• yesterday
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) melanjutkan penguatan pada perdagangan sesi I, Kamis (20/3/2025) dengan ditutup naik 0,90% atau 56,97 poin ke level 6.368,63.

Berdasarkan data IDX Mobile, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 9,1 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp6,3 triliun. Sebanyak 310 saham harganya naik, 278 saham harganya turun dan 369 saham lain harganya stagnan.


00:00We invite you to watch the first session of the closing of trade on March 20, 2025 where the joint stock price index increased 0.9% or 56 points to 6,368
00:22with the exchange rate of Rupiah against the US dollar in 16,436 or 0.51%
00:31From the joint stock price index, the mutual funds that support or become gainers based on value are PTRO with a strength of 3%, TPIA almost 12%, then there is WIFI 5% and DSSA increased by 3.56%
00:46Top losers, there is M10 Banking Himbara such as BRI which fell 1.62%, BNI 2%, BRIS 9% and there is Telkom which fell almost 3%.
01:01From the sectoral movement, technology still leads with a strength of 10%, then the stock price also increased by 1.59%, two sectors with the most significant weakness, there is finance which fell 0.89% and primary consumption fell 0.7%.
01:23Information from the world of technology, we present Usai Jeda, stay tuned on IDX Varsation Closing.
