• last month
Tirumala Adulteration Ghee Case : తిరుమల శ్రీవారి లడ్డూ నెయ్యి కల్తీ ఘటనలో నిందితులను తొలిరోజు సిట్‌ అధికారులు సుదీర్ఘంగా విచారించారు. తిరుపతి సబ్‌జైలు నుంచి భోలేబాబా డెయిరీ మాజీ డైరెక్టర్లు విపిన్‌జైన్‌, పొమిల్‌జైన్​లతో పాటు శ్రీవైష్ణవి డెయిరీ సీఈవో అపూర్వ వినయకాంత్‌ చావ్డా, ఏఆర్ డెయిరీ ఎండీ డా.రాజు రాజశేఖరన్‌లను సీఐడీ అధికారులు కస్టడీలోకి తీసుకున్నారు. రుయా ఆస్పత్రిలో వారికి వైద్య పరీక్షలు నిర్వహించిన అనంతరం అలిపిరిలోని టీటీడీ భవనంలో తాత్కాలికంగా ఏర్పాటు చేసిన సిట్‌ కార్యాలయానికి తరలించారు. మధ్యాహ్నం 12 గంటలకు ప్రారంభమైన విచారణ సాయంత్రం ఐదున్నర వరకు సాగింది. నిందితులు నలుగురిని వేర్వేరు గదుల్లో ఉంచి విచారించారు.


00:00On the first day of Thirumalasriwari Laddu Neyi Kalthi incident, CID officers investigated the accused in a thorough manner.
00:07The accused from Tirupati Sub Jail, Bholebhava Dairy's ex-directors Vipin Jain, Pomil Jain and Sri Vaishnavi Dairy CEO Apoorva Vinayakanth Chavda, AR Dairy MD Rajasekharan were taken into custody by CID officers.
00:22After conducting medical examinations at Riya Hospital, they were taken to the CID office in Alipir, which was temporarily arranged in the TTD building.
00:30The investigation, which began at 12 noon, continued till 5.30 pm.
00:35The four accused were interrogated from different rooms.
00:38DTD Procurement Department officials, along with the documents obtained from the dairy's residence in Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu,
00:53asked questions to the accused on the first day of Thirumalasriwari Laddu Neyi Kalthi incident.
00:58Vipin Jain and Pomil Jain were questioned on the reasons for appointing Bholebhava Dairy's ex-directors and the reasons for appointing the vehicle drivers as drivers.
01:08They were also asked about the areas where milk is extracted from the dairy and the methods used to make butter and ghee from the extracted milk.
01:17In 2021, the people who helped in obtaining the tender to supply ghee to the TTD received information on various issues.
01:24AR Dairy MD Rajasekharan was questioned on why he had to buy milk from the tenders even though there was no place to supply ghee to the TTD.
01:33The authorities questioned him on why he decided to supply ghee to less than the market price.
01:39It was found that he bought milk from the TTD tenders only after an agreement was reached with Bholebhava Dairy's executives.
01:45Based on the information provided by SIT Brindavan in Uttarakhand, the authorities questioned the accused on a few more issues.
02:02After five days of questioning the accused, the hearts of the people who played a key role in the last Palakamandal started beating.
02:09There are doubts as to which names will be revealed in the investigation.
02:13In addition, there is confusion in the work done by the TTD procurement department to support the accused.
