00:00Today we played among us with double the speed that means everybody is two times as fast as usual and they can get their tasks
00:05Done so quickly. We can also catch imposters in the act by seeing when they kill. So let's see how this works with 11 people
00:14Are you guys ready for among us with double speed
00:19We're gonna be so quick i'm muting up and let's see what role I get first
00:22It looks like i'm getting a crewmate role, but maybe i'll get something cool a trapper. Oh, okay
00:26I love this role
00:27You can basically trap vents and catch any imposters that try and use it and look at how fast everyone is
00:31I also have a plus on me. That means that i'm safe. I think the medic put something on me
00:36Okay, so I can trap that vent if I want to I think the vents that's used the most is definitely the electrical one
00:40So i'm gonna go over here in electrical. There's mebo. There's squid. I'm gonna trap that boom. No one saw right?
00:45Okay, good. And then what happens if I actually click the button trap i'm guessing that'll let me do something cool
00:50I'm kind of scared to use it. Hey, there's an imposter cash. There's an imposter cash. Who are you? Who are you?
00:55Oh, it's mia
00:57Yo, mia, I caught you caught what what just happened mia is the morphling she killed wait, who'd she kill?
01:04I didn't kill anybody. She killed zoe. I think no I have I literally haven't killed anyone loki mia
01:10You were morphed as me and running around you killed zoe and then I chased you down and saw you remorph into mia loki
01:15I wasn't morphed as anyone mia. I like that. I like that. Let's vote cash out of here. Yeah. No, no, no
01:21No, I literally didn't kill i'm so serious guys. I didn't did anyone else see it. She lying. She lying
01:26She killed no one else saw it. But I mean it's literally like I am 100 sure. She is the morphling
01:31Okay, whatever. Let's throw i'll throw i'll throw up a shot. I'll throw up a shot. I'm down. Yes
01:35Um, i'm, sorry girly pop
01:38Guys it's actually not me. I'm not kidding if it's not her you can vote me out immediately. Bye girl. Bye
01:44Why is this squid guy so loud?
01:46What am I loud?
01:50No way, you're killing our other girly. Let's go
01:53Now that I got one it's time to find the other one
01:55I'm, pretty sure the other imposter is a janitor so they can clean bodies whenever they want
01:59So we just gotta make sure that no bodies are getting cleaned around here like you. Mr
02:03Peanut you better not be doing much. Let's also do our tasks
02:05I've kind of just been running around doing like basically nothing. We got squid peanut juliet's right there
02:10Alyssa came from this way and now everyone's invisible. Oh god. Okay. Should I go trap another vent?
02:14I think i'll trap this one in admin. Boom. Okay, good. Now we can go into security. Oh, there's a dead body here juliet
02:21Juliet, why are you standing next to shady's body? Oh
02:25Juliet reported the body though. Yeah, because I was trying to look for who was around there
02:29Hey ish, why are you standing next to shady's body?
02:32Well, I was looking around to see who report who was nearby and it was you
02:36All right, one of them is the jester nico. I literally just sussed mia out and got her out
02:41How do you not trust me, okay, I literally just walked over there no cap
02:46She was in reactor and running across and shady's body was just right there
02:49And I reported the body too. Yeah, because I didn't click it. I let you report it squid. How are we feeling about that?
02:55Let's get juliet out of here. That's what i'm feeling about that. No, I came from lower engine
03:00No, she could be jester. She could have been camping the body. So I don't want to vote her out yet
03:04At good call. Yeah, I definitely don't want to vote her out. I don't think we should
03:08Let's vote for squid
03:10Why would we vote for squid? What?
03:13I don't know. It's so hard to keep track of people though. I'm a good kid
03:16I feel like juliet could be acting sus on purpose
03:18So let's not vote her but she was on the body when I found it what skip? Yeah, i'm skipping for now guys
03:24Now who's voting squid?
03:26That's kind of messed up. Okay. I don't want to accidentally vote out of jester
03:29I feel like she's acting sus on purpose, but maybe i'll just follow her around i'm gonna track where everyone goes
03:34Okay, juliet squid everyone's going down mebo and alissa are in cafeteria though
03:38I'm, just gonna stay around the button and we got reactor. All right mebo went to the right alissa is following here
03:43I know she's not sus. She's good. Oh my goodness. Somebody just tried to break my trap
03:47Somebody just tried to break it. Was it you mebo? Did you just try and kill me? I'm a camp juliet
03:52Why is mebo following me around? I don't like that
03:54Nah, mebo is for real following me. Was he the one that gave me the medic shield?
03:58I'm, not really sure squid's right here juliet went down this way
04:02Let me in let me in someone's definitely in there. Isn't that help me? Yo juliet's in here. Uh-huh. Very interesting juliet
04:08Why are you in electrical for so long? Oh, nah. All right, mebo. Let's go. I trust you squid and mebo are right there
04:13Oh, no, and nico just killed me. Okay. It was nico. Really? Are you serious?
04:18Oh my goodness that many people died. Okay. Why is everyone dead?
04:21Who is messing up the lights? Yo, which one of you was messing with lights?
04:26I found pita in admin raced in pace. Um squid. What's up? Where were you?
04:31I was just chilling. I was trying to fix the lights and someone was griefing them. Oh cash died
04:36I got off lights and then I saw cash's dead body. Hmm
04:39Wasn't me. I was trying to fix the lights guys. Who was trolling the lights? You sound mad sauce
04:46It's gotta be squid. I don't know. I'm a good guy. But y'all wasn't mine
04:52Ah, I think just skip I think just skip just get on this fast game
04:59Oh, they voted out squid and he was the jester
05:02Oh my gosh, what?
05:05That was crazy squid was the jester. Okay
05:10Juliet, why are you standing on a body?
05:14Nah, juliet was third imposter. Okay. Now we got a new map
05:17Let's see if it's even harder or easier and it looks like I got a crewmate role again. Give me something good mayor
05:23Okay, so the point of this role is basically all you can do is send multiple votes at a time during a meeting each round
05:28It kind of stacks up
05:29So at the end I could basically give like five votes to somebody and get somebody out if I want if i'm really sus of
05:34Them zoe is med bang. So she's clear lights are going out and I don't like that. I better not die
05:39Um, nico's gonna fix that all three of them are fixing that we got squid juliet
05:43Wait, who just came from down there? Zoe peanut alissa. Okay, everyone's good. Mia's right here. Zoe's here
05:48Okay, nico's doing these lights I will too and zoe and shady are here. I don't want to die. I don't want to die
05:53Oh, nah, let's go up. Alyssa just came from here. Is somebody about to die doesn't look like it
05:57I'm trying to check everywhere all at once. Yeah. Yeah, I better not die right here while i'm doing lights
06:01I swear who is that fix comms fix it. Are they gonna fix comms? Okay, i'm sus of mia again
06:06I feel like I saw her doing animation, but I could be twipping. Is anybody dead back here anybody? No, it doesn't look like it
06:11Okay, i'm just checking around mia went back there for some reason. I'm not really sure why and now she's back. Huh?
06:17Peanut you kill it. Ah
06:19Peanuts dead janitor. Oh
06:22Oh, wow, interesting. I think nico's safe. It's me boat squid
06:27What it's me boat squid crazy pole. No, what is this? I feel like I saw something I fixed the comms
06:34I fixed the comms when they went off minor has info in chair yet
06:39I know 1000 sure who one of the imposters is I saw squid vent 100 lol. Oh, nah
06:45Where did I vent okay, so we're just lying it could be a jester or oh wait, he's denying it. Hmm
06:50I didn't vent I don't even know when he's talking about don't let that boy get another jester win, bro
06:55Yeah, true. I'm skipping this one. Don't let that boy get another jester win, bro. It's me bone squid
07:01Also, zoe medbade zoe medbade. We all clear her minor if I vented where did I vent and kill i'm skipping
07:07He is such the jester bro. Whoa
07:09Whoa, that was close. It's me
07:14Whoa guys, i'm gonna have to have a stern talking to those four people. Okay. Mia tried to vote shady there
07:19I could see everybody's votes and it looks like mia voted shady for some reason very interesting. I'm sus of mia
07:25I don't like it. All right anything sus going on here. Am I about to die or something? Doesn't look like it. Uh
07:30No one's dead over here. Okay shady came from this way who's in there, huh?
07:34Oh, everyone's in there mia alissa nico zoe squid. Where's the minor did the minor get cleaned?
07:40Oh gosh, I gotta fix comms. Whoever that is you fix comms. I will not mess with it. Okay. It was zoe
07:44She's not sus. What is a bad body? What about it? Where was it?
07:48Okay, it was up in reactor or laboratory
07:53Well, I don't know who was up there because everyone I feel like just came down
07:56So, all right, bro, this dude just throwing up air balls right now right away
07:59I'm clearing me and nico nico was following me the whole time. Yo squid. Look at the chat, bro
08:04Look at the chat. We got this dude accusing us out here, bro, brother throwing up air balls. Nah
08:10Dude, brother throwing up straight air balls. Dude squid is the common denominator. What you followed me that whole round
08:16What are you been talking about? We can't vote squid. We vote squid
08:20Why are you saying this you were with me that whole round do we though? I don't think we do. Okay
08:25It could be minor and squid. He's gotta be tester again. No, why would it be minor and squid?
08:30He wouldn't be sussing him that hard. I don't know. I don't know. I'm just thinking
08:33Hey, what why am I getting thrown in there? Do you have it bro? You have any reasoning? I watched squid killer clean
08:39interesting minor
08:42This didn't happen, okay, I think minor is the jester. I don't even know why he's saying this i'm skipping
08:47I got ops bro. I got ops. I swear I got options. I could pass that homie like stockton
08:52You know what i'm saying? All right, cool
08:54All right, I can see who's voting who which is very interesting
08:57So I know who's sus and who's not I feel like those who aren't skipping the vote are very sus and I saw nico in there
09:03I think I should be a little more careful to see who votes who am I about to die over here?
09:07I don't want to die run away. You're gonna die. I see a kill. I'm gonna watch them. I'm gonna watch I knew it
09:11I'm gonna chase him down. It's mebo. It's mebo. All right, bro
09:14Okay, me mebo was the one who killed and then either squid or minor is the janitor
09:19They were both standing on it. We can 100% vote mebo. Yeah, it's mebo for sure. Yeah, mebo's evil
09:24It is not me. I know that looks bad
09:26But I was doing the comms thingy and then I went out and there's a body and mebo was standing right there
09:32Okay, it was either squid or minor that just cleaned the body as well
09:36Okay, i'm killing mebo bro. No, not not mebo. I think it was minor standing. It was one of the green guys
09:41I think it was a minor guys
09:43We saw mebo kill because I chased him down after he killed and then squid and minor were on the body and it faded away
09:49So one of them's a jester. One of them is the janitor
09:51I reported it as soon as I saw because I just finished fixing comms
09:56Okay, I mean we can just vote mebo 100p right now. Uh, yeah, just vote mebo here
10:00I went down to lower comms girl, but I saw you walking down there after you killed
10:04I thought I was next to me mom. I didn't even see a body drop
10:08There is no way the morphling morphed as mebo, right? Surely. Oh, there's a morphling
10:13Surely it wasn't surely. There we go. Yes. He was. Okay
10:17Okay. All right. Now I know it's either the minor or squid. That's the janitor
10:21So i'm keeping an eye out on both of them miners down here
10:23I have a feeling it's actually him and he's just sitting on the button mio went down there what i'm not letting this dude win
10:29Twice squid it's time to go. No, I don't know if it's squid. Why is this guy offing me?
10:33I've done nothing. If it's not him vote me
10:37Hey, zoey, do you know what I saw or am I delusional? No, I think he's i'm pretty sure he's safe. Oh
10:47Mia just guessed squid. He was the janitor
10:51What the frigging dog
10:53Okay, maybe it's too hard for the imposters, but we'll see maybe not and now i'm muted up
10:57Let's see what i'm getting crewmate role and I got oracle. Oh, I love this role
11:01I can actually gain insight on people and see if they're sus or not
11:04So I just click insight and then I can see all right, you know what?
11:07I'm gonna let me bow and zoey go there. I'm kind of sus of them
11:09But to be fair, I am sus of everyone. So I know zoey was up top. I just got to keep track of that
11:14Oh, wait, I think mebo gave me a shield. Okay, wait dubs. Let's go to lights and let's fix them
11:17All right, i'm gonna gain insight on mia. It'll tell me next meeting if she's sus or not
11:21I think i'm just doing my task mia's walking out over there. All right, good. That's done. Let's go down this way
11:27Mebo's in there. I think he's the medic. So I don't think he's sus. Let's go back around up here
11:32Oh peanut just vented i'm keeping that in mind. But where did he vent from?
11:36Yo, all right. I'm gonna go to vitals and check. Is anybody dead? Is anybody dead? Everybody's still alive
11:40Huh? Well, I did see the peanut vent mia's right there. Let's do this task. Nobody's dead yet
11:44Okay, let's gain insight on mebo next it should tell me next meeting
11:47I'm, pretty sure he was the medic though, so might not have been smart anyone in here nico
11:52You're very sus there on cameras, I mean alissa's here too. Okay. Okay. Is alissa trying to get away from us?
11:58She about to go kill juliet. Nah
12:00Okay, alissa's doing medbay. So she's not sus. Where is it?
12:04I see a body, uh to the right of office. Oh to the right of office
12:08So in that little scan room above admin, okay, we can skip that one. It's okay with me. That's crazy
12:14Uh, alissa is doing medbay. So she's not sus. She's clear. Let me do my medbay
12:19All right, zoe says she has medbay I don't think it was mebo because I was with him for most of the round
12:23I was about to sus mebo. I could be juliet. I saw peanut vent at the start of the round
12:29But he could be the jester or an engineer. I saw a shady vent
12:33The jester engineer or an imposter. I saw peanut vent as well, by the way
12:37But he could be jester or engineer. The last person I saw with squid was juliet. Where where is that at?
12:44Zoe am I mudded? Oh, oh office
12:47In office in office am I mudded? I saw cash in laboratory, but that's it. Wait, I was in laboratory
12:52Remember I ran by you to the bottom. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yo juliet squid died. I haven't seen squid in forever. Well, that was sus
13:00Suspicious. Okay, zoe just do your medbay. I got you and i'll watch very interesting
13:06All right, why I get a vote we got votes on shady and juliet. Yo shady jester
13:11All right, so I know alissa's not sus. Let's see if zoe's not sus then I would eliminate them from my vision
13:16All right, zoe. Let's see it. Let's see it. Zoe. We're gonna watch the medbay. All right, zoe is clear
13:20She is medbaying who else should I gain insight on just so I know okay
13:23So alissa and zoe are clear i'm gonna stay with them because I don't trust anybody else. Uh-oh i'm getting out of here
13:28No, thank you. Shady's right there. Somebody better die. Why do I feel like i'm about to die? Yeah, okay
13:32Someone's messing with lights. Uh
13:34Juliet, wait, why is juliet shaking over here? I'm sus i'ma gain insight on her
13:38Meebo alissa mia i'm just keeping keeping track of where everyone is
13:41I saw zoe come from this side, but I know she's not sus. Nah, they done killed her
13:47It's because she medbayed I knew it they murked her in cold blood. Oh, no who killed her I found her down in boiler room
13:55Oh, no, it wasn't me. Hmm. Oh god, very interesting
14:00You're very quiet. Where was everyone? Uh, where was I? I was checking cam. I just entered laboratory. Oh, it came from cams
14:08I mean, I saw green down there, but I don't know if it was me or minor
14:12But I don't think they went into boiler room I just watched peanut vent in front of me before the body was caught
14:17I think it's the minor. I'm pretty sure I saw that boy come from boiler room wherever I was walking from
14:22I don't know. Nah. Nah, he always he always throwing me in a mix bro. I genuinely think it's minor bro shady and peanut
14:27Okay. Well, I think the peanut is a jester or engineer who didn't make it that obvious. Someone's the jester
14:33He's venting in front of like everyone on like purpose. It could also be a self-report
14:37So he's either just playing imposter really risky or I don't know because I feel like if he was the engineer like he would
14:42Just like they would just vote him out. Like bro would just die immediately
14:45Yeah, not really good to do that as an engineer
14:47So I don't know but I think it's the minor just based on from where he was coming from
14:50Could be the minor the minor says he's on his way there, but he's in the air room. What is the air room?
14:56What if he's jester he said let's vote minor I think I think we can skip here
15:00Honestly, I saw him come like because I was in the office
15:02There's no killers which also makes me feel like it might be the peanut a little bit. Yeah
15:08I I say we do skip and we just play it safe get a little more info
15:10But if shady dies and i'm voting minor, i'm, sorry
15:13Now the imposter is gonna target shady. It's okay. I'll stay with him
15:16I'm gonna follow shady around because I don't think he's sus bro. Just put a target on my back
15:20I also know it's not zoe. All right, let me stay with him. Nobody is touching shady. Nobody get near him
15:24All right, we got mia following us very sus. Okay, where did shady go though? Where's he at?
15:29I feel bad putting a target on his back. Is nico following me around? I don't like that
15:32All right, let's check is somebody on cams over here mebo mia and zoe i'm getting insight on zoe
15:37I know mebo and mia are there well, so we'll see if she dies mebo and mia zoe's still alive
15:41Huh juliet came from over here mebo. Okay. Nobody's dead over here peanut minor
15:47Oh, nah, is he chasing me down get away from me minor? I'm so scared. Someone's gonna die here
15:50I want to check the corners to see if somebody's morphing. Is anybody around here dying minor? You're very sus
15:56I don't know if I like it. All right, who's gonna break my shield juliet's here juliet and minor neither
16:00I've tried to kill me nico's right here. Oh my god
16:04It's mebo and mia, bro. Oh
16:07I didn't even kill anybody. Yeah, it's mebo and mia, dude mebo
16:11You can vouch for me. You literally followed me the entire time. Nah, dude. It's mebo and mia
16:15I was following her because I was sus of her. I couldn't find to you. It is mebo and mia, bro
16:21Deads, what if it's uh shady and mebo? Why would it bro? No, I don't think it's mebo either
16:26It's it's mia and mebo you guys are walking away from my body, bro
16:30You guys were like hiding behind a rock and you walked away from the body, bro, dude
16:34There's no way dude. I was running around the whole time. He was following me the entire time dude. It's not me
16:39But it's definitely me. I'm voting mebo just because she was like, uh, they were in the back who was cash
16:43It's cash and juliet wired who said that minor said that?
16:47If we don't if it's not mebo, then should we vote mia? Yes by all means feel free to vote me
16:51But I also don't think it's mebo either
16:54That would be dumb. That's a that's an imposter type of saying now i'm worried as cash bro me
16:59Yeah, an imposter would say that if it's not mebo
17:02Then why would we waste another vote because like bro, we would all die
17:05Well, because they're both blaming each other like mebo's blaming. Mia. Mia's blaming mebo. I'm not blaming mebo vote me first
17:11Yeah, low-key, bro. I think I just caught cash on some on a slip-up, bro
17:15I don't know what we do here then. No, no, I didn't I wasn't slipping up. They're both blaming each other
17:21Dude, I don't know bro. Is it cashing shady? You're throwing not true. I agree with him
17:25What do you mean both of you were walking away from a fresh body?
17:28I'm, pretty sure I saw it fall over and you were in the back if it's not maybe we'll be at seven
17:33Yeah, you were the closest to the body mebo. I just saw it
17:37So my vote is on you, but I don't know we definitely don't vote anybody out after this. Okay, vote me
17:43Nah, it could be shady and mia. He got defensive when I said we vote mia after why am I even in this?
17:48That's my question because you were near the body bro. I did not see it
17:52Mebo's blaming you you was near the body bro. I literally did not see it. Wait, gg
18:00And mebo was the medic. Okay. Well now I don't have a shield anymore and shady basically through that
18:05I don't know why we voted him out. He literally was the one that put the shield on me off the start
18:09So, you know what? I guess what I could do is maybe just complete my tasks before we die
18:13Maybe we can win off tasks or something. I don't know. I'm very sus of shady though. Yeah
18:17All right. Let's do my last task in office and then press the button. Yeah, it's right here. Boom
18:20All right. We got one more task. Is it mia and shady? Is it be real with me here? It's got to be them
18:25So are we all alive? Does someone die? No, no, that's nobody has died. I know it's not nico
18:31So it's mia then why am I even in this is my question?
18:34It could be shady and mia because me mebo was sus of you mebo was with me
18:39I'm telling you the entire time mebo followed me the entire round bro. You guys walked away from a dead body
18:46Mebo was hard sus mia and now that we know he's wasn't imposter. I think I say we vote mia, dude
18:51But I didn't kill that's the thing. I don't understand why mebo was following me the entire round
18:56He said it was for sure you because he was sus of you
18:58So, I don't know he followed me the entire round if I wanted to kill I couldn't have killed
19:03Guys, are we forgetting? I watched cash kill. I did not kill anywhere. That's crazy. Okay
19:08Well, let's just let's all let's all just stay together. Nah, it's shady. No, no, it's shady and mia
19:14I'm voting mia first. It's shady's defending her too much. Someone get their tasks done
19:18All right, and then we'll be good now vote out mia do your tasks
19:21I'm already done with my tasks, bro
19:23Me too, but i'm not letting them double kill and then play some reactor or something. Yeah, everyone vote mia exactly
19:28So why are we voting here? Why are we voting here? I don't know. Nah, it's mia and shady bro, bro
19:34That is troll cash is the imposter bro. Mebo was saying it was her before he died
19:39He said it was definitely mia dude if it's cash and shady here, that's crazy
19:43Oh, no, I am not a part of this
19:46Throwers bro. Mebo said it was you. Oh, no
19:49I'm, just listening to him. Yeah. No, exactly the janitor. I knew it
19:54And that just leaves shady. He's the last one. That's us juliet
19:59Oh, yeah. Wow, bro. Why do we end on tasks, bro? Oh, nah
20:06Never expected it to be juliet what all right next game and I got crewmate again
20:11I don't think i've gotten a single thing other than crewmate
20:13But at least this time I got investigator so now I can watch footprints I can see who's who and you know
20:18I can check whose footprints matches whose so that'll be very sus
20:21Let's just destroy all these asteroids before I have to do anything else. Okay done. Mia's there zoey's there
20:25Let's go around this way shady just came from this side and peanuts here juliet's been walking around though
20:31Where's juliet been going near vents? Ah, very interesting shady and juliet both in there and elissa's right here
20:37All right. I'm just gonna go the whole round just following people's footprints. Let's follow nico's
20:41He came from this side zoey's here and peanuts there is zoey and peanut in navigation
20:45I'll keep that in mind and then nico came from over here any dead bodies yet. No, no dead bodies
20:50It doesn't look like zoey killed anyone either yet. Is the peanut still alive? Is the peanut still alive?
20:55Yes, he is. Okay. Good. Just had to make sure wait. So where I saw squid's footsteps. Did I see squid though?
21:00Okay. Yeah squid's right there and zoey's right there
21:02I know this is probably confusing but i'm trying to just make sure the footprints match everyone's pathways
21:06And miner's there mebo's there people's telling me to follow him
21:09Okay, I think mebo wants me to follow zoey and juliet are dead word. Oh, wow
21:14I don't know who ran by me, but it's uh in admin admin. Yeah in admin. Yes
21:19Juliet's body's in admin. Oh
21:23Okay, does anybody have an info cash and mebo were over there
21:27Well, we were just at reactor someone ran by me, but I I genuinely didn't see I have no info
21:33I have medbay. Okay, we can watch mebo medbay. I think that's what he was trying to get me to follow him for earlier
21:38I think I did see that he gonna jiggle around I say we vote mebo to be safe
21:43Bro, bro, gotta chill with that
21:45Minor are you the jester bro? I think he is. Let's just watch mebo medbay
21:51I have a little suspicion that it's squid and somebody else maybe shady
21:57Two people vote mebo, but i'm not really sure we got to see who those two people were that voted mebo
22:02I'm, just gonna follow his body around. All right, mebo. Let's see it unsus yourself. All right, mebo is clear
22:06He's doing medbay for sure. That's good. Nico came from this side. Nobody's over here
22:11Let's follow alissa's footsteps her and squid are in here. Very interesting. Is one of them gonna die?
22:16No, mia came from this side and she's acting very sus too. Are there any dead bodies?
22:21I need to know shady came from over here peanut was down in here. Okay squid went into that vent. That's very interesting
22:27I'm sus of him. Where has squid been going? Did squid go to this side of the map minor came from this side?
22:31Nobody's dead though. Okay, squid and alissa keep going in this electrical room by themselves. It's very sus. I don't like it
22:37You stay away from me. I know who you are
22:40Okay, mebo's dead bodies on cams. Oh heck. No
22:45Not the mebo. I was being chased by two imposters there just want to throw that out there
22:49Who who were they? You guys will have to figure it out on your own. Ha ha ha ha ha
22:54Pretty sure I saw minor being one of them. Oh, no, I feel like squid is one of them, but bro trolling for sure
22:59Hmm I don't think it's squid not gonna lie. Oh, no, I watched squid do some tasks. Yeah, I was chilling on cams
23:06I was doing all the tasks miner says let's vote cash jester plays number one instigator here, bro
23:14Let's vote cash. I think it's so minor. Hmm. Well sus and alissa. Yo
23:20Yo, because uh, she never talks but why is she talking now? I was just saying squid is not sus. Okay gang
23:26She's just innocent bro. She's just innocent. Okay gang. I'm just you know
23:30You didn't see him kill on cams
23:32I'm, just you know, man. I got some intel but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say nothing
23:37I am not the killer nico. I can tell you 100% your info is wrong
23:44Oh, I don't know. I'm just getting sus vibes. You're getting sus vibes
23:47Mm-hmm. Were you on cams before the but before the button got pressed? No, no, it wasn't on cams
23:53I don't know if my info is right. Wait, were you on cams or not? Just before this meeting?
23:57Yeah, I was on cams and me but a little bit. Did you see me running?
24:00Yeah, mebo's dead body was literally just on you. Wait, are you for real? Yeah, bro did not see that. I know he did it
24:06Or he's just the jester because he was just standing on it in cams
24:11Well, i'm literally in cams. How could I see it? I don't know. I guess you can't mebo can't die like this
24:16Are we buying that? It's probably nico. No, no
24:20I I generally don't think it's him. I don't know. That's some crazy framing
24:25Maybe it could be I don't know but i'm i'ma skip for now. It's squid and alissa. That's what I think too
24:30It is not me. I I honestly do think it's them too, but we could skip for now
24:34Nobody wants to give their intel. We're supposed to work as a team. What is this? Anyways, whatever
24:38Let's see. Maybe I just follow squid and alissa around they could be cleaning bodies. I'll watch their footsteps
24:43All right
24:43Well squid went down this way and he just hopped an event mia and minor are going down this way
24:48It looks like they're just running together everywhere. Huh? Very interesting. Alyssa came from here and shady just killed me. Okay, really bro
24:54Are you serious or was that was that actually shady? I think it was oh man
24:58Okay, nico was near that body. I ain't gonna lie. I think he buttons to get rid of the body. It's squid
25:05I just fixed lights everyone watch me fix lights. Oh my gosh, this is crazy
25:11jester jester
25:13Me no nico
25:16Squid could definitely be a jester. Gosh. I don't want to give him that third win. No, dude. You're literally the jester
25:21Uh to to correct you there. I think he only won once by the way. Oh, sorry second win
25:26Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just had to throw that out there. No, but squid vented in front of my face
25:30Oh, he's actually the jester. He's actually just a jester and cash saw it. He could be like an engineer though
25:36Oh, yeah, nico's jester
25:38I did not vent i'm not jester. Y'all always think i'm trolling me is the snitch
25:42Why is she not saying that it's shady and peanut?
25:46Okay, he said he didn't vent okay gg you're out of here buddy
25:50He wants you to vote him. He wants you to vote him. Holy smokes is squid a jester. You're the jester, bro
25:56The squid is jester. I'm cooked. I'm not the jester. Holy smokes
26:02Keep in mind. I know who the imposters are and I know you're a jester nico
26:07What you know who the imposters are, okay, then spill the beads I do
26:12Hold it off. I'm letting them cook fill the beads
26:16No way me. Uh, I don't know. Is it you elisa? Are you the the boss?
26:21All right. It's elisa
26:24Bro, it's not me. No
26:27Oh and squid just got another jester win dude, why do we vote him? Oh, no, if he's the jester is on the row ggs
26:36Y'all just gave him another jester win
26:39It's too good
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