• anteayer
Today let's continue the moving vlogs and organize with me! New TV, laundry reset, hanging up curtains and more! Enjoy! xo
Yesterday's Vlog➜
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For business inquiries please email my manager at: teamadelaine@rangemp.com
For PR inquiries please email my beautiful assistant at: team@adelainemorin.com (Please no fan mail! I respond to my twitter and comments a lot!)

Edit by Rosie Holloway: http://www.instagram.com/astrosiiee
Graphics by Dawn Lee: http://www.dawnleedesign.com
Endcard Animations by Jamie: https://twitter.com/yikeswhosjamie
Music I use for YT videos: http://share.epidemicsound.com/shwwC
The Glitzy District by Dusty Decks
Watching Sunsets by Matt Large
Kickin It in Kowloon by Matt Large


00:00This is huge!
00:01Baskets for the laundry.
00:05We just put up some frames.
00:18Made it to my coffee place!
00:21I got a spicy order.
00:25Oh my god, it's busy.
00:26Oh my god!
00:27I just met a subscriber in there
00:28and she was so cute.
00:30She was like with her boyfriend
00:31and she goes,
00:32Oh my god, I watch your YouTube videos!
00:33And I was like,
00:34Oh my god, hi!
00:35And I asked her if she like lives here
00:37and she's like,
00:37No, she's from out of town.
00:38And I was like telling her what she should order at Coffee Dose.
00:41She's like,
00:41I only know Coffee Dose because you post there.
00:43And I'm like,
00:45But I don't know.
00:45I thought that that was so cute.
00:47I should have asked her if she wanted to be in the vlogs.
00:49She was so nice.
00:50But good morning.
00:50I got my matcha.
00:52Hot girl shit.
00:53Doing hot girl shit.
00:55But I needed to start my day with a little matcha or a coffee
00:58and then we can get into working on the house and unpacking.
01:02Oh my god.
01:02I forgot to do vanilla syrup in my matcha.
01:06It's like 75 cents,
01:08I think for vanilla syrup.
01:09I forgot to do it.
01:10So I'm just gonna add my own.
01:12This is the best vanilla syrup.
01:13It's from Alfred's.
01:14They have the best ice vanilla lattes.
01:17I need a restock.
01:19Also, I just got or Mike just got a text that our TV,
01:23our new TV is getting delivered.
01:24He is nuts and he like wanted a brand new TV.
01:28I don't really I feel like our TV is fine,
01:30but he wanted a bigger one.
01:31So he went to Costco and he bought this like 70 inch TV.
01:35That's huge.
01:36I'm a little scared.
01:37It's too big because here I'll show you.
01:39This is what it looks like.
01:41This is where we're gonna basically mount the TV.
01:44This is the temporary TV that we have with our extension cord,
01:47but we have someone like putting it up and everything but it's like this one is 65 inch
01:51and like already it's taking up majority of it.
01:54I feel like if there's no like little border,
01:56it's gonna look weird,
01:57but he's like a fucking man and oh,
01:59I think that's it.
02:00I think that's them home delivery.
02:01It's like a fucking man.
02:02He's like,
02:02I want a big TV.
02:03I want a big TV.
02:03I'm like,
02:04oh my God,
02:04it's gonna look insane.
02:05I think that they're here.
02:08Oh my God.
02:08That's huge.
02:09Oh my God.
02:10Thank you so much.
02:12You're welcome,
02:13Thank you,
02:13Have a great week.
02:14Have a good one.
02:17See I locked you out on purpose.
02:21I tricked ya.
02:23Oh my goodness.
02:24Who is in the house?
02:25Who was that?
02:26But here's the TV.
02:27Look at this.
02:28This is huge.
02:29How is that gonna fit there,
02:31Like that's just insane.
02:32Bum bum.
02:32They're out of the house.
02:33They just delivered the TV.
02:35I need to show you this is Blue's little corner.
02:37So I put all of her food,
02:39all of her kibble is in these little containers,
02:42and all of her treats are up there.
02:44She does.
02:45I like to do a mix of kibble,
02:47and then also her wet food.
02:49If you go traveling or anything like that,
02:52it's easy with the dry food.
02:54It's hard to travel with the wet.
02:56She's used to it.
02:57This is the wet food that she loves.
02:59The Harvest Chicken.
03:03She loves this one.
03:04Give me a second.
03:04There's only a little bit left.
03:06All the leftovers.
03:08How yummy is that?
03:09Oh, yeah.
03:10It's a good shit.
03:12She's so cute.
03:12This is her favorite food.
03:13Oh my God.
03:14This is the first unboxing in the house.
03:17I'm so excited.
03:18I got a bunch of packages.
03:19Well, this is like the some packages is like for the house,
03:22and then some of it is like leftover PR packages
03:24from the old house,
03:26and I'm so excited.
03:27This is my first ever PR package from REM Beauty,
03:31and I'm like,
03:31oh, of course.
03:32Like my first package to them.
03:34They have my old address.
03:35So I DM them and I'm like,
03:36here's my new address.
03:37Like please send it to my new address
03:39because I've always wanted to be in the PR.
03:40Like I literally bought...
03:41Oh, do I have the little glasses marks?
03:43I literally bought like her lip gloss.
03:45I bought her Wicked collab.
03:48Like everything was so good.
03:49So I'm so excited.
03:50She sent over some blushes,
03:52some glitter, body glitter,
03:53and the lip glosses.
03:54I'm really excited about this one.
03:56One person that I always see wearing REM Beauty is Alicia.
04:00She's like this Toronto makeup influencer,
04:02and I've been like following her for the longest time.
04:04She loves REM Beauty,
04:05and she's always like at their events.
04:06So I'm really excited.
04:08Next up, this package.
04:10It was supposed to come next week,
04:12but we got it early.
04:13It's the garbage can,
04:15and honestly, thank God
04:16because I think it said like the specific garbage can
04:19that I wanted.
04:19It was supposed to take like two weeks to get here,
04:22and I'm like,
04:23I hope that we can survive two weeks without a garbage can.
04:26So we've been like putting trash like in a like a garbage trash bag over there,
04:30but here's the garbage can that I got.
04:33Oh, I think it's upside down.
04:36I really wanted to get one that would be inside of the cabinet
04:40so you wouldn't see it,
04:41but it just wouldn't work out like that.
04:43So we don't have enough space.
04:45So I got this one from Amazon,
04:48and I was thinking of just like hiding it in the corner over there.
04:53But yeah, I was thinking of just hiding it in the corner over there.
04:56Oh my God, it comes with garbage bags.
04:58That's nice.
04:59I'll put it inside for now.
05:00This is the trash that I got.
05:05Why am I excited over a trash bin?
05:06Okay, next up.
05:08This one, I actually have no idea what this one is for.
05:11This one was just at the old house.
05:13Did I order this?
05:14Oh, I did.
05:16Damn, this took a long time to come.
05:17I got this on Amazon.
05:18This is my favorite Birkin organizer.
05:21Yeah, I don't know.
05:21I thought it was cute.
05:22I ordered this on Amazon.
05:23It took forever to come that I literally forgot about it.
05:25But it's this brand, Arc Diary.
05:27It's just, I like it because it's silk.
05:29It's very good quality.
05:30And it just like, if you have a lip gloss or anything in your purse,
05:33at least it'll spill on this.
05:35And this is like a couple bucks compared to your purse, you know.
05:37Next up from Amazon.
05:40I think a lot of this stuff that I ordered is for the laundry.
05:43I wanted to make like a cute aesthetic laundry situation.
05:48Oh, box in a box.
05:49I always wonder why they do that.
05:51Why don't they just ship out just this box?
05:53I don't know, it's fragile.
05:54But in here, oh, I got my jars.
05:58I got these jars because I really love the lids of them.
06:03And I think I saw there's this one girl on TikTok
06:05and she had these jars filled with like laundry detergent and laundry stuff.
06:09So I just thought that they were super cute.
06:11And it came in a pack of four.
06:13Oh, I think that's Andre and Brady.
06:15Sorry, I was unboxing.
06:17And I will be liking.
06:19Oh my god, they just came over.
06:20And suddenly it's 11 p.m.
06:22So I'm going to finish this unboxing really quick.
06:25What was I showing you?
06:26I showed you the Amazon jars.
06:28And then from the old house, we have some PR.
06:31I got some ColourPop sent over Pretty Fresh Tinted Foundation Balm.
06:37Ooh, this looks cool for instant blur.
06:40Pretty Fresh Tinted Foundation Balm.
06:42That's so cute.
06:43What's in here?
06:44Other shades.
06:45That's so cool.
06:45I wonder if people use it for like contour, you know?
06:48We got that.
06:49Saving the best for last.
06:50More Amazon.
06:53Okay, I love this.
06:53This is so cute.
06:54This is like a little basket.
06:56Oh, that's why it was so expensive.
06:59I was like, why is one basket $40?
07:01And I still bought it.
07:02It comes with two.
07:03I'm so excited.
07:04I got these baskets for the laundry.
07:06People put like the little dryer balls in here.
07:09And then also like towels and stuff like that.
07:11Now that I have two, I'm like, damn, I should just return one
07:13because now I have four.
07:14And then I got these little earrings because I just came across them.
07:19I've been loving switching up my earrings recently and I saw these.
07:23Normally, I wear these from Whitebox.
07:25I always am wearing these triangle earrings from Whitebox,
07:29but I wear them a little too much and they're like turning green.
07:34Like I fall asleep in them sometimes, it's bad.
07:36So I got these and they're just like this silver and gold.
07:39It looks like this.
07:42Just like gold and silver.
07:43And you guys know I like to mix my gold and silver.
07:45So I just thought that they were super cute.
07:47Yeah, and then the last thing, I actually have never used this before,
07:51but this is an InWash softening booster.
07:54It's basically two-in-one softness light scent.
07:57I think it's like a scent booster for your laundry.
07:59So I don't know.
08:00I just saw people, they did this for their laundry videos
08:03and I've never tried it.
08:03So I'm going to try it.
08:05And I like when you do your laundry and just smells good.
08:07This I got from Crate and Barrel when we went shopping
08:11for my Shopping for Furniture blog.
08:14And they didn't have it in stock at the store.
08:16So I had to order it online.
08:18But basically what I showed you,
08:20but I was thinking of using this for outside.
08:22It's a little tray and I just thought it would be cute just to display stuff outside.
08:27And I don't know, I feel like you can't go wrong with that.
08:29Hey, what's that?
08:30And then, oh, I didn't even show you this.
08:32I put this to the side.
08:33I got this for the laundry.
08:34I got this huge one.
08:39But it's this little cover that goes on top of your laundry.
08:43So here's the sides.
08:45And then here's the actual cover.
08:47So it looks like you have a little thing above your laundry.
08:50It's heavy.
08:51Is this real wood?
08:52Sounds just like Ikea purple board.
08:54This is it.
08:55Oh, I thought it was cute.
08:57Okay, and then the last thing that I got,
08:59I wanted to save the best for last.
09:01So I ordered this before all of the bad reviews came out.
09:05I hope it's not that bad and I hope people are just doing bad reviews.
09:08It's because they just feel like, I don't know,
09:10putting the craze on it.
09:12Like, I don't know, I was excited.
09:13I was genuinely so excited for this lip liner launch.
09:16And then all of the bad reviews came out.
09:18And I'm like, I don't know what to do.
09:20Because like, I mean, I guess I can return it.
09:22But I genuinely wanted to try it.
09:24But this is what I got.
09:25I got five products.
09:27It's like $100 for all of these things.
09:29I got two lip liners.
09:31I got them in the shade Balance and Stretch.
09:35These are just like the two browns that I thought would be the most flattering on my skin tone.
09:38And I watched so many videos of like people basically doing like swatches and stuff like that.
09:43And especially like girls who like have my same skin tone.
09:46But this is what it looks like.
09:47It's a little lip liner.
09:48This is it.
09:49Nice brown color.
09:50Let's look.
09:51It's cute.
09:52It does wipe off.
09:53But you get what you get and you don't get upset.
09:55I don't f***ing know.
09:55This is the smudger.
09:56It's kind of dumb.
09:57I don't think I'll ever really use the smudger.
09:59But I just thought that the lip liners were so cute.
10:02I don't know.
10:03I hope that they're good.
10:04I'm gonna put them on my lips later.
10:05And then I got two Rode Peptide Lip Tints.
10:08I got it in the shade Espresso and Toast.
10:11And I have one of her lip tints, like a pink one.
10:14So, I don't know.
10:15I thought it was cute.
10:15And the only thing is people have mentioned.
10:17They're like, oh, sometimes her lip kits or like her lip combos.
10:21Ooh, so satisfying.
10:23They're kind of like grainy after a while.
10:25You just have to like heat it up.
10:27I like it.
10:27I don't mind it.
10:28And then the last thing that I got is the Rode Pocket Blush in Toasted Teddy.
10:33And I just thought, I don't know, you guys.
10:36The packaging is so cute and it matches the lip liner.
10:39And I got it in the shade that I thought would be like the most flattering.
10:41I mean, I never do like a red berry color for a blush.
10:44So, I don't know.
10:45When I was looking at swatches, that's one that I wanted to try.
10:47So, a little flush.
10:48But yeah, that's everything that I got from Rode.
10:51I feel like we barely vlogged today.
10:52So, I'm gonna go to bed because it's almost midnight.
10:55And then maybe tomorrow we can put together like the laundry room, put up some of the shades.
11:00Maybe like put up the TV.
11:01The TV guy is actually coming tomorrow.
11:03So, we're definitely going to do that.
11:04But yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
11:15I got this one.
11:16And now I'm thinking I should have gotten the one with the two-tier to cover this.
11:20F***ed up.
11:21But it's okay.
11:21We'll see what it looks like.
11:34Bum bum.
11:37I'm trying to do ASMR.
12:03Do you even know what you're barking at?
12:26Oh, this is a good one.
12:27It's runny.
12:28Hey, you want half of an egg?
12:29You want an egg?
12:30Here you go.
12:38So, update on the TV.
12:40The guy came over but he's not able to mount it because this is tile.
12:44And I don't know.
12:46We need to hire someone specific to basically mount a TV onto tile.
12:50But he was able to mount our TV in the master bedroom, which I'm happy about.
12:55This was our TV in the living area.
12:58It was like our biggest TV and then Mike bought a bigger one for no reason.
13:01So, at least we have this one here.
13:03And now we can watch TV.
13:04It's like beautiful because it's just like a rainy day.
13:06It's just like a lazy day.
13:07I don't know.
13:08I do want to be kind of productive.
13:09I've been meaning to put up the curtains.
13:10So, I'm going to watch a TikTok tutorial on how to put up the curtains because that's how I found it.
13:15I found these like IKEA curtains that went super viral and it looks super luxurious, but it's just IKEA.
13:21So, I'm going to watch the tutorial and get that done.
13:24Mike's talking to his neighbors.
13:25He's like making friends with all of them.
13:27And we're just getting around to opening the presents that our real estate agents got us.
13:31Look at how cute.
13:33Also, we needed this.
13:34We needed...
13:35This is Sage.
13:36Look at this.
13:36Inspired to move.
13:38What does it say?
13:39Less corporate, more connected.
13:42I don't know.
13:43So, that's Sage and then this is Palo Santo.
13:45How cute is that?
13:46We could burn it like this.
13:48Oh, this is Sage?
13:49I'm pretty sure.
13:49Oh, this is Sage and this is Palo Santo.
13:51I don't know.
13:51And then we got a dog bowl, chopsticks.
13:54I actually don't have chopsticks.
13:55Hats, wine glasses.
13:57We got a little glass of champagne or wine or bottle of champagne.
14:01And then what is this?
14:02This is some awesome miso.
14:03Oh, from Crane Barrel.
14:06Oh, that's so cute.
14:08Oh, I really like this bowl.
14:10This bowl is nice.
14:12Oh, there's two.
14:14That's so cute.
14:15I love the color of this one.
14:17Oh, that's so nice.
14:19I'm gonna text our real estate agents.
14:22I had to put her bowl away because she's getting in the way.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:26We got our handyman Mike here.
14:28He's helping me put the curtain rods up.
14:30I've been going out a lot, but this is my favorite place.
14:32It's from Hawaii.
14:33I'm pretty sure.
14:34Marugami Udon.
14:35Oh my god.
14:36I always get the curry niku.
14:38And this is the egg and the beef.
14:40And I got my udon underneath.
14:43Then you add, oh my god, I'm drooling.
14:45You add the curry.
14:46This is the curry.
14:47Who would have thought to put curry on udon noodles?
14:51Not me.
14:52It's so good.
14:53And then my chopsticks.
14:54I'm so hungry.
14:56With the noodles, the most insane combo.
14:59They have this in Hawaii, in Oahu.
15:02There's always a huge line.
15:04And then I found that they have a South Coast Plaza location.
15:06They also just got one in Irvine, in Orange County.
15:08They had a huge line at first here in Orange County.
15:10And then now it kind of like died down.
15:11So you can get it basically whenever you want.
15:13And I always do, like for pickup or for delivery.
15:16It just hits the spot.
15:17So good.
15:19It just, it always reminds me of Hawaii whenever I eat it.
15:22Uh-uh, uh-uh.
15:24I got the rod up.
15:26Now we're gonna add these little stringy majigs
15:28so that we can add the curtain to it.
15:30I did this in the time-lapse.
15:31I just did these little rig tags, I think they're called.
15:34And I did 10 to make that little pleated look.
15:36And then I skipped 10, and then I did 10, and then 10.
15:39Yeah, I got them.
15:42Did it!
15:42And I'm gonna iron it or steam it.
15:45I'm gonna do both.
15:46Okay, so these, this is the dye tag curtain.
16:08This is what you're gonna need.
16:09And then this is how I kind of like weave these.
16:12These are the rig tags, and you have to buy these separate.
16:15It's annoying that you have to buy all these separate.
16:18I wish it all just came in like a pack.
16:19But what I do is I basically get one of these,
16:22and they have little circles for you to put it in.
16:25So I like to start like three in.
16:28So I'll start right here.
16:29And then you can count.
16:31I count 10.
16:32I kind of count this as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
16:37So this one, then I loop it through.
16:40That way you get that cute like weaved look.
16:43And then I start my next one, 10 down.
16:451, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
16:51I'll put that in there.
16:52And then I do that to basically the whole curtain.
16:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
16:59And then repeat.
17:00This is our last curtain of the night.
17:02So we got to make it good.
17:06All done.
17:07Okay, and then the next thing you're gonna need are the Vidgo rods,
17:10which we just got a single rod.
17:12They have like doubles and triples.
17:14And then you're also gonna need the Vidka.
17:17These are like the little tracks.
17:19But yeah, you need four things total for this project.
17:22I bought a couple extra, so I might have to return a couple.
17:25Oh, wait, I just f***ed up.
17:27You also need at least two of these.
17:29These are the Vidka Design David wall.
17:32These can go into the wall.
17:33Or you can put this track straight into the ceiling.
17:36But I didn't like the look of some people did tutorials
17:39and you can see the track on the ceiling.
17:41So I feel like it's worth the extra $5 to do this
17:44so that you can hide the track and it looks like invisible like a hotel.
17:47Yeah, we did pretty good.
17:49I feel like I just have like a couple things that I need to return.
17:52Mike has the final rod.
17:54You have to cut one.
18:03Mike put up these things.
18:05I don't know how he does it, but he just did.
18:08Get these little thingy-majigs
18:10and then you can just hook them on and then that's it.
18:12Oh, and there's like a little cover that Mike puts out here.
18:38Oh my God.
18:40We just put up these frames that we had at the old house
18:42and it makes me so happy.
18:44I feel like the house is finally coming together
18:46and looking like a home.
18:47We also put up this circular mirror.
18:49I thought that it would be cute to take selfies like this.
18:55I think it looks cute and we can also put something underneath.
18:58I was thinking of putting the little brown nook
19:00that I have over here
19:01because I feel like it doesn't quite fit in this area.
19:05Oh, Blue's sleepy.
19:08We're watching some TV.
19:10So today is Mike and I's four-year anniversary.
19:14Wait, is it cuter if I do this?
19:16We were figuring out what we want to do with this door.
19:18If we want to take it off and do a sliding door, I don't know.
19:20But yeah, it's our four-year anniversary,
19:22which feels so crazy.
19:24I had no idea four years ago today
19:27that you know, the person that I just went on a date with
19:30that like took me to Malibu
19:32and you know, I was like, whatever
19:33is someone that I like bought a house with
19:36and is like starting a life together
19:39and I don't know.
19:40It's like so crazy to like be it's I don't want to be savvy
19:44and I don't want to be weird,
19:45but it's like so crazy to think about.
19:47So he said that he made reservations,
19:49which is really hard to get reservations during your anniversary
19:53because it's like right before Valentine's Day.
19:55So he said apparently he made reservations
19:59and it's Italian.
20:00So he was like, okay, we have dinner.
20:02I think it's at 7 or 7 30.
20:03He sent me a Google Calendar invite.
20:05So I just started getting ready now
20:07and I'm excited.
20:08It's my first time like getting ready in the new house,
20:11which is so exciting,
20:12but it's like weird.
20:13I don't know.
20:14I'm like I'm trying to figure out like what is the best lighting
20:16which honestly I'm happy with this bathroom.
20:18This bathroom has really good lighting like it's pretty rainy
20:22and gloomy outside.
20:23So there's not that much sunlight.
20:24So I don't know.
20:25I'm really happy with our bathroom.
20:27But yeah, I don't know where any I like I literally dug
20:30through boxes for this curling iron
20:33and I found like one hairspray and my home or my brush.
20:37So I don't know.
20:38I'm like slowly finding everything.
20:40I haven't even touched my makeup room yet.
20:43That's probably gonna be the last project.
20:44What I really wanted to finish was the main living area
20:47because when people come over they can be like,
20:48oh and then you can see your place.
20:50I don't know.
20:50I want to make sure that that is done
20:52so we can have people over
20:53and it's not embarrassing.
20:54We don't have like a bunch of boxes everywhere
20:56and then do the rooms afterwards,
20:59but it's so crazy putting up the mirrors
21:02and putting up the picture frames really turn the house
21:04into a home, but I don't know.
21:06I think this vlog is just like super sentimental
21:10and special to me because I don't know.
21:11This is like the beginning of Mike
21:13and I starting our life together
21:15and like the way that we've been putting work into the house
21:17like Mike is super handy
21:19and he's been like putting up the curtains
21:21and like just doing stuff around the house.
21:22He put up like the security cameras and stuff.
21:24He's like finally using all of his tools
21:27that he has that his dad gave him
21:29and I don't know.
21:30I'm decorating and making the house like super homey
21:33and now we have our picture frames up
21:35which definitely the picture frames really make the house feel
21:37like oh my God.
21:38This is ours, which is so weird and crazy.
21:41It's like so many things to celebrate at once.
21:44So we definitely have to drink tonight.
21:45Mike never drank.
21:46So I'm going to convince him to drink tonight
21:48because we have to celebrate getting our home moving
21:51in our anniversary Valentine's Day tomorrow.
21:54Like there's so much to celebrate.
21:56So we definitely need to make tonight special.
21:59I have no idea where we're going.
22:01I have kind of a clue.
22:02There was this one Italian restaurant
22:04that we really liked.
22:06So I feel like it could be that one
22:07but I never know with him.
22:09He's always surprising me,
22:10but I'm like rushing
22:11because he said he's coming home from work
22:13and I'm like, oh my God, I'm like not ready at all.
22:16But yeah, I don't know
22:17and also just like my love language is acts of service.
22:20So, you know him doing all this stuff around the house
22:24whether it's like handyman work
22:25or just like even just paperwork like all that stuff.
22:29Like it really just means a lot to me.
22:31It makes me feel very safe and very loved.
22:33So I don't know.
22:34I try to tell him that like as much as I can.
22:36I grew up like my mom like is Filipino
22:39says we never really like talked about our emotions.
22:41So it's hard for me sometimes
22:43but I'm trying to like be better at it
22:44and like tell him that I appreciate him
22:46and tell him, you know,
22:47the things that he does that make me feel loved
22:49and feel safe and feel happy.
22:51I don't know.
22:52I think this is love is in the air
22:53Valentine's Day is here.
22:56So I don't know.
22:56This is your reminder.
22:57Even if you don't have a partner to just tell,
22:59you know a friend or your mom or your dad
23:03or your grandma or your grandpa
23:04or someone that you love how much you appreciate them
23:07because every time I don't know someone says something to me.
23:10I always remember it.
23:11Even if it only takes two seconds of your day.
23:13I always I don't know you always remember that
23:16and I feel like at the end of the day,
23:17we're always going to wish that we told our parents
23:20that we love them more.
23:21So I've been trying to do it more actively trying
23:23to become I don't know a better person.
23:25So yeah, this is your sign.
23:28I don't know that I take it as a learning experience.
23:30So you can learn from me
23:32and tell your parents
23:33and people around you that you love them
23:35and you appreciate them.
23:36I promise it'll go farther than you think.
23:39I don't know.
23:48What is that blue?
23:49Oh my God, it's our first flowers in the new house.
23:54And a little balloon.
23:57I love you.
23:58Aww, I like the what are these flowers called this one?
24:01Those are I don't know.
24:02I don't want to say something.
24:03I don't know.
24:04But mom has a balloon so get ready.
24:05Aww, thank you.
24:07You're my forever dad.
24:09Okay, I think this is what I'm going to wear.
24:12It's this two-piece dress from White Fox
24:15and it's maxi and it just has this like one shoulder.
24:19I don't know.
24:19I think it's cute.
24:20It's just it's rainy.
24:21So I wanted to wear like a maxi dress or something long,
24:25but I was like, I don't want to wear pants.
24:26I wanted to be cute and wear a dress.
24:28I don't know.
24:28What do you think?
24:29Do you like this?
24:30Maybe I like my hair on this side.
24:32Okay, makeup.
24:41Here's the finished makeup.
24:42Look at this is a brush that I got while I was in Paris
24:46and it has my name engraved in it.
24:47I never use it.
24:48Wanted to brush out my curls to make it a little more loose,
24:53but there it is.
24:54Finished hair, makeup, outfit.
24:58I was able to find a pair of lashes.
24:59So I'm going to apply that right now.
25:00But I think for my outfit,
25:02I just got these burgundy heels from White Fox.
25:05To me, they literally look like YSL.
25:07So cute.
25:08We need a closed-toe shoe because it's raining.
25:10I also if you get their shoes,
25:12I recommend sizing down because I'm a six and a half
25:14and I ordered a seven.
25:15It was a bit too big.
25:16So six fits perfectly.
25:18Use my code ADELINEWF.
25:20And then to tie the look together,
25:21I just have my Bottega and Guillermo clutch.
25:23That way it's a little more Valentine's-y
25:25with the red, the pop of red.
25:36Oh my God.
25:36It's the next day.
25:37When was this vlog in?
25:38I don't know.
25:39This is at this point.
25:40This is like a weekly vlog,
25:41but I'm so happy with how the house is turning out so far.
25:45The TV is up.
25:46The frames are up.
25:47Everything is looking like an actual like real-life home
25:51and we're not just living in like a house of boxes.
25:53So I don't know.
25:54It's exciting.
25:55I think the only thing that I really need to do
25:57for this area is I need to get rid of some boxes over here.
26:02I still want to buy...
26:04Oh, Mike was massaging my feet last night.
26:06I still want to buy an area rug
26:08and then a cute console or like a coffee table right here.
26:13I want to move this,
26:14but the Wi-Fi is on it.
26:15So I'm scared.
26:16I want to get a cute pot for this plant
26:19and then definitely some chairs.
26:21Mike put up the flowers that he got me for Valentine's Day.
26:24It's so cute.
26:25It's our first flowers in the new house.
26:27And yes, I'm wearing the same sweatpants
26:30that I was wearing yesterday
26:31and don't act like you don't do that too.
26:33Andrey just texted me saying
26:34that he was trying to make some strawberry matcha.
26:37So I want to go over and get some.
26:39And like give me that strawberry matcha.
26:42So I just have to pick up like some strawberries
26:44and some sugar for him
26:45and he said that he'll make me one.
26:48Also, I didn't even tell you,
26:50you know, you're old when you get horny over appliances.
26:54Guess what?
26:54I ordered yesterday.
26:56So number one, I got a smeg toaster
26:59because I just think it would be so cute
27:01in this little area little smeg toaster.
27:02Another thing I kind of wish that I bought too
27:04was like the smeg water boiler for my matchas,
27:07but I can always get that another time.
27:09It's not like it's ever out of stock or sold out.
27:11And then I also got this green KitchenAid.
27:16You know what?
27:16I also realized we needed a mat.
27:18Like a welcome mat because what is this?
27:20This is our makeshift welcome mat
27:23because it was raining yesterday.
27:24We needed one.
27:25So we just put down some towels,
27:26but that's what also what we need.
27:28Oh my God.
27:28I f***ing love our Tesla charger here
27:31because my car is full and it's so fast.
27:33It literally it fills up within like five hours.
27:36All right.
27:37All right.
27:38Let's go to the grocery store.
27:40They're really pretty.
27:40Grocery run is so busy
27:42because it's Valentine's Day.
27:43Oh my God.
27:44Aw, look at all the flowers.
27:47It's so cute.
27:47I mean hearts.
27:49Okay, we got the strawberries
27:50and they're on sale to $3.49 each.
27:53These look good.
27:54And then all I need is sugar.
27:55I think I'm just going to get this sugar.
27:58Yay, I'm going to get my cottage cheese.
28:01And I actually have eggs in stock today.
28:03Oh my God, a rare occasion that we can find eggs.
28:06This is my favorite brand,
28:07the Pasteurized Eggs.
28:09They're the best.
28:09This or my Farmer's Market eggs,
28:11which I haven't gone to the Farmer's Market in a long time.
28:13I want to go.
28:15Secured the bag, literally.
28:17Can you hold the groceries for me?
28:19Come here and get.
28:20That's cat food.
28:21Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
28:24Oh my God, these look kind of good.
28:27I'm going to have this half.
28:29Jisoo's new EP just came out.
28:31We're listening.
28:32These look so cute.
28:34It's so good.
28:35Starts off by washing strawberries.
28:37I've literally gotten so good at making matchas.
28:39I've made them like three times.
28:41The same amount of water and sugar.
28:44What is that, one cup?
28:45One third.
28:46I don't think about it.
28:46You can just like eyeball it.
28:47It depends on like how sweet you really want it.
28:49I put a little less when I made it earlier,
28:50but this is more strawberries.
28:52So half water, half sugar, same amount.
28:54I put a little,
28:55I put a little bit less sugar
28:56because I don't really like it like too sweet.
28:58My almond mom.
28:59Turn on high heat
29:00and then you're going to wait for it to like,
29:01start like kind of boiling.
29:02All right, she's boiling now.
29:04So I think that we have the strawberry puree ready.
29:07Now we're straining her.
29:09Ooh, it's so satisfying.
29:10Now, I'm just making the matcha.
29:13Getting it frothy.
29:14You want to do like M and W shapes
29:16is what you're supposed to do,
29:17not in strawberries.
29:18Okay, made it back to the house
29:20and I'm so happy that I have my strawberry puree.
29:23Here's, not the baby,
29:25the baby registry.
29:26For my friend, not me, okay?
29:27I'm not pregnant.
29:28I just have my cane sugar.
29:30I went, I got this at Whole Foods
29:31because this is always sold out.
29:32Gonna put this in the fridge,
29:33my strawberry puree
29:34and then my eggs.
29:36Also, I wanted to organize my flour
29:38and my sugar
29:39because I don't know,
29:41I saw a girl on TikTok
29:42and she had them in these little containers.
29:43I thought that could be a cute project for today.
29:45Oh my God, I don't even think I showed you.
29:47I kind of organized the pantry a bit.
29:49I got these little organizers
29:51that I already had in the other house.
29:53So I just put these little labels
29:54and it says like grains, tea, herbs, chili.
29:57It's kind of coming off though.
29:58Oh no.
29:58And then I wanted to
30:00maybe put some like sugar and flour
30:02in these little containers that I have
30:04since I have a lot extra.
30:06I think I have four of them back here
30:09and I also have these little labels
30:12that I just got on Amazon.
30:14But let's see what I got.
30:15Okay, we got sugar back here
30:17and then we got natural raw cane sugar
30:21and then all-purpose flour.
30:23We can put in one of these.
30:24What else do we have back here?
30:26Chickpea flour
30:27and then, oh, we got more flour.
30:29There's this flaxseed meal.
30:31I'll just bring this out.
30:32It's all-purpose flour.
30:34Need to go inside?
30:35Oh, let's go.
30:36Hopefully it's not raining anymore.
30:38She was on a poop strike yesterday
30:40because it was raining so much.
30:41I'm gonna start out by washing all these containers.
30:44I think before I was just using them
30:46just for like candy and stuff.
30:48We're gonna just wash.
31:37Okay, here is the final pantry, I guess.
31:41I think it looks so good
31:42when we put all of the flour and the sugar in here
31:45and we were able to do labels.
31:47I also have my cereal,
31:48but I don't have labels for the cereal.
31:49We have chili herbs, tea, grains,
31:52cookies down here,
31:53and then all of my coffee stuff.
31:55I need to remember to go to Target
31:57and get one more of these bins
31:58so I can put it right here and then label it,
32:00but I just put my labels right here.
32:01So anything that I need, I can do that.
32:03But yeah, I'm so happy.
32:04I love the way that the pantry turned out.
32:07I don't know if it's good
32:08that Blue can reach the bottom shelf,
32:10but Blue doesn't really get into anything.
32:12She's pretty good about stuff like that.
32:15She's not mischievous like that.
32:17Oh my God, I completely forgot I have these.
32:19I'm glad that I did the smaller one.
32:21This is when we keep Blue's food in.
32:23I think it makes more sense to put Blue's food in here
32:25because some of the sugar,
32:27like this sugar is different from this sugar
32:29and this flour is different from this flour.
32:31I'm pretty sure this one is more so
32:33for baking pizzas and stuff like this.
32:36I don't know, it would look weird
32:37if I mix the different sugars.
32:39It wouldn't be as satisfying.
32:40So I don't know.
32:41I'm happy with doing this.
32:42I know it's crazy, but we have even more sugar in the back,
32:45like different kinds of sugar.
32:47Like I think I have brown sugar back there.
32:49So I didn't want to mix it all.
32:51I feel like this is better, honestly.
32:53Maybe we can label Blue's little,
32:55her little thing.
32:57They don't have dog stuff,
32:58but maybe we can use the sticker bulk.
33:00I feel like this is her bulk of food.
33:02There we go.
33:03Make sure it's kind of in the middle.
33:06What about the weight bump?
33:07I can barely see.
33:08Are you hungry?
33:09Oh, you are hungry.
33:11There's not much in your bowl.
33:12There's nothing in your bowl.
33:13Do you want something?
33:14We use the rest of this one.
33:16This one's pretty much empty.
33:18Need to order some more food.
33:19And then also fill up her water.
33:22Here you go.
33:23Your real food.
33:24You want your real food, huh?
33:25Oh my goodness.
33:27She loves this one.
33:28I swear, I did a brand deal with Open Farm
33:31like two or three years ago.
33:33And at this point,
33:35it just influenced me to buy it
33:37because now I've been buying it ever since.
33:39I probably, like, all the money that they gave me,
33:41I probably bought all of her stuff.
33:43Okay, go eat.
33:55I just made a little card for Mike for Valentine's Day.
33:59I wrote something on the inside,
34:00but I don't want to show you because it's personal.
34:02But I don't know.
34:03I'm proud of it.
34:04I think it's so cute.
34:23Okay, Google, set a timer for 10 minutes.
34:26I wish that I had sprinkles.
34:27We had sprinkles at the old house,
34:28but Mike threw out a bunch of shit.
34:30I'm so annoyed.
34:30We had, like, cute little sprinkles,
34:32but we did have a lot of stuff
34:33and it might have been expired.
34:34So, me blaming him for throwing out expired stuff.
34:37Also, I have had this for the longest time
34:40and I, for some reason,
34:41I have some sort of, like, fear about unboxing things.
34:45Does anybody else have this?
34:46Maybe it's because it's, like, my mom
34:47and, like, immigrant parents.
34:48They, like, she, like, taught me how to hoard stuff
34:50and, like, I don't know.
34:51I'm, like, my mom inside of my brain.
34:54But I got this Stanley probably, like, a couple months ago.
34:57Basically, I ordered it.
34:59I got my boyfriend to order it
35:00and I think because his credit card didn't match up
35:03with, like, my name on, like,
35:05because he was shipping it to me
35:06even though we lived at the same place.
35:07Stanley, like, canceled the order or something.
35:09So, I was so upset.
35:10I really wanted this cup
35:11and it turns out my friend Courtney ordered extra
35:14because she wanted to give it as gifts
35:16and I was, like, posting that I was, like, so upset
35:17that I didn't get the cup that I wanted.
35:19She's like, oh my god, I ordered an extra.
35:21So, she gave this one to me, which is so nice.
35:23So, you know what?
35:24F**k it.
35:24We're just gonna do an unboxing.
35:33Wait, it's so cute.
35:43I'm obsessed with it.
35:44This is my second Stanley that is the Love Shock Fancy collab.
35:48I'll show you the other one that I have.
35:49It's this one and I use this one all the time for Pilates.
35:53Like, I know that some people, like,
35:54they're addicted to collecting Stanleys,
35:56but I actually use them.
35:58I swear, I actually use them.
36:00Every other day, I'm doing, like, a Pilates or a workout
36:02and it's been my goal to drink more water.
36:05So, I'm so happy.
36:08I'm gonna put them up here.
36:09This is where I've been storing my Stanleys.
36:14Now, I just gotta wait 10 minutes for the cookies to bake.
36:16I wish I had sprinkles or, like, chocolate chips
36:18to make the cookies a little bit more fun,
36:19but they're, like, little heart shapes.
36:20So, I'm excited.
36:21I have this little heart dish.
36:23Last Valentine's, I went crazy on all of the Valentine's Day decor.
36:26So, I have this little, I had two options.
36:28I could either put it on this little tray
36:31or this little heart thing,
36:32but I think this one's cuter for the cookies.
36:35I don't know.
36:35And I just washed it, so she's ready.
36:37She's ready.
36:39I like to undercook mine a little bit.
36:41What do you think of this?
36:43I like to undercook mine a little bit
36:44because I like it to be soft.
36:47I feel like it can use one more minute.
36:49Let's just do one more minute.
36:51I like it to be a little bit brown on the inside,
36:54so, or on the outside.
36:55Okay, it's been a minute.
36:56Even, that looks a little better
36:57because you could see a little bit of the brown.
37:00Dessert for tonight.
37:01We're still debating whether we want to go get sushi
37:03or cook the steak that we have at home.
37:06I'm down for either,
37:07but like, we have this $10 discount.
37:09I put it in the card.
37:10Look it.
37:11Oh, I should turn this off.
37:12Last time we went, this is our favorite sushi spot,
37:14and they gave us a $10 coupon.
37:17So, I'm trying to convince him to go get sushi,
37:20but I'm happy either way.
37:21We do have to use this coupon though,
37:22so, before it expires.
37:23Hopefully, it doesn't expire anytime soon.
37:25I think it's just $10 off of your next meal.
37:28Expires March 31st.
37:30So, we definitely need to go before March 31st.
37:32I have these leftover sprinkles from the Wicked thing.
37:36I'm gonna put it on one and see what it looks like.
37:38No, because I feel like the green and the black,
37:40it up.
37:41No, false alarm, but of course,
37:43we need to do a little taste test for you.
37:44Mm, the pink one is so good.
37:46Mm, I love cookies.
37:48I wish I could just eat all cookies all day.
37:51Put all the cookies in the little heart container.
37:54Hopefully, it fills it all up and it looks cute.
37:56This is what it looks like so far.
37:57I'm trying to do like mismatch white and then pink.
38:00Mm, and I feel like it makes the house smell pretty good.
38:04Here she is, my little cookies with my little card.
38:07Yay, and my coupon.
38:09♪ I'm all out of sugar, I don't got enough of you. ♪
38:13♪ Don't be coming for my berries, you can handle the juice. ♪
38:16♪ I'm all out of sugar, and I'm all out of love. ♪
38:20♪ I don't think you got the hint, so I'll be honest with ya. ♪
38:23♪ No, I don't miss you, I don't wanna kiss you. ♪
38:27♪ I want sugar, could it not? No, no, no. ♪
38:30♪ No, I don't want you, baby, it's so hard to. ♪
38:34♪ I want sugar, could it not? No, no, no. ♪
