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Motilal Oswal FirstStep Bluechip Basket: शेयर बाजार में बीते छह महीने तक लगातार गिरावट देखने के बाद इस हफ्ते से रिकवरी लौटी है. विदेशी निवेशक भी फिर से खरीदारी करने के लिए लौटने लगे हैं. लेकिन इस गिरावट की बीच निवेशकों के मन में सवाल है कि वे किन स्टॉक्स में निवेश करें.

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00:00After seeing a continuous decline in the share market for the past 6 months, the recovery has returned from this week.
00:10Foreign investors have also started returning to buy again.
00:14But amidst this decline, investors are wondering which stocks to invest in.
00:19Should they invest in global uncertainty for a long duration or for a short duration, in which the investment remains secure?
00:28To end this dilemma of investors, Motilal Oswal Wealth Management has launched a basket of 4 shares, which will give investors a great return for investing for a duration of 1-2 years.
00:40Motilal Oswal Wealth Management has named 4 stocks in the first step blue chip basket, which can give investors a great return in 1-2 years.
00:49The brokerage house said that these stocks are fundamentally strong industry leaders and their balance sheet is also good in competition with their competitors.
00:59These 4 stocks are associated with banking, consumption, telecom, capital goods, and defense sectors.
01:05The 4 stocks chosen by Motilal Oswal Wealth Management in the first step blue chip basket, the first name of which is Telecom Dikaj Bharti Airtel.
01:13Due to the increase in the tariff in the wireless segment, the company's cash flow has become very strong and the financial situation has also become strong.
01:20The company's capital expenditure is now declining and when the entire effect of the tariff hike was seen, the company started generating a free cash flow of Rs 1.3 trillion from the financial year 25 to 27.
01:32The company has paid off its debts and in the coming days, the company's stock is expected to increase rapidly.
01:39On the radar of the brokerage house, the second stock is the ICICI bank, which is establishing its digital ecosystem.
01:45The ICICI bank is in the top pick due to its excellent performance and growth capacity.
01:51The third stock is the cigarette and FNCG company ITC.
01:54Cigarette has been seen to grow in business with a stable tax.
01:58In the FNCG sector, ITC is in a better position than other companies.
02:05The fourth stock of Botiyal Oswal Wealth Management is a defence company Bharat Electronics.
02:10Defence Electronics is now in a good position to take advantage of it.
02:14During the financial year 2024-2027, the revenue is expected to be 19% CAGR, which is due to the increase in the market share and globalization.
02:26Here, information is given only for information.
02:29It is important to say that investors in the market are subject to market risks.
02:33Always consult an expert before investing as an investor.
02:37No one is advised to invest money from Good Returns.
02:42What is your opinion on this bad news?
02:44Give us your opinion in the comment box and stay tuned for such updates.
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