• 6 hours ago
REACTING TO MY FUNNY MUSIC SHORTS (PART 3)...🤣🎵| Avocado Playz Compilation (Roblox


00:00Everyone loves our music shorts.
00:02Which is why today we will be reacting to the best music shorts of all time.
00:06This singing is the best!
00:10Watch my ears.
00:11This is the worst singing ever.
00:13Shut up, Kaka.
00:14I'm not Baba, you dummy!
00:16Whatever, Baka.
00:17I'm gonna kill ya!
00:19I am going to break your TV and blame it on you and Polina.
00:24Who just blew up TV? That must've been me.
00:27Mum will be mad all I can say is whoopsie.
00:29Yes, I will blame it on you two.
00:31Kaka and Polina did that, it's true.
00:34But it was Karen, youngest never lies.
00:36I will smack you both like flies.
00:38Smacky, smacky, smacky, smack.
00:40Daddy, daddy, daddy hates.
00:41That's it, I've had enough.
00:42I will teach Karen how the middle child feels.
00:45Morning, dear sister.
00:47Give me your iPad.
00:48If you don't do it, I'll tell mum you did something bad.
00:51Do what you want, I don't care.
00:53Mummy, Polina stole my teddy bear.
00:56I don't care, you stupid brat.
00:58Enough chat, grab a broom and clean the flat.
01:00What the cat?
01:01I am the youngest sibling and I do no chores.
01:03You are no longer youngest, we are now the middle child bros.
01:05Since yesterday, me and Polina adopted another kid.
01:09Karen cleaned for a hundred hours.
01:11Now you know how middle child feels.
01:14My chat just got level thousand.
01:16Karma, you broke all my dreams.
01:18Like and subscribe to decide how long she cleans.
01:21How dare you to do this to me?
01:23I am an innocent poor girl.
01:25We are not falling for this.
01:26In fact guys, like the video right now for us to do a diss track on Karen.
01:30Wait a diss track?
01:32Keep liking guys.
01:34We are almost done pooping.
01:36No, no, no, no.
01:38We are done.
01:56You roasted me so hard.
01:58Not as hard you roasted your teacher.
02:00But I did with my brain.
02:02No, with your dumbness.
02:26They say she might be here for at least a hundred weeks.
02:30I can't stop my tears.
02:32My sister might be in hospital for years.
02:34Is she dying?
02:36Can I speak to Polina?
02:38Yes you can.
02:40She is right over here.
02:44How are you feeling darling?
02:46I hope you are not feeling worse.
02:48I feel pretty great since I got my first job as a nurse.
02:52Wait a minute.
02:55I am giving the texture to your stupid bum bum.
02:57I outsmarted my teacher because I am so dumb.
03:01At least you admit that you are a dummy.
03:03We are making progress here.
03:05I've had enough of you two.
03:07I am gonna call mom.
03:09Did you forget you are the middle child now?
03:11Yeah now mom roasts you.
03:13Wait she roasts me?
03:15Don't you remember what happened when you had an F grade?
03:17No I don't.
03:19Was it something bad?
03:21Something bad for you and very funny for us.
03:24What is my grade?
03:26You got an F.
03:28I am ashamed but F is for fantastic.
03:30Isn't that right?
03:32F is for failure.
03:34Your brain is not bright.
03:36I need to run home.
03:38Mommy is gonna kill you.
03:40I am sorry mama jama.
03:42I got some bad news.
03:44What is it Karen G at Smith?
03:46Did you lose your 5 IQ?
03:48No mama jama.
03:50I got an F grade.
03:52I watched Cocomelon a bit too much.
03:54I didn't got to extra practice during lunch.
03:56That's ok darling as long as you learn from a mistake.
03:58Do you learn from the errors that you make?
04:00Of course I do.
04:02Everyday I learn a lot from you.
04:04Wait a minute.
04:06Mom just roasted my daddy daddy like it's KFC.
04:08Hey that's not funny.
04:10Speaking of KFC.
04:12Do you remember when parents lied about Karen's age in KFC?
04:14No I don't because you never took me.
04:16Oh Kaka is a loner.
04:18Stop calling me Kaka.
04:21I said stop it.
04:31Well these two are funny.
04:33Let's watch the KFC video.
04:51I am 7. What about you?
04:53I am just kidding. It'll all be fine.
04:55Let's go to KFC and eat all night.
04:57Hello everyone.
04:59What would you like?
05:01I want the Riz bucket.
05:03And the giant fries.
05:05Can I have some chicken wings?
05:07Are you under 6?
05:09If so you eat both free.
05:11No I am 7.
05:157 months and 6 years.
05:17But that's what I would say 3 years ago.
05:20Because now I am 10 years old.
05:22She's not eating anything.
05:24Is it too late for adoption?
05:26I should have had an abortion.
05:28Say what?
05:30I think mom went too far with this comment.
05:32How could she say that?
05:34Exactly. How could she say that if Karen was adopted?
05:38Alright enough bullying Karen.
05:40It's time to bully Polina.
05:42Me? What for?
05:44Did you already forget that time when you did something so funny
05:46that the whole family was laughing for 4 hours non-stop?
05:48It's too late.
06:19What did you dream about?
06:21Maybe I can help.
06:23That Karen took my channel.
06:25Was there anything else?
06:27Before the nightmare I had a lovely dream.
06:29I was eating a huge marshmallow.
06:31Hold on a second.
06:33Where is your pillow?
06:35Wait. Did I?
06:37Oh my god.
06:39You ate the pillow and grapeme fat.
06:45What's wrong mama?
06:47It was very funny how you ate the pillow.
06:49Well he gets what he deserves.
06:51I won't bring him back.
06:53Oh come on Polina. It will be boring without Kaka.
06:55Fine. Let's do it.
07:17Kaka is still not breathing. Do not fear.
07:19Me and Polina will deliver.
07:21The middle child will not decease.
07:23Since Luffy found the one piece.
07:25Wait what?
07:27That's right. He became king of pirates.
07:29Shame that Vava isn't here to see.
07:31Jesus let me come back.
07:33I got important places to be.
07:35That didn't work. Vava's still dead.
07:37We got this mom. Don't be upset.
07:39We have an ace up our sleeve. Taylor Swift will give Vava a kiss.
07:43Did a girl just kiss me?
07:46Sorry. I am a sleeping beauty.
07:48A flower don't you see?
07:50Like and subscribe if you love family.
07:52Thank you for bringing me back to life.
07:54But did Taylor Swift really kiss me?
07:56No Vava. It was Uncle Riz with makeup on.
08:02While Vava is having a heart attack.
08:04Let's also bring back Nana to life.
08:06Did she die?
08:12Don't celebrate Nana's death. Let's go save her.
08:15I cannot believe this.
08:17I'm feeling so helpless.
08:19Poor Nana. Oh Nana.
08:21Susana. Hold up.
08:23Where am I?
08:25It's time to say goodbye.
08:27Nana is in heaven now.
08:29We must be strong somehow.
08:31Welcome to hell. I am the devil.
08:33Why am I on the bottom level?
08:35You're stuck here now.
08:37And you're causing quite a row.
08:39I guess I'll make myself comfy.
08:41As now I have become free.
08:43Has anyone seen Nana?
08:45Honey we have some bad news.
08:47Oh gosh no not Nana.
08:49I'm so hungry like a banana.
08:51My cunning grand troll.
08:53I must get back to work.
08:55Well there's no way to get past this skirt.
08:57I'm sorry my darling.
08:59But Nana is gone.
09:01Did someone say hungry?
09:03Me. Me.
09:05Like and subscribe if you love family.
09:07Nana always has my back.
09:09Subscribe if you also love or miss your grandparents.
09:13Hello mom. What do you want?
09:15You are grounded for 10 years.
09:18Karen told me that you stole my robux.
09:20No way it was her.
09:22I don't believe you. Bye.
09:24Unlucky sister.
09:25I will show you unlucky.
09:27Just wait and see what happens.
09:29Who stole?
09:31Wasn't me mom.
09:33I swear on my hair.
09:35She is literally home.
09:37It was poolina.
09:39What? Why is Jesus here?
09:42Don't worry mom and Karen.
09:44I will expose you tomorrow when mom's friends are over.
09:46Would you like some honey girl?
09:48It's so tasty.
09:50Now let's watch TV.
09:52Hello dear mommy.
09:54My name is Karen dummy.
09:56And I have just one thing to say.
09:58I steal all your money.
10:00And I pooped in my honey.
10:02And it was me who crashed your car last May.
10:04And since your friends are here.
10:06I want to make things clear.
10:08My mommy never cooks and cleans.
10:11We all get bad grades.
10:13And you know what she says.
10:15That all of you she hates.
10:19Please don't kick it.
10:21No here is a ticket.
10:23You are not mad and all is well.
10:25This is a one way ticket to hell.
10:27Oh hell.
10:29I can't just cut the karma off my son.
10:33If you want to see Karen get more karma.
10:35Then watch this video here.
10:37Oh the video is super funny.
10:39Click here to see it before Karen deletes it.
