• yesterday


00:00I am the entertainer, Otoriyose Gourmet!
00:09With their special Otoriyose Gourmet, they will compete in a presentation battle.
00:15The gourmet dishes that you want to order right now will appear one after another.
00:21These three will compete.
00:23If they become the first place, they will get the right to participate in the championship.
00:31The entertainer, Otoriyose Gourmet battle!
00:35First, Mizuta, who is a former professional chef and also publishes recipes.
00:41This is the exquisite Otoriyose.
00:44It's called Kaiser Hack.
00:46Kaiser Hack?
00:49In the first round, we will introduce sausages that are delicious to eat raw or grilled.
00:55It's delicious.
00:56It's true that I don't have to put anything on it.
00:58It's regrettable, but it's delicious.
01:01The judges also liked it.
01:03The third place is not included in the presentation.
01:08Will it be a turnaround from here?
01:12The second place is Mizuta.
01:14Please take a look.
01:15One meal is 590 yen.
01:18It's cheap.
01:19It's reasonable.
01:20It's cheap.
01:22This is a menu that my partner taught me when I was young.
01:31Everyone in Osaka knows this dish.
01:35Everyone in Osaka knows this dish.
01:38This time I will introduce a product from KASUYA in Osaka.
01:46KASU UDON is a local dish that has been loved in Osaka for a long time.
01:50When I first went to KASU UDON, it was a small restaurant in the parking lot of a new clothing store called FUJIIDERA.
01:59It was very delicious.
02:02Now it has 27 stores in Nara, Kyoto, Tokyo, and Chiba.
02:08Is it also available in Tokyo?
02:09That's great.
02:10I'm very happy.
02:13I'm very happy.
02:14I'm not deceived.
02:16I was embraced by KASU UDON.
02:19I will give you 10 more points.
02:21This is KASU UDON from KASUYA.
02:28The level of KASU UDON is very high.
02:32This is fat, soup, and UDON.
02:37This is very simple.
02:38This is fat.
02:39This is the fat of a cow.
02:42This is the fat of a cow.
02:45This is the fat of a cow.
02:48This is the fat of a cow.
02:50This is only 2.5 kg.
02:53This is a high-protein and low-fat dish.
02:55This has a lot of collagen.
02:57This is good for women.
03:00This is not good for women.
03:05This is very delicious.
03:07I will make this and eat it.
03:09Don't you make this?
03:12Isn't there anything you can't make?
03:14You can make it.
03:17There is something you can't make.
03:19Is that so?
03:20I'm glad.
03:24This is not completed.
03:27This is delicious when it cools down.
03:30This is delicious when it absorbs the soup stock.
03:32I put green onions on this.
03:36Do you cut the green onions?
03:43I want you to cut the green onions in the back.
03:46I want to show you cooking.
03:48You are good at cutting green onions.
03:50I was angry at you last night.
03:54I know you can cut green onions.
03:57You are good at cutting green onions.
04:01That's enough.
04:03Do you need that much?
04:05I don't need that much.
04:07This person eats a lot of green onions.
04:10This angle is good.
04:14I didn't think you were good at cooking.
04:17This is TOROROKOMU.
04:20This is a topping at the store.
04:22TOROROKOMU is good.
04:24I eat this.
04:26This is delicious.
04:28I eat this.
04:35This is delicious.
04:37Why do you say that to everyone?
04:39Everyone in AOYAMA, this is delicious.
04:42Why do you say that to everyone in AOYAMA?
04:45Everyone in AOYAMA, this is delicious.
04:47Everyone in AOYAMA, this is delicious.
04:48The judges will eat this.
04:51This is crispy and soft.
04:56This is delicious.
05:00This is delicious.
05:03This is the best after drinking.
05:08This is delicious.
05:11HAMADA didn't say it once.
05:13He said it was delicious.
05:15I said it.
05:16He didn't say it once.
05:17I said it.
05:21How is this?
05:23This is delicious.
05:25This has a good taste.
05:27This has a good taste.
05:31This has a good taste.
05:33This has a good taste.
05:36This is different from normal soup stock.
05:40That's right.
05:41This has a unique taste.
05:44How is this?
05:45My throat is full of collagen.
05:48I understood why SHINJI shouted.
05:52That's right.
05:55You are in trouble.
05:58How is this?
05:59This has a great texture.
06:04This is a little hard.
06:06This is very delicious.
06:08This is very delicious.
06:10I understand.
06:12I felt like I was slipping for a moment.
06:15I think I can stand it for a moment.
06:18This is a competition between entertainers.
06:21Next is KOMORI HAYATO from LDH.
06:26This is TAIGA TSUKEMEN.
06:29This is salt.
06:31This is salt.
06:33In the first round, he introduces salt TSUKEMEN.
06:42This is delicious.
06:45Is this delicious?
06:46This is delicious.
06:47This is delicious.
06:48This is delicious.
06:50This is delicious.
06:53This is delicious.
06:55He is currently in second place.
06:57Will it be a reversal from here?
06:59This is KOMORI.
07:01Look at this.
07:02This is 4,800 yen for two people.
07:06There are many delicious food in Hokkaido, right?
07:12This is a store in OTARU, Hokkaido.
07:18This is a store where we get along in private.
07:21The vocalist of the rock band SAKANA ACTION, YAMAGUCHI ICHIRO.
07:25He told me that I should go to this store.
07:29I went to this store when I went on a trip to Hokkaido.
07:33This is a product of OTARU YAKINIKU SANSHIRO HONTEN in OTARU, Hokkaido.
07:41This is a popular YAKINIKU store in OTARU.
07:45This is said to be the oldest YAKINIKU store in OTARU.
07:50I will introduce the signboard menu of this store.
07:55This is a product of SANSHIRO.
07:57This is SANSHIRO's famous HORUMON set.
08:02This is HORUMON after KASUDEN.
08:07There are two types of HORUMON in this set.
08:10This is HORUMON seasoned with raw HORUMON and salt sauce.
08:14This looks delicious.
08:16This is HIDEN NO TARE.
08:20At the end, there is DASHI SOUP.
08:26What is this?
08:36This is 4,800 yen including the plate.
08:39This is very cheap.
08:43This is the story of SANSHIRO, which has the history of the store.
08:54This is also 4,800 yen including the plate.
08:57This is very cheap.
09:01I thought it was HORUMON after eating KASUDEN.
09:08This HIDEN NO TARE is refreshing.
09:11HORUMON has a strong taste.
09:14But I don't feel that way.
09:17I can eat a lot of HORUMON.
09:21I bake HORUMON.
09:24Do you bake HORUMON?
09:26I bake HORUMON from now on.
09:30When baking HORUMON, it takes a long time to bake HORUMON.
09:40Does it take a long time to bake HORUMON from now on?
09:45I eat HORUMON with a little roundness.
09:53This is HORUMON.
09:55I eat HORUMON with a little roundness.
10:03I want to bake HORUMON a little more.
10:05I was worried.
10:08I eat HORUMON with a little roundness.
10:10When the staff said HORUMON with a little roundness, I was worried.
10:16I can eat HORUMON with a little roundness.
10:20I eat HORUMON with a little roundness.
10:23I eat HORUMON with this sauce.
10:30This is very delicious.
10:35This sauce has a strong taste of garlic.
10:38This sauce has a strong taste of garlic.
10:43This has a strong taste of soup stock.
10:50This is very delicious.
10:55If you like a strong taste, add a lot of this.
10:58If you like a light taste, add a little of this.
11:00The judges also eat HORUMON.
11:11This sauce has a strong taste of garlic.
11:17HORUMON is also very delicious.
11:20HORUMON is soft and has no smell.
11:24HORUMON has a strong taste of soup stock.
11:27HORUMON is a new taste.
11:31HORUMON has a new taste.
11:34HORUMON is delicious.
11:37I like a strong taste.
11:40HORUMON has a strong taste of soup stock and HORUMON has a strong taste.
11:43HORUMON is a dish that can be eaten with rice.
11:46HORUMON is the best.
11:48HORUMON is very delicious.
11:50I can't bake HORUMON in my frying pan.
11:54I can bake HORUMON in my frying pan.
12:00I drink soup stock.
12:03How is the soup stock?
12:05This is very delicious.
12:10I drank all the soup stock.
12:13I drank all the soup stock.
12:15HORUMON is a dish that can be eaten with rice.
12:21HORUMON is a dish that can be eaten with rice.
12:23HORUMON is a dish that can be eaten with rice.
12:26HORUMON is very delicious.
12:28HORUMON is delicious.
12:32Please don't include HORUMON in the video.
12:35HORUMON is not good.
12:38HORUMON is not good.
12:44This is a competition between entertainers.
12:47The last is YUU TAKAHASHI.
12:52I open this.
12:55This is a melting hamburger steak.
12:58This is a hamburger steak.
13:00In the first round, he doesn't use tuna at all.
13:03He introduces a melting hamburger steak.
13:06I eat this.
13:10This is very delicious.
13:15This is very soft.
13:18This is very delicious.
13:21This is very soft.
13:24This is very soft.
13:27YUU TAKAHASHI is in first place.
13:30Can YUU TAKAHASHI run away?
13:32The last is YUU TAKAHASHI.
13:35This is a box of 3,840 yen.
13:41I want to eat sweets.
13:46This is meat.
13:51I was waiting for this.
13:54This is very popular.
13:57This is sold out in a few minutes.
14:00This is sold out in a few minutes.
14:02This time I will introduce MUSUBI SWEETS in HIROSHIMA.
14:06This is a family cafe run by a couple.
14:11The husband is an actor who appeared in my first play.
14:18He is now retired.
14:21The couple runs a cafe in a small house of 120 yen.
14:27I will introduce the products.
14:30This is the product.
14:37I like this.
14:40I open this.
14:43This is the product.
14:46BASK CHEESE CAKE has a caramelized surface.
14:50You can enjoy the taste of BASK CHEESE CAKE.
14:54Many people eat BASK CHEESE CAKE.
14:57BASK CHEESE CAKE was also popular.
14:59This BASK CHEESE CAKE has a different taste.
15:04This is very soft.
15:08This is very soft.
15:12This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is barely standing.
15:15This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is barely standing.
15:17This is very soft.
15:22You like soft things.
15:25I like soft things.
15:27This is a tire.
15:31This is dangerous.
15:35This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is about to fall.
15:38This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is about to fall.
15:41This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is about to fall.
15:45This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE that is about to fall.
15:47If you leave this at room temperature, it will melt.
15:50You can choose the softness you like.
15:52I cut this with a fork.
15:57This is very soft.
16:01I eat this.
16:05I eat this.
16:12Thank you very much.
16:13What are you doing?
16:15Please introduce yourself.
16:18The ingredients are very ordinary.
16:20I don't use anything special.
16:23I mix the ingredients.
16:27I make each ingredient by hand.
16:30This is a perfect balance.
16:32This is very soft.
16:34Please eat this.
16:36This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE with a soft texture.
16:39The judges also eat this.
16:41This is amazing.
16:46The surface is crispy.
16:49This is delicious.
16:52This is too delicious.
16:55This is amazing.
17:00This is amazing.
17:03This is very delicious.
17:06This is amazing.
17:09What is this?
17:11This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE with a soft texture.
17:14This is amazing.
17:15The surface is crispy.
17:17That's right.
17:19This has a very good texture.
17:22You can enjoy the texture.
17:24How is this?
17:25This is too cute.
17:27This is delicious.
17:29This is too cute.
17:31This is amazing.
17:33I was looking for a BASK CHEESE CAKE like this.
17:36This is very delicious.
17:39This is amazing.
17:42This is very hard.
17:45This is a waste.
17:47Please tell me your impression.
17:49This is a BASK CHEESE CAKE with a soft texture.
17:54This is very delicious.
17:58This is very delicious.
18:00This is very delicious.
18:01That's right.
18:02The texture is different.
18:05I can eat this whole.
18:08I can eat this whole.
18:10This is very delicious.
18:12Thank you very much.
18:15What should I do?
18:17It's time to evaluate.
18:20Evaluate in the order you want to eat more.
18:25The result will be decided in the first round.
18:29Who will be the winner?
18:36The first round is the evaluation of the food.
18:39The first round is a sausage with a lot of dried paprika and herbs.
18:46The second round is a dish that has been loved in Osaka for a long time.
18:51This is KASU UDON.
18:54The first round is a dish that has a strong taste.
19:00The second round is a dish that has a combination of horumon and secret sauce.
19:06This is HORUMON SET.
19:09The first round is a dish that uses black beef.
19:17The second round is a dish that sells in a few minutes.
19:23This is TAKAHASHI.
19:25Who will be the winner?
19:29I will announce the result.
19:34The champion of OTORIYASAMUKUGURUME has been decided.
19:38What will happen?
19:40I will announce the third place.
19:44The third place is. . .
19:52Is that true?
19:57You reacted to the fact that you were happy.
20:00You reacted to the fact that you were in third place.
20:03This is not a reaction to being in third place.
20:05This is not a reaction to being in third place among hundreds of people.
20:07Why is it a reaction to not being in third place?
20:09This is a reaction to being in third place among three people.
20:12Who will be the winner?
20:17The winner of OTORIYASAMUKUGURUME is. . .
20:25The winner of OTORIYASAMUKUGURUME is. . .
20:34Thank you very much.
20:40The second place is KOMORI.
20:41The total score is 57 points.
20:43There is a 20-point difference.
20:46This is a big difference.
20:48MIZUTAMARI BOND is. . .
20:50INGYA has a score of 7 points.
20:53It was delicious.
20:56I bought it as a souvenir.
20:58You said that for a long time.
21:00KOMORI has a score of 7 points and 10 points.
21:03MARI has a score of 10 points.
21:05KOMORI and TAKAHASHI have a score of 10 points and 7 points.
21:10It was a game with me.
21:12I see.
21:14I'm lonely.
21:17What kind of feeling is that?
21:19I'm watching a strange girl.
21:22Don't you take a step at such a time?
21:25The winner is TAKAHASHI.
21:29Thank you very much.
21:31This is the first time.
21:32There is a champion tournament.
21:34I will eat a lot.
21:36I want to make everyone hungry.
21:38KOMORI has a score of 20 points.
21:42It was impossible.
21:44There was a 20-point difference.
21:47MIZUTAMARI BOND can't be helped.
21:50I've been running for a long time.
21:53I want the judges to reconsider.
21:55What do you mean?
21:57I'm just hungry.
22:00This is delicious.
22:02If you want to see it again, please go to TVER.
