• 2 days ago
Income Tax: टैक्स बचाने के लिए लोग कई तरह के तरीके अपनाते हैं, कई तरह का निवेश करते हैं. इन्हीं में से एक शानदार तरीका है लीव ट्रैवल अलाउंस ( Leave Travel Allowance). यह एक ऐसा टैक्स-सेविंग टूल है, (Tax Saving Tool) जिसका लाभ कर्मचारी उठा सकते हैं. एलटीए के तहत खर्च की गई राशि टैक्स फ्री होती है. लीव ट्रैवल अलाउंस के जरिए अगर टैक्स पर छूट पाना चाहते हैं तो 31 मार्च तक LTA Claim फॉर्म को भरकर जमा कर दें.

#ITR #IncomeTaxReturn #IncomeTax #Tax #LTA #LeaveTravelAllowance #LTAClaim #goodreturns #businessnews #personalfinance #investment #taxplanning #taxsaving #savetax #ITRFiling #ITRFile #Form16 #NewTaxRegime #OldTaxRegime

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How To Claim LTA Without Form 16 In ITR & Avoid HRA Headaches In Belated Returns? :: https://www.goodreturns.in/personal-finance/investment/how-to-claim-lta-without-form-16-in-itr-avoid-hra-headaches-in-belated-returns-1411143.html?ref=DMDesc

LTC Cash Voucher Scheme: Here’s All You Should Know :: https://www.goodreturns.in/personal-finance/ltc-cash-voucher-scheme-here-s-all-you-should-know-1167140.html?ref=DMDesc

5 Common Components Of Salary That Are Exempt From Income Tax :: https://www.goodreturns.in/personal-finance/taxes/2019/08/5-common-components-of-salary-that-are-exempt-from-income-tax-1021092.html?ref=DMDesc



00:00People adopt many ways to save tax, invest in many ways, but one of them is the leave
00:12travel allowance.
00:13It is a tax-saving tool that can be used by employees and the amount spent under LTA is
00:22This is a great way to save tax.
00:26In this, you have to travel with your family, you have to submit your papers by March 31st
00:31and it will be tax-free.
00:32Let's understand about LTA.
00:33LTA is a type of allowance that companies give to their employees.
00:36Under this allowance, along with the employees, husband or wife, ashram, mother, father, brother,
00:42sister, children's travel expenses are also included.
00:45Like HRA, LTA is also a part of your salary, which is mentioned in your salary package.
00:53According to Section 10.5 of the 1961, leave travel allowance can be claimed for the shoot.
01:03However, it is important to note that the benefit of leave travel allowance can only
01:09be taken on the travels within the country.
01:12If you are doing an international trip, then you cannot claim LTA in this way.
01:19Along with this, LTA can be tax-free on the same amount as the company gives you.
01:25If you spend more than that amount in this journey, then you will not get tax-free on it.
01:32The claim of LTA can be made twice in a 4-year block.
01:36The block period of 2022-2025 is currently running, that is, between January 1, 2022
01:43to December 31, 2025.
01:49To claim LTA, it is important that you keep all the bills of travel expenses with you
01:55because you have to collect all these documents.
01:58If you do not have these documents, in any scenario, these documents are lost from you,
02:04then you cannot claim leave without them.
02:07How do you want to claim?
02:10To claim tax leave on LTA, you have to submit the ticket, boarding pass, hotel bill,
02:16details of expenses on local transportation, and LTA claim form to the employer.
02:22The deadline for this is March 31.
02:25For this, you will have to give your PAN card and bank account details,
02:29so that there is no problem in getting reimbursement.
02:32Isn't it a great way?
02:34You have to travel with your family and before March 31, you have to quickly
02:39submit all these documents so that you can get reimbursement.
02:42So that's all in this video.
02:44How did you find the information?
02:45Do tell by commenting.
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