Click the link to check out Displate and use the code “TBJZL” for up to 27%!
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Click the link to check out Displate and use the code “TBJZL” for up to 27%!
Feedback, as always, is appreciated ♥
00:00Shut up.
00:03No way, man.
00:07Welcome back to the channel,
00:08where today I am with my guests.
00:11Big Specs in the building.
00:12I've loved you for a thousand years.
00:13Sam Ham.
00:14What's going on, people?
00:15We're back.
00:16What is that?
00:17I don't know what you mean, but we're back.
00:18What's going, why are you rubbing your hands as well
00:19about we're back?
00:20What do you mean we're back?
00:21Cause we're back.
00:22This is your first time on this channel.
00:23You're not back.
00:24Oh yeah.
00:25You're here for the first time.
00:26Oh yeah, damn.
00:26We are here fresh off the back
00:28of the seven winners of the world video
00:30that you might have seen on the Sidemen channel already.
00:32And if you haven't, then go watch that.
00:33I will tell you that we visited Brazil.
00:41Can we go again?
00:41He said he was going to take us.
00:43He did say in February, you're going to take us.
00:44You said you're taking us to Brazil.
00:47I'm still in 2024.
00:48If the invoice hasn't cleared from 2024,
00:50I'm still in 2024.
00:51Well, it looks like we're not going back to Brazil,
00:52but what we are doing today is we're going to be trying
00:55Brazilian snacks, boy.
00:58I actually wanted a Brazilian hair to help us pronounce
01:00stuff and explain to us where it is,
01:02but no Brazilians were available.
01:03So we're going to attempt to pronounce this each
01:05and they're going to rate us on our pronunciation.
01:07Actually, you know what?
01:08You do have a Brazilian hair.
01:12Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
01:13We don't have a Brazilian hair.
01:15You got Brazilian hair.
01:20Hey, look, listen, this was a forfeit, okay?
01:22This was because of you.
01:23We did rock, paper, scissors.
01:25And as a result, I had to get this haircut.
01:26But do you know what?
01:28I embrace it and I love it.
01:29And this is the R9 haircut.
01:30Some people may think it's now the S9 haircut,
01:32but I think it's the R9 haircut.
01:34All right?
01:35Why you got your hand up?
01:36Why is it smaller?
01:37It was there, now it's gone.
01:38Why is it, so it's moving.
01:39It's not moving.
01:40It is moving.
01:41Look, look, look, look, look, listen.
01:43I had to get it redone.
01:45Before when I had it, you said it looked like a doormat.
01:46Why didn't you notice that?
01:48It's moved.
01:49It's moved.
01:50So you're doing better than Renaldo.
01:51Renaldo's one stayed in the same place.
01:53All right, first up, what is this?
01:55There's biscuits.
01:55What do you think?
01:56How do you say this?
01:57What, this here?
02:00Lacta Bis.
02:01Where do you see Lacta?
02:02Where do you see Lacta?
02:02Oh, he said Lacta, you see?
02:03There's a L.
02:04That is the brand, I think.
02:07I think it's Bis.
02:07Bis original.
02:09Oh yeah, one for me.
02:11Bro, have a Bis.
02:12Thank you, thank you, thank you.
02:12Bro, have a Bis.
02:13This is very light.
02:14It's almost like a Kit Kat.
02:16You got toilet here?
02:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:18Oh yeah, you're lactose intolerant.
02:19Me as well.
02:20Sometimes though, sometimes.
02:20Yeah, lactose intolerant.
02:21There's no way you put me in between
02:23two lactose intolerant people.
02:24Let's do this.
02:25All right, three, two, one.
02:28Bro, why didn't you eat in one?
02:31Oh, that's good.
02:32Oh, that's good.
02:33That's very nice.
02:34This is time out.
02:37Time out.
02:39Time out.
02:40That's why we had the OG.
02:41How much was time out back in your time?
02:46It was free.
02:50I'm still in 2024, I don't care.
02:51That's good, you should try that.
02:52That was good.
02:54Out of 10, what are you rating it?
02:55That's a solid 7.5.
02:57I don't want to start scoring too high.
02:59Sorry, that's an eight.
03:01For me, six.
03:04You're doing that thing.
03:05You're trying to be Simon Cowell.
03:05Remember OG Simon Cowell?
03:06He just used to cuss everyone out.
03:07It's probably enough.
03:08They've eaten enough.
03:09That's enough.
03:10No, man.
03:11We're all one.
03:12When you bite this, loads of things come out.
03:15You see time out.
03:16When you crunch it, it explodes your mouth
03:17and you feel the medicine and taste
03:19of everything in that chocolate bar.
03:24That's what I was doing.
03:25That was a sweat.
03:26That was a sweat.
03:26I got you right on your top lip.
03:28Are you all right?
03:29Don't sue me.
03:30Don't sue me.
03:31That was an accident.
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04:10Grab yours today and start telling your story.
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04:16Tony Docheres Kelly.
04:18Do I have to taste it?
04:18Because I eat with my eyes sometimes.
04:21I eat with my eyes.
04:22If I don't like the way it looks,
04:23I'm not going to give it a taste.
04:24Like, this just doesn't look right.
04:26Is it?
04:27That's what I'm saying.
04:28That smell is a bit mad.
04:29Smells very healthy.
04:30But it doesn't look healthy.
04:32I'm going to try it.
04:35Do you know what?
04:36It's not bad.
04:37It's very decent.
04:38Say gospel truth.
04:39Very decent.
04:39Say gospel truth.
04:40It's better than that.
04:41Say gospel truth.
04:42This is better than this.
04:43Say gospel truth.
04:44Gospel truth.
04:44I know what this is.
04:46It's very nice.
04:46I know what this is.
04:50What is?
04:50Where's the taste?
04:52Yours must be broken.
04:53This is decent.
04:53You need to look at it for longer.
04:55Then you'll absorb the flavour.
04:56It's got the right balance of nuts and like caramel.
05:00Balance of what?
05:03Come on, guys.
05:05Guys, guys.
05:06Guys, there's literally nuts.
05:07Happy new year, man.
05:08There's literally nuts all over this whole bowl.
05:09Oh my God.
05:10Come on.
05:11What does that say?
05:14Oh Lord.
05:15What is it?
05:16Don't tell me it's a sausage.
05:17It's not what it is.
05:18It's what it translates to.
05:19Oh no.
05:20What does it translate to?
05:22Oh God.
05:24I knew it.
05:25What do you mean you knew it?
05:26You didn't know that.
05:26I knew it.
05:27There's no taste.
05:28What did you know?
05:29Feet don't have no taste.
05:30Have you told us before?
05:32Have you?
05:33There's no taste.
05:34Pelosi's little toe has no taste.
05:35And I'm saying there's no taste here.
05:36We're eating someone's feet from the favelas.
05:38There's no taste.
05:40That's like a 6.5 for me.
05:43I'm gonna give that a solid eight.
05:45I really enjoyed that.
05:46You like the nuts?
05:48That was, I'll say a four.
05:52You didn't excite me at the first chocolate bar.
05:53I don't know what you're talking about,
05:54but those nuts weren't for me.
05:55Biscuito salgado de polvilho.
05:58Biscuito salgado de polvilho.
06:01Biscuito salgado de polvilho.
06:04Why are you laughing?
06:05I just say it fast, innit?
06:05So it comes across as fluent.
06:07Where did you hear un numero?
06:09Oh, I know why.
06:15Is it?
06:16I don't know if that's just like,
06:17because I just opened the packet.
06:19Three, two, one.
06:22Oh yeah, it's nice, you know?
06:25Oh no, it's not, it's not.
06:26It turns.
06:27The taste turns, watch.
06:28It's cheese puff.
06:29No, watch.
06:30It turns.
06:31Keep chewing.
06:31Keep chewing.
06:32Oh, yep.
06:33The taste turns whilst you're in it.
06:35Check your mirrors.
06:36I told you, it turns.
06:37It starts good and it goes bad.
06:38It tastes like hay.
06:39That was an assault on my mouth.
06:40That's the worst crisps I've ever had in my life.
06:42Oh my God.
06:43Not a fan.
06:44The ending, it's the ending.
06:45It starts off class.
06:46No, it doesn't start off class.
06:48No, it doesn't.
06:48It doesn't.
06:49The crunch is nice.
06:50It was texture.
06:51You got tricked by texture.
06:52But hear me out though.
06:53If you pour sugar on that, I think it will be good.
06:55If you pour sugar on that, I think it will be valid.
06:58That's a savoury snack.
06:59Why are you going to add sugar?
07:00Sugar fixes everything.
07:01What? No.
07:01It doesn't.
07:03Ever since we had sugar tax, miserable.
07:04Sugar can't fix that.
07:05Only vomit can fix it.
07:07No, that, that, that.
07:07Okay, we're moving on.
07:08Give it a rating, give it a rating.
07:09Honestly, one.
07:11It's the worst crisps I've ever had in my life.
07:12I agree with him.
07:13Gotta be a one.
07:15I think, do you know what it is?
07:15It's got to be like prawn cocktail or something.
07:17You know what I mean?
07:18Like a waver.
07:19You don't want to piss them off.
07:20There's Brazilians that like this.
07:21You have to give it at least a three.
07:23Listen, for me, it's a three.
07:25No, but that means you're lying.
07:26No, it's a three.
07:27Be honest with it.
07:27It's fine.
07:28You're entitled to your own opinion.
07:29No, no, I'm actually being serious.
07:30It's actually a three.
07:31One is too low.
07:32That's not as bad as you lot made it out to be,
07:34but it's not great.
07:35Give it a two and a half.
07:37Two and a half.
07:38No, I'm going one.
07:39It's up to me.
07:41I don't like crisps.
07:42Have you seen a crisp that's called chips?
07:45Bright blue?
07:46Salt and vinegar?
07:47You lot are young.
07:48Unc, man.
07:49You lot are young.
07:50Unc, man.
07:51What is this?
07:52All right, you try first, Specs.
07:53You try first.
07:54Specs, you try first.
07:55Say it briefly.
07:56My favourite.
07:57Try it first.
07:58What is it?
07:59How do you pronounce this?
08:02Wait, how do you say this?
08:03That's Ghanaian.
08:06That's Ghanaian, bro.
08:08Just for reference,
08:09what I just asked him to say is achai.
08:11Please don't let us down.
08:12It smells gorgeous.
08:13It smells divine.
08:16Hey, this is bringing it back.
08:17I can smell Brazil.
08:18I can...
08:19Like, you see when I smell this?
08:20I'm by the beach again.
08:21I'm kicking football.
08:23Oh, and doo-doo!
08:25Where's doo-doo?
08:28This is tea, man.
08:29Oh, bro.
08:30It's iced tea, man.
08:31Oh, this is 10.
08:32Nah, seriously, boys.
08:33Nah, it's iced tea.
08:34Boys, I'm taking this one home.
08:36This one's mine.
08:37Bro, I wanted the flavours.
08:38We're back.
08:40We're back.
08:41This, this is a 10.
08:42I can taste chocolate.
08:42Why can you taste...
08:43There's no chocolate in there.
08:45Do me a favour.
08:46Drink it and close your eyes.
08:47That was nuts from you, by the way.
08:49What does it taste like?
08:52Drink it and close your eyes, you know.
08:54Well, you did it.
08:55The worst thing is, you did it.
08:56I was thinking, wait, what does he mean?
08:58You did it.
09:00What does it taste like?
09:06It tastes like chocolate.
09:10Nah, you lot are doing this on purpose, man.
09:12Stop, stop, stop.
09:15I'm not gonna lie, that's underwhelming for me, man.
09:17It's too much of that tea flavour.
09:19But you know what I like about this?
09:20It's still nice, though.
09:21I can keep going.
09:23Oh my God.
09:25It's not bad, but would I have it as my go-to drink?
09:27No, I'll give that like a six.
09:29This is, this is, this is an eight.
09:31Cause I can keep going.
09:32Honestly, like, keep drinking it.
09:34No, I know, but it's the flavours are missing for me.
09:36If you're gonna be a sweet drink, be a sweet drink.
09:38If you're gonna be a dead drink, be a dead drink.
09:39I don't want this lukewarm in-between thing.
09:41I hate you, but I like this.
09:42This is unique.
09:43Bro, you haven't said a word.
09:44This is serious, man.
09:45I'm just, I'm in Brazil.
09:48Look, aye, this with a cappuccino,
09:51best night you'll have ever.
09:52I think one of these things here
09:54helps you last longer in bed.
09:55I think this is like one of them drinks as well.
09:57At my age, I take a lot of stuff to last longer, make kids.
10:00And this is what my tablets taste like.
10:04Wherever gets you going, my guy.
10:05Unc, you can have mine, man.
10:08Yeah, have it all, man.
10:10God, more kids this year.
10:12Come on.
10:12My rating for that is a solid 9.5.
10:15Reason being, I think there's something above that,
10:18but we haven't discovered that.
10:199.5 for that?
10:20You're off your head.
10:21You love, you love drink, you know?
10:23But I love that.
10:24You're off your head.
10:29You have my attention.
10:30You have Spexy's attention.
10:32You have Sam's attention.
10:33I'm awake.
10:34Marshmallows definitely make me go toilet.
10:35No, these are Maxmallows.
10:37The bar is high for these.
10:38I'm going to say that now.
10:39Sweet connoisseur, sweet connoisseur, sweet connoisseur.
10:42There's three here.
10:42You can't go wrong with marshmallows.
10:43This is a serious channel, after you, sir.
10:45Marshmallows is a staple in every movie.
10:48The camping scene, you need it.
10:49Oh God, I could taste the milk galore in this one.
10:51It's too milky.
10:52Yeah, it's too milky.
10:53It tastes like, you know the milk with the yellow lid?
10:55You know that milk?
10:56You can only get in commentary.
10:58I'm serious.
10:59You go commentary-
11:00Is it in a glass?
11:01No, it's nothing, but the lid's yellow.
11:03I'm not going to lie.
11:04I'm severely underwhelmed.
11:05It should be a little bit more soft and squishier.
11:07It's too hard.
11:08The flavours are a little bit off.
11:10That's a four for me, you know?
11:14I'm getting one.
11:15I'm a sweet connoisseur.
11:16I've murdered sweets in my lifetime.
11:18And that there, shocker.
11:20But why a one?
11:21Have you ever tasted tissue on its own?
11:23That's what that was.
11:24Why the fuck are you tasting tissue?
11:25I was five years old.
11:26You've got to try things to understand.
11:28You've never, ever tasted tissue.
11:29Nah, I can't lie.
11:30I've had paper, not tissue.
11:31You've had paper?
11:32Everyone's had paper.
11:33Everyone's had paper.
11:35The stuff you use to wipe your arse?
11:36Yeah, before you wipe your arse.
11:38Mate, what were you doing before that?
11:39At five, I used my hand first.
11:40Unc, unc, unc, unc.
11:41You were bougie kids.
11:42You were bougie kids, man.
11:43You're bugging out, man.
11:44Have you ever used your hand?
11:45Have you ever used your hand when you was five?
11:47Nah, unc.
11:47You said using your hands at five years old.
11:50If we go through your portfolio,
11:51I know you've done mad things.
11:53You've sat-
11:53If we go through-
11:54Wait a minute, wait a minute.
11:55If we go through your sophisticated history-
11:57We will-
11:58Aye, you're finished.
11:59You've sat on your hand-
12:03Somebody else is doing it.
12:04What are you doing?
12:05I'm just saying.
12:05What are you saying?
12:06What are you-
12:07Because he-
12:08Out of my space.
12:09Bro, get back.
12:10Out of my space.
12:10You tested yourself in different ways
12:12when you was five years old.
12:13I know.
12:14Can't tell me Sam Hamm was a clean guy at five.
12:17What was your rating?
12:18Oh, my rating was a four.
12:19I said four as well.
12:20Maybe you said four, yeah.
12:21I'll say four.
12:24I know you're not-
12:24You're trying to go back to Brazil.
12:25That's why you're being nice.
12:26It's a one.
12:27They're bad marshmallows.
12:28What is it?
12:30Aye, they got you your present specs.
12:31We had these a lot.
12:32Oh, is this what you gave me?
12:34Oh, yes.
12:34Oh, they're fangs.
12:38There's something a little bit off
12:39with the sugar levels in Brazilian.
12:41It needs more sugar, right?
12:42The flavour's a tiny bit off.
12:44It's not bad.
12:44The flavour's a tiny bit off for me.
12:46I'm not happy with the Jack and the Teeth though.
12:47Is it a sweet?
12:48Is it a toy?
12:49What is it, Brazil?
12:50Tell me.
12:51All right, this is a banana flavour of the same thing.
12:53This is the worst weapon on Mario Kart.
12:55One of the best.
12:55If you know how to put it somewhere-
12:56Bro, when you slip, you go-
12:57You overtake.
12:58It makes-
12:59When you slip-
13:00You overtake.
13:00When you slip, you go past the person.
13:02Yeah, that's the whole point.
13:05Slow them down.
13:05I meant to slow them down.
13:06He's saying the person who slips goes past.
13:09I'm not gonna lie.
13:10They're gone.
13:11That or the Teeth.
13:12The Teeth are dead.
13:13The Teeth are a five.
13:14That is a eight.
13:14I finished the packet before I even realised.
13:18I'll never trust your opinion on sweets again.
13:20Don't touch my knee.
13:21Don't touch my knee.
13:21You know why?
13:23I realised something.
13:24You can't have a packet of the same sweet.
13:26So when you look up Haribo's,
13:28you've got the ring, you've got the heart,
13:30you've got the egg, you've got a mixture,
13:32which keeps you deaf.
13:33That's Haribo's stomachs.
13:34Hold on, hold on.
13:35So imagine going to a party,
13:36but everyone in there is Sam.
13:38Everyone in there is Sam,
13:40with this big elbow there.
13:41You're gonna leave after one hour.
13:43You need different people in the club.
13:44Why does the same thing not apply for crisps?
13:46Okay, it's like chips.
13:48Because chips is food.
13:49You don't want nothing to change.
13:51Crisps is a form of potato.
13:52You don't want it to change.
13:53Form of potato?
13:53But with sweets, taste buds.
13:55It plays your taste buds, innit?
13:58So you need a different...
13:59That there, that's Sam ham in a club.
14:01So 55 Sam hams in a small club.
14:04I'm getting out of the club.
14:05What about 55 specs?
14:06What would that look like?
14:07There's space in the club.
14:09Four, three.
14:11Bananas, seven.
14:13Lips, seven.
14:14All right, how do you say this?
14:18Why did you add the extra ina?
14:19Yeah, man, why did you keep...
14:20I didn't know.
14:22This is like an Oreo.
14:22It is half, half.
14:23It's half strawberry, half chocolate.
14:26Your head just looks so smackable.
14:28You know how hard I fought the intrusive thoughts?
14:30Well, this one has a chocolate flavour.
14:32Is this chocolate?
14:32Straight chocolate.
14:33I'm gonna just do the top because...
14:35Smells like granny's biscuits.
14:36You ready?
14:41It's this.
14:42I like those.
14:43I didn't think I was gonna like that.
14:44I do like that.
14:45Chocolate custard cream.
14:45That's what that is.
14:46Like a bourbon.
14:47But better than a bourbon.
14:48Better than a bourbon, yeah.
14:49I don't like chocolate.
14:50It's just a whole...
14:50No, like what you said, custard cream is chocolate.
14:52The whole material is chocolate.
14:53Ain't for me, bro.
14:54This isn't too chocolatey, though.
14:55You know when you have like a chocolate biscuit
14:57and it's too chocolatey?
14:58This, I can eat this.
14:59I can eat more of this.
15:00But what else is in there?
15:01What flavour's in there?
15:01It's just chocolate.
15:02Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
15:03Oh, that's nice.
15:04I can't wait for these, man.
15:05I like this.
15:06I can't wait for you.
15:07Let's just not finish.
15:07I'm dealing with you because I can see pink.
15:09I know, man.
15:11It's unsure.
15:11I guarantee you this one's gonna be better.
15:12You're better after three.
15:13All in your mouth.
15:15Yeah, who cares?
15:1620, 24.
15:17All right, you ready?
15:18Three, two, one.
15:22You're having it.
15:23You're having it.
15:24Hear it, hear it.
15:25You know what this is?
15:26This is party wings.
15:28Don't you ever disrespect party wings again in your life.
15:31I prefer the chocolate one.
15:33Nah, can't believe it.
15:34Specs is right.
15:34The next one is better.
15:35But Specs has criminally underrated that one.
15:37That's a seven.
15:38The other one, where is it?
15:39Where is it?
15:40That one's an eight.
15:41Well, you got both of them.
15:41Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
15:44You went for round two?
15:45Of course.
15:46I have to.
15:46I'm so happy you're not my little brother, you know?
15:48I'm so happy, bro.
15:49Because if you were my older brother,
15:50I'd be taxing you.
15:51You know that?
15:52If he was your older brother, you'd be taxing him.
15:55Impossible for the young you to tax me.
15:57Older brother taxes the younger brother.
15:58No, it's Specs.
15:59You can't see nine.
16:00So the bunk bed, who's on top?
16:01You have a younger brother.
16:01Who's on top?
16:02Wait, hold on.
16:03The bunk bed, who's on top?
16:04Me or you?
16:05If I was your older brother?
16:06You, bro.
16:07Now you're thinking.
16:07I'm so stupid, bro.
16:09Why would you do that?
16:11I'm so stupid, bro.
16:13I'm so stupid, bro.
16:15I'm so stupid, bro.
16:17I'm so stupid, bro.
16:19I'm so stupid, bro.
16:20I'm so stupid, bro.
16:22I'm so stupid, bro.
16:24I'm wearing my clothes, I'm wearing the floor.
16:26Fuck me, man.
16:27You're so annoying.
16:28Why did you say that?
16:30I know, but seriously though,
16:31big up Trakinas, man.
16:33Beautiful chocolate, man.
16:34Yeah, chocolate, no.
16:36It's not bad.
16:36I'll give it a three.
16:37But the second one is definitely an eight.
16:40I can never trust you again after this, you know.
16:42I'll be honest.
16:437.5, seven.
16:45It's close.
16:45All right, this one is the number 10 of Brazilian sweets.
16:52It's gonna be good.
16:54This is already a 10.
16:58This is what I'm talking about.
16:59Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:00Where's the packet?
17:01No, no, no more for you.
17:01Let me put some in my pocket for later.
17:03No more for you.
17:04Bro, you see?
17:04We told you, like, he was storing food in his pocket.
17:06You thought we were joking.
17:07He was storing food in his pocket the whole trip.
17:09Roast potatoes were in his back pocket.
17:10He would sit on it, squash it,
17:12and still dip in and eat.
17:14What did you tell me?
17:15There's no rules.
17:16Yeah, there is no rules,
17:17but if you're gonna put a roast potato in your pocket,
17:18put it here so you don't squash it.
17:20You squashed it up, man.
17:21Mashed potatoes.
17:23It's a mashed potato in my pocket.
17:29You mashed potato, this guy.
17:30Let me get the packet real quick, please.
17:32Wait, for what?
17:33I just want to read the Portuguese on it.
17:35Read from there.
17:36Read from there.
17:39There's something over there.
17:41Wait, Tobi, look over there.
17:43It's a 9.5, man.
17:45Yeah, that's a 9.5, you know.
17:46It's a 10.
17:47What is this?
17:48This is like caramel.
17:49Bro, this is a shot.
17:51How do you eat this?
17:52This is liquid.
17:53Yeah, you put a hole in it and then you squirt it.
17:56And suck.
17:59I like the way it looks, though.
17:59I can't lie to you.
18:00The way it looks is insane.
18:02I'm not gonna have this.
18:03I don't like the way it looks.
18:03I've learnt Portuguese from you guys.
18:05It says sabor, flavour, doce de leite.
18:08I feel like leite is milk.
18:11Chocolate milk.
18:12What colour's the lid?
18:17So how do you open this?
18:18Is it nice?
18:18Don't make me do it.
18:20I can't remember what this tastes like.
18:22There's something it tastes like.
18:23It's like melted toffee.
18:24Or fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge.
18:26Fudge is one of my favourite chocolate fudge.
18:28I would have that as a dessert after a meal.
18:30But you know what it is?
18:31You know what's letting me down?
18:32It's the size.
18:33I need a bigger one.
18:34Whoa, shock.
18:36It tastes like condensed milk.
18:37Condensed milk?
18:38No way, man.
18:40No way, bruv, I've got condensed milk.
18:41The one in the tin?
18:43You crazy?
18:44That's nice.
18:45That's what takes me to the toilet and kills me, man.
18:46It's like a fudge flavoured condensed milk.
18:46Never, never.
18:47I used to love condensed milk, bro.
18:49Condensed milk is beautiful.
18:50Oh, I love it, man.
18:51With tea, ooh.
18:52Yeah, that's an 8.5.
18:53I didn't taste it, but I looked at John's face
18:55and I'm going four.
18:57I'm going five.
18:58That's one of your higher rankings today.
19:00You lot are hating on my Brazilians.
19:02Brazil, I love you.
19:03Brazil, I love you as well, but any milk from anywhere,
19:04even if it's from God, I don't like it.
19:06All right, how do you say this?
19:07Mate Leal.
19:09Mate Leal, place for AC Milan.
19:11It's like a herbal drink.
19:12Oh, caffeine.
19:13Bring that in, bruv, bring that in.
19:14You know what that means?
19:14You're gonna like this to be fair.
19:15I love it.
19:16Cause that's caffeine, herbal.
19:17Thank you very much.
19:18Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
19:21That smell day is horrendous.
19:24This smells like tea, like a tea bag, tea.
19:28Cold tea.
19:29It's gotta be iced tea.
19:30That's gotta be lychee.
19:31This is lychee iced tea.
19:32It's not what I was expecting.
19:33All right, cheers.
19:33I thought it was gonna be apple juice.
19:34Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers.
19:36Do you know what this reminds me of?
19:37Go on.
19:38If you say it, yeah, I will transfer you a thousand pounds
19:40if you say what is on my mind right now.
19:42Remember the thing that we had
19:43when we first went to the hotel?
19:45What were you thinking?
19:46That Turkish tea kind of thing.
19:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:48Was that what you're thinking?
19:50Is that a thousand pounds?
19:54How am I gonna put up this deal?
19:55All right, I'll owe you a thousand pounds.
19:56You said a thousand pounds right now.
19:57Did I say it right now?
19:58You did say it, you did say it.
19:59All right, comments, let me know if I said it right now
20:00and I'll send it straight away.
20:02Let me know in the comments if I said it right now
20:03and I'll send it.
20:04I'm a man of my word.
20:04Was that actually what you were thinking?
20:05Yeah, that's the tea.
20:06The drink we had when we went to the hotel?
20:07The little shot thing?
20:08The guy in it.
20:09The guy at the reception?
20:11I was waiting for my phone on the plane.
20:12Oh yeah.
20:13Oh my God.
20:15Be honest, it wasn't your phone, was it?
20:16You went to go get more food?
20:19I don't know no one has gone back to a plane
20:21to get more plane food.
20:22He took the snacks from your seat and my seat.
20:24He took the tray.
20:25He took the British Airways tray.
20:26You know what's actually crazy?
20:28When you were asleep, I actually took your food.
20:30Hey, look, she came round and she said,
20:32aisle number 4A, is he awake?
20:35I said, look, bring it to me.
20:37Wait, are you being serious?
20:38I'm being serious.
20:40Living flyer with Sam, man.
20:42This is really good though.
20:43I'm giving this a solid nine.
20:46You know, I feel like when I drink this, I feel like.
20:48I feel like healthy and like alive.
20:51I feel like I can give it to you lot.
20:51You know what I'm saying?
20:52Excuse me?
20:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
20:55Slow down, my friend.
20:56Excuse me?
20:57Unc, chill.
20:58Excuse me?
21:00Give it to you lot.
21:00Give it like, give you praises.
21:02Sing your praises.
21:03You know what I'm saying?
21:06This is a 10 for me, man.
21:09That's three.
21:10This is 10 PM.
21:11Can't you feel it?
21:12Can't you dig it?
21:13It's a kid's soccer.
21:18All right, Fandangos I'm looking at right now.
21:22It's cheese, bro.
21:24Cheese, man.
21:24I don't like cheesy crisps.
21:25I'll do it for the video again,
21:26but I don't like cheesy crisps.
21:28Yeah, I'm gonna try one.
21:29Let me just try one.
21:30Oh, I know what this is.
21:32I know what this is.
21:33Watch this.
21:34And I'll tell you straight.
21:39I hate Quavers.
21:40Honestly, Quavers are one of the best crisps as well.
21:42Shut up.
21:43Because it's consistent.
21:44Shut up.
21:44Shut up.
21:45Very cheesy Quavers.
21:46With Quavers, you know what you're gonna get.
21:47Nah, these are good.
21:49Nah, these are good.
21:53But that's personal preference, man.
21:53I don't like these.
21:54Maybe a one.
21:55I hate Quavers, man.
21:56And the smell.
21:57You look like you're eating Quavers,
21:58disrespecting everyone around you with that smell.
22:01It's fine, man.
22:01There's other foods that are worse, like tuna.
22:03I prefer tuna over Quavers.
22:05You're going mad.
22:07Throw things.
22:09Hey, these are good.
22:10I'm rating this a nine.
22:13I want to know if there's any other flavours as well.
22:15I want to know if there's any left after
22:16I just took that away from you.
22:17That is solid.
22:18No, it's not solid.
22:20It's average.
22:21But it's consistent.
22:22It's a five.
22:23You know that already.
22:24Massimo Chocolate.
22:26This is a ripple packet.
22:27Feels a bit hard.
22:28There's a lot of bumps.
22:29I'm just letting the viewers understand, you know,
22:31this is how it feels.
22:32It's very, very hard.
22:33I have high expectations for this.
22:35Oh, it's too chocolatey.
22:36This is giving like a flake.
22:37When you bite flakes, it explodes in your mouth.
22:42That is the truth.
22:45I'm going to try it.
22:48Bro, it's broken apart.
22:50I was not expecting that.
22:51It's got a thin wafer inside.
22:53The wafer, the wafer straw.
22:55It's like chocolate inside a wafer straw.
22:57It's like chocolate.
22:58There used to be a cereal that you-
22:59Cocoa Pop straws, bro.
23:01Bro, you know about Cocoa Pop straws?
23:03Of course he does, man.
23:04It's unk.
23:05What the hell is Cocoa Pop straws?
23:07It's like the wafer straws
23:08and you could like drink the milk
23:09from the bowl afterwards.
23:11This is like a 9.5 for me.
23:12I can't lie.
23:13This is the best thing I've eaten today.
23:14You're having a laugh.
23:16That is below average.
23:18Wait there.
23:20I rate that a nine, by the way.
23:21A nine?
23:23Sono di Valza.
23:25Sono di Valza.
23:26Now this looks like them ones
23:27that have the milk in the middle.
23:30What's in the middle?
23:31What is that?
23:32Why is there sand in the chocolate bar?
23:33You must be, you must be-
23:34I'll throw this, I'll throw this-
23:35It's peanut, baby.
23:38I've got allergy to peanut.
23:39That's right.
23:39I've got allergy.
23:40You don't have a peanut allergy.
23:41No, it just started now.
23:42That's decent, that's like a seven.
23:48I thought it was on the same wavelength.
23:49Fortunately not.
23:50Maybe you need to pass a like a mental health test
23:54to taste these kind of things.
23:55Now what the fuck is this?
23:56Are you talking to me?
23:57No, no, I'm just saying in general.
23:57Does that sound indirect to you?
23:58Sorry, no, not to you.
24:00But if you like this,
24:02then there's nothing right or something wrong with you.
24:04That's directer than me.
24:06Did you like it?
24:07I didn't like it.
24:07Sam, you know what?
24:08You're on my team, but-
24:09Put your hands down.
24:10What is this?
24:11Peanut butter.
24:14This peanut butter-
24:15That is horrible.
24:16That's not horrible.
24:17That's the lowest.
24:18Brazil, you started well, man.
24:19Shut up, shut up.
24:20You see this?
24:21The way I'm gonna-
24:22Your hands are so cold.
24:24If he has a go, I'm having a go.
24:27That is a 7.5 for me.
24:30That was good, man.
24:31But I like peanut butter though.
24:32You like peanut butter?
24:34You like peanut butter?
24:35With bread.
24:36No chance.
24:37Peanut butter and bread-
24:38Absolutely right.
24:39Is better than bread and butter.
24:40Are you off your head?
24:42It's even on the news.
24:43It's on the news.
24:44So wait, Nutella and bread or butter and bread?
24:46No, not Nutella and bread.
24:49Peanut butter and bread.
24:50Peanut butter and bread is clear, bro.
24:51You're not saying you never had Nutella and bread
24:53with ketchup and dipped inside?
24:55Bro, why are you arguing with food?
24:57Why are you arguing?
24:58I don't understand.
24:59I'm not arguing, bro.
25:00Why are you putting-
25:01Okay, let me ask you this.
25:02When you put the butter and the chocolate,
25:02what can you taste?
25:03Butter and the chocolate?
25:05You can dip bread and then dip it inside ketchup.
25:07In ketchup?
25:08Bro, it's a concoction of flavours, bro.
25:10You like variety, so I don't know how you're disagreeing.
25:12Get that out of my face.
25:13Bro, Nutella, butter and ketchup.
25:16It was the dark days, man.
25:17Okay, why the ketchup?
25:18Because with chips, we want to add that taste.
25:20You've already got the Nutella and the butter,
25:23so why the ketchup?
25:23So why do some people dip chips and ketchup
25:26into their milkshake?
25:27You're asking the question.
25:27You're asking the question.
25:28Bro, it's the same kind of mix, bro.
25:29I'm going to rate that one 2.5.
25:31You're a dickhead.
25:32This man dips Nutella in ketchup.
25:34Burn me on his team.
25:35You're sick.
25:36You're sick twice.
25:37This wasn't good.
25:39And I gave that a 4.5, didn't I?
25:41This was slightly better.
25:43Let's round up.
25:45Let's round up.
25:46It's average.
25:47It's fine.
25:48Okay, I'll give you a five,
25:49but I will never taste that again.
25:51Oh, look.
25:52It's Tukerti.
25:53I've had this before.
25:54Hey, don't you wear glasses as well?
25:55Oh, yeah.
25:56I forgot, man.
25:58I forgot.
25:59Do you know what it looks like?
25:59So the Miranda is strawberry.
26:01It's strawberry.
26:02It looks like cigarettes.
26:03And it slightly looks like you.
26:08Yeah, look.
26:09That's your name.
26:10Look, man.
26:11Look, man.
26:12You're not just Ronaldo.
26:13You're Lukaku.
26:14That is such a dad joke.
26:14And a molar.
26:15Look, man.
26:16That is such a dad joke.
26:17That's his bredren.
26:18And a molar.
26:19Look, man.
26:20That's his bredren.
26:20It doesn't look like you.
26:21It's not a joke, I'm serious.
26:22It does look like you though, still.
26:23It looks like you, but it looks like your hairstyle.
26:24You know what I'm thinking?
26:25Do you know what I'm thinking?
26:25I'm genuinely thinking to dye it.
26:26I think you should dye it.
26:27All right.
26:28If this video gets 75,000 likes,
26:30I'm going to dye this whatever colour you want me to
26:32in the comments.
26:33The top comment.
26:33The top comment.
26:34Top comment.
26:36All right, look.
26:37It looks quite appealing.
26:38I like this.
26:38Oh, whoops.
26:39Yeah, you took the short straw.
26:44See, I don't really like strawberry flavoured stuff.
26:46I know exactly what that is.
26:47The smell of this is way too strong.
26:49You know the pink wafers?
26:50Pink pamper wafers.
26:51Pink pamper wafers.
26:52Is that what that is?
26:53But it's better.
26:54It's better.
26:55This was the best one I had today.
26:56Oh, no.
26:57I don't like it.
26:58The strawberry flavour's too overpowering.
27:00Taste buds checked, you know.
27:01Initially, it's nice.
27:02As you get to the end,
27:03the strawberry flavour's too overpowering.
27:04I preface this.
27:05I said before,
27:06I don't really like strawberry flavoured stuff.
27:08So, it's a personal thing.
27:10So you don't like Quavers,
27:11and you don't like the strawberry?
27:12Quavers are dead.
27:13So what's your taste?
27:14What is your actual,
27:15where's your taste buds working?
27:15That's what I'm trying to work out.
27:16I told you, like Tangfastics, fruit pastels.
27:18Okay, so he's there and he's not there.
27:21He's there, he's not there.
27:22That's there and that's not there.
27:23He got me.
27:27You know what?
27:28He got me.
27:30I'm giving it an eight.
27:32Quite generous.
27:33It's a 10, man.
27:34It's a 10.
27:3510 where?
27:36That's not the best thing you had today.
27:36That's a 10.
27:38What are you doing?
27:38What are you doing?
27:39Here we go.
27:40Here we go.
27:41You stuffed it in buckets?
27:42Oh my God.
27:43Oh my God.
27:43You don't have the whole thing.
27:44That was good.
27:45Go on, stuff it in buckets.
27:46I need it for later, man.
27:47This one, genuinely.
27:50Just eat it more, man.
27:51He's buying time.
27:52Crams, I know,
27:52and he's got some in his pocket.
27:53Go on, go on.
27:54It's a nine.
27:56It's gotta be a nine.
27:56The reason we're in,
27:57you can eat it at breakfast,
27:59dinner, and lunch.
28:00And he will be doing that.
28:01And I will be doing that.
28:03Ooh, Tadino!
28:06Shout out all the lactose intolerance people out there.
28:08This one's for you.
28:09Let's go, man.
28:09Guys, this looks bad.
28:12I'm joking.
28:18What's the drink?
28:19It comes in a tin.
28:20When you go to the gym,
28:21all the PTC, you gotta drink it.
28:22It's that protein shake thing.
28:24Not protein shake, in a tin.
28:25There's a name for it.
28:28That's chocolate nourishment.
28:30Tadino, we need to have a word.
28:32No, no, no, no.
28:33I don't think, I'm not a fan, Tadino, man.
28:35No, five.
28:36I like the packaging.
28:37But what I'm asking myself is,
28:38would I drink this and have a biscuit?
28:42No, yeah, yes, you would.
28:43You know what biscuit you could have with that?
28:44No, not a biscuit.
28:45He'd have biscuits.
28:46There's one biscuit you're missing
28:46that you could have with that.
28:48Rich tea.
28:49Rich tea does go with everything.
28:50Is it?
28:51It does.
28:52Rich tea goes with rice!
28:53Let alone, let alone,
28:56Got a point.
28:57Have you had rich tea and rice?
28:59Of course.
29:00Hold on.
29:01Let me try a thing.
29:02Be serious with me for one second.
29:03I've done rich tea and rice.
29:04That's how much I still love rich tea.
29:05Guys, you know what you guys missed out?
29:06You should try this one with the pink one.
29:08I took it out of my pocket.
29:09I had it.
29:11Great combination.
29:13I will give this, by itself,
29:14I'll give it a five.
29:15With the pink thing, I'll give it an eight.
29:17What about you?
29:18Um, nah.
29:20That's not good for my tummy.
29:21It tastes all right though.
29:22Again, it's too chocolate.
29:23I think it's actually less than average.
29:25I'm going to downgrade from a five to a four.
29:26It's back.
29:27And this time, it's sugary.
29:28You were saying about adding sugar.
29:29I told you.
29:31Biscuito Santa Clara.
29:34You're doing all right with your language, you know.
29:35Come on, man.
29:36You're excellent.
29:36The Brazilians are cooking up in my tummy, by the way.
29:39Last time we tried something like this, it was dead.
29:41That smells nice.
29:42What did I rate the last one?
29:43A three?
29:43I gave it a one.
29:44You said no.
29:45I gave it a one.
29:47So this one with sugar, no salt, yeah?
29:48All right.
29:49I'm going.
29:53The ending.
29:54The ending is weak.
29:55All that was missing was sugar.
29:56That's fantastic.
29:57I'm not finishing that.
29:58That's fantastic.
30:00Do you know what's mad?
30:00This is worse than the salt one.
30:03That's worse than the salt one.
30:04My expectations was high for that.
30:07And it's let me down.
30:08Is that because the expectations is worse now?
30:09Yeah, it's you.
30:10It's your fault.
30:11Bro, you said sugar, sugar, sugar.
30:12You're the guy that hypes up the movie
30:13and you go and watch it and it's dead.
30:15It's fantastic.
30:16Shut up, man.
30:16I'll take another one.
30:17Matter of fact, this one's coming home with me.
30:19It is a solid 8.5.
30:20Have you got space in your pocket though?
30:21Empty your pockets right now.
30:23Empty your pockets right now.
30:24We'll do that off camera.
30:25Empty your pockets right now.
30:26We'll do that off camera, man.
30:27That has been trying Brazilian snacks
30:28with Specs Gonzalez.
30:30OG, uncle.
30:31And Sam Ham.
30:33Hope you guys enjoyed the video.
30:34If you did, leave a like.
30:35Make sure to subscribe.
30:36Check out these guys in the description below
30:37and we'll see you next time.