When Grandma Uses 100% Of Her POWER…😏😏| Avocado Playz Compilation (Roblox)
00:00She is asleep.
00:01Get her now.
00:03What's going on?
00:04Now tape her mouth.
00:06Wait, no, no, no.
00:09What are you doing to Nana?
00:10She will never help you again.
00:11But if Nana won't be there to save me,
00:13what will happen to me?
00:17She can't save Polina now.
00:19What do you mean?
00:19You are a dead rat.
00:22Nana won't save you?
00:23It's my Gaia Fida.
00:24Nana saved me.
00:26That old hag is done for.
00:27We are sending her to a care home.
00:30100% power.
00:32Wait, Nana.
00:33You are in reaction too.
00:34Yes, I am, darling.
00:36Hello, everyone watching this.
00:37This is so awesome.
00:39I am going to watch the rest of this video with you.
00:42But first, let's defeat Mama and Karen.
00:45Wait, did you hear that?
00:46The god of pancakes.
00:48Give me strength.
00:50Oh, no, she is out.
00:51Pancake beast.
00:52Help Nana.
00:53You two are dead.
00:54Polina wants some pancakes.
00:56Mom and Karen flavor?
00:57Sounds good.
00:59Want them extra fried?
01:01Please don't fry us.
01:02Decide how long to fry them.
01:03So let's make some baccarin with carrots.
01:06Oh, hell no.
01:08Keep liking to decide how long to fry her.
01:10Mama mia, my Gia Fida, Gia Fida.
01:13Keep liking, guys.
01:14Ouch, ouch, ouch, my hands.
01:16Now, let's react to me getting Polina's back.
01:19Oh, I got an F.
01:21Get it here.
01:22Look, Mom, Karen got an F.
01:23Did you get an F?
01:24No, Mom, it's Karen.
01:25You are grounded.
01:26Did you get an F, Sarah?
01:27Wait, is Polina's?
01:28You are gonna get a beating.
01:30I can't even go to school.
01:32Who wants Mama Sue?
01:34Help me.
01:34You really showed Mom how it's done.
01:36How dare she touch my sweet little angel?
01:39Thanks, you odd hat.
01:40I really am an angel.
01:42I wasn't talking to you, miss.
01:43Worst haircut 2025.
01:48Mama, I got a new phone.
01:49You can't use it.
01:51Your old phone still works.
01:53So use it until it breaks.
01:55Now you can use the new one.
01:57Nana got my back once again.
01:59And I always will.
02:01Mom said she gave you money for us to share.
02:03Are you sure?
02:04She never gave me the 100 Robux.
02:06You are lying.
02:07Give it here.
02:07Unlucky sister.
02:09This is a robbery.
02:10Give me all you have.
02:12Take all my money.
02:13I thought you didn't have any.
02:16Thanks, Nana.
02:17You can have all Karen's Robux.
02:19How much is that?
02:19Subscribe and like to decide.
02:21So guys, have you subscribed yet?
02:23Subscribe right now to take Karen's Robux.
02:26Your sugar is terrible.
02:27Else I'll be broke like Mary's back.
02:30This is the worst day in history of humankind.
02:33Did someone die?
02:34I just took her phone away.
02:37I can't breathe.
02:38I can't breathe.
02:39You are grounded for a week.
02:41I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
02:43Don't worry, Polina.
02:45Nana got something for you.
02:47iPhone machine gun.
02:48Take as much as you need.
02:51Wait so you can poop anything.
02:52Anything my sweet grandkids want.
02:55So can you poop Robux on me?
02:56Sure, darling.
02:59Whoopsie, I guess.
03:00It didn't work this time.
03:02Time to eat, kids.
03:03It's your favorite dish.
03:04Fried air?
03:07Go on, get eating.
03:08Don't worry, darlings.
03:09Nana got you.
03:11Pancake machine gun.
03:12So tasty, Nana.
03:13Stop smiling, kids.
03:15You are right.
03:16I spoiled you too much.
03:18Slipper machine gun.
03:21Can you use the slipper machine gun on Karen?
03:23Wait, that's not fair.
03:24I already got shot with poop.
03:26Of course I can.
03:27I am the best Nana.
03:29Actually, second Nana is better.
03:31What did you say?
03:33I said she is cooler.
03:34I am the best Nana.
03:36I'm not so sure.
03:38I will show that.
03:39I'll hug you all again.
03:41Geez, I am kinda hungry.
03:42Don't worry, Polina.
03:44Nana has pancakes.
03:45Ignore that.
03:46Miss gonna die in two years.
03:49Your second Nana has more.
03:51That was just a warm-up portion.
03:53I have more in the kitchen.
03:55Look at this.
03:56I am shocked that Polina is still alive.
03:59Since you feed her so little.
04:01What did she just say?
04:02She said I don't feed you enough.
04:04Calm down, Nana.
04:05No, I will show her who is the best Nana.
04:08Check out my pancakes.
04:10That's more than enough pancakes.
04:11It's not about how many.
04:13It's about how big the pancake is.
04:15This pancake is tiny just like your brain.
04:18Check mine out.
04:19I won't eat this much in a million years.
04:21Not about the size, but the taste.
04:23Even poop tastes better than the stuff you make.
04:26Polina, try my pancakes.
04:28Now try mine.
04:30Is mine better?
04:31No, mine are definitely...
04:35Your pancakes made her fat.
04:37No, yours have too much calories.
04:39Please help me lose calories.
04:40Hey, Polina looks so fat.
04:42Shut up, Karen.
04:44She isn't fat.
04:45She just has thick bones.
04:46Thank you, Nana.
04:47Those pancakes were tasty.
04:49But did you know she doesn't make them?
04:51Wait, what?
04:51Nana has a dark secret.
04:53Oh no, I will be exposed.
04:55Pancakes are ready.
04:56Come and eat, Polina.
04:58I am coming, Nana.
04:59Wait, what's over here?
05:00Don't touch that.
05:01Why? What's behind?
05:03Just some dusty mops.
05:04You should never mind.
05:06Okay, Nana.
05:07She must never know.
05:08I think Nana is lying.
05:09One day I'll open the door.
05:11It's time to sleep.
05:12Everyone's in bed, but I will look behind the door.
05:15I don't trust what Nana has said.
05:17Snore, snore, snore, snore.
05:19Nana is sleeping.
05:20Time to check the door.
05:22Snore, snore, snore, snore.
05:24Time to reveal the dark secret and explore.
05:27Hello, I'm your baby frontman.
05:28And I cook pancakes for Nana.
05:30What the heck is that?
05:32So you know my secret, darling.
05:33I'm ashamed of that.
05:35Now you will love me, that you know.
05:37I am the worst Nana in the world.
05:40I love you for you, not for your food.
05:42I will always love you.
05:43Everything is good.
05:45Really, darling, you are so mature and smart.
05:48Subscribe and like if you love Nana with all your heart.
05:51So you don't care that I don't make the pancakes.
05:54Of course, Nana.
05:55I love you for you, not for the food and the gifts.
06:00Well, I only love Nana for her money.
06:02Say what?
06:03Mama is so much better.
06:04That's not true.
06:05Watch how she treats me compared to mom.
06:07Have you made food?
06:08Of course.
06:10Did you just put in the plate?
06:11Of course not.
06:12I just found it in trash.
06:14This is disgusting.
06:15Let Nana fix this quick.
06:18This is luxurious.
06:21It's not for you.
06:23Well, I got a gift for Polina.
06:25A gift?
06:26I am so excited.
06:27It's something you wanted.
06:29Something that lets you get to school faster.
06:32Must be a car.
06:34She really gave me a unicycle.
06:36How do I even ride that?
06:37Don't worry.
06:38Just wait and see what Nana got for you.
06:41A unicycle.
06:42I also got you a gift.
06:43It's waiting for you outside.
06:45A brand new car.
06:46Is that for me?
06:47Of course it is.
06:48Why did I never get presents like this?
06:50And Polina does.
06:51Because I actually love Polina.
06:55You roasted mom so hard that she turned into a charcoal.
06:59That's it.
06:59I've had enough of you bullying me and mom.
07:04That's it if you beat Nana.
07:05You got no one to save you.
07:07I think it's finally time to call in to save the day.
07:10I got rid of Nana.
07:11She would never save you.
07:14Nana, where are you?
07:16Kodia, what did you do?
07:17Unplug her hearing device.
07:19Why is it so quiet?
07:21Now prepare to die.
07:23Don't do this.
07:23View face activated.
07:25Shaking voice loaded.
07:26Madre mia.
07:26Jesus, diarrhea.
07:27Mommy Polina, hit me.
07:33Don't worry, Karen.
07:34If Nana isn't available, I will call him.
07:36So who are you going to call?
07:38Isn't Vava?
07:39My name is Vava.
07:42Wait, you said my name, right?
07:44Oh, sorry.
07:44I didn't.
07:45I meant to say Kata.
07:49Now TV is only mine.
07:50Turn up the volume, please.
07:52It's my turn to watch.
07:53You want more beatings?
07:55Come say hi to uncle first.
07:58The other uncle.
07:59Uncle Abababa.
08:00It can't be.
08:06So who remembers Mr. Ababab?
08:08Yeah, your uncle is my best son.
08:10Well, he's your only son, Nana.
08:12I only love him and Polina.
08:14Hey, what about me?
08:15Who even are you?
08:16Say what?
08:18I am just kidding.
08:19Of course, I love you too, Karen.
08:22Nana loves us so much that she even got our back in squid games.
08:26Green light.
08:27Let's go, Grandma.
08:28I am coming.
08:29Red light.
08:30We got this.
08:31Green light.
08:34Red light.
08:35Green light.
08:36We almost there.
08:37We got this, Polina.
08:38Red light.
08:39One step and we are finished.
08:40Green light.
08:42We did it.
08:43We are safe, Nana.
08:45Where are you, Nana?
08:46Still over here, darling.
08:48She is slower than a snail.
08:51Nana is going to die.
08:53I am very slow, darling.
08:55I am so sorry.
08:56Don't worry.
08:57I got a plan on how I can speed you up.
08:59I got an idea.
09:01Excuse me, guys.
09:02Can I have some food?
09:03No food.
09:04We already fed you.
09:06But I am hungry.
09:08It will make some pancakes.
09:09Wait, Nana.
09:10Are you a ninja?
09:11You kick them so hard.
09:12When Nana hears that one of us is hungry, she always saves the day.
09:16That's true.
09:17I will always have your backs.
09:19Even in the most dangerous moments.
09:21Just like in the next short.
09:23Green light.
09:24This is my chance.
09:25I must run now.
09:26Red light.
09:27Oh, no.
09:28I hope she didn't see me move.
09:30Polina moved.
09:31Why is she calling me Polina?
09:36Why is she calling me Polina?
09:37Tell her now.
09:38Say what?
09:40Please, no, sir.
09:42Don't kill me.
09:43I have vermillion kids who need my shorts.
09:45Any last words?
09:46Make it quick.
09:48Wait, what?
09:52I am still alive.
09:53Don't worry, Polina.
09:54I won't kill you.
09:55Nana got your back.
09:56Nancy, Nancy.
09:59Why are you a guard?
10:00I joined here just to get your back.
10:02This is against the rules.
10:04My husband owns the game.
10:05I am the rule.
10:07Sorry, miss.
10:08Nana will get back to work.
10:09What should we react to next?
10:11Wait, I got an idea.
10:12How about we dress up Kaka as a princess?
10:14Should we make him play dress to impress?
10:16That would be so funny.
10:17Click on your screens now to see us play dress to impress with Kaka Baka.