• 2 days ago
Sunita Williams Salary: आमतौर पर किसी कंपनी में काम करने वाले कर्मचारियों को अतिरिक्त काम करने के लिए ओवरटाइम का लाभ दिया जाता है. लेकिन क्या अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों पर भी ये लागू होता है? दरअसल, ये सवाल इसलिए उठ रहा है कि 8 दिन के मिशन पर गए अंतरिक्ष यात्री सुनीता विलियम्स और बुच विल्मोर(Sunita Williams & Butch Wilmore) करीब 9 महीने से ज्यादा समय बाद धरती पर लौट रहे हैं. तो बता दें कि नासा के सैलरी स्ट्रक्चर के मुताबिक, Nasa वेतन के मामले में ISS भेजे गए एस्ट्रोनॉट्स को अंतरिक्ष में किसी भी कारण से अतिरिक्त समय बिताने के लिए कोई ओवरटाइम नहीं देता है.

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00:00Sunita Williams has returned to Earth after 314 days from the International Space Station.
00:11On Wednesday morning, at 3.26 am, her Dragon capsule landed near Florida, USA.
00:17Sunita Williams had gone to the International Space Station for only 9-14 days.
00:22But there was some problem with her Boeing spaceship.
00:25After that, NASA decided not to use this spaceship.
00:30After that, NASA found a way for Sunita Williams to return with the help of Alan Musk's company Space X.
00:36Now the question arises, will both the astronauts be given overtime on behalf of NASA after 9 months of 8-day mission?
00:45So let's know what NASA's salary structure says.
00:49Usually, employees working in a company are given overtime to do extra work.
00:55But does this apply to astronauts too?
00:58Actually, this question arises because astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Willmore, who went on an 8-day mission,
01:03are returning to Earth after more than 9 months.
01:07So let me tell you that according to NASA's salary structure,
01:10ISS astronauts are not given overtime to spend extra time in space for any reason.
01:19NASA astronauts are salaried federal employees and they are notified under GS-15 salary grade,
01:26who get $1,25,133 to $1,62,672 annually and if they are converted into Indian currency,
01:36then the annual salary of the astronauts coming under this grade is from Rs. 1,08,00,000 to Rs. 1,41,00,000.
01:44Here it is said that despite facing high risk, busy schedule and long time loneliness,
01:50there is no overtime for this in NASA's salary structure.
01:54Even though the astronauts traveled around the planet for months.
01:58According to reports, the most popular astronauts in the list include Sunita Williams,
02:03Butch Willmore and Butch Willmore.
02:06The total amount of money in Indian currency is about $5 million, which is more than Rs. 43 crores in Indian currency.
02:11Even in the facilities that astronauts get during the mission, all the necessary expenses such as food, accommodation, transport are covered.
02:17And this is not only given when going into space, but also during training on Earth.
02:22If we talk about any kind of extra compensation, then it is given for only one incidental expenses,
02:28which is of only $4 per day, i.e. about Rs. 347 per day.
02:33If calculated according to the approximately 300 days spent in the space of Sunita Williams and Butch Willmore,
02:39then it is Rs. 1,04,100.
02:41However, NASA clearly states that this amount is for personal expenses and it is not called overtime salary.
02:48A retired astronaut from NASA, Caddy Coleman, has spent about 6 months in space.
02:54He said that it has always been a normal thing that you do not get overtime to stay in space.
03:00In fact, this is part of the agreement.
03:03He said that NASA's logic is that the mission of astronauts is fully financed
03:08and all kinds of life-threatening expenses are covered from the beginning.
03:13Therefore, there is no need for overtime, even if the mission of astronauts is long and dangerous.
03:21What is your opinion on this news?
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