favor come play the game
14:06We plan on adding a ton more games to all out. So come check it out. Come support us
14:10Show us some love, you know, I'm saying now back to the video boys. I don't have any more sparks
14:15I'm gonna cheat. Hold on. I'm gonna cheat. I'm an admin
14:19So I just gave myself 77 candies
14:27Okay, look at the Kraken it's level 25 it has 465 health, okay, I'm gonna level it up. Oh gosh
14:34What Oh God
14:39It has
14:411,500 health. All right. Well, I'm gonna go fight Megalodon. Oh
14:44Gosh, you got it Megalodon. Look at the Megalodon. All right, I'm gonna send out Parker fish so it gets one shot
14:50All right. Oh, it's a fire glitch fish. Well, my water Pokemon Fisherman do double damage against it. I think
14:57Parker fish fire
15:00Parker fish
15:03We got two hits on it, okay, it's cracking time. Oh
15:11Wait, did I catch it?
15:17So, I guess I just got a level 50 Megalodon I can't
15:24I can't it's hot. Hold on. I want to see what this thing looks like. I can't have both out. Is that fight me?
15:29Alright before you fight me
15:31Have fun. Riz fish. Oh my god. Oh, hey Rizzler died Oh blue fish. I'm winning
15:39I'm winning
15:43This is fun, I'm having fun final
15:49Alright boys, I'm training good. No, I'm training good. I'm training good. I'm training good. All right, so, uh
15:55I gotta see something. So up here. This is called a fight L grand mod major maja. It's level
16:0375 I don't think I can take that thing on yet. I have the upgraded fishing rod, right?
16:07I still gotta catch more legendaries. I have three of the exact same legendaries. I need different legendaries. Please be a legendary
16:13Do I just send out the crack? I'm sitting on the Kraken. Oh, is that a legendary? I think the Riz fish is a legendary
16:20Level 29
16:23Okay, that is hey, why'd you say that that is a leaf one
16:27So I'm gonna replace the fire one. That is a low level. Got it. Got it. Got it. We're dabbing
16:33No, I'm not giving you my hand me downs boys. I think I'm gonna do something dumb. What do you mean?
16:37I'm gonna sell my Megalodon
16:40How could you because I want to upgrade a boat
16:45Yeah, no, I'm cool I'm cool I'm I cool oh
16:48This is sick. It just makes you cool. Does it? Okay. Hold on. I need to go find more bubbles
16:54What the heck is a I got a legendary Sanic bitch. Sorry. What? Um, that's a lower level though
17:01I should probably keep this one depending on the stats, but it's
17:05It is
17:07There's one more legendary that I don't have that I need to get. All right, I need to go get it
17:11I need to get it. It's on it's on the volcano Island. Okay. Okay. Okay. Here we go. We got to catch this
17:16All right, please. I have an upgraded fishing rod. I have the buffs. I have VIP. I have it all
17:21What is it? What is it? Is it good? Send out my crack? No
17:24It's River Monster. Oh, you found it. Oh, I sent out the Kraken. Oh
17:30level 26
17:33All right, let's put him on my team level 26, let's replace this one
17:37So we have two leafs one fire and two water. That sounds good, right? Come over here. Let's go boys
17:42We're gonna be we're gonna be afk fishing for the next 10 years until we catch this mythic down here
17:52Yeah, yeah, I caught it I caught it I caught it come over here we have been at this for so
18:01Oh my god, why a mouth like that? It's a blue
18:07Have the blue. I'm bringing out the Kraken
18:11I leveled up a lot. Did you do it? It's only level 28 though. Oh sell it. No, I'm keeping it
18:18Okay, sell it. All right. I have a bloop. I have a yes. I have a bloop
18:23I'm gonna use that blue boy to fight that
18:27It's a it's a it's a thing
18:44You got blue how'd that go for you that I don't like the blue. All right. Well, I need to level him up
18:50I don't have any more spark. So I'm gonna cheat. Hold on. All right, here we go
18:55Okay, come on blue. Are you a lot of cooking? No, I don't want to break the server. That's fair
19:00And it's level 10 our level 100
19:05All right, so what other fish do I want to bring with I'm gonna level up the river monster the pogger fish
19:12Get the part of this I'm out of candy. All right, so
19:16Do you think this team is strong enough to fight the ball?
19:19You think signals has a level 100 I don't know
19:23Alright I'm gonna fight the guy bloop versus El Gran Maga mod maja maja mug. Oh
19:31My gosh, why does he look like that?
19:34No, no. Okay, so I'm gonna send out my Riz fish Riz. Um up
19:40You got one shot send out the poker fishies fire
19:45River monster, please river monster
19:51No bloop take him down
20:01Cheap more. Okay. I'm gonna buy more. I'm buying more can I'm cheating more candies? All right, I'm gonna level up my pogger fish
20:09That is fire because you need a good you need a good fire fish
20:13What do you mean? It's hogging and I ran out. Okay
20:17All right, it's level 83 now and it's fire and this guy I think is
20:25Versus El Granma
20:29Send out the river monster to tank the first hit it is it's leaf. So if I send out pogger fish, oh
20:35Look at the damage you got the Riz fish
20:40Send out the pogger fish
20:43Send out the blue
20:46We did it boy
20:51I didn't catch it though
20:56Please say I caught I did
21:06So I can't bring multiple should I bring the elm El Gran Maja to the fight with sigils or the bloop
21:13Whatever looks scariest to your heart. All right, let's let's fight Zod real quick or Biffle fight me. Come here
21:18All right, Biffle. Here you go. The Riz be oh my god
21:28Stop saying
21:34All right, well, I think I'm I think I'm gonna make an executive decision
21:38I'm gonna bring the bloop instead of the El Gran Maja and we're gonna go fight sigils
21:42How did you get to level 48? No, no
21:47You're gonna have some good stuff aren't you?
21:52Bring it bring it bring it. All right. Here we go. What are you gonna throw out first, huh?
21:55I got am I gonna throw out am I gonna throw out a leaf or a fire or am I gonna throw out a water?
22:00Hmm, what are you doing? Look I brought up my Biffle. You have a big chungus. Oh, yeah
22:07Riz fish
22:12That's cheating no, that's
22:18Three three three to three
22:23Did you just bring out are you bringing out commons versus my legendaries
22:29Oh, well, you want to see my best fish?
22:32What do you have?
22:36How did you get that don't worry about it, hold on let me kill me come up here
22:40You know what, you know what, you know what El Gran Maja versus bloop
22:50They don't call me your dad for nothing what
22:53Guys download the game. Give it a rating hit the like button hit the subscribe button scan the QR code. That was fun
