• 2 days ago
Sunita Williams Landing On Earth: भारतीय मूल की अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष यात्री सुनीता विलियम्स (Sunita Williams) और बुच विल्मोर (Butch Willmore) 9 महीने बाद आज बुधवार को धरती पर वापस आ गए हैं. सभी अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों (Astronauts) ने धरती पर सफल लैंडिंग कर ली है. पूरी टीम की मेडिकल जांच की जा रही है. नासा ने प्रेसवार्ता करके पूरे मिशन (NASA Mission) को सफल बताया है. एस्ट्रोनॉट बीते साल जून में सिर्फ आठ दिनों के मिशन के लिए स्पेस स्टेशन गए थे लेकिन विमान में खराबी आ गई और ये वहीं फंस गए. ऐसे में ये सवाल बनता है कि आठ दिन के मिशन की तैयारी से गए एस्ट्रोनॉट को नौ महीने तक स्पेस में रहना पड़ा तो फिर उनके भोजन का इंतजाम कैसे हुआ। आखिर सुनीता और बुच ने इतने समय तक स्पेस में क्या खा रहे थे.

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00:00Astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore have returned to Earth from NASA's American
00:06These astronauts went to the space station for a 8-day mission in June last year, but
00:10the technical malfunction in the plane came and they got stuck there.
00:14After more than 9 months, they were finally able to return.
00:17In this case, the question arises that the astronauts who went for the 8-day mission
00:21had to stay in space for 9 months, then how to arrange food for them.
00:26And what did Sunita and Butch eat in space for so long?
00:30So let's know all the details in this video report.
00:33The New York Post said on November 18 last year that NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and
00:39Sunita Williams were eating pizza, roast chicken and ginger cocktails at the International
00:44Space Station, i.e. ISS.
00:45However, due to the limited amount of fresh produce, the members of the crew were eating
00:52only nutritious food.
00:53In space, astronauts were getting limited quantities of powdered milk, pizza, roasted
00:58chicken, shrimp cocktail and grains.
01:00NASA doctors were making sure that astronauts were getting the necessary calories.
01:05NASA also shared a picture on September 9 in which Wilmore and Williams were shown eating
01:12Some of NASA's sources say that fresh fruits, vegetables and fruits were available in the
01:17beginning, but it was over in three months.
01:20After this, Sunita and Butch had to work with powdered milk, dehydrated casserole and freeze-dry
01:26soup for a long time.
01:28In the space station, astronauts' urine and sweat were also recycled for use.
01:34The advanced filtration system of the ISS ensures that not a single drop of water is wasted
01:41and it is recycled.
01:44Experts say that there may be a shortage of fresh food in space, but there is no shortage
01:51of food there.
01:52In space, fruits and vegetables were kept in the refrigerator and dried.
01:56For this mission, food was prepared according to the entire plan for Sunita and her companions.
02:02In this, meat and eggs were cooked from the ground and taken away.
02:07There is enough food for an extensive mission in space.
02:11On the ISS, about 3.8 pounds of food is available for an astronaut every day.
02:17In addition, extra supplies are also provided for the expansion of the mission.
02:22In the space of NASA, the crew is dependent on their 530-gallon water recycling tank and
02:28emergency food storage.
02:30The food is prepared on a magnet tray with a metal pot so that the food can be saved
02:35from floating.
02:37Let me tell you that the physical weight of Sunita Williams and her companions was also
02:42decreasing on this mission, but experts clarified that their weight was not due to lack of food
02:47but due to the environment of space.
02:50Experts have also claimed that during this mission, astronauts' food was taken care of
02:55and it has also been claimed that in view of the increasing timings of the mission, extra
03:00food was also arranged there.
03:02Deputy Associate Administrator of NASA Space Operation Mission Directors, Zoel Montalbano
03:08told about this mission by giving information that Sunita and Butch have researched for
03:13about 900 hours while staying on the ISS and have done 150 scientific experiments during
03:18this time.
03:19These experiments are expected to prove helpful for NASA astronauts.
03:24So, after eating all this for 9 months, Sunita Williams and her companions have spent their
03:299 months.
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