• yesterday
Part 2 of the series!!!
Who should I get to join me for the last part of this series and what food places do I need to try?

Check out Leah Halton:

Check out part 1 of this series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNfdsPwD93s

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00:00Welcome back to the channel. We are back out in London trying viral tik-tok foods and today I have a special guest
00:05We're waiting in the car for them right now. You'll see them in just a moment special guest reveal yourself in three two one
00:17How are you
00:32See a little egg slot
00:34What did you call me?
00:36I'm excited
00:38Where's the menu? There's this one called a slot?
00:43specialties slots Oh
00:46Sausage egg and cheese
00:49Sausage egg and cheese for me, please and thank you. Okay, so Leah you have orders
00:57Cheeseburger fun without the bun
01:01And you ordered sausage egg and cheese with the bun with the bun
01:08It's $20. That's great. Is that expensive for you?
01:13Yeah, two pounds funny for the war
01:16That's for Australian dollars
01:18That's crazy first impressions of the place
01:24You really think you're really picky this is why I need guests because me last time out I was like, yeah, that's a nine
01:30That's a nine. That's a nine. I need it like a
01:33Critic, they do have free water. That's that's great. Yeah, cool. I'll get a free water because they just charge you to pound 20 for yours
01:40So you have the hash browns? Okay, let's move that away from you and the sausage egg and cheese. That's me
01:47Thank you so much
01:50That's a clean burger that is a very clean looking burger, but I feel like it's about to get messy
01:55Yeah, it looks very messy this however this this already looks like a mess
01:59I don't know what I'm gonna do how I'm gonna eat this. Are you ready? Yeah Cheers
02:08They've done this very well, this is good. I feel like a mine's a bit bland
02:13I feel mean but I don't have a bun get some of those leaves in there. What's on top of the leaves?
02:19Parmesan Parmesan
02:23There are is actually
02:26It's not is it still bland. I feel bad
02:30You gotta be honest. This is good. Just got the flavors. I'm gonna put sauce on it. What sauce is that any sauce I can get?
02:39So that's strawberry, that's blueberry. I should have started doing food videos ages ago free stuff. Let's go. Cheers
02:49Do you know what I
02:51Like that. I like that a lot. I'm not really a match a person either, but that is nice
02:56What would you rate that out of a 10?
02:58Like an 8 or 9 for the match rock. Yeah, I think it's good. I'll get that. I'd give it like a 7 8
03:04Yeah, but then I'm not really a match person. You're a match your expert. I'm not an expert
03:09More than me
03:13And then you said that has been elevated by the sauce, yeah, what would you rate in it before the sauce
03:19She doesn't want to give it a bad rating
03:21So she's whispering maybe like
03:24With the sauce
03:26Like an 8 really the more I eat it the more I'm enjoying it. Really?
03:31Okay, hash brown time
03:36It's a good hash brown really it's like an 8 hash brown, you know
03:41Just got like a flavor
03:44No way. I
03:46Wouldn't know I was gonna say how do you know? This is better than a McDonald's hash brown for me Wow for me
03:53It's a big statement. I've had excellent before
03:56But the way it's been cooked today
04:00On point I should rate the two-pound water
04:05It's just water
04:06Well after two pounds I should you got the free one
04:10Doesn't matter because I paid oh, thank you
04:15This is good water, you know, you should try the free water. I think you'll enjoy the free water more than the two-pound water. Oh
04:24My god the free water is better
04:27I'm not even just saying that
04:29They've just told me that they have a new item that they want us to try Leo contract because it's not gluten-free
04:35But it's a French toast, oh my gosh
04:43Oh my gosh, that looks serious, okay, the custard is cold. I'm not a fan of cold custard personally
04:54What that is wham and what I gotta dip it in the car so warm, yes, it's very warm
04:59I'm gonna dip it in the custard
05:05That looks so good
05:06That's really good. That's really really good. I feel bad Ian. I have the other side with the icing. Oh
05:13Everything is dropped in
05:15Nothing came out everything went in
05:19The texture looks amazing, it's so good too good. I'm finishing this
05:30He's not stopping sorry, I feel really bad
05:35Let's get out of there. All right, that was excellent ratings
05:42Slutty out of 10 10
05:47Okay, I'm gonna be brutal I said that for me personally a six
05:52Actually, no, no. No, there's only one gluten-free option and that is to have it with salad
05:58I don't think it's very gluten-free safe. I
06:01Would rate it a five mine was good. I had a completely different experience to you. I would give it at least a seven
06:09So should we meet in the middle and call it six? Yeah, okay
06:13service nine
06:15They were super nice. Honestly 10. Yeah, I think 10 right? They gave us the matcha drinks for free
06:21I got to try a new menu item, which was insane the guys behind the camera going crazy
06:26So I would give it a 10 for service and then value for money
06:33You paid two pound 20 I paid two pound 20 for your war
06:37I would personally say maybe like a
06:47I'm gonna be nice. I'll give him a 5.5. Okay on to the next one. Yeah, let's go
07:01Had him say everything's gluten-free. Oh my gosh, this is the dream spot for you, huh?
07:13It's definitely tap water this is definitely tap water the water we had at the other place I thought that was fresh
07:18Yeah, this is tap water, but it's good tap water. I don't feel like I'm drinking germs. Yeah, do you know I mean, you know that feeling
07:26Fifteen pounds. It seems like a reasonable price because it's not like fast food
07:32And it's a really big bag. It's a huge burger. We shall see but it looks huge. Okay, I need to mentally prepare myself
07:40Boots here. This looks good. Really good. It smells really good. Where do you want to start the fries? Let's let's have a fry
07:47Everything's gluten-free
07:50Oh, that's a real potato as opposed to what fake potatoes
07:59Good crunch. I like the rosemary. I love
08:03The burger look at this that is crazy look at it is dripping. Oh
08:12Healthy it looks smaller than the picture. I will say that. Yes, it does Bon Appetit Bon Appetit
08:20All right
08:22That is gorgeous. I
08:24Know you're enjoying it because you haven't said a word since you bit into the food
08:28you're gonna have to stop and come back to us because
08:31We're eating now. I'm like considering finishing this or saving myself for the rest. What's the last one? Does that place?
08:39Finish up today's been such a good day
08:43When I eat good, I'm like the nicest person ever I just I just need good food and I'm I'm set
08:50this burger is
08:52Really good. It's actually not that messy evil and it feels like it doesn't you don't feel sick
08:57Mmm, it's not like a shitty burger where like it's unhealthy like this is really healthy burger
09:02That was good man that might send me to nap town. I'm so satisfied
09:07You're just happy now. Mm-hmm
09:10That was really really fun honest burgers honest opinions, honestly
09:15Food wise that was I would say it was a nine
09:20It was really good. I don't feel disgusting
09:23I feel it's true and we just ate before and I still don't feel disgusted. You might be right
09:28I might be a night. It might be a night. I said I was gonna be harsher today
09:32Was it really a nine it kind of was we're giving it a nine service
09:37Yes, right
09:40Six seven seven
09:42Seven they weren't they weren't mean to be fair. He did come and explain everything to us
09:47I'll give it like a seven for service value for money. How much was it? Yours was 15 minus 13 for a truffle burger
09:54That's pretty good for a truffle burger 15
09:57Yeah, I'd say like a eight nine value for money maybe
10:01Hey, it's not cheap, it's not cheap, but it's also it doesn't taste cheap and I'm full up now
10:09There's our rain. Oh really good on to the next one
10:22So I knew in Trader Joe's we are now at
10:25Chai and chapati and we're gonna have some Knaire fair
10:32We don't talk like that, okay, we're gonna have some chocolate strawberries with pistachio and it's going to be delicious
10:40That was all right. That was decent now try and talk like me now try and talk like me
10:47Could I please have it without the Knaire fair but with the sauces, thank you and I will just have everything please and thank you
11:02My god, she's very excited for this
11:07Sucker for a sweet treat. Oh my god. It's warm. Thank you, man. Cheers. Appreciate you. Have a good one. Thank you
11:13I don't know where to start
11:15Right. Here we go. My mouth is watering
11:19Ready steady
11:25I'm just really excited. I'm making you wait
11:32It's good
11:34It is good. Mm-hmm. It's turning me into a food critic. No, there's just something about the combination of textures and temperatures. That's really
11:41Appealing to my senses. Yeah, you have the
11:45coldness of the fresh strawberry
11:47Combining with the warmth of the chocolate. Mm-hmm, and it really just gives you this unique sensation. I
11:53I agree
11:56Good input Leah
12:02You know when you go to like chocolate strawberry places and they put like a drizzle of chocolate this cup is full
12:09It's full. It's generous
12:12Overly generous being very honest of you. I didn't think I was gonna like this really like pistachio
12:17I didn't think I was gonna like this and I was right. I love it
12:21It gets better the more you eat. I know. Oh my god, like at the bottom where all the flavoring is
12:34It's actually so good. All right rating
12:39Ten out of ten
12:41Everything. Yeah, food. Ten out of ten. Service?
12:46Service like a
12:50Seven value for money is 14 pounds. Oh, it's a bit expensive
12:56Pay it. It was a you
13:00He's saying seven
13:05Would pay it for five. It's not good value. No, it is it is in terms of actual
13:13and an experience
13:15Yes, that's what pushes it up that's why I say like a six seven seven
13:19It's expensive for strawberries, but they're good. They're good. So yeah, that was my favorite. Do you want another one?
13:26I'm gonna get another one. No, you're not. I have to are you serious?
13:32Listen, I'm on a diet
13:38Strawberries I just showed you are 40 pounds 40 pound for strawberries
13:43Crazy. All right. So here we go 40 pounds of strawberries from Harrods. That's 80
13:49Australian dollars. That's 80 AUD. That is wild
13:53I've never heard of anything so ridiculous. You know when I eat this it better feels euphoric
13:58So I heard these two are super sweet sweet of the normal strawberries and this is meant to taste like pineapple
14:03Which one shall we try first?
14:07That's a beautiful strawberry Oh, that's literally the most perfect strawberry I've ever seen there we go Cheers
14:23I'm eating everything. That's beautiful. That was great. That might be the best movie I've ever had in my life
14:30I'm already on to the pink one. Cheers
14:37Not a fan of this one
14:39Not a fan. No. What does that feel like to you? What does that taste like? A normal strawberry
14:45Like a bit of an undercooked or a little bit. Yeah, it's missing some flavor for me. Yeah
14:50Yeah, no
14:58That is interesting
15:01Not really, it's actually got a little bit of a bitter taste
15:04It does kind of taste like a pineapple but with like washed out like too much water. Yeah, I'm saying, okay
15:09I'm gonna rate them ten six five
15:13No, ten five
15:15Five was it worth 40 pounds?
15:18Absolutely not
15:21But if you have 40 pounds to throw away then you can try for yourself and be the judge of that
15:28Honestly buy five lottery tickets that has been trying viral tick-tock foods with Leah Holton
15:36If you enjoyed the video leave a like, Leah's link is in the description, so be sure to check her out and
15:41What else? What's your favorite thing we had today?
15:47Thank you guys for watching and let me know who you'd like to see as a special guest next time
