• yesterday
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali turun lebih dari 2% pada siang ini. Hingga penutupan sesi I, indeks melemah 2,14% ke 6.245.

Head of Research Yuanta Sekuritas Chandra Pasaribu menilai pelaku pasar kurang percaya diri terhadap kebijakan pemerintah baru. Sebab, dinilai belum memberikan arah jelas bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.


00:05In the next segment, we will present information about IHSG
00:08on the closing of the first trading session on March 21,
00:11where IHSG is expected to experience a weakness of 2.14%,
00:16or weakening 136.5 points to position 6245.1.
00:23Meanwhile, the TOP GAINERS segment comes from MINA,
00:26with a weakness of 3.09%, DSA 3.78%, DCIE 2.32%, and ANJT 2.22%.
00:35From the TOP LOSERS segment, BMRI weakness is 4.33%,
00:38BBCA weakness is 3.58%, BBNI weakness is 5.39%, and BRICE weakness is 5.05%.
00:45From the MOVEMENT segment, technology weakness is 0.96%,
00:49non-premium consumption weakness is 3.02%,
00:52BAKU weakness is 2.87%, and ENERGY weakness is 1.2%.
01:00In the next segment, stay tuned with us.
