• 2 days ago
Sunita Williams Return : भारतीय मूल की अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष यात्री सुनीता विलियम्स (Sunita Williams) और बुच विल्मोर (Butch Willmore) 9 महीने बाद आज बुधवार को धरती पर वापस आ गए हैं. सभी अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों (Astronauts) ने धरती पर सफल लैंडिंग कर ली है. पूरी टीम की मेडिकल जांच की जा रही है. नासा ने प्रेसवार्ता करके पूरे मिशन (NASA Mission) को सफल बताया है. एस्ट्रोनॉट बीते साल जून में सिर्फ आठ दिनों के मिशन के लिए स्पेस स्टेशन गए थे लेकिन विमान में खराबी आ गई और ये वहीं फंस गए.

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00:00NASA astronaut Sunita Williams and Butch Willmore have returned to Earth from space after 9 months.
00:10Last year, both of them went to space in June.
00:13Their mission was quite challenging due to technical difficulties and changes in the schedule.
00:18Due to various difficulties, this mission of a few days became 9 months long.
00:23In this way, 69-year-old Sunita Williams and 62-year-old Butch Willmore were waiting to return to Earth.
00:29And this wait, as per Indian time, ended at 3.27 am on Wednesday morning and both returned safely to Earth.
00:38Sunita Williams and her companions returned safely to Earth, although they still have to go through many important processes.
00:46Sunita Williams and Butch Willmore were taken out of the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule after landing on the Florida beach and taken to the stretcher.
00:55This is part of their initial medical examination.
00:57Being in space for a long time affects the body of space travelers.
01:02Due to weak muscles, it is a protocol to take astronauts who cannot walk to the stretcher.
01:09Sunita and Butch have been taken to the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
01:14Both astronauts will stay in the center for a few days for a health check.
01:17This is also a regular process after the return of the astronauts.
01:21NASA doctors will conduct a thorough examination before allowing them to return home.
01:26And in the next few days, both can be allowed to return home.
01:30After leaving the medical examination, both astronauts will share their experiences, challenges and successes during the mission.
01:39After this, they will get time to spend with their family and friends.
01:43Spending time with family is very important for astronauts for mental health.
01:49This helps them to connect with their loved ones and return to normal life on Earth.
01:56Sunita Williams herself said before returning to Earth that she is waiting to return home to meet her two dogs and family.
02:04It is easy for such astronauts to return to normal life after returning home.
02:09This also allows them to prepare their mind for the next mission.
02:13According to experts, it takes astronauts several weeks to return to normal life on Earth.
02:19Astronauts lose 300,000 red blood cells every second while living in space.
02:26On the other hand, this rate on Earth is only 200,000 per second.
02:30However, compared to space, 200,000 red blood cells of human blood cells are destroyed every second on Earth.
02:38The body fills it in the ground because the body has evolved according to the Earth.
02:43This is why it is said that it is a big challenge to travel to the moon, Mars or far away space.
02:50In addition to this, astronauts' muscles become weak while living in space.
02:55Calcium deficiency occurs in the bones.
02:57After returning to Earth, astronauts feel weak and tired.
03:02The health problems that Sunita and Buj may face include baby feet.
03:07This is a situation in which astronauts lose their thick skin.
03:12In addition to this, poor vision, difficulty in walking and dizziness are included.
03:16It is said that it takes astronauts several weeks to do their daily chores on Earth.
03:24Houston-Syth-Bellar College of Medicine noted that once astronauts return to Earth,
03:30they have to be forced to return to the gravity of the Earth.
03:35They have many problems in standing, stabilizing their eyes, walking and turning.
03:41So it is very challenging when an astronaut returns to Earth from space.
03:46After 9 months, when they return, they will have to face many health problems.
03:53And after many weeks, they will be able to return to their homes.
03:57That's all in the video.
03:58How did you like this information?
03:59Do tell us by commenting.
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