• 5 hours ago
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00:00Today, I trapped Mia in a haunted room alone in Phasmophobia.
00:03We tricked her into thinking she had to go in by herself to figure out what the ghost was,
00:07and we all sat in the truck to watch her get terrified.
00:09It was hilarious.
00:13Mia, you need to be the lead for this round.
00:15We need you to do something.
00:16Yeah, um, okay, what am I supposed to do?
00:19You see this microphone right here on the wall?
00:21Yeah, I've never used it.
00:23You can detect ghosts in the house, but you have to be alone for it,
00:26so we need you to go in for us.
00:27Okay, um, I guess so.
00:30All right, let us know if you find anything.
00:33Yo, I just put her in that house alone.
00:35She's gonna be terrified.
00:37Oh, look, I can see her POV.
00:40Bro's about to get jumped by the ghost.
00:42Hey, Mia, tell us if you find the ghost in there.
00:47Oh, she's gonna get hunted by herself.
00:52Just go in there.
00:53Look, look down, look down.
00:54You see anything?
00:56Oh, okay.
00:57Is this messed up?
00:58Nah, we're just making her go alone.
01:00Oh, nah.
01:01Nah, this is pretty funny.
01:03Mia, what is that behind you?
01:05What? There's nothing there.
01:06Oh, yeah, you're right.
01:07There's nothing there.
01:08Go into the garage.
01:09A ghost? Hello, hello.
01:10I think there's something on the ceiling.
01:12Wait, hang on, hang on, hang on.
01:13Look, look, look down.
01:14Point the camera down at the trash can in the left corner.
01:17Okay, um, where's the...
01:18Oh, wait, there is no trash can.
01:20Is that a ghost orb?
01:21What am I seeing?
01:21Oh, wait, that's just a light.
01:22Okay, I just heard something move.
01:23Oh, gosh.
01:24Okay, she might actually die in there if we don't go help.
01:26No, no, no, I'll be fine, I'll be fine.
01:28I mean, you guys can come in if you want.
01:30Like, I'm not scared.
01:31I don't think going into the basement's a good idea.
01:33You're gonna die.
01:35Any ghosts?
01:36We gotta get ready.
01:37If Mia's cooked, then we gotta help.
01:38Oh, nah.
01:39What is this?
01:40Oh, okay, okay, I just saw something on the ground.
01:42I'm leaving.
01:43I'm not doing this anymore.
01:44Mia, you gotta stay in there by yourself.
01:46I hear breathing.
01:47Oh, she might die.
01:48No, no, no, I don't wanna stay in here.
01:49I hear creaks on the stairs.
01:50Is someone in here?
01:51Okay, I'm gonna go in to help her.
01:53I feel bad now.
01:54Yeah, definitely tweaking.
01:55Mia, let me show you how a pro does it, okay?
01:57Okay, whatever, yeah.
01:58I mean, like, you guys don't have to come in, but if you want to, like...
02:02No, I mean, let me genuinely show you how the big boys do it.
02:05Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:06I think we should do it as a team,
02:08because I could have got it done by myself, so...
02:10Mia, you gotta turn on the fuse box first.
02:12Everybody knows that.
02:13How do I see noise?
02:14Nah, she doesn't even know how to use the microphone.
02:16What are you doing?
02:17Oh, nah.
02:18How do I...
02:18You guys are about to be in for a rude awakening.
02:20Is the ghost in the basement?
02:21Oh, there's a ritual circle here.
02:23All right, fuse is on.
02:25We have fire lights to light all these.
02:27Wait, what's the rude awakening?
02:28Oh, nah.
02:29The ghost is definitely in this room or somewhere in the basement.
02:32Why is the light red in here?
02:33I don't know.
02:34Dude, this new EMF reader is crazy, bro.
02:36Are you here?
02:37It literally points you in the direction of it.
02:39Oh my goodness, I'm using it right now.
02:41That is sick.
02:42Can you give us a sign?
02:43A bone!
02:44Oh, I found it already.
02:46Oh, man.
02:47Is it dead?
02:48Let me go over here.
02:49Are you angry?
02:50Are you nice?
02:50Okay, they're putting salt down over there.
02:52I'm gonna go check upstairs if the ghost is here.
02:54Once I find the ghost, I'll tell you guys.
02:56Let's check this room.
02:56Are you angry?
02:57Oh, was that a response or no?
02:59I don't know.
02:59Are you nice?
03:01Not in this room.
03:01It's hunting.
03:02No, it's not.
03:03It's hunting?
03:03No, no, no, it's not.
03:04Bro, okay, then that was just a really scary ghost event.
03:06Oh, nah.
03:07My lights started flickering and then it was making the noises like it was gonna hunt.
03:10Which room are you in?
03:11I'll come back in there in a second and you just follow me.
03:13My microphone's going crazy in the laundry room, but I don't know if it's making noise.
03:16It's going up to 100.
03:18I'm pretty sure it's up here.
03:19Come upstairs.
03:19Okay, the temperature is 1.5 in this bathroom.
03:22Yeah, it's definitely in here.
03:24Oh, a door just closed.
03:26Oh my goodness.
03:26Oh look, it just spawned right there.
03:28Yeah, it just spawned.
03:28I think it's gonna try and kill me.
03:29It's trying to just scare us.
03:30Guys, light summon it.
03:32Okay, was it this room, Shady?
03:33Yeah, low key.
03:34No, no, no.
03:34Yeah, come in here.
03:35It's in the bathroom.
03:36I'm gonna go summon it real quick and just waste all my sanity to see if it's a shade.
03:39In the bathroom.
03:40I'm ready.
03:41Are you here?
03:41Come on down.
03:42No, no, no, no, no.
03:43In this bathroom.
03:44Follow me.
03:44I'll leave the thermometer in here too.
03:46Oh, my breath is cold in here too.
03:47Can you give us a sign?
03:48Are you angry?
03:49No response yet.
03:50Are you nice?
03:50Are you ready?
03:51Let me check the temperatures.
03:52Are you lighting it or me?
03:53You will.
03:54I got the photo.
03:55Temps are 1.6.
03:56I'll tell you if it goes below it.
03:57Okay, we're about to light the ritual, by the way.
03:59You should come downstairs.
04:00All right, one second.
04:01Okay, 1.9.
04:02I think we know it's in here.
04:03So you don't have to use the microphone anymore, Mia.
04:05Oh, okay.
04:06We can go down to the basement to light the ritual.
04:08Oh man.
04:08That's gonna make it really mad though.
04:10So just watch out.
04:11Okay, I'm gonna stay hidden.
04:12Are you ready?
04:13Yeah, let's do it.
04:14Okay, I'll light it.
04:15Oh, oh my goodness.
04:18We just lit the circle.
04:19Everybody run.
04:20I'm hiding.
04:20We can't open the door.
04:21Just go very far away from the basement.
04:23Okay, I don't think it's hunting.
04:24It is.
04:25It's because we're so far.
04:26It's downstairs with me.
04:28Nah, you closed the door on me.
04:29There we go.
04:29He's going upstairs.
04:31I hear him.
04:33He's still hunting.
04:34Yeah, we hear him.
04:34He's gone.
04:35Okay, good.
04:36Everybody's still alive?
04:37Yeah, have we even gotten any evidence?
04:40I'm trying to check.
04:41No, no, no, no, no.
04:42What happened?
04:43It's not even hunting.
04:43Oh my gosh.
04:44I'll get a dots projector and a UV light.
04:47Why are we all low, bro?
04:48Yeah, this ghost drained our sanity a lot.
04:51Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's one of the ghosts that like scares you first.
04:54Yeah, it tries to get your sanity down so it can attack.
04:56Yeah, literally.
04:57The temp is not going down.
04:59It probably will in a second.
05:00I'm gonna check UVs though.
05:01Oh no.
05:02It's hunting.
05:02No, no, no.
05:04Yo, already?
05:04Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
05:07Oh no.
05:07Please help me, please help me, please help me.
05:09I don't think going in the basement's a good idea.
05:10Yo, get me out of here.
05:11I might die.
05:12Oh no.
05:12I'm in a really bad spot.
05:13It's going up the stairs.
05:14It's going up the stairs.
05:15Coming back down the stairs.
05:16Oh no.
05:17Oh gosh.
05:17It's moving fast.
05:18Yo, who is that?
05:19Is that Mia?
05:19I closed the basement door for you.
05:20You're gonna learn over here.
05:22Please, please, please.
05:23Oh, I hear him near me.
05:26He's upstairs.
05:27He's upstairs.
05:28As long as Mia dies first, it's okay.
05:30He's dead, he's dead.
05:33My guess right off the bat, I think it's an Oni.
05:37I don't know how it's acting, but I'm not even sure.
05:39Let me check UVs around here.
05:40Let's see.
05:40Any fingerprints on the door?
05:42Oh, there is a handprint.
05:43Five fingers.
05:44No, he spotted right next to me.
05:46It's actually a handprint?
05:47Yeah, we got a handprint.
05:48Okay, bet.
05:50It's not an Oni.
05:50That's checked off.
05:51I'm gonna go get an EMF reader to check that.
05:55And I think Mia's dead.
05:57Oh no.
05:58Bro, that thing hunts like crazy, dude.
06:00Yeah, it's very quick.
06:01I'm gonna eat some sanity meds.
06:03There we go.
06:04All right.
06:04I'm gonna go check EMFs.
06:05Is he done hunting?
06:06Oh yeah.
06:07Wait, I got EMF.
06:09Let me see.
06:10Where did Mia even die?
06:11In the room.
06:12Can you give us a sign?
06:13Can you give us a sign?
06:15This is where we got the most activity, so I'm going back here.
06:17Any EMF readings?
06:19Nothing right now.
06:20I need it to move something.
06:21Hey, it's Timothy.
06:22Come outside.
06:23Let me check temps.
06:25What about the bathroom?
06:26The bathroom is definitely where it's at.
06:29I hear him.
06:30Can you give us a sign?
06:31Still no freezing temperatures.
06:32It's at 1.6 though, so it's very close.
06:34Oh, wait.
06:34The EMF reader is showing me where it is.
06:36Oh, I just burned the crucifix.
06:37Yeah, it's at 1.
06:38Let's check temps.
06:40Yeah, it's literally showing me that it's right over here.
06:42I'm going to put the book in there.
06:44It's at EMF 2.
06:45I feel like it's in this corner right now.
06:46I'm just going to leave the EMF there.
06:47Let me check temperatures one more time.
06:50Oh, it's hunting.
06:51Get me out of here.
06:52I don't like the sound of that.
06:53No, thank you.
06:53Not today, ghost.
06:54All right, we're hiding in a garage.
06:56If he comes in here, I'm going to incense it and run.
06:57Okay, I got incense too, so.
06:59Oh my goodness.
07:00This ghost is aggressive.
07:01He's walking up the stairs.
07:04Is he still hunting?
07:06Dots bet.
07:06Okay, we got dots.
07:09It can't be freezing temperatures, so let's not try that anymore.
07:12It can't be ghost writing.
07:13It can only be EMF, ghost orb, or spirit box.
07:16Phantom or Banshee.
07:19I'll try the ghost orbs.
07:20I think the camera was still upstairs.
07:23I think it's probably a phantom.
07:24Oh my goodness, it's hunting again.
07:26Geez, you are aggressive.
07:29Peanut's dead.
07:30Oh my gosh, the peanut just splatted his brains out.
07:33I think it's a phantom.
07:34I'm going back up to get the camera.
07:35Oh no.
07:36No, it's not a phantom.
07:37We already have a photo.
07:39Oh my goodness, it's on the dots right there.
07:41Ew, it was like on me.
07:42I'm going to get out before he hunts me again.
07:43He just burned a crucifix.
07:45So you're saying it's a Banshee?
07:46This is definitely the room where the ghost orb would be.
07:48Yeah, I don't-
07:49And there's no ghost orbs.
07:50There's no ghost orbs, so it can't be a mimic.
07:51It can't be a Gorio.
07:52You only see Gorio on the camera and within dots.
07:55It's probably, it might be an oni.
07:58We have UV and dots though.
07:59Oh, we got UV?
08:01I think it's a phantom.
08:02There's no way it's a Banshee.
08:03Banshees sing a lot and it can't be a Gorio.
08:05It's not a phantom.
08:06We have a photo.
08:07It's got to be a Banshee.
08:08It literally hasn't sung like once.
08:11But that is impossible to be anything else.
08:15Yeah, it's not a Gorio.
08:16If I could just get one ghost orb, then we'll lock it in.
08:18But I'm not getting any.
08:19I didn't see a single ghost orb.
08:20I've been watching.
08:21Oh yeah, there's a ghost orb.
08:22I see one.
08:23I just saw a ghost orb.
08:24That means it has to be a Banshee.
08:26Watch it be the mimic, bro.
08:28Oh my goodness.
08:29Check freezing temps real quick.
08:30I'm dead.
08:31I'm dead too.
08:32I'm going Banshee.
08:33I guess Banshee.
08:34Let's see if that's right.
08:35If it's the mimic, I'm going to be so sad.
08:36I swear like I literally just saw a ghost orb too.
08:39Like when I just walked by the camera, I saw it.
08:41Yeah, let's see.
08:42Oh my goodness.
08:44Thank goodness.
08:45Let's go.
08:46We should have listened to the peanut from the start.
08:48Oh yeah.
08:48Okay, that one was hard.
08:49But let's hope this one's a little easier.
08:51This guy's name is Thomas Kemper and we're in a farmhouse this time.
08:53So we got to figure out which room he's in.
08:55And then we figure out what kind of ghost he is.
08:58I'm not going in first.
08:59Really, Mia?
09:00Yeah, really.
09:01All right, fine.
09:01It's going to be a yokai.
09:03How do you know that?
09:04I'm guessing.
09:05All right, Peanut thinks it's going to be a yokai.
09:06I'm going to say it's going to be a poltergeist.
09:08Random RNG.
09:09If it's a poltergeist, then I'm goaded.
09:11Yeah, you are.
09:12I'm going to go to the attic.
09:13I'm pretty sure that's where the fuse box is.
09:14I'm going to go Hauntu.
09:18Mia, what do you think?
09:19Um, Revenant.
09:20Oh no.
09:21We got our guesses locked in.
09:22Maybe the fuse box is not in the attic.
09:24Probably in the garage.
09:25Ooh, an open door.
09:27Wait, I think we found the room.
09:28Oh, it just did a ghost event.
09:30Yeah, my light flickered.
09:31It's definitely in here.
09:32It's in this bathroom?
09:33Yeah, I think so.
09:34Oh yeah, the EMF's showing the direction of it.
09:36It's right here.
09:37EMF 4.
09:38Oh, Martin.
09:39We're getting EMF 4.
09:41Where'd you go?
09:42No EMF 5 yet.
09:44Can you guys turn off your lights?
09:46I'm checking really hard for ghost orbs now.
09:48Let me try the spirit box.
09:49I don't see nothing.
09:50Can you give us a sign?
09:51Are you here?
09:51Are you angry?
09:52Are you nice?
09:52Can you give us a sign?
09:53What is your name?
09:54No response yet.
09:56Is someone here with us?
09:57Are you angry?
09:58Are you nice?
09:58Okay, I haven't gotten anything yet, so I'm just gonna leave that for now.
10:01Yeah, leave it.
10:02I might just go grab a bunch of stuff real quick.
10:04Okay, so that's where we got the EMF, so we're just gonna leave that there.
10:06I'm grabbing a...
10:07There's a teddy bear right here.
10:08Book, UV, and dots.
10:10All right.
10:10What the heck?
10:11The breaker's off.
10:12It breathed on you?
10:13No, the breaker turned off.
10:15I'm gonna grab a thermometer, another dot, and an incense.
10:18It turned on the sink.
10:20I'm on my way back.
10:21Let me check for any orbs real quick.
10:225, EMF 5.
10:24EMF 5, but...
10:25Okay, good.
10:25Am I driven?
10:26EMF 5.
10:27I'm checking the camera to see if it's on dots.
10:30Oh, it's haunting you guys.
10:32It's right there.
10:32This is a ghost event.
10:33Hey, yo.
10:34That was terrifying.
10:35At least we know it's in the bathroom, though.
10:36It was bubbling, bubbling.
10:38Negative 3, freezing temps.
10:40Let's go.
10:41This is quick.
10:42Easy round.
10:42I don't need this thermometer anymore.
10:43Did I just see it on the dots, or am I driven?
10:45No, that was a shadow.
10:46Let me move myself.
10:48Here you go, Shady.
10:48The peanut.
10:49Oh, that's peanut.
10:50Can you give us a sign?
10:51Peanut's gonna put another dots.
10:52Shady's checking the spirit box.
10:54What's your name?
10:55Do you want pain?
10:56Oh, that's a better placement for the dots.
10:59Where I just heard it throw something.
11:00I don't know if that's the best spot.
11:02Place it in the back corner.
11:04That's better.
11:05That one doesn't cover as much area, though.
11:07Oh, no!
11:08What happened?
11:08Oh, nah.
11:09It's hunting them.
11:10Hey, yo.
11:10He's going through the door.
11:11What's the matter?
11:12It's not that bad.
11:13Oh, nah.
11:14Any UVs?
11:15I didn't see any when I was in there, but there might be.
11:17Is he hunting?
11:18Is that a ghost event?
11:18Oh, it's hunting again.
11:20Okay, Mia, keep an eye out for the ghost orbs.
11:22And the dots.
11:22I'll go UV again.
11:26Oh, it can't be ghost orb.
11:27So if it is, then it's a mimic.
11:29Yeah, I didn't see any ghost orbs.
11:30I see him on dots, I believe.
11:32I believe that's him.
11:33Oh, you saw him on dots?
11:34He's on dots.
11:34He's on dots.
11:35He's on dots.
11:36Okay, so it's an Oni.
11:37So it's an Oni.
11:37Oh, let's go!
11:38Who guessed it?
11:40I don't think any of us did.
11:42I said poltergeist.
11:44Let's go!
11:46Let's go!
11:46Speed run round.
11:48Wait up for me.
11:50I think Mia got all of those evidences.
11:52Good job, Mia.
11:53So we're gonna see if she's bad or not.
11:55Yeah, y'all can hop off my back now.
11:58Just wait.
11:58We'll see if you're even right.
11:59You know I'm right.
12:00Look at that.
12:01Oh, from deep.
12:02Okay, okay.
12:03She cooked.
12:05That was not from deep, bro.
12:07That was literally just a layup, bro.
12:09Come on now.
12:09Give me my moments.
12:11That was a free throw.
12:12That was a layup.
12:14Oh, look at that.
12:15Some new UV flashlights.
12:18Way better than the glow sticks.
12:19I love it.
12:20I love it a lot.
12:21I love it.
12:22Okay, this ghost's name is Sandra Roberts.
12:24Fuse box is in the garage.
12:25That's all I need to know.
12:26All right, guys, hop on.
12:28Mia, you're not gonna carry this round.
12:30Mia, you're so awesome.
12:31I found something a little silly.
12:34What did you find?
12:34A music box.
12:35Who's ready?
12:36Wait, not yet.
12:37No, please, please, please, please, please, please.
12:39I wanna use it right now.
12:40Fuse box is on.
12:41Where are we at?
12:42Hey, hey, hey, don't bring it to me.
12:43Do we have incense?
12:45Yeah, I do.
12:46Okay, ready?
12:47I'm gonna use it.
12:47What do I do?
12:48Let's, okay, I'll stand over here.
12:50Cash, you stand in that corner.
12:51Pina and, or Mia, you go more that way.
12:54And then Pina, just stay right there, I guess.
12:55Just get ready to incense it.
12:57Oh my, it's right there.
12:59Oh, it's right there in the hallway.
13:01Oh my goodness.
13:01It's on me, daddy.
13:02Incense it.
13:04Oh my goodness.
13:05That was terrifying.
13:06It was right there, Martin.
13:07The middle of the hallway.
13:08Is it still hunting?
13:10It's still hunting.
13:11Nobody told me.
13:12Yeah, wow.
13:12Oh, I'm just training it around the table.
13:14It's really slow.
13:15Is it a deer yet?
13:16Look at it.
13:16Slow ghost.
13:17He's still here walking.
13:18What the heck?
13:19What discovery?
13:20Oh, no, no, no.
13:21He's kind of running.
13:22Why is it still going?
13:24It's a girl's hunt.
13:25Okay, we know it's really slow.
13:27So we can definitely put that down.
13:28No line of sight speed.
13:30Nope, he's done.
13:31It's done?
13:32I'm gonna check the spirit box.
13:34It's hunting again.
13:34It just blew out the light.
13:35It just appeared in shadow form and blew out the lights.
13:38Are you angry?
13:39It's a deer, I bet.
13:40Are you nice?
13:41Can you give us a sign?
13:42So is it just in this hallway?
13:43That's what's happening?
13:44Or is it the kitchen?
13:45It's in the middle of the hallway, maybe.
13:47Oh, it's right there.
13:47Oh, no.
13:48Oh, I'm so sorry.
13:49It's an event.
13:50Are you nice?
13:51Are you angry?
13:52Can you give us a sign?
13:52Did you say you think it's a deo?
13:54I don't think so.
13:55What's the evidence for a deo, Jen?
13:56Spirit writing in dots.
13:58I don't think it's a deo, Jen.
14:03Is there a fuse box out?
14:04No, it's not.
14:04Temps are pretty high.
14:05Yeah, I'm trying to find the spot.
14:07Oh, wait.
14:07Yeah, is it in the kitchen?
14:09It's leading me this way.
14:10It's living room.
14:11EMF reads.
14:12It's like right here is where I'm getting it.
14:14What am I hearing?
14:15Is that the fan?
14:15Yeah, it is.
14:16Where's my flashlight at?
14:17What the heck is this?
14:18Oh, there's a little burnt dud on the ground.
14:19I'm going to move the writing book onto this table.
14:21We're sure it's the living room?
14:22Yeah, it was like right where I put everything.
14:23That's where I got the EMF.
14:24I swear I saw you guys getting colder over here by the living room.
14:28Yeah, no, I saw the cold air.
14:30Or I mean in the kitchen, like right here.
14:33I don't know.
14:34Yeah, the EMF led me to that couch spot, though.
14:37Okay, I'm going to go back to the truck and get some more things.
14:40I think it might be in this room.
14:42I think it's in here, bro.
14:44I'm going to grab another dot, another video camera.
14:46And I think that's good.
14:47Let me check the cams real quick.
14:49It's the kitchen?
14:51It is the kitchen.
14:52No, dude, I think it's this room right here that I'm in.
14:54No, EMF just led me here.
14:56I know, but that doesn't mean anything.
14:57I'm talking about like the ghost room itself.
14:59Yeah, look, the door is just moving right here.
15:02He ain't wrong.
15:03So it's in the kitchen?
15:04No, it's in this laundry room.
15:07I'm going to come back with another dot.
15:09Oh, spirit box.
15:11Okay, we got one evidence.
15:13You sure?
15:14Okay, we got dots.
15:16So we don't need that anymore.
15:19I'll put a camera right here.
15:20Why not?
15:21Can't be freezing.
15:22Oh, wait.
15:22No, yeah, it is a deogen.
15:24Did we get ghost writing?
15:27Yeah, it's deogen.
15:28He was right.
15:28Oh, yeah, it's writing.
15:29Bro, I didn't think it was deogen just because I thought I read the thing wrong.
15:34Yeah, he is appearing so much on dots.
15:36It's crazy.
15:37Yeah, I thought deogen, it speeds up when it gets closer to you.
15:42All right, we're locked.
15:43Deogen, give it to us.
15:44Let's go.
15:47Gimme, gimme, gimme.
15:48Give me that money.
15:48Oh, yes.
15:52All right, we're speed running you, Sandra Wilson.
15:54Fuse box is in the basement.
15:56Everybody grab their stuff.
15:57Let's go quick.
15:57It's foggy.
15:58Oh, this is going to be the fastest ghost hunt ever.
16:01Okay, okay, let's do it.
16:02You get in the fuse box?
16:03I guess I can.
16:04I see a...
16:05I got it.
16:06I see a hip bone on the ground.
16:07Oh, no.
16:09There's a ritual circle in the basement.
16:11Oh, no.
16:12Fuse box is on.
16:13Are you here?
16:13Are you angry?
16:14Are you nice?
16:14What did I just hear?
16:15Oh, ghost orb's in this bathroom.
16:16Oh my goodness.
16:18All right, we got ghost orb.
16:19He set us up in the bathroom.
16:20Are you upstairs or...
16:21Oh, he's in here.
16:22Right here.
16:22Are you nice?
16:23Are you here?
16:23Spirit box.
16:24Spirit box.
16:25It can't be UV.
16:26Can't be EMF.
16:27I got UV.
16:29Wait a second.
16:29So then it's a mimic?
16:30Yeah, it's the mimic.
16:31It's a mimic.
16:32No way.
16:33Okay, easy.
16:34Let's go.
16:34Lock it in.
16:35That was the quickest game ever.
16:36Ain't no way.
16:38Let's run it.
16:38You guys were right.
16:39Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
16:40That was actually crazy.
16:42And close.
16:43Oh, wow.
16:44Oh, yeah.
16:46Speed run time.
16:46We're so locked.
16:47Mimics are so easy.
16:48It's light work.
16:49It didn't even get to hunt once either.
16:51Let's go.
16:54That game was one minute and 34 seconds.
16:57Oh my gosh.
16:58I just wanted to prove that we were good.
16:59We just like getting scared sometimes, you know?
17:01Uh, yeah.
17:03I like being a little scouty poo.
17:04That's what I'm saying.
17:06We're just professionals now.
17:07Fuse box is where?
17:08Right there to your left.
17:09That is not the fuse.
17:10It's upstairs.
17:12It's upstairs in the attic.
17:14In the attic.
17:15Nah, I do not like this room.
17:16This attic is always so creepy.
17:18Oh, ghost orbs.
17:19Where at?
17:21You know, I knew it was going to be this room.
17:22I'm the goat.
17:23I know.
17:24In the kitchen.
17:24Which room are you in?
17:25Just go to the kitchen.
17:26It's that room in the back.
17:27Okay, kitchen with the room in the back.
17:30Like the little laundry room.
17:32I'm going to get stuff.
17:34It's like a little storage closet.
17:35Are you here?
17:35Are you nice?
17:36Can you give us a sign?
17:37Are you angry?
17:38Are you here?
17:38Spirit box.
17:39Wait, what?
17:39Okay, spirit box.
17:40Why'd you be a mimic again, bro?
17:42You said we got ghost orb?
17:45It can't be UV.
17:47Unless it's a mimic.
17:47So if we get UV, it's a mimic.
17:50Let me check the temps.
17:51Four and a half.
17:52Two and a half.
17:53Still talking on the spirit box.
17:55Stop talking to me.
17:56We don't want to hear your voice right now.
17:59Is that the EMF going off?
18:00No, it's only at two.
18:01It's only like two.
18:03Come on.
18:03Move something in the room.
18:04Give us a sign.
18:06Give us a sign.
18:07Do something.
18:08Oh, it stepped through the salt.
18:09What kind of ghost has that pattern?
18:11It's the same thing.
18:13It's the military's room.
18:14Is it playing on the piano?
18:16The piano has EMF two on it.
18:17I thought that was shady playing it.
18:19All right.
18:19Let's see if it's an Aurea.
18:20Oh no.
18:21How are you going to prove it?
18:22The candles.
18:23Yo, is it speaking Japanese?
18:24I don't know.
18:25Talking to you.
18:26Stop it.
18:28Stop it.
18:29Hold up.
18:29I made a man.
18:30Oh, you made him angry.
18:31That's a little ugly baby.
18:32He's on dots.
18:33He's on dots.
18:33Oh, no, no, no, no.
18:34Is that not him?
18:35That's not dots.
18:36That's for the event.
18:37Ew, you're ugly.
18:38Can one of you...
18:39Is he hunting?
18:40You don't.
18:41He blew out a candle.
18:42Ugly little baby.
18:43Oh, wait.
18:43Blew out two.
18:44If it blows out the third one and hunts, bro, it's an Aurea.
18:46I'm scared.
18:47I'm terrified right now.
18:48Not blowing out the third one.
18:49Have you checked for UV anywhere?
18:50I've been looking around with it.
18:52Oh, it blew it out.
18:54I think it's an Aurea.
18:55Oh, the freezing temps go.
18:57Oh, wait.
18:57Freezing temps.
18:58It's a little baby.
18:59It is freezing temps.
19:00It was close to it.
19:01It's definitely an Aurea.
19:03Oh, no.
19:05Oh, no.
19:06Well, it could still be a mimic, but I think it's an Aurea.
19:08Well, if we get UV, then it's probably a mimic.
19:10With the way that it blew out the candles, that was an Aurea.
19:13I'm scared.
19:14I hear it laughing.
19:15Oh, no, it's hunting.
19:16Yo, that's terrifying.
19:17Oh, it's crawling like a little baby.
19:18Ew, get me out of here.
19:19It's a little baby.
19:20Can't even see where I'm going.
19:22Are you dead?
19:24No, don't be coming up here now.
19:25Where are you at?
19:26In what room?
19:27I don't know.
19:28A far one.
19:28It's done.
19:30Hello, Martin.
19:31Did we find the cursed item?
19:33It's 1.3, 1.4, 0.9.
19:37Oh, I got zero.
19:38Oh, my goodness.
19:39Oh, bro, it just spawned on me, bro.
19:41Oh, no.
19:44Shady's dead.
19:45This stupid little ugly baby, bro.
19:48Bro, it literally just spawned right where I walked.
19:50Let's get out of here.
19:51What are we saying?
19:52Is it freezing?
19:53All right.
19:54On Reo.
19:55On Reo.
19:56Locked in.
19:57Let's close up shop.
20:00Oh, no.
20:01He folded.
20:04He is crazy.
20:05If you want to watch more videos from us, then click one on your screen right now.
20:08And also, don't forget to subscribe.
20:11Bye, guys.
