• 2 days ago
Gold Rate in Today: सोना-चांदी की कीमतों में लगातार बदलाव जारी है। कल (21 मार्च 2204) 24 कैरेट 10 ग्राम सोने के दाम 90,220 रुपये थे। आज (22 मार्च 2025) इसमें 10 रुपये कम होकर 90,210 रुपये हो गए हैं। वहीं 22 कैरेट 10 ग्राम सोने के दाम 82,690 रुपये हैं। इसी तरह भारत में एक किलो चांदी के दाम आज 1,02,900 रुपये हैं

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00:00The price of gold and silver has seen a change across the country.
00:05Today, on March 22, the price of 24 carats of gold in the country is Rs 90,210.
00:09Yesterday, the price of gold was Rs 90,220.
00:12Today, there has been a slight decline.
00:14If we talk about the price of 22 carats, it is around Rs 82,690.
00:18Similarly, if we talk about 18 carats, it is Rs 66,670 per 10 grams.
00:23In this case, the market experts say that in the coming days, the prices of gold may increase even more.
00:30There are signs of rising prices in Navratri.
00:32Let's know what is the freshness of gold and silver in the big cities of the country.
00:36So let me tell you that there has been a demand for gold in India for centuries.
00:39For Indians, it is not just a metal, but it is considered a symbol of prosperity and security under a tradition.
00:47For Indians, gold and silver are needed everywhere, such as wedding ceremonies.
00:52If we talk about Delhi, then on March 22, 2025, the price of 22 carats of gold in Delhi is Rs 82,840 per 10 grams.
01:00The price of 24 carats of gold is Rs 90,307 per 10 grams.
01:04If we talk about the price of 18 carats, it is Rs 66,780 per 10 grams.
01:10In Ahmedabad, the price of 22 carats is Rs 82,740 and Rs 94,207 per 10 grams.
01:17In Mumbai, the price of 22 carats of gold is Rs 82,690 per 10 grams.
01:21While the price of 24 carats of gold is Rs 90,210 per 10 grams.
01:26Currently, the price of 22 carats of gold in Bangalore is Rs 82,690.
01:30While the price of 24 carats of gold is Rs 90,210 per 10 grams.
01:35In Chennai, the price of 22 carats is Rs 82,690 and the price of 24 carats of gold is Rs 90,210 per 10 grams.
01:43If we talk about silver, then the price of silver has also fallen slightly today.
01:48In Urdu, the price of 1 kg of silver is Rs 1,02,900.
01:54Before this, the price of silver was Rs 1,03,000.
01:57In Chennai, the price of 1 kg of silver is Rs 1,11,900.
02:01In Mumbai, the price of silver is Rs 1,02,900.
02:04In Delhi, the price of silver is Rs 1,02,900.
02:06Apart from this, in Kolkata and Bangalore, the price of silver is trading at the same price.
02:11So that's all in the video.
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