Elon Musk's AI Grok:अमेरिकी अरबपति और सोशल मीडिया मंच एक्स के मालिक एलन मस्क का एआई टूल 'ग्रोक' इन दिनों चर्चा का विषय बना हुआ है। हालांकि, ये अच्छे और बुरे दोनों मामलों में है, जैसे कि ग्रोक किसी भी सवाल का बेधड़क जवाब दे रहा है। जो कि अन्य एआई टूल नहीं करते हैं। लेकिन, कई उपयोगकर्ताओं की तरफ से दावा किया जा रहा है कि ग्रोक कई सवालों के जवाब के दौरान अपशब्द का भी इस्तेमाल कर रहा है.
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00:00The micro-blogging platform of Elon Musk's AI chatbot, GrokAI, has come under investigation in India.
00:17It has been in controversy for the past few days, especially because of the questions asked in its unhinged mode.
00:23With this tool, after the use of Hindi slang and abusive language, it has come under the eyes of the IT Ministry.
00:30And even with this, news has come out that the government has sent a notice to X for it.
00:35However, the IT Ministry has clarified that a notice has not yet been sent for it.
00:40So let's tell you in detail in this video that what is GrokAI and what problems people are facing with it.
00:49Grok's unhinged mode has been trained to respond to the rest.
00:53Grok has been trained on the data available on X, which includes social media posts, conversations, and trends.
01:00With this, it understands information such as trending language and slang on the internet and responds in the same way.
01:06However, because of this, its answers can be unfiltered or unanswered.
01:11According to sources related to the IT Ministry, this AI chatbot is currently being scrutinized.
01:17In recent days, many questions have been asked on X through this AI tool, of which it has answered the controversy.
01:23GrokAI's tone is predicted from Hitchcock's Guide to the Galaxy, i.e. it responds with humor and a little rebellion.
01:31If the user asks a straight question, the answer is straight.
01:34On the other hand, if the user uses harsh language to ask a question, then Grok can also respond in the same tone.
01:41The controversy related to GrokAI came to light when an ex-user asked about the 10 best mutuals while interacting with it.
01:49In response, the AI tool used the wrong language.
01:53Not only this, it surprised the user by answering in Hindi slang.
01:57In addition, a recent AI researcher, ReallyGoodSight, has shared an option for GrokAI's unhinged mode.
02:05In which, when interrupted repeatedly, this chatbot looks angry like a human and stops the conversation.
02:13According to sources related to the government, X officials are being talked to for this.
02:18It is being asked why this is happening.
02:20GrokAI is available in Elon Musk's micro-blogging platform X inbuilt.
02:24In recent days, many users have used this tool to ask questions.
02:28After this, it became very famous on Indian social media platforms.
02:33So what is your opinion about GrokAI?
02:35Give us your opinion in the comment box and keep watching GoodReturns for such updates.
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