• 2 months ago
Underground Mines Gradually Decreasing In Singareni : సింగరేణిలో ఉపరితల గనులకు ప్రాధాన్యత పెరిగింది. కానీ, అది కార్మికుల్లో ఆందోళనకు కారణమైంది. కారణం భూగర్భ బొగ్గుగనుల స్థానంలో ఉపరితల గనులకు ప్రాధాన్యం ఇవ్వడం, ఉపాధి కోల్పోయే ప్రమాదం ఉండడమేమే. ఓపెన్‌ కాస్ట్‌ గనుల సంఖ్య గణనీయంగా పెరుగుతోంది. దీంతో లక్షలాది మంది కార్మికులతో కళకళలాడిన సింగరేణి ప్రాంతాలు నిర్మానుష్యంగా మారుతున్నాయి. మరోవైపు భూగర్భజల వనరులు అడుగంటడంతో పాటు వ్యవసాయం కూడా గణనీయంగా తగ్గిపోతోంది. ఒకప్పుడు సింగరేణి గనులు ఉపాధి కల్పించే కేంద్రాలు ఉండగా ఇప్పుడు కేవలం ఉత్పత్తి కేంద్రాలుగానే మిగిలిపోతున్నాయనేది కార్మికుల వాదన. మరి ఎందుకీ పరిస్థితి? కార్మికులకు కావాల్సిందేంటి?


00:00In Singaraini, the authorities are giving more importance to fertilizers in the place of fertilizers
00:09With this, the fertilizers produced by the use of extreme human power are becoming visible
00:15In their place, fertilizers are being arranged and fertilizers are being produced
00:19When there were 56 fertilizers in the past, their number has now fallen to 21
00:23In the coming period, the situation seems to be decreasing even more
00:26Until then, the number of workers is also decreasing
00:30Central Government's Proposal to Arrange New Fertilizers
00:35The government has taken the initiative to increase the production of fertilizers in the place of the extra fertilizers
00:42In addition, the central government has taken the initiative to arrange new fertilizers
00:46The government is taking the initiative to make the production of fertilizers as a work
00:51To arrange new fertilizers, the government has to buy milk from the milkman
00:54The central government has given the milkman to four farmers in Singaraini
00:59Two of them have been acquired by the private companies
01:02As the Singaraini company did not buy milk from the milkman, the milkman acquired the milk from the milkman
01:07The central government has not taken any action against the milkman until now
01:15We have to move towards new fertilizers
01:18The new MMDR law has given us the opportunity to buy new fertilizers
01:24We are also arranging new fertilizers in the place of the extra fertilizers
01:31Due to this, many people are losing their jobs
01:34In the coming days, Singaraini will be available to buy milk for five years
01:39After that, the production productivity will also decrease
01:42As the cities are also being occupied, Singaraini will be available to buy milk only if you buy milk
01:49In Singaraini, 35 cattle are missing
01:53The government has decided to change the milk of Shantikani to Uparitala milk in Bellampally
01:59In Ramagundam region, GDK 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 6B, 7, 7A, 8, 8A, 9, 10, 10A
02:09A total of 12 cattle are missing
02:12OCP 1, 2, 3 and 5 have to be distributed in those places
02:16Singaraini, who thinks that milk production will be possible only with Uparitala milk, has taken action in that direction
02:25In Bellampally region, Goleti, Madaram, KK 1, RK 1A, RK 8, SRP 2, RK 5B, RK 5, 6, 7
02:35New tech milk has the opportunity to become Uparitala milk in the future
02:38In Kottagudam, VK 7, Illandhu, 21 incliners have been closed
02:42In that place, Uparitala milk has been arranged
02:46In Maridni, Uparitala milk has been arranged
02:52Today, underground mines are being closed
02:54Due to the opening of underground mines, the number of workers has reduced significantly
03:02Today, the number of workers is 1,16,000
03:05Today, the number of workers has reduced to 40,000
03:08The reason for this is the state and central government's policies
03:13Today, Singaraini's number of workers is decreasing
03:16They are saying that benefits are coming
03:20The central government is thinking about benefits and taxes
03:27Why is the number of workers decreasing?
03:30If 1,16,000 workers work, how can the number of workers in Telangana be reduced?
03:45Due to the absence of opportunities for new tech milk,
03:50the government is arranging Uparitala milk under Vistarna project
03:54Due to this, there is no need for new tech milk
03:57This is only recognized under the old tech milk
03:59There is no need for the government to interfere in the project
04:03That is why the government is arranging for new tech milk
04:07Singaraini has made a list of projects for new tech milk
04:11To arrange for the new tech milk,
04:13the government has to follow the Mines and Minerals Development Regulation
04:17and MMDR law
04:18Only then, new tech milk can be produced
04:22Singaraini's new tech milk
04:28In the four districts of Godavari district,
04:32there are many new tech milk
04:34Rampur, Punukudu, Thadicherlattu, Chandrapalli
04:38Singaraini has made a list of projects for new tech milk
04:42Many workers are saying that there is a lot of injustice
04:47They are saying that there is a lot of injustice
04:53When I used to work here,
04:56there used to be 1 lakh to 40,000 workers
05:00Now, in Godavari and Rangoon district,
05:04there are only 10,000 workers
05:06Why is that?
05:08Machine mining
05:09They want to develop the machine with the help of machine mining
05:15They want to benefit from the government
05:21They are only thinking about themselves
05:23They don't think about the workers' livelihood,
05:27their development, their jobs
05:32There used to be one government, but now there is another
05:34Neither this government nor that government has thought about this
05:39Singaraini is a company with a lot of experience in the production of tech milk
05:43The natural conditions affect the production of tech milk
05:47The situation here is that the production of tech milk is increasing
05:51The government is giving priority to the development of the industry
05:57The production of tech milk is less compared to Singaraini
06:02Compared to Singaraini, the production of tech milk is less in Western and Mahanadi coalfields
06:07The production of tech milk is less compared to Singaraini
06:12But if the production of tech milk is less, there will be losses for the industry
06:16The government is giving priority to how to increase the production of tech milk
06:20To compete in the foreign market,
06:23it is better to produce less and more
06:26The production of tech milk is in a lot of fields
06:28So, there will be a lot of expenditure to produce it
06:31In Odisha and Mahanadi coalfields,
06:34if we produce 2 tons of soil, we can produce 1 ton of tech milk
06:37In Singaraini, if we produce 6 to 7 tons of soil,
06:41we cannot produce 1 ton of tech milk
06:43We have to spend a lot of money in Singaraini to produce the soil
06:46The production of tech milk is increasing because of this
06:48In Bhugarbham, there are coalfields
06:51which are at least 300 to 1200 meters deep
06:54When I was appointed, the tech milk produced in Singaraini was of very good quality
06:59In one case, there was no G5
07:02It was a very original tech milk
07:05Today, the tech milk goes up to G11, G13 and G15
07:09It has no impurities
07:11It has more ash
07:13It has a lower price
07:14But it produces the same quality
07:16But in Singaraini, the coalfields are closed
07:18If the mines are opened, the coalfields will produce a very original coalfield
07:23In the open coastal areas, the coalfields cannot produce a lot of soil
07:26So, the grade of the coalfields is reduced
07:29The coalfields are also closed
07:31So, the coalfields are burnt
07:33So, the coalfields do not have a good grade
07:34Due to the presence of soil and ash,
07:37some people do not come to Singaraini to buy coalfields
07:41It is better to buy underground coalfields
07:44There are a lot of underground coalfields
07:48If you buy G5, G4, G8 coalfields, the company will get a lot of profit
07:51The plan 4 will be the same
07:52Today, a new youth has come
07:54They are not using the new youth
07:56They are only bringing them to the machine mines
07:58Because when the mines are empty,
08:00it is necessary to bring them to the big machines and take thousands or lakhs of tons a day
08:04If we put them in the mines and remove the mines,
08:06the government should think about getting more employees
08:10Think like the rich
08:11There is no manpower in the rich
08:12So, they bring them to the machines
08:13It is the same in other countries
08:15But in India, there is a lot of manpower
08:19The government should think about employing them
08:22Instead, the government should think about producing only
08:24The government should think about producing only
08:27So, the government should come up with a way to employ manpower
08:32In the coming 3 years,
08:33the government has decided to employ 10 machines
08:37With the expansion of the coalfields,
08:39and the increase of manpower in the machines,
08:41the central government has decided to employ the machines
08:44Moreover, the employment of the machines has become important
08:48because the machines are being converted into high-tech machines
08:50The current manpower in Singarene is 65 million tons
08:54By 2024-2025,
08:5680 million tons
08:58By 2030,
08:59to increase the manpower to 100 million tons,
09:02they have decided to shut down the old machines
09:04So, to reduce the losses caused by shutting down the old machines,
09:08they have decided to open up new machines
09:10to produce more manpower
09:12So, the central government has decided to employ the machines
09:16Singarene, which is making a fuss about the losses,
09:19has been accused of using the machines only to earn money
09:23The side-discharge loader machines
09:25are not being used in their full capacity
09:27They work only for 7 hours a day
09:30when they are supposed to work for 18 hours a day
09:32If they are increased to 14 hours a day,
09:34the manpower will increase
09:36The load-haul dumper machines
09:37work only for 8 hours a day
09:40They should be increased to 14 hours a day
09:42They do not work for 18 hours a day
09:44and do not follow the schedule
09:46They should deliver at least 50 deals a day
09:48But they are delivering only 40 deals a day
09:50This reduces the manpower production
09:52The coal-cutting workers need to make full use of their 10 hours
