Temple Officer Caught With Thefting Penna Ahobilam Hundi Gift Issue : నిలువుదోపిడీ అంటే దైవ భక్తులందరికీ తెలిసిందే. ఎంతో భక్తిశ్రద్ధలతో దైవానికి సమర్పించుకుంటారు. కానీ అలాంటి నిలువుదోపిడీయే దోపిడీకి గురైతే అవును మీరు విన్నది నిజమే. అనంతపురం జిల్లా పెన్న అహోబిలం ఆలయం ఇందుకు వేదికైంది. ఓ భక్తురాలు నిలువుదోపిడీగా నరసింహ స్వామికి సమర్పించిన బంగారు, వెండి నగలు కాజేయడానికి యత్నించి అధికారి, సిబ్బంది అడ్డంగా దొరికిపోయారు. అధికారులు స్పందించి అప్పటికప్పుడు నిర్వహించిన విచారణలో అనేక అక్రమాలు వెలుగుచూశాయి.
00:00Ananthapuram district, Penna Ahobellam, the offerings offered by the devotees in the pot,
00:06are burning in flames.
00:08After the CCTV cameras were switched off,
00:10it was revealed that the offerings were being burned.
00:12The Uravakonda Mandalam,
00:13in the name of the offerings,
00:15has been infected with the Corona Vela Black Virus.
00:18They have gone to the point of death.
00:20His wife has agreed to give him water to drink.
00:24On 7th December,
00:26the gold and silver ornaments worth more than Rs. 5 lakhs,
00:30were wrapped by Rangayya's wife as a cloth.
00:33The Rangayya's wife,
00:34while putting the offerings in the pot,
00:36the temple priest Balaji,
00:38and EO Ramesh were there.
00:40The pot was counted on this month's 18th.
00:43When the count was done in the presence of EO Ramesh,
00:46it was revealed that the gold and silver ornaments were removed.
00:49While counting the offerings,
01:22the temple priest has called the devotees immediately.
01:24The temple priest's assistant commissioner Adiseshu Naidu,
01:27and the other devotees,
01:28went there.
01:30The devotees who were wearing the gold ornaments,
01:32were called by the Rangayya from the temple.
01:34While opening the pot and distributing the ornaments,
01:37the Rangayya said,
01:38the gold and silver ornaments were removed.
01:40The temple priest has also said,
01:42that the gold and silver ornaments were not counted,
01:44and that the records were not taken.
01:46When the Black Pongas came,
01:48my wife was in the hospital for 3 months,
01:50All the jewellery on her body, like a sari chain, earrings, rings,
01:54beads, necklaces, we made a Niludopdi and tied it with a yellow cloth and put it in a pot.
02:00I told Dwarakana Swamy that we will make a Niludopdi this time also.
02:05Balaswamy did all the work.
02:07After bringing all this, it fell in the crowd, it fell in the clothes, it fell on the floor.
02:11Now they say that the sweeper has been found.
02:14They came and tried to steal 5 lakhs worth of gold.
02:19They have opened it now and put it in a pot.
02:23If you open it and see, there are no pieces in it.
02:26We tied it with a cloth and put it in a pot.
02:30There are no leaves, there is only one cloth in it.
02:32The Niludopdi that we see now, sir.
02:33Even if the status changes, the principles do not change here.
02:35Officials come and do the Niludopdi.
02:36It doesn't matter who comes here, it doesn't matter who comes here, sir.
02:38No one has come here, sir.
02:40They are beating up all the Gods.
02:41They are beating up the ones who broke the Niludopdi.
02:42What is there? What is there?
02:43We will do it.
02:44They say that we will break the Niludopdi.
02:45What is this Niludopdi, sir?
02:46We will not change it.
02:47It should not be there.
02:48Even after all this, he is giving us medicine.
02:49He has made it so that I don't have a watch.
02:51He has made it so that I don't have a watch.
02:53Sir, it should not be there, sir.
02:54It should not be there, sir.
02:56They have opened it now, right?
02:57Or else it would have disappeared.
02:58Or else it would have been picked up by the rats, right?
03:00These are the principles, sir.
03:01Officials, they should not change it.
03:03Assistant Commissioner Adisesh Naidu
03:05has given an unspeakable answer when he inquired about EO Ramesh and Sibbandh.
03:10He said that the CCTV cameras were stopped to capture the gold jewellery.
03:15When EO Ramesh worked in Anantapuram 1st Road, Sivalayam,
03:19he was taken to the MLA's office as he received many complaints from the devotees.
03:23He was released from his responsibilities.
03:26In 2021, when he was working in Penna Ahobilam temple,
03:30he was subjected to many attacks and was suspended by the MLA's office
03:34for the allegations of embezzlement.
03:36There are allegations that he was posted to the same temple again.
03:40He was suspended for the allegations of embezzlement.
03:46When he was distributing rice, lentils and lentils to the devotees,
03:52he did not mention the details of the stock in the records.
03:55There was not a single piece of the ornaments given by the devotees.
04:00Sibbandh Mehta, the son of the MLA, was sent to Nivedi.
04:03The rice was being stolen.
04:05The donations were being stolen by the devotees.
04:08There are many complaints that the donations are being misappropriated.
04:12The temple has been inspected for a week and 15 days.
04:17I am informing all of you that I am being sent to Nivedi.
04:22The answer I got from EO Ramesh is that
04:24I am attending the next revenue meetings on this particular incident.
04:29I will update the records and hand it over to you.
04:33I will not compromise on this. There are many complaints.
04:37Narasimhaswamy devotees request EO Ramesh to conduct an inquiry and take action.