WHEN YOUNGEST SIBLING IS NOT SO SMART...π€ͺπ| Avocado Playz Compilation (Roblox)
00:01What happened, miss?
00:02My neighbor's house is on fire.
00:04How did that even happen?
00:06I might be the one to blame for that.
00:07Why did you light our neighbor's house on fire?
00:09Because they kept calling me caca.
00:11Yeah, I wonder who taught them that.
00:13Yeah, Karen, I wonder.
00:14I hope you sleep well tonight, Karen.
00:16What does that mean?
00:17Okay, don't panic.
00:18Tell me where you are right now.
00:20I am in my house.
00:21No, you don't get me.
00:23I am asking, how do we get there?
00:25In a fire truck, of course.
00:26And they call me the stupid one.
00:28Karen, sometimes I wonder how you became that dumb.
00:31I am not dumb.
00:32I am stupid.
00:33She definitely got dropped as a baby caca.
00:37Address, I am asking for that.
00:39Oh, I see.
00:40You can address me as Miss Karen.
00:42Let me speak to your neighbor.
00:44Sure, here you go.
00:45Hello, who is this?
00:46It's fire department.
00:47Is your house on fire?
00:49A-H-M-M-M, no.
00:50I just finished painting it.
00:52And it looks so good that you can say it's on fire.
00:54The emotional damage is too much.
00:57You have reached a new level of dumbness never seen before.
01:00We have three levels of zero IQ.
01:02Dumb, stupid, and then Karen.
01:04You beat them all.
01:05See, I'm always number one.
01:07Now let's watch how I save $5 using my 100 IQ.
01:11I am so smart.
01:12And why is that sister?
01:14You won't believe how genius my brain is caca.
01:16Well, I'm sure it's not that genius.
01:18Since you can't even get my name right.
01:20Sorry, caca-paca.
01:21Do I give up?
01:22Anyway, guess what I did.
01:24Tell me.
01:24I saved $5 today instead of getting on the bus.
01:28I run behind it.
01:29Karen, how dumb can you be?
01:30Wait, Polina.
01:31I think she's onto something.
01:32You can't be serious.
01:34That's genius.
01:35Told you I am smart.
01:36But I got a better idea.
01:37What is it, caca?
01:38Next time you return home, why don't you run behind a taxi?
01:42Why would I do that?
01:43So you can.
01:45Save $20 instead of five.
01:47You are a genius.
01:48I'm surrounded by idiots.
01:50We're not idiots.
01:51We're Sigma boys.
01:52Isn't that right, Pupulina?
01:54Why am I getting treated like Vava?
01:56All of this reminded me of how we don't have money.
01:58We can't even get KFC.
02:00Don't worry, I got you guys.
02:01I got $45 billion in my account.
02:04But how?
02:04Let's see in the next short.
02:06This is the worst day.
02:07What happened, mom?
02:08We are so poor.
02:09We are out of money.
02:12What happened, mom?
02:12We are so poor.
02:14We are out of money.
02:18What will we do?
02:19Is it over?
02:20Don't worry, family.
02:21I got $45 billion.
02:23You all thought I was dumb.
02:25But I am as stupid as a rock.
02:26That doesn't make this any better.
02:28Shush, Pulina.
02:29Let her cook.
02:29But how do you have so much?
02:31I won it in a game.
02:32Is this true?
02:33Is my sister really so smart?
02:35Of course she is smart.
02:38Sure, mommy.
02:39Can you help me collect it?
02:40Of course, darling.
02:41Show me where to go.
02:42Follow me.
02:43Something seems off.
02:44We are here, mom.
02:45Wait, this place looks familiar.
02:47These walls.
02:48This sand.
02:48Something smells very fishy here.
02:50My bad, that was me.
02:51I had this fish with me.
02:52Why do you have a fish in your pocket?
02:54So, where is the money?
02:56To be honest, they said I am too young to play.
02:58Okay, and?
02:59So I told them that you can play.
03:02Don't worry, the game is easy.
03:04Yeah, but what is it called?
03:05Squid Games.
03:06I'm not gonna get fried.
03:11See, I'm so smart.
03:12You sent mama to Squid Games.
03:14Yeah, she can win 45 billion dollars from that.
03:17That is if she survives.
03:18Let's reduce Karen's IQ more.
03:20Guys like to make Karen even dumber.
03:22Reduce her IQ even more.
03:23Even more.
03:25Wait, why did nothing happen?
03:27She is so dumb that the machine said,
03:29can't reduce IQ anymore.
03:30Because I'm so smart, I even became a hairdresser.
03:35I said I became a professional hairdresser.
03:37It's another lie.
03:38I have a certificate.
03:40Have a look.
03:40It's actually real.
03:41How is that possible?
03:42This can't be.
03:43Is she saying the truth?
03:44You are so smart.
03:46Seven years old and already got a job.
03:49Much more useful than Polina.
03:52Want a free haircut?
03:53Let's do it.
03:54So relaxing.
03:55I am glad you are happy.
03:57Sorry for ever calling you dumb.
03:58You know I ain't dumb.
04:02Anyway, how did you get the certificate?
04:04Must have been hard.
04:05Nah, I just bought it.
04:07I knew she was lying.
04:08I was worried she was actually smart.
04:10I'm more worried about what mom's hair is gonna look like.
04:14Your hair is ready.
04:16Do you like it?
04:20She looks like Uncle Riz.
04:21But worse.
04:22Wait guys, do you hear that noise?
04:24I think mom is watching something on the TV.
04:26Let's check it out.
04:28Breaking news.
04:28A huge tornado is coming.
04:30If you live in a small town of Pupinmagyat,
04:32take cover immediately.
04:33That's literally us.
04:34Kids, do you hear me?
04:35What's wrong, mom?
04:36There is a tornado coming.
04:38Pack your things and run like the wind.
04:40Oh no, we must hurry.
04:42We are all gonna die.
04:43Oh Jesus.
04:44We will all see him soon.
04:45Kids, are you ready?
04:46We must hurry.
04:47Yes, I am coming.
04:48I have no things to pack, so I am ready.
04:51Why didn't you decorate your room?
04:53Let me give you a quick room tour, Karen.
04:55Look at this.
04:56How am I supposed to fit anything in here
04:58when I can barely fit myself?
05:00Skill issue.
05:01But where is Karen?
05:06What are you doing?
05:07Just doing what you said.
05:08Running like the wind.
05:12Karen, can you please get a brain?
05:14Hey, don't insult me.
05:15What are you gonna do about it?
05:16Call the cops.
05:17Hey, that is a good idea.
05:19What the near is going on?
05:21Please help me, mama.
05:22She actually called the cops on you.
05:24Dude, what the hell?
05:25Why is she under arrest?
05:28You know something?
05:29Well, I called police on her.
05:31Did she hit you?
05:32Did she try to kill you?
05:33What happened?
05:34Well, basically, time to watch.
05:36Oh, come here, little one.
05:39Not today, Karen.
05:40I am watching my show.
05:41Hey, give me back the remote.
05:43Nope, I took it.
05:44You stole it.
05:44What you gonna do about it?
05:46Call the police.
05:48Good idea.
05:49So that's what happened.
05:50I told you officers.
05:51But she told us that her life was in danger.
05:54Well, of course.
05:55I can't live without Cucumilon.
06:00At this point, I think Karen's IQ is in minus numbers.
06:03Hey, you should see how smart I was on the test.
06:06I got a 90.
06:07What did you just say?
06:09I said I got 90 on my test.
06:10Have a look.
06:13This is impossible.
06:14How did you get a 90?
06:16How is this possible?
06:17It's a math test, too.
06:18You were supposed to be dumb.
06:20Hey, I am not dumb.
06:24I am the best in the family.
06:25Hold on a minute.
06:26Did you draw the zero on the end?
06:28I would never do that.
06:29Let's do a lie detector.
06:30Did you draw the zero?
06:31I didn't draw.
06:33You have to be dreaming.
06:34I refuse to believe Karen is smart.
06:36Keep telling yourself that, Polina.
06:38But the truth is that I'm so much dumber.
06:40I mean, better than you.
06:42You are mommy's genius.
06:44I am not done yet.
06:45What is 1 plus 1?
06:461 plus 1 equals.
06:50That isn't even a math number.
06:51How did you pass the exam, bro?
06:53Tell us the truth.
06:54Did you draw the zero?
06:55No, I didn't.
06:56But I drew the nine.
06:57So you got zero on the test?
06:58Yes, I got zero.
07:00Emotional damage.
07:02How did you even get a zero on the test?
07:05Even a blind man could have gotten a better grade than you.
07:07Now, let's watch me enjoy the summer vacation in the next short.
07:11Finally, it's summer.
07:12Which means.
07:13I can watch Cocomelon every minute of every single day.
07:16Don't you have anything better to do?
07:18Not Cocomelon is life.
07:20Life is a Cocomelon.
07:21Karen Junior, are you ready for school?
07:23But it's summer holidays.
07:25I don't have school.
07:25But you failed school.
07:27What does that mean?
07:28You've got an S in math.
07:29But I am good in math.
07:30One plus one equals B from Philippines.
07:33I think I just lost some of my IQ from that question.
07:36Well, that explains the S.
07:37You got an F for history too.
07:39That's because the teacher is dumb.
07:40She didn't know that Cocomelon created everything.
07:46Don't worry, mom.
07:46I can explain to her.
07:48Tell me.
07:48You know when you play Roblox games, add and you fail a level?
07:51Yes, and?
07:51And you can play a tutorial to get better.
07:54Okay, and?
07:54Well, summer school is the same.
07:56So I have to do more school.
07:58To get better at school?
07:59That's right, dummy.
08:02There's no way I'm going to more school just to go to do more school.
08:06You have to or you'll become a dummy.
08:08I can't become a dummy.
08:09Just watch.
08:10I'll show you in the next short.
08:12I am telling you, bro.
08:13She is so dumb.
08:14I am getting worried.
08:15Relax, bro.
08:16She can't be that dumb.
08:17Of course I am not dumb.
08:18I am stupid.
08:19See what I mean?
08:20I am sure it's not that bad.
08:22Then watch this.
08:23Hi, Karen.
08:24Hello, Polina.
08:25So there is a plane in the sky.
08:27The plane crashes between the borders of United States of Gaiat and Canada.
08:31And so what?
08:32Where do you bury the survivors?
08:34There are no survivors.
08:35It's a plane crash.
08:37How did you get that right?
08:39It's because I am stupid.
08:40Let's try that again.
08:41What's two plus two?
08:43It's two.
08:43She actually got it right.
08:45What the hell is going on?
08:46See, she is smart.
08:47That was just luck.
08:49Let's try again.
08:50So you are in a race and overtake the person who was in second place.
08:54What place are you?
08:56Second place.
08:58Told you she is dumb.
08:59But she is right, bro.
09:00Oh, I get it.
09:01I am the dumb one.
09:03I think seeing all these dumb Karen shorts also made me dumb.
09:07Guys, let's check the next video.
09:09It's a music short.
09:27I am not dumb.
09:28I am stupid.
09:29Please tell her, mommy.
09:31Shut up.
09:32So the question is, what is one plus one?
09:34I know the answer.
09:35It's orangutans bum.
09:36The answer is two.
09:37And that's correct.
09:38I'm going on holidays.
09:39Polina stays in bed.
09:40Why did you leave, sister?
09:42That was an easy question.
09:44I did it on purpose.
09:46Karen will have depression.
09:48Because the holidays are fake.
09:50There is no mistake.
09:51Instead of a cake, she will get a big ache.
09:53Where is mom taking her then?
09:56Mommy, where are holidays?
09:58We are here, can't you read?
09:59It's the holidays hospital just like we agreed.
10:01We are gonna see the bum bum doctor.
10:03Take off your pants and let's check your jot.
10:05What the hell is that?
10:07The old dude is gonna put needles on my bum bum.
10:10Relax, Karen.
10:11It's just a needle.
10:12I need to call the firefighters.
10:14What the gas is going on in this crazy house?
10:17Why are firefighters here?
10:18We had an emergency call.
10:20About a huge fire.
10:21Ask your dumb daughter.
10:22I am not dumb.
10:24I am stupid.
10:25Tell me what happened.
10:26Well, basically.
10:27Finally, I am alone.
10:28And I can watch TV.
10:32Mama mia, she has diarrhea.
10:34How do you just pop up out of nowhere?
10:36Let me watch Cocomelon.
10:37No, I want.
10:38You are just fat.
10:39No, you are so fat.
10:40That when you sat on an iPhone.
10:42You turned it into an iPad.
10:44That was crazy.
10:45Karen, you got absolutely cooked on that one.
10:48Get roasted.
10:48Wait, roasted?
10:49I got roasted.
10:55So, she called us.
10:57Because she got roasted.
10:58Told you she is dumb.
10:59We are getting a huge fine.
11:01I thought it was your guy's job to put out fires.
11:04But there wasn't a fire around you, dummy.
11:06Oh, wait.
11:06That was my stomach.
11:07Let me ask mom for some food.
11:09Mom, I am hungry.
11:10I just made some food.
11:12But there is nothing there.
11:13What do you mean?
11:14It's fried air.
11:15Then we get proper food.
11:16If you want to eat, then order take away yourself.
11:19But me small baby.
11:21Well, eat back or no food.
11:23I must keep calm.
11:24But this is so scary.
11:25Hello, it's KFC.
11:26How can I help?
11:27Mom, I'm in Jesus diarrhea.
11:29There's someone on the phone.
11:30Would you like to order?
11:31I want to end the call.
11:32What was that?
11:34Are you gonna order?
11:35Can I please have chicken?
11:38Yeah, that's all we sell.
11:39What type of chicken?
11:40Roasted chicken.
11:42But don't kill it.
11:45Okay, got it.
11:46And what's your address?
11:47Why would you ask?
11:48Are you a stalker?
11:49You want to kidnap me?
11:50He's going to sell me in the economy market.
11:52We need it for delivery.
11:53Oh, in that case.
11:56You are hopeless.
11:58Must be the takeaway.
11:59I am so proud that you managed to order it.
12:02What is that?
12:04Look at that chicken, just like you ordered.
12:07Wait, Karen never gave him our address.
12:09How did he find his way here?
12:11I sent him the location.
12:12Karen actually used her brain for once.
12:15So you didn't know our address?
12:16It's called home.
12:17You dummy, I mean street address.
12:19You know about it, right?
12:20Yeah, it's home.
12:21I think our daughter is dumb.
12:25You think so?
12:26Pretty sure she is.
12:30She seemed pretty normal.
12:31But she can't even read.
12:34Can you read that?
12:38See, it's fine.
12:39Now read the whole word together.
12:41See, I told you.
12:43The word was too hard.
12:44Read this.
12:47And together.
12:48Wait, Cheetah.
12:49It was at this moment that he knew.
12:51I'm gonna cut off your balls.
12:53Yeah, Dad is not making it out of that one.
12:55That's because he didn't know how to get rich like me.
12:58You know how to get rich.
12:59Come, let me show you.
13:00This is a robbery.
13:01Please don't shoot my cat.
13:03Give me all the Robux now.
13:04What is Robux?
13:05Give it now.
13:06Listen, I don't have Lobux.
13:07But I can give you money.
13:08Just don't shoot me.
13:10I don't need dollars.
13:10I need Robux.
13:12I guess you can use money to buy this Kobux.
13:14But give it here.
13:16This is police.
13:17You are under arrest.
13:19What the guy?
13:20Where am I?
13:20What is this place?
13:21Welcome to Jail Karen.
13:22What's a jail?
13:23You really don't know.
13:24Is it a theme park?
13:25You know how on Roblox you get banned for doing something bad.
13:28Yeah, that's right.
13:29Once I got banned for saying guy at 1,000 times.
13:32Well, jail is like a ban.
13:33But in real life.
13:34No way.
13:35Can I play Roblox at least?
13:36You only have this rock to play with.
13:38Look at that.